Chapter 2

The Evil and The Eternal

"Aigoo..I'm so tired after playing with you for hours." Kyuhyun smirked at me.

"And I always beat you." He stuck his tongue out at me, making me scoff.

"You, EvilKyu." He laughed at me while resting his head on the chair.

"Ahh..Wookie-ah, go make me something. I'm hungry." 

"Ne, stay here. I'll go make us some sandwich." He nodded and I got up from my chair. My bum hurts after sitting too long. Ouch. When I was walking to the kitchen, I turned back to see a staring Kyuhyun and I screamed in shock. He bursted out laughing.

"Puahahahahahaha!" I pouted at him.

"Yah! I told you to stay in the room!" He ruffled my hair before headlocking me in his arms.

"Well, I had to make sure you're not going to poison me." I gasped. How could he not trust me until now?

"You don't trust me? After everything I've done? The time I helped you out when we were both in Super Junior M and KRY? I feel so hurt." I covered my hands with my face. 

"No no no no! Don't cry!" He suddenly hugged me tightly and I couldn't help but to smile at his actions when he panics.

"Wookie~?" I continued covering my face with my hands. Then, he held my hand and uncovered my face. When he looked at my face, I bursted out laughing.

"Oh my God! Who knew I could trick you?" He ignored me and continued holding my hands. I wiggled in his embrace and let my hands go and hugged me tighter. 

"Yah! Let go!" He just continued hugging me tightly until he carried me on his shoulder and walked around the dorm.

"Yahhh! Put me down! I hate being carried!" He just ignored me and I hit his back with my fists.

"Ryeowook-ah, your hits don't hurt me." Soon, I gave up and he put me down.

"Wasn't that fun?" I whacked his arm and he laughed at me. I smiled at him.

"Do you still want those sandwiches?" He nodded furiously, making me push him gently and he grabbed my hand, resulting me in taking him along into the kitchen.



How cute KyuWook is <3 I just love them so much. Well, I love the whole 15 members of Super Junior. I know Chapter 2 is a disappointment but I'll write better the next chapter. Next chapter is KyuWook ALL THE WAY ;) No need to thank me, ahahaha.

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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 1: Aaawww i bet wookie didnt win -_-
butterfry90 #2
Chapter 2: So cute... I used to hate fanfic for making my idols into gays. But after reading the so many great stories here, i decided to change my opinion. Kyuwook rocks!! Ryeowook bias!!
Chocomenta18 #3
Chapter 2: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
katharine #4
Chapter 2: i like your story and of course i want them to end together and live happily but i want to see my jealous kyu very soon so update soon
Chapter 2: Awww...This KYUte,evil couple ^^
Update soon~~!
Chapter 1: Hahah~~
Wow, I didn't expect so many people to view it. Haha~
Lisa_lp10 #8
Update soon, neh? =DD
Chocomenta18 #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^