A Coin Descended From Heaven


the story's about a girl who gets to meet her bias .. Their bond started to grow and the story goes on. I hope you'll like it >__< if you have any suggestions and comments ... Just type them down on the comment box :) so... here it goes....


Have you ever wonder... what would happen if you met your favourite actor, or singer, or perhaps you bias. What if one day, you were given a chance to meet him for the first time, or see him, talk to him and spend time with him everyday. Or maybe even, be with him [for the rest of your life if possible]. Here's a story about a girl who get to experience what we wish to experience the most.


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I liked it! <3
2nd fanfic published~! :D <br />
http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/46657/one-sided-love-s-key-romance-taemin-you<;br />
read, enjoy, comment and subscribe :))<br />
Woot~! I'm back!! Lol. Sorry if i couldn't reply your comments as early as i could. But thanks! :D I'm busy now a days. College life is just so hard to adjust :)) but fun XD i get to experience a lot of stuffs. Anyways i'll start replying now! :))<br />
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Ohh! and just to inform you guys. I'm going to start another fanfic ^ ^ excited? :))<br />
But i can't publish it right now since the story's in my laptop and i'm using my bro's laptop since the internet works here :))<br />
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kay.. so.. thanks! and see ya!! :D [gotta reply those comment now :))]
Re1chan #4
HOMYGASH! i just went to skool tpos u didnt inform me n tinapos mo n sia...>__<<br />
lol :D hahaha
SHINing_Exotic #5
hahaha i thought it would continue, but apparently not. Oh well the story was really funny! ^.^ hope you write another story like this one with key as the main character too!
Hahahaha >:3 that was a bit...sudden, but I liked it :)
awww...it's the end?hm...sweet...n is it just me, or key seems a bit naughty here?lol i like him that way..kekeke thanks for this lovely story...XD
vikKiBeoMin #8
oh it's the end?awww~<br />
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Key is getting erted there huh!hahahha!<br />
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anyway, I love this fic!woot!nice fic!<br />
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lookin forward to another Key fic,kekeke
You confused me with the double update xD<br />
They kissed. FINALLY! :D
vikKiBeoMin #10
diwjafohaeuf! they kissed!hjuahfuehf!!waaah!<br />
hahaha!<br />
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update soon!