JongTae - Touching

Feel Me (Kpop Short Stories Compilation)

He remembered the touching of finger tips trailing down his chest. The bulge that had greeted him… TaeMin was torn between blushing and pulling JongHyun close to him. Who cared anyway as their tongues battled. Grunting into the kiss as hips bashed against hips. Mmm, he couldn’t get enough of this. He always needed more.

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Chapter 1: Awww this is a really cute idea<3 I love it ^^
luhans-vaqina #2
Chapter 16: OMG.
The two amazing vocalists together<3
Normally, I'm a silent reader for 'collections' but I just had to say how short yet perfect these all are. Aish, I can't even describe it...
this is really interesting! it's a bit like writing a love song via twitter (and NOT using the tweetlonger option lol)