Chapter 8

Female Highschool Undercover

Jaejoong made a sharp turn and accidentally knocked over two male freshman students, who instantaneously landed on their butts on the ground, groaning from the sudden impact.

"Oh . I'm so sorry." Jaejoong apologized. He looked behind him for a second and the cursing instantly came when he saw that Ara and her minions were still chasing after him. He didn't know how much more of this he could take. Frankly, he was exhausted. All thanks to Yunho last night who didn't leave his body alone until they both passed out.

"Yah! You ! Stop running!"

He really should, Jae thought. He was out of breath and sore, not to mention his patience was running thin.


The voice wasn't new to his ears. Jaejoong's gaze whipped back to the student and then it dawned on him how the face was familiar too. "Karam?"

"You're so going to regret pissing me off you !" It was Ara this time. Jae's fist clenched as he inwardly seethed.

Damn it. She was just begging to get hurt. But unfortunately for Jaejoong, he had to acknowledge the fact that she was just 17 and on top of that, a girl. And Jaejoong never hit girls. Okay, maybe just one time when that y woman at the department store fought him over a Louis Vuitton bag. What? It was a gift for his sister.

". This ."

"Jae-noona it is you!" Karam exclaimed, already up on his feet. "What are you doing here at the freshman building?"

Freshman building? Jaejoong looked about him. He didn't realize that he already was at the other end of the campus from trying to escape those girls. And just where the hell was Yoochun and Junsu? Were they ignoring his calls for help on purpose? Or did the transmitter only applied to eavesdropping when him and Yunho were doing it? Bastards!

"Karam, let's go. Don't get involved." The young boy's companion said, a hand curled around his arm, his eyes fixed on the approaching black roses gang leader and members. "Come on. This has nothing to do with us."

"Wait, Mika-hyung." Karam protested, worried eyes trained on Jaejoong. "Noona, are you in trouble?"

Jaejoong's gaze darted back to Ara's ugly mug. "Uhh, yeah you can say it like that." He said, a faint panicking tone present in his female voice. Ara and the others were getting nearer. He broke into a run. ". Get Yunho!"

He sprinted forward, passing freshman after freshman in his wake. The students had looked at him confused at first, but then cowered upon laying eyes on the female seniors running after Jaejoong. Black Roses had quite the reputation at school for being tough es. No one dares to cross them especially since they were allies with Shindong sunbae's gang. Anyone that pissed Ara or his girls always without fail gets roughed up quite bad afterwards.

And in this case, it was just badluck that Jaejoong was the "girlfriend" of the guy that Ara had her eyes on.

Yunho. Ever since he became a part of his day to day life, all kinds of upcy has been happening to him. He was seriously fed up of not fighting back, of not showing the real him and especially wearing a stupid skirt all the time.

But it wasn't like he could go against his superior's wishes. As much as he wanted to bury his foot up Changmin's , he couldn't. He could whine and complain but that's just about the freedom that Changmin gives him. If he pressed on winning a fight with him physically, he was going to loose his badge. And he loved his job thank you very much.

Jaejoong slowed down to a stop and whirled around to face Ara and the others. He was panting harshly, sweat trickling down the side of his damp hair. She wants Yunho? Fine. She can have him. Or at least he's gonna tell her what she wanted to hear. Because there was no way in hell he was going to leave Yunho's side. Not until his job was over.

They stopped right in front of him, all heaving out labored breaths. One girl fell to the ground, desperately trying to get the oxygen back to her lungs. "You ing sure can run." Ara rasped out, leaning on her knees then she held a hand in the air and signaled for her companions to get a hold of Jaejoong. They went to his side and gripped his arms tight. Jaejoong struggled against the firm hold. He could have wrenched out of their grip if he wanted to but he didn't want to give anything away. He had to act weak again. And so instead, he continued on with his initial plan.

"You win. Yunho's yours. Just..." Jaejoong took one deep breath and looked at Ara pleadingly. "Leave me out of it. I don't want any trouble unnie." Be thankful I'm undercover and you're a girl or I would've caved your face in by now.

"After you made us chase you all the way here, you expect me to let you off easily?" Ara straightened herself, strutted toward Jaejoong and began hitting him on the forehead with a finger. "You think you're so tough talking back huh?"

It was taking all of his self control to not lunge at girl and snap her neck. "Get your hand off my face."

Ara curled her hands around the collar of his blouse and jerked him back and forth harshly. "I'd watch my voice if I were you. Do you have any idea what I'm capable of doing? Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?"

Glaring came naturally. "I already said Yunho's yours! What more do you want from me?!"

"You really don't learn huh? What did I say about that tone?" A cynical smirk grazed Ara's lips. "What more do I want from you? Oh nothing much. Just a little reminder for you not to mess with me again." In a heartbeat, Jaejoong sagged to the ground, groaning in pain. Ara kneed him quite hard on the stomach. It didn't really hurt much, but that girl sure has some strength. She squatted in front of him and tilted his face up. His arms were still trapped on either side of him. "I was thinking of beating you up with a baseball bat. Me and my girls beating you 'til you're bleeding and numb from the pain. It's what we usually do to girls who don't know their place but... I have a better idea."

"I said... get your hand off my face." Jaejoong gritted out which earned him a stinging slap on his cheek.

"You're still not playing nice?"

" you!" He hissed.

"No, you." Ara retorted and beckoned at the girl behind him, the one that fell to ground gasping for breath from moments before. She stood from his spot and walked to Ara's side. "Tiff, give me my scissors."

Jaejoong's eyes widened in alarm. Scissors? That's a freaking sharp object. It could very well be considered a dangerous weapon if used in the wrong way. "W-what are going to do with it?" He couldn't help but be concerned.

Tiffany took out the scissor from her pocket and handed it over. "You're a . That's pretty much the rumor that has been going on around campus since the newspaper club's article about you." Ara's eyes became cold once more. She slapped Jaejoong in the face again, remembering in rapidly increasing rage at the upsetting rumors floating that this here slept with her precious Yunho. ". Readily opening your legs to just about anyone with a ."

Jaejoong's face was really starting to hurt, but it was secondary to the sudden stinging, guilty sensation in his chest. In a way, Ara had a point. Concerning Yunho, he didn't really put that much of a fight at the teenager's advances. It felt good having with him and so he didn't care about anything else. He looked back at Ara in silence.

". Why so silent all of a sudden?" Ara roughly pulled open the first few buttons of his blouse, revealing his once creamy neck painted with various hickeys and bite marks. "Whored yourself out on the streets last night huh?"

Jaejoong bit his lower lip, an attempt to keep his tongue from lashing out details and rubbing it to Ara's face of how good a kisser Yunho was or how good he was in bed. It would only worsen his situation if he further provoked her.

Ara and her companions laughed, taking Jaejoong's silence as confirmation that he indeed ed himself.

"You know there's something worse than physical pain." Ara lightly waved the scissor across Jaejoong's face, pulling his attention back to her. She smirked. "Public humiliation."

"W-what..." Before Jaejoong could finish his sentence, he was abruptly pushed to the ground face first as the girls surrounding him firmly pinned his arms on his sides. "Y-Yah! What are you doing?! Let me go!"

"Hold her down nice and good." Jaejoong heard Ara instruct and then he felt a warm body press against his back. He struggled to turn his neck and found the sitting on top of him. "Now, now where should I start?"

Jaejoong couldn't believe this. Was this girl for real? "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Ara sarcastically replied before Jaejoong heard the tearing of fabric. He gasped realizing what the teenage girl intended to do. She was starting to cut his uniform blouse inch by inch.

Jaejoong panicked. He couldn't afford to let this go on. Not when the tattoo that Yoochun had the tattoist imprint on his back was still there. If Ara continued to tear his uniform, not only will he have the possibility of being found out as male, everyone in sight would see the dragon markings on his back. And the last thing he needed right now was to be mistaken as an heiress to a mafia family. Not when Yunho's dad, wherever he could be right now, might hear about it and would hide even more, knowing that his son's girlfriend was a mafia leader's daughter.

Around them, Jaejoong could see students looking at the scene happening before their eyes. He faintly heard someone hiss to go get the teacher and some pushing and pulling at the other in an attempt to help, but didn't have the enough courage to actually try to offer a hand. Jaejoong couldn't blame them. They were just kids.

Ara has taken this too damn far. Enough was enough. "Yah! Let me go dammit!" Jaejoong struggled for real as he felt the breeze brushing against his rapidly becoming back. Not only was Ara cutting his uniform, the others were also trying to pull the fabric off of him. Public humiliation. They couldn't possibly mean that they wanted everyone to see him strut around ! "I swear if you don't let me go I'm gonna ing blow your heads off!"

"You're not exactly in the position to be making threats , know your - " Ara paused mid tear of the fabric in her grasp, her eyes widening, mouth falling open as she saw the markings on Jaejoong's back. With her gang leader status in school (despite the reality that their little faction was just that of students claiming terrorities and striking fear in their fellow teenager's hearts and not really anything official) she was knowledgable enough know what an image of a vareity of animals engraved on a the back of someone meant. "W-What the hell?!"

Ara's sidekicks successfully managed to pull the uniform off Jaejoong's shoulder as they hurriedly pulled it down to his waist before throwing it aside. "Hah! There you go." They looked up at Ara hoping to see her approval but all she did was stare at Jaejoong's now exposed back. They glanced down and their eyes comically widened as well.

Jaejoong cursed. He was face first on the ground and didn't even have any bra on. He cursed again. During lunch period, he had a vague recollection of Yunho throwing the garment aside while they did a quickie at the rooftop.

"I said get your hands off me right this instant!" In a flash, with the strength that surprised all six girls pinning him down, Jaejoong jerked his arms away from their hold and braced them against the ground as he pulled his body backwards, knocking Ara off his body who couldn't do anything else but land on her . Quickly, he grabbed his torn uniform blouse and covered his chest with the fabric before he whirled around and fully stood upright.

Then as if lady-luck really liked to around with him, he caught sight of his wig on the ground. He reached a hand to his hair and cursed for the umpteenth time. It must have fallen off on his process of getting up.

Well .

"Jae-noona!" Karam mouthed wide-eyed, gaze fixed on the older male's hair. Then he looked at the almost half state he was in. Hurriedly, he took off his uniform jacket and rushed to his side, covering his body.

"K-karam." Jaejoong muttered, surprised at the kindness the young boy was showing him.

"Noona, are you hurt? Are you okay?" Karam fussed, directing him with concern filled eyes.


"What the hell are you wearing a wig for? And what are those markings just now?!" Ara hated the idea she was getting. Blond hair that had to be hidden. The sudden strength that Jaejoong showcased and the markings on her back. It only gave her one conclusion. It couldn't be true. No! This here can't be of that kind. In her rage, she strode towards the two, pushing Karam to the side in the process who fell to the ground with a pained yelp.

Jaejoong's gaze snapped to her and in a millisecond Ara froze in her steps. Somehow, Jaejoong with blonde hair matched with a glare looked mighty intimidating for a normal girl. What was this sudden aura she was feeling around Jaejoong? Something seemed different. With the way she was looking at her; it was frightening.

"That's the last time you hurt anyone!" Jaejoong thundered angrily and suddenly Ara was facing the ground with her arms harshly twisted behind her; a foot painfully digging into her back. "I've just about had enough of you."

Ara strained to get her hands free but Jaejoong's hold over her was firm. "Yah! You're hurting me!"

"I'm only giving you a taste of your own medicine." Jaejoong hissed then turned to Karam. "Did you get Yunho?"

"E-eeii?" Karam shook his head. "I... couldn't noona... I'm sorry I tried to but Mika-hyung wouldn't let me."

Who the heck was Mika? Oh right. The must be guy he was with when he bumped into him. "It's fine. And thanks for the jacket kid. I'll return it to you later." He said, still securing his front away from everyone's view.

"Yah! Let Ara unnie go or else!" The other girls crowded him in a defensive stance. Great. Just what he needed. Well at least it seemed like no one was still suspecting that he was male. That's a good thing at least.

"Or else what?" Screw this, Jaejoong mused. Every student within a twenty foot must have seen the image on his back by now. Yoochun and his bright ideas. He was sure that it wouldn't take long before everyone in school knew about it.

The girls retraced their steps and Jaejoong watched as one by one they took the forgotten baseball bats that they dropped on the ground from earlier on. Jaejoong smirked, pushing Ara further to the dirty earth who couldn't help but yelp painfully in protest, curses one after the other escaping her. "Going to gang up on me again are you?"

Without warning, one girl charged forward at him followed instantly by the others. Jaejoong sighed n resignation. Looks like he'll have to teach these girls some manners. Shoving Ara forward and letting his hold on her go. He straightened his back and wrapped the jacket Karam had him borrow tighter around his chest. Tilting his chin up, Jaejoong raised one fine brow, an amused smirk grazing his lips. He almost felt bad for these girls. With him holding onto the jacket as to ensure his real identity, his lower anatomy was going to be put to work. And unfortunately for those girls, Jaejoong wasn't only good with his fists, he was even more exceptional when it came to leg combat.

But then again, as much as he wanted to beat them black and blue, he couldn't. It was just not fair in a sense.

"Aish. This is just too ing troublesome." Jaejoong muttered under his breath as one girl aimed the bat at his head screaming. He ducked low, missing the blow in time and kicked backward, his foot hitting the girl on her back. She fell to the ground with a pained grunt. Jaejoong turned as the other six charged at him again all at the same time, Ara joining in, while swinging their weapons in an almost wild manner.

In an instant, he side flipped over the six girls. Collective gasps were heard as everyone watched with awed, widened eyes at the move Jaejoong had just done. When Jaejoong's feet touched the ground, he smirked and twisted around and faced his opponents as he performed low, middle and high reverse roundhouse kicks in succession on the three girls to the left, sending them flying in a coughing heap to the ground. Seeing the state their friends were in, the other three seemed to even get angrier, more than ever driven with the need to hurt Jaejoong in any way possible.

Sneering at their hardheadedness, because seriously that was supposed to make thema t least realize they didn't have a chance, Jaejoong lifted his legs and did a 3-step wall flip using one girl's upper body, the head of his foot coming in contact with the girl's jaw in a finish. She landed on the ground as blood oozed out of her nose & mouth.

Ara and the girl with the scissors from earlier were the only ones left standing. Out of all six, Tiffany seemed to be the only one that was showing signs of wanting to leave. She didn't seem like she didn't want to be there for a second longer. But Ara was glaring at her, telling her to stay put.

With her eyes closed, thinking 'to hell with this' she charged at Jaejoong swinging and hitting aimlessly. "Ahhhhhh!!!"

Feeling a bit of sympathy for the poor girl, Jaejoong simply performed a long fist punch directly on the spot in between her ribs, enough to knock her to the ground. It was the kind of punch with increased reach but decreased strength, so she wouldn't be in that much pain like the others. He doubted that once she got the punch, she'd willingly want to stand up again and fight him anyway.

Tiffany fell to the ground and decided to just stay there.

Only one left. Jaejoong turned and eyed Ara threateningly, hoping against hope that she had the sense to back out. But she was most stubborn of all. Jaejoong realized that they she was at least trying to save face by fighting back.

Which was a very stupid reason if you asked him.

"Look Ara-sshi. We're in enough trouble as it is. Teachers are going to come here any minute and we'll all get expelled if we don't stop. At least think of..." Jaejoong's words were cut off as the last one remained charged forward appearing to be infuriated beyond belief, her knuckles turning white by the force of the grip she had over the bat.

"Just die you ing !!!"

"Aish! You really are asking for it, kid!" There was a limit to how stubborn a teenager is supposed to be and Jaejoong just had enough of this . In a heartbeat, with everyone's mouth falling in sudden unabashed fear, Jaejoong made a perfect wushu butterfly kick. It was like everything went in slow motion as Ara's body twisted around, flying on the air before she was propelled to the ground face first. Everyone watched with bated breath, waiting if she was going to still stand.

But she no longer couldn't. Her whole body stayed limp.

Kim Jaejoong had just rendered Go Ara unconscious and out cold. Looking about, he watched the other five girls, minus Ara and Tiffany groaning on the floor, face painted in immense pain. "Ugggggh I'm dyinnnnng!"

"Did you really think baseball bats are good enough tools to fight? Pathetic." Jaejoong scoffed before lending a hand to Karam who was sitting dumbfounded on the ground. He smiled at him. "Hey kid, come on get up."

Karam looked at the offered hand unsurely before his gaze swept over the whole place, recognizing his fellow freshman's faces who were looking at their Jaejoong-sunbae like she was God. Not that he couldn't blame them.

He reached out a hand and Jaejoong pulled him up. "N-noona..."

"You're not afraid of me are you?" He asked, sensing the tremor from his body from where their hands touched.

"W-what? N-n-no." Suddenly, he looked at Jaejoong in worry. "Noona, your uniform. It's ruined." As he said the words, he couldn't help but let his gaze wander from his pretty face to his creamy white shoulders and arms.

She looks so soft.

"I figured." Jaejoong sighed then glanced about him. "I'd greatly appreciate it if everyone stopped staring!"

"I have to admit that this is by far the last scene that I expected to see Jaejoong." The beauty's eyes widened, feeling a shiver run through his spine at the familiar voice. Slowly he turned his head around and almost choked.

"It's not very lady like isn't it?" The scowl decorating the tall man's face was evil personified.

"Ch-changmin ah."

In less than a second, said man walked to him, completely ignoring the stares he was receiving as he reached for the beauty. Suddenly, Jaejoong felt warm fabric touch his back. It quickly dawned on him how Changmin had taken off his coat and covered him with it. And before Jaejoong could say a thanks in return, he suddenly found himself pressed against the other man's chest as an arm instantaneously wrapped itself around his shoulder.

"You disappear without a trace and after weeks of searching I find you here almost half in a highschool?" He felt his chin being lifted before he was assaulted with Changmin's mismatched eyes, an indication that he was anything but amused that also sent the message 'play along or I'm firing you on the spot' clear enough for Jaejoong to quickly understand. "If you had problems, you could've called me Jaejoong. You got me worried sick."

Jaejoong gulped at the underlying promise of pain in those black orbs. "O-oppa. I didn't... want to bother - "

"Yah! Get your hands of him!" A startled pause. "I mean her!"

Jaejoong froze as he and Changmin both looked up. There Yunho was emanating quite a dark aura as he glared. Changmin merely looked at Yunho in a rather bored fashion while Jaejoong was caught in between trying to push himself off his superior and run to Yunho or well, just stay there, you know, just to be sure his job stayed intact.

"Y-Yunho ah."

Jaejoong could see teachers a few distance behind Yunho. They sure took their sweet time did they? Tch. In a sudden flurry of movements, Jaejoong found himself being roughly pulled by the arm by Yunho and had his face pressed onto a more familiar territory, aka Yunho's chest. Possessive was the understatement of the century when Yunho outright hissed and growled at Changmin as if he was a cat whose food was threatened to be taken away.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?"

"Yunho, it's not.." Jaejoong tried but Changmin didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence. And to be honest, the next words that came out of his superior's lips nearly made him choke on his own spit. Just! What the hell!

"I should be the one asking you that." Changmin said coldly, gaze fixed on the arm that was wrapped around Jaejoong's shoulder. "Considering that you're hugging my fiance as if you have any right."

Deafening silence.
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Everoselen314 #1
Chapter 9: What happened to you has? Update plz
EvaKim2804 #2
Chapter 9: Oh please....continúe please
lady_necromancer #3
Chapter 9: This is getting interesting... Hope you will update
Rinea1794 #4
Chapter 9: Can't wait...>●<
Chapter 9: Its really getting interesting... please continue <3
AmberGem #6
Chapter 9: I love it, please update soon~~
Chapter 9: Oh, damn
this story is incredibly exciting,
the characters are very good, and there's humor
I laughed, Changmin - Jae action
if, you stop here, and do not to carry, it is offense. :)
please, please continue with.
Chapter 9: Please update this story authornim ~~
ekasuju #9
Chapter 9: This story is amazing.Wish you could update it soon. :)
Jung_Rin #10
Chapter 9: the story is amazing !!!
i can't wait to read the next chapter,,
please update soon author-ssi !!!