The End of it All

Delinquent Love | Gdragon x OC

Jang Mi P.O.V

Jiyong drove as quickly as he could without pushing it. He kept asking me questions which I ignored becasue I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. I kept scolding Junghwa in my head for doing something so stupid but then I stopped. Didn't I technically do the same thing? Wasn't I just as bad as Junghwa? I sighed and shook my head. It must be a trait in the family. 

I directed Jiyong to where Lena said they were and when Jiyong stopped the car, I climbed out. It was windy today and the breeze instantly blew my hair into my face. With a frustrated sigh I pushed it back and shut the door. Jiyong climbed out and stood by the car.

"Shouldn't we call the police?" He asked.

I started towards the warehouse. Over my shoulder I called, "You can, but I'm not." With that I broke into a jog, ignoring Jiyong's calls after me. I knew he wouldn't chase after me though. His reputation would be ruined if he was somehow involved in a gang fight. I kept jogging, ignoring the pain building up in my ankle. When I found the right warehouse I peeked inside and found that everyone was already ganging up on Junghwa. Lena sat a few feet away waiting her turn.

Over the phone she had told me that she and Junghwa had both decided to leave together. She also told me they had 20 minutes before everyone met up. Obviously my ride here took 20 minutes. Looking around I couldn't find anything to use as a weapon. With a sigh, I told myself this was stupid and then walked into the warehouse. Lena's head snapped up and she stared at me with wide eyes. 

She tried to tell me to stop but I ignored her and kicked down one of Minhyuk's friends in the back of the knee. He fell down and everyoene slowed to a stop and looked at me like I was a fly buzzing around the room. Minhyuk sauntered up to me and sneered down at me.

"No outsiders allowed," he said through ground teeth.

"Let him go," I retorted.

Minhyuk's upper lip curled in disgust. "I can't believe I ever wanted you. You're a treacherous snake."

I shrugged. "I'd rather be a snake than yours."

In a flash, the clap sounded through the air and my head snapped to the side. My cheek started to burn and I realized he had slapped me. I looked up at him and glared. He lifted his hand again but another caught it. It was Junghwa. His face was bloody and beat up. He looked completely wiped out and ready to fall over.

"Don't touch her," Junghwa muttered. Minhyuk looked at him in amusment and easily brushed off my brother's hand. 

"Let him go," I repeated. "Him and Lena."

Minhyuk spat at me feet and shoot his head. "No. The hasn't gotten her beating yet. She's not g-"

I pulled my fist back and socked him in the face. "Don't you ever call her that again, you bastard."

Everyone fell silent as Minhyuk rubbed his jaw in irritation. "I'm done here. Kill them all. This one too." He motioned to me in disgust and walked off as everyone else ganged up on us. Lena was pushed into me and I caught her before she could fall. 

"It was stupid for you to rush in like that," Junghwa muttered, getting ready for the onslaught.

"Yeah well it was stupid for you to do this," I replied. "So stupid must run in the family."

Jungwha grinned and then winced. "Mom's gonna murder us a second time once this is over."

"Hell, she'll probably murder Lena too," I smiled. Lena rolled her eyes at us and then glanced nervously around.

And suddenly everyone froze. We all heard the same thing in the distance. Police sirens. And they were getting closer and closer until they stopped right in front of the warehouse. Junghwa acted fast, pushing me and Lena towards the back door.

"Go! Run! You guys don't want to get involved in this. Especially you, Jang Mi. Go!" 

Both of us hesitated for a moment and then jolted off towards the back door. Once outside we could hear cops coming around to the door and ran to hide behind a stack of boxes. We waited for the officers to run into the warehouse before bolting again. I lead Lena all the way around the building and back to Jiyong's car. When he saw us he ran forward and pulled me in to a hug. When he pulled away he studied my face, his eyes zeroing in on the red mark on my cheek. Before he could say anything, I shook my head and he dropped it. After a moment he spoke again.

"Don't you dare do anything like that again."

I smiled and nodded my head.

Lena joking let out an offended scoff. "Um, here's my hug?"

Jiyong laughed and pulled her into a hug too. Lena looked like she was about to faint. They pulled apart and I laughed at Lena's giddy expression. Jiyong led us back to his car and we watched from there as the police ushered everyone into cars. I saw my brother immediately, his hands in cuffs, and sighed. A police officer walked up to us.

"Sir, could you come down to the station with us for some questioning?"

"Um, actually," I spoke up before Jiyong did. "I will. Jiyong wasn't involved in any of this and I'm the one who had him call you guys. I know more than he does."

The police officer studied me for a moment and then nodded. "Okay, our cars are full so you'll have to catch a ride there."

When he was gone, Lena slapped my arm. "Did Junghwa not just say to stay out of it?!"

"I'm not gonna throw Jiyong under the bus!"

Lena rubbed her face but then sighed. "Alright, alright. Maybe we'll see some of your jail buddies."

I glared at her and swatted her arm this time. She made a face at me and then climbed into Jiyong's car. Avoiding Jiyong's gaze I walked back to the passenger side and climbed in. Jiyong got into the driver's side and started the car.

"Sorry, Mi," Lena murmured.

"Mmm. It's fine."

We followed the officers back to the station and Jiyong and Lena waited in the car for me as I ran up the steps into the station. I told the lady at the front desk my relation to the case and she let me in. When Junghwa saw me he looked at me with disbelief. I was ushered to a desk. The officer behind it opened a file, which I sooned realized was mine. He made an unintelligible noise in the back of his throat but closed the file. He quickly questioned me and after another study of my file he finally let me leeave with the wave of his hand. Getting up and bowing I turned away.

I wandered up to Junghwa and patted his shoulder. "I'll be outside."

"Okay. Listen, they won't call Mom because I'm an adult. But I am gonna have to stop by the hospital, so if you could just gently let her know I'm coming. That would be great."

I smiled slightly and nodded. As I exited the building I found Lena and Jiyong talking outside the car. Lena looked excited about something and was nodding enthusiastically. Jiyong grinned and then nodded back before stepping away from the car.

JiYong P.O.V

 I watched Jang Mi run up and disappear into the building. I leaned back in my seat and sighed.

"She won't be long," Lena assured me. "Once they question her she'll be let out."

"Can I ask..." I stopped and rephrased the question. "What did Jang Mi go to juvi for?"

"Multiple offenses of petty theft," Lena replied before catching herself. "But you didn't hear that from me!"

I smiled slightly and thought quietly. I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of a problem, YG could probably hide it. After a awhile of silence I sat up and turned in my seat. "Hey Lena, I have a question."

Lena looked up curiously. "What's up?"

"So, Jang Mi visited YG Ent one day and Seungri had her sing a part in one of his new songs." Lena looked more and more excited as I spoke. I continued on. "And every time we finish a project YG wants to listen to it first to make sure everything's in order, right? Well he was curious about Jang Mi's voice and when we told him about her he said he wanted to meet her."

Lean squealed slightly. "Hold on, I dont' want to burst your eardrums." She climbed out of the car and let out happy shouts. People were staring at her in confusion and I couldn't help but laugh. I climbed out of the car as well. When Lena was finished she turned to me so I could continue.

"What I wanted to ask, is should I call him and tell him Jang Mi's interested?"

"Uh, yeah you should! This would be a great thing for Jang Mi. She's going to need something to do in her free time now and holy , I had no clue she could sing. Was she good?"

I smiled. "Yeah she was pretty good, but with proper training she'd be even better."

"Oh my, God. Call YG right now, do it!" 

I smiled and nodded. "Okay, okay." I pulled out my phone and dialed YG's number before stepping away. Someone stepped up to where Lena was and I looked over to see Jang Mi asking Lena something. Lena shrugged like she didn't know anything and Jang Mi rolled her eyes. 

"Hello?" Answered YG's voice.

"Hey, you remember that girl you wanted to meet, Jang Mi?"


"If you can you should come down and meet her."

"Where are you?"

I told him where we were and it was silent. "Why?"

"Her brother got into some trouble, but it's fine."

"I'll be there soon."

I hung up and when I joined the girls, I found Jang Mi on the phone.

She winced at whatever the other person said. Jang MI sighed. "I know it's bad right now, Mom, but Junghwa will most likely be let go. And trust me his injuries aren't as bad as mine were. And I swear after this, it'll be all over." Jang Mi listened. "Okay, I'll tell him when he gets out." Jang Mi hung up and ran a hand through her hair. "My mom is probably wishing she had no children right now."

"Don't say that," Lena chided and brushed away a strand of hair that was in Jang Mi's face. I reached forward and took her hand and she looked up and smiled at me.  Together the three of us waited for Junghwa to be released. About 30 minutes later, YG's car pulled up. Subtly I tapped Lena's shoe with my own. She looked up and I motioned to the car with my head. She followed the motion and saw YG climb out of his car. Her eyes widened and Jang Mi noticed.

She frowned and turned to see what Lena was looking at. Her eyes zeroed in on YG and she blinked in confusion. I smiled at her cluelessness and then turned to greet YG. Lena also bowed deeply and Jang Mi bowed too, through the confusion never left her face.

"Hyung," I said. "This is Jang Mi." I motioned to Jang Mi and she looked at me for an answer. "Jang Mi, this is Yang Hyun Suk, the CEO of YG Entertainment." 

Jang Mi blinked as the words settled in. She jolted back to reality and bowed again. "It's nice to meet you."

YG smiled and then motioned towards his car. "I'd like to speak to you about something." Jang Mi sputtered for a moment but then nodded and followed him. They stood outside his car and spoke together.

Jang Mi POV

"So, Jang Mi, I heard your singing on Seungri's song."

"Oh..." I started. "Um, listen about that. If I ruined it I'm so sorry but it was just for fun and I didn't think Seungri was serious when he said he was going to use it..."

"No don't worry about it. I actually liked it. You're voice is still undeveloped but it has great potential. So I wanted to talk to you about signing into YG and becoming a trainee."

I stopped and looked at him for a second. Today as just full of surprises. "Uh..for real? What would I have to do...if I did take it?"

"You'd attend dancing and vocal training and maybe some acting depending on what route you wanted to take. You'd have to take a language class, English or Japanese is recommended. It'd be tough and time consuming, but if you work hard it will pay off in the long run." 

I thought about it for a moment and nodded slightly. It actually sounded really interesting. "I'd have to talk to my mom about it, but it sounds interesting."

"Of course. I'd also like to speak to her so I can explain to her in more detail. We can schedule a meeting for a later time to talk more." He pulled out his phone and opened a calender app. After telling me the dates he was open I told him the best time for my mom and I to meet with him. After that he nodded and and put away his phone. Opening his car door he turned to me. "It was nice to meet you, Jang Mi-ah. I'm excited to work with you."

I smiled and bowed. "Thank you, as am I."

Yang Hyun Suk climbed into his car and drive off. I rejoined my friends and gave an icy glare to both of them as they smiled at me. 

"So..."Lena drawled. "How'd it go?"

"I hate you both," I replied. "But I told him I was interested."

Lena squealed and pulled me into a hug. "AH! Jang Mi, I'm so happy for you~!"

I hugged her back and smiled. "I haven't agreed to anything yet."

Lena pulled back and pouted, but the mirth in her eyes didn't disappear. Something from behind me caught her gaze and she smiled again. I studied her face for a moment and saw absolute adoration in her face. I looked at her oddly before turning around and finding Junghwa walking down the steps towards us. Peeking back at Lena, I couldn't help but smile. 

When Junghwa joined us he reached over and squeezed my shoulder before Lena hugged him. Over her head Junghwa gave me a weird look as I looked on a little smugly. When he mouthed 'what?' at me I only shrugged and turned back to Jiyong. He smiled at me. 

"You know, being a YG trainee is going to be tough."

I gave him a haughty look. "Are you saying you don't think I can do it?"

Jiyong feigned a pitiful look. "I know you can't do it."

I glared at him and swatted his arm. He laughed and I tried to stop it but a smile cracked through. Turning back to Junghwa I met his amused gaze.

"You know, Mom is waiting for you at the hospital. And I have a feeling she's not going to be in a happy mood."

He sighed and nodded. "Alright. I'll head over there."

"I'll drive you over," Jiyong offered. Junghwa thanked him and then we all climbed into Jiyong's car. The ride to the hospital was quick and Junghwa wandered into the hospital. Lena, Jiyong and I waited in the car. On the ride here Junghwa had told us what the police told him. During questioning Junghwa confessed to everything. And not surprisingly Minhyuk didn't say a word, but everyone else did. Everyone had a court date they needed to attend, but until then they were let go. 

Junghwa some how managed to make sure Lena and I weren't mixed up in anything anymore and to that I knew both of us were eternally grateful. About an hour later, Junghwa came back out, cleaner and stitched up. Mom waved from the doorway and I waved back. Afterwards, Jiyong took us all back to my house and we all flopped down on the couch in exhaustion. 

"I don't know about you guys, but I never want to do anything again," Lena yawned.

I laughed. "I agree." 

Junghwa grunted in agreement as well. Jiyong took my hand and I looked over at him with a smile. "Thank you, for everything."

"Don't worry about it," he murmured in reply. 

Then the four us sat together in peace and quiet, finally.

A/N: Yay new chapter~ This is technically the last chapter, but there is going to be an epilogue out soon so keep an out for that~

Also if you're interested, I started my new story already


If you could check that out, I'd really appreciate it, and who knows you might want to keep reading ;)

Tell me what you thought? 

Thank you~!


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so please wait just a little longer~! Thank you for reading and enjoying this story :)


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Chapter 14: Why was she trying to her dress in the living room? When there is a bunch of guys living in the very same apartment?
Chapter 19: Loved this story!
Chapter 19: Wow that was great! Thank you for this story, I hope to meet you again in another one ^^ <3
ainikjy #4
Chapter 18: Hey there!! I've loved this story from chapter one onwards and being in AFF for so long, I'm totally fine if you actually can't update that fast. It's really really okay because I know that you're trying your best to make a great chapter so that you won't disappoint us^^ I totally get it because I'm really used to waiting for even up to 3 months till an author updates her next chapter. Thanks for the update anyway! I'll wait patiently for your next update^^v
Chapter 15: Please update!!!!!
Karliz_1224 #6
Chapter 15: Author-nim your back! !! Yayyyyy I was so happy to see u updated I love this fic .. ^^ ... I can't wait until the neXt.chapter ahh~~~ .... <3
first big bang fanfic. already excited to start reading!
Chapter 14: Omg yay! I've been waiting for this story for ages! I'm so glad you've updated finally! And i love the direction this fic is going in! Keep it up! And update soon ouo double update? /slapped ok :(
xMinarix #9
Chapter 13: Ya know, sometimes, I think the Author-nims love reading comments like: "OMG I'm dying for the next chapter! Plz update soon!" They like to make us wait T^T