
Delinquent Love | Gdragon x OC

Jang Mi P.O.V

When Jiyong and I were finished he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled my face into the crook of his neck. He kissed the top of my head and soon fell asleep. I stayed up however, waiting for my cue. When his arms loosened and his breathing evened out, I slowly crawled out from his arms and got dressed. 

I pulled the covers up to Jiyong's chin and moved a stray hair from his forehead before leaning in and kissing his cheek. Hastily I wrote a quick note and left it on the bedside table. I quickly packed up my things and then shut the door behind me. I had no way to lock it, but I hoped no one would choose to rob the apartment tonight. Quickly I walked down the hallway, into the elevator, and out of the lobby. 

It was chilly outside and pulled my jacket tighter around me and wrapped my arms around my torso. I wanted to desperately to crawl back in bed with Jiyong, but I couldn't have the luxury right now. I started walking and when I saw a taxi I called it. Climbing inside, I thanked the universe he had the heater on. I gave him the address of the warehouse and we were off.

The drive couldn't have been faster. Before I knew it I was climbing out of the cab and paying him. I waited till he drove away to start forward. I noticed Junghwa's bike and silently tied my bag to back of it. Stopping at the warehouse door, I took a deep breath and gathered my courage before going in. It was lit up inside and warmer as well. Junghwa and Lena was sitting next to each other with grim faces. Everyone else was laughing and trading baseball bats and pipes. No doubt to be used for me.

When the door shut with a clang everyone fell silent and looked up at me. Minhyuk pushed past some guys and came up to me to grip my arm and pull me into the center of the room.

"Lee Jang Mi. The backstabber of the group. When we're done with you here, you're gonna wish you were dead."

I didn't reply. 

Minhyuk spit at my feet and then pointed at Lena and my brother. "Someone watch them; make sure they don't interfere." Two members sauntered over to them and pressed their hands to my friend's shoulders, holding them down into their chairs. Lena met my eyes and mouthed something.

"Make it out alive," was what she mouthed.

"Of course," I mouthed back. 

Minhyuk clapped his hands. "Alright let's do this." Everyone circled around me and blocked my view from Lena and Junghwa. I was happy to see they chose not to use the pipes and instead kept to bats and their fists. It still wouldn't be pretty but it wouldn't be as painful. I shut my eyes and hopped on the balls of my feet. If I could survive this one time to get in, I could survive once to get out. 

"I'll be first," Minhyuk sneered. 

He stepped up and I opend my eyes right in time to see his fist fly towards my face. I stumbled backwards as my cheek stung horribly. Everyone else started forward and took turned hitting me. I held back my tears and tried to go numb but the pain was unbearable.

Jiyong P.O.V

My eyes peeled open and some point in the night and found the other side of the bed empty. I frowned tiredly but figured Jang Mi got up to go to the bathroom or the kitchen. However as silence settled over the room, I realized there were no other sounds of life. I sat up and pulled on my pants before going out into the living room. It was dark and empty. Jang Mi's bag, which had been by the couch was gone as well. 

I rubbed my forehead and cursed loudly. She'd booked it, probably disappearing for good this time. Defeated and tired, I made my way back to my room and once I sat down on my bed I noticed a note on my bedside table. Hastily I unfolded it and froze.

I'm sorry Jiyong. 

I had to leave to take of something.

Call Junghwa after midnight.

At the bottom of the note was Junghwa's number and quickly, I checked the clock. It was one in the morning. I searched around for my phone and found it instantly. I typed in the phone number and hit call. The phone rang and rang before going to voicemail. Trying again I prayed for someone to answer. This time the phone clicked and a tired voice spoke.


"Junghwa? It's me Jiyong. Jang Mi left a note that said to call you. Where is she?"

It was silent for a moment. 

"Jang Mi's in the ER right now, Jiyong. She left the gang and right now it's not looking so great."

I froze in shock. Everything around me slowed down. I didn't know much about gangs but most people knew to get in and out you had to undergo a serious beating. I was vaguely aware of Junghwa telling me which hospital they were at before I hung up, got fully dressed and left, speeding away. At the hospital I made my way to the ER and soon found Junghwa and Lena sitting near the doors. 

At the sound of my footsteps they both looked up and Lena gave me a sad look before speaking. "She's inside getting stitched up."

"Mom is not happy at all," Junghwa muttered.

Suddenly a woman stepped through the double doors in nurse scrubs and a face mask. She looked tired, angry, worried and relieved all at once. She also looked vaguely familiar. When Junghwa and Lena saw her they jumped up and bowed.

"How is she?" Junghwa asked eagerly. The woman responded with a glare and a slap to his face. Lena and I jumped in shock. Junghwa didn't react.

"Lee Junghwa!" The woman yelled. "How could you let this happen to your sister! You're supposed to take care of her and watch after her, not let her join a gang!"

"Mom," Junghwa started but she didn't let him finish. 

"No. I don't want to hear it. Go home, and take Lena with you."

"Just tell me how she is," Junghwa begged.

"She's fine," Jang Mi's mom replied, relief filling her voice. Her tiredness took over then and her shoulders sagged. "Now go home, please."

Junghwa started to turn and stopped when he saw me. He blinked and then turned back to face his mom. "Can you at least let Jiyong see her?"

Jang Mi's mom turned to look at me and frowned slightly. "Jiyong? Who's Jiyong?"

"He's Jang Mi's boyfriend," Junghwa answered. 

Jang Mi's mom blinked in shock and before sighing, "Fine but real quick. She needs to get some rest." She started down the hall and I quickly thanked Junghwa before following after their mom. She was a small and petite woman, just like Jang Mi. Now that I knew she was Jang Mi's mother, they were like the spitting image of each other. It also explained why she looked familiar. 

We stopped at door with a label with Jang Mi's name on it. Before I entered the room I bowed and said my thanks to Jang Mi's mom.

"I'm sorry we have to meet under such circumstances," she replied. Then with a tired smile, "Maybe after this is over we can meet again with tea, yes?"

I bowed again and smiled. "I'd like that." 

She motioned towards the door. "I can get you a few minutes but no more than that."

I nodded and turned the knob. Inside was the steady beat of the heart monitor. Jang Mi's bed was behind a curtain and I rested my hand on it before quickly pushing it out of the way. Jang Mi lay in the bed peacefully asleep. The left side of her face was purple and bruised. There was a bandaged over her right eyebrow and some wrapped around her head. 

Her hair was now shorter, and hacked in a horrible job that would need to get fixed later. Her breathing was ragged and I couldn't see anymore bruises but I knew there had to be more. I pulled a chair over and sat down next to her bed. Gingerly, I took her hand and rubbed it to cause some friction to heat it up. 

"You should've told me," I murmured. "I would've found another way for you."

With a sigh, I leaned forward and kissed her hand before getting up and exiting the room. The hallway was empty and I quietly took my leave. Outside, Junghwa and Lena were waiting. When they saw me they both jumped up and came forward.

"Is Jang Mi okay?" Lena asked, worriedly. Her eyes were red and blotchy.

I nodded tiredly. "Yeah. She's sleepinging right now. It looks painful though."

Junghwa closed his eyes in relief before looking at me gravely. "Listen Jiyong, thank you for watching her for the time being. It may not have worked out how I wanted it to, but it was worth a try. And you can probably come visit any time you'd like. Mom seems to like you so she'll most likely let you in."

"No problem," I replied. "I'll have work, but when I'm free I'll stop by. It's probably best to just let her rest up anyway."

Junghwa nodded, his face and eyes blank from exhaustion. "I'd better get Lena home. I'll see you later."

I nodded and then before leaving, Lena hugged me quickly before following after Junghwa. They got on his motorcycle and drove off. After they were gone, I climbed into my car and sat in my seat for a few minutes in thought. In a spark of anger I slammed my palm against the steering wheel, not caring when the horn blared loudly. 

This Minhyuk guy was a real pain in the and there wasn't much I could do. I couldn't call the cops because I didn't know any information on this guy. And I had feeling Jang Mi would be pissed if I got involved. I ran my hands through my hair and decided I just needed to get back to bed. Starting the car, I drove off and when I reached home the beginning of sunlight was starting to show. 

I practically dragged myself back into my apartment and collapsed onto my bed. Draping my arm over my face I fell insantly back to sleep. 

Jang Mi P.O.V

I was conscious before I even opened my eyes. But quite honestly I didn't want to. My face hurt like a and I wanted to go back to sleep. The annoying beep of a heart monitor filled the room, but I could also hear whispers and feet shuffling. I groaned and everyone in the room went quiet. Slowly, and painfully I opened my eyes very slightly and found myself in a hospital room. The faces of Lena, Junghwa, my mom, and Big Bang filled my vision. There were also a few balloons and  flower bouquets.

"Mom...?" I murmured. 

She gently grabbed my hand. "I'm here sweetie. Are you okay?"

"It hurts," I muttered. 

"I know, I know. Yoo Jin is coming back with some more pain medicine for you, just wait a little longer." When she spoke again I could hear the smile in her voice. "Your friends are here to visit. Any why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"

"Mmm?" I scrunched my face up in confusion and went to sit up before stopping when a sharp pain darted through my torso.

"Don't sit up," Mom chastised me. She reached down and the bed started to move up into a sitting-up position. 

"Yah! Lee Jang Mi," Lena's voice filled the room. "Don't you dare scare me like that again!"

"Too loud," I groaned. My head was groggy and things wers kind of hazy. However it was quickly wearing off. 

"Eep," Lena replied whispering all of a sudden. "Sorry."

The door opened and suddenly another nurse came in. I recognized her as Yoo Jin and just about jumped up in excitement. More pain meds! Yoo Jin spoke with my mom and then handed the latter the meds before leaving the room. My mom added the meds to the IV and I sighed with relief. Now to wait for them to settle in.

"How long have I been out?"

"Three days," Seungri cut in. "You just about gave everyone a heart attack." 

I turned and found all five members watching me carefully. The one looking most worried was Jiyong. I smiled at them and shrugged. "Keeping you on your toes is all."

"A little too much," Mom muttered. I turned and gently swatted her hand playfully. She gave me a warning look but reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from my face.

"So...what's the diagnosis?" I asked.

Mom clucked her tongue. "Two broken ribs, sprained ankle," at this Jungwha patted my ankle and a sharp pain jolted through my leg. Mom shouted at him and hit his arm. When she turned back to face me Junghwa smiled at me and I rolled my eyes, which stung slightly. Mom continued, "You've got a nice black eye and a small concussion. And cuts and bruises just about everywhere."

"But I have all my teeth, right? I don't look like a country bumpkin right?"

Everyone laughed slightly and Lena leaned forward, "Oh no, you're missing teeth alright. The front ones too."

I sat up more slightly and pushed Lena's forehead with my finger. She pouted at me and then smiled. Mom stood up and smiled at me. "I've got to get back to work, sweetie. I'll come check on you in my next break."

"I'll be fine," I reassured her. She patted my cheek gently and then exited the room. 

"Well, I've got to get going too, actually." Jungwha said getting up. "Lena and I are going to go run some errands."

I gave him a weird look. "You, running errands. With Lena?" Lena shrugged but blushed slightly. I rolled my eyes again and motioned for them to go. "Whatever, run along then."

When they were gone, everyone except Jiyong stood up. Daesung smiled. "We'd better get going too." Just then I understood what was happening and sighed.

"Okay, okay. Thanks for coming." When they were gone, Jiyong scooted closer and watched me silently.

I looked back and studied his face. His hair had been dyed again, this time a normal black color. His face was tired and pale looking. He wore a plain black sweater and jeans. It was honeslty the most plain outfit I'd seen him in. 

"You look great," I murmured. Jiyong smiled slightly and reachde up to my cheek.

"You look beautiful."

I stuck out my tongue. "You're a filthy liar."

Jiyong shook my head. "No. I'm telling the truth. You'll always look beautiful to me."

I blushed slightly and looked away as I leaned back into the bed and relaxed. "I'm now free."

"About that. You could've told me," Jiyong replied. "We could've figured out a better way to go about this and you wouldn't be here right now."

I shook my head. "There is no better way. Not with Minhyuk. He would've found a way out and then come after 10 times harder. This was the better way. Trust me."

Jiyong pursed his lips but nodded. "Okay."

I smiled slightly and he smiled back. Things were starting to look better.


A/N: YAY new chapter :) I was tied up with finals for a while so it's a little late but now it's summer and I can post more~ This chapter is coming to an end soon, but I have another story idea. The next story will focus mainly on GOT7 (They're kind of my new obsession right now) but there will be some Big Bang cameos in there. So if you're interested look out for it; I'll probably post the story forward soon.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for any overlooked mistakes >.<

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so please wait just a little longer~! Thank you for reading and enjoying this story :)


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Chapter 14: Why was she trying to her dress in the living room? When there is a bunch of guys living in the very same apartment?
Chapter 19: Loved this story!
Chapter 19: Wow that was great! Thank you for this story, I hope to meet you again in another one ^^ <3
ainikjy #4
Chapter 18: Hey there!! I've loved this story from chapter one onwards and being in AFF for so long, I'm totally fine if you actually can't update that fast. It's really really okay because I know that you're trying your best to make a great chapter so that you won't disappoint us^^ I totally get it because I'm really used to waiting for even up to 3 months till an author updates her next chapter. Thanks for the update anyway! I'll wait patiently for your next update^^v
Chapter 15: Please update!!!!!
Karliz_1224 #6
Chapter 15: Author-nim your back! !! Yayyyyy I was so happy to see u updated I love this fic .. ^^ ... I can't wait until the neXt.chapter ahh~~~ .... <3
first big bang fanfic. already excited to start reading!
Chapter 14: Omg yay! I've been waiting for this story for ages! I'm so glad you've updated finally! And i love the direction this fic is going in! Keep it up! And update soon ouo double update? /slapped ok :(
xMinarix #9
Chapter 13: Ya know, sometimes, I think the Author-nims love reading comments like: "OMG I'm dying for the next chapter! Plz update soon!" They like to make us wait T^T