Chapter Fourteen


Chan's point of view


Okay, breathe Chan ! First, you have to think clearly.


Chan – I...
JunHo – yes?

Chan – Min...
JunHo – what?
Chan – I...
JunHo – yah, just say it already ! ><
Chan – Im not sure
JunHo - … you love her
Chan – huh?
JunHo – what? Isnt it what you were about to say?
Chan – mmh... I dont know...
JunHo – what do you mean by I dont know?
Chan – do I have to remind you that till the day before yesterday I was still dating Taec ?...
JunHo – maybe you fell in love earlier but you didnt notice it... there's not a trigger ?
Chan – like what?
JunHo – I dont know ! Mmh... for example, what happened when you went to the cinema together ?


Thinking back about this moment, I feel my cheek sburning. When I was with Taec, I only felt ashamed and disgusted by myself but when I think about it now...


JunHo – what ?
Chan – this night I... we drank too much and I... I kissed her !
JunHo – what?! O.O
Chan – I know... and then... when I discovered you relationship with Taec, she cheered me up... and the day after, when I saw her asleep...
JunHo – your heart became crazy? *o*
Chan – yes... but at this moment, I thought it was because I thought about Taec... and last night...
JunHo – last night?
Chan - *blushes* we slept together... I came to see her to know if she was okay and I didnt know how to comfort her so I hugged her...
JunHo – oooh! You're definitly in love ! You should see your face when you talk about her ! And if you want my point of view, you have all your chances !
Chan – what makes you think that?
JunHo – well... I suppose she didnt push you away when you kissed her, right?
Chan – now that you talk about it...
JunHo – and then she ran to you when you called her and more... you didnt see her defend you in front of Taec...
Chan – so, you think I should try?
JunHo – of course ! And right now!


Junho's point of view


He really is blind or he does it on purpose ?! Anyway, Im super happy *o* I knew they would do a great couple !!! I wish I could fall in love too, like this I could forget about Taec...


Khun's point of view


I wonder what Chan wanted to tell to Junho... He could have tell me ><''

Min and Jia are preparing the dinner for tonight. Its great to see them laugh and have fun like this. We could almost think the last days never existed...


Ah, Chan is back. The smell of the food must have attracted him XD oh, his look changed ! Looks like his conversation with Junho had been benefical. He has a hug smile on his lips. As I thought, he walks to the room. He's a real stomach on legs !! whatsoever O.O


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Chapter 12: omo..chan and min is sooo sweeeeet, so sweet i need to see a dentist..hahaha