OnHo - Racing

Feel Me (Kpop Short Stories Compilation)

Lean muscles, thick arms, built chest. Jinki smiled as those powerful legs pounded down the tracks; another circle done. Leaning on his knees. Staring at his hair blowing. MinHo’s chest panted, determined to impress the boy in the bleachers. Whistles and cheering. He would do it. Yes. If not for himself, than for his hyung…

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Chapter 1: Awww this is a really cute idea<3 I love it ^^
luhans-vaqina #2
Chapter 16: OMG.
The two amazing vocalists together<3
Normally, I'm a silent reader for 'collections' but I just had to say how short yet perfect these all are. Aish, I can't even describe it...
this is really interesting! it's a bit like writing a love song via twitter (and NOT using the tweetlonger option lol)