



“So, you’re finally going to do it?”

Kris looked up at Xiumin through the bathroom vanity of their dorm.

“Most likely,” Kris said as he adjusted the collar on his shirt.

“Good luck,” Xiumin gave the leader a smile, “But I highly doubt you’ll need it. She’s head over heels in love with you.”

Kris laughed and turned around to face Xiumin, “I wouldn’t say ‘head over heels in love’.”

Xiumin scoffed, “Whatever, you better hurry up. You’re going to be late.”

Kris quickly glanced down at his watch and his eyes widened, “Shoot! Okay, I’ll see you later. You can tell the guys not to wait up for me.”

The older boy just shook his head as he watched Kris run into his room, grab his keys and wallet, and run out of the dorm.


You opened the door and smiled when you saw Kris on the other side.

“Just in time,” you smiled as took a step to the side, allowing your boyfriend to enter the home.

Before you could say another word, you stood up on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling Kris into a hug. Your lips turned into a small pout when you felt how he awkwardly returned the hug.

“Is something wrong?” you asked after pulling away.

“What? No,” Kris instantly denied, “I guess I’m just a little nervous.”

“Why? This isn’t your first time doing this,” you gave him a smile, “She already took a shower, so all you have to do is give her dinner and make sure she gets to bed before nine.”

Kris nodded and gave you a forced smile. He had performed for crowds filled with millions of stranger he didn’t even know, but he still couldn’t shake the nerves.


Kris looked up and grinned when he saw a small, five year old, pajama clad girl standing at the top of the stairs, a huge smile on her face.

He squatted down and held his arm open as your daughter ran down the stairs towards Kris. She laughed and launched herself into his arms, almost knocking down the two of them.

“Okay, well I better get going if I want to make it to that meeting on time,” you announced as you grabbed your bag off the table next to the door and your jacket.

Kris stood up and adjusted Mei Lin in his arms.

“Bye Mommy!” she waved.

“Bye! Be safe!” you waved back as you stepped through the doorway and shut the door.

Silence filled the house as Kris and Mei Lin stared at the door.

“So, little girl, are you hungry?” Kris asked the tiny girl in his arms.

Mei Lin nodded her head and Kris smiled before carrying her into the kitchen.


“We’re in luck, Mei Lin,” Kris announced as he took the bowl out of the microwave and placed it in the center of the table, “Your mom left us spaghetti. That’s your favorite right?”

“Mmmhmmm,” she hummed, already started to shovel a large glob of noodles with a serving spoon.

“Whoa! Slow down, let me help you,” Kris laughed as he gently took the spoon from her hand and scooped a much smaller mound of spaghetti onto her plate.

He served himself and looked over to see Mei Lin already digging in. He shook his head with a smile and dug in himself.

The room fell silent, the only sound coming from the sound of the metal utensils hitting the ceramic plates.

“Kris,” Mei Lin called.

“Yeah?” Kris asked as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

“Do you love my mommy?” she asked with innocent eyes.

Kris was a taken aback a little at her sudden questions, “Of course I do.”

“Good,” Mei Lin said with a nod as she reached for her cup of water and brought it to her lips.


“And they lived happily ever after. The end.”

Kris closed the book and looked down at Mei Lin who was tucked into his side.

“Okay, time to go to bed,” Kris announced.

“But I’m not tired yet,” she whined.

Kris let out a sigh, wondering how this little girl had so much energy. After chasing her around for a good half an hour, he was only then able to get her under the covers. The five year old then begged Kris to read her a bedtime story and now she’s saying that she’s not tired?

‘How does ______ do this every night?’ he thought to himself.

“Mei Lin?”

She looked up at him, “Hmm?”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” he started.


You heaved a sigh as you threw yourself through the doorway and closed the front door, leaning you back against the wood.

Although your meeting ended earlier than expected, it really did take a toll on you.

You walked into the kitchen and placed your bag and jacket on the clean dining table. You glanced around and noticed how quiet the house was. You peeked into the empty living room as you walked back down the hall towards the stairs.

“Wonder where they are,” you mused to yourself as you walked up the staircase.

You saw a stream of light spill from your daughter’s room into the hall. You were just about to push the door open and walk in when you heard Kris’s voice.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” he said quietly.

“What is it?” your daughter responded.

“You asked me if I loved your mommy.”

“And you said that you do,” she smiled.

Kris let out an airy chuckle, “Yeah, I do. And I know that you love her a lot too. But I was wondering …”

“Wondering?” Mei Lin asked in anticipation.

“I was wondering how you would feel if I … asked her to marry me,” he whispered and glanced down at Mei Lin.

You flew your hand over your mouth and staggered away from the door. You ran down the hall and back to the kitchen before you could even hear your daughter’s response.


“Really?” Mei Lin asked.

Kris nodded his head nervously.

“And that means,” she looked up into his eyes, “that you’d be my new daddy?”

“If you mom says yes,” Kris nodded.

Mei Lin threw her arms around Kris’s waist and buried her face into his chest.

“You have my blessing,” she said innocently, her voice muffled by his shirt.

Kris let out a laugh before wrapping his arms around her, “Thank you.”


Kris quietly closed the door to Mei Lin’s bedroom and walked down the hall towards the stairs. He had a little hop in his step as he walked into the kitchen.

“Oh gosh!” he jumped when he saw you leaning against the counter.

Kris placed a hand over his chest as he leaned his body against the doorframe and tried to catch his breath.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” you said softly.

“Oh, it’s fine. I didn’t hear you come home,” he walked over and leaned against the counter next to you.

The two of you lapsed into silence.

“I overheard you conversation with Mei Lin,” you said suddenly.

Kris looked at you as his eyes widened, “Really?”

You nodded your head, “You do realize what that means right?”

“Of course,” he said with no hesitation.

“And you’re sure that you want to do this?” you asked.

He nodded his head.

“And you do know that I was married before right?”

Kris let out a sigh and took both of your hands into his, “Yes, I do. And I don’t see how that would make a difference. That doesn’t stop me from loving you.”


“I love you,” Kris said, looking deep into your eyes, “I want to be there for you every day, always reminding you that you’re not alone. I want to be there for Mei Lin, watching her grow up and scaring all the boys she goes out on dates with when she’s a teenager. I want to be with you. Forever.”

By this time, tears were streaming down you face.

“Oh, please don’t cry,” he whispered as he thumbed away your tears.

“I just don’t know what to say,” you whispered back.

“Say that you’ll marry me. I promise I’ll make it official with a ring and the whole get-down-on-one-knee thing later. But for now, just promise me that you’ll say yes.”

You wordlessly nodded your head, a teary smile stretching across your face as you buried your face into Kris’s chest. Kris laughed as he tightly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a hug that he didn’t intend on breaking any time soon.

The two of you didn’t know how long you stayed like that, hugging in the middle of the kitchen.

“So is it for real now?”

You both turned your head to the side to see Mei Lin standing in the doorway.

“It’s not official yet, but she did say yes,” Kris smiled.

Mei Lin gave you a toothy smile and ran up to you, wrapping an arm around your leg and the other around Kris’s.

Kris chuckled and scooped Mei Lin off the floor and into his arms. He readjusted her so that he was carrying your daughter in one arm and wrapped the other around your waist.

“You know, he only asked you because I said he could,” Mei Lin said proudly.

“Really now?” you asked her.

She animatedly nodded her head.

You and Kris laughed at her innocence. You smiled to yourself as you looked at the two of the most important people in your life.

“So,” Mei Lin piped up, “When’s the wedding?”

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Chapter 1: this is such a little cute one shot
Chapter 1: holy fish paste! that was so lovely to read! Imma just subscribe to this one so I can read it when I feel sad~ XD
Chapter 1: bwhahah how cute~
so yeah.. when's the wedding? XD
i love the innocence of a child.
they make things truly genuine and special.
Chapter 1: MAN! I swear. THat was so beautiful <3
Can you make a sequel?
Please authornim? (:
Seoul-Less #5
Chapter 1: Sequel!!!!
kima #6
That was a wonderful story authornim..
Chapter 1: that was absolutely precious~ <3
Park_HyeSun #8
Chapter 1: It sure lightens the mood. (: Great job!