Find Hoon Outside

~★~ Buried Treasure ~★~


Warm, moist air from outside blew in from the open door, drawing your attention towards it. It had a salty aroma from the ocean that made you smile: you’d always loved the ocean, ever since you were little. It wasn’t bad weather today, but the dark clouds looming overhead hinted that rain was in the forecast very soon.


Through the blinds, you can catch glimpses of Hoon’s slight form. Leaning against the banister of the deck with one foot slightly behind the other and his wrist crossed in front of him, he stared out at the rolling waves. He was wearing a white, colorfully striped cut-off with a light grey tank top underneath and nicely fitted blue jeans. The combination seemed odd to you, but on the same strand, so was Hoon, so it all worked out in the end.


Slipping through the open door, you lean against the railing beside him, imitating his pose and following his gaze out at the ocean. It takes a while, but soon he glances over at you, noting your pose instantly. “Are you mocking me?” When you don’t respond, he begins to get flustered. “Yah~ Why aren’t you answering me?” When he pouted at you like a child you couldn’t take it anymore. A slow smile eventually turned into laughter and you had to lean against the railing for support.


Smiling mischievously, Hoon poked you in the side, exactly where he knew you were ticklish. Immediately bursting into giggles, you clutched your stomach with one hand while batting away his with the other. “Yah!” You complain through laughter. Hearing SooHyun yell from inside, Hoon pulled back and glanced inside to see everyone gathering in the living room. Waiting for you to collect yourself with a sweet smile he led the way back inside, shutting the back door behind you.


“Where’s Eli?” Hoon asked nobody in particular, walking over to stand between the couch DongHo was half asleep on and SooHyun. Glancing around the room, you noticed with a start that Eli was - in fact - missing.


“He’s getting groceries to make dinner.” KiSeop explained from his spot on the coffee table, looking smug.


‘But... What if he get’s lost? Did he bring an umbrella in case it starts raining?’ You fretted to yourself, glancing out the window in the kitchen at the clouds. Catching eyes with Hoon, you knew he shared your worries.


“Well, we have a problem guys.” SooHyun announced to the room at large and immediately the members turned their attentions towards him, always interested when things went screwy. “The third floor is still under construction, which leaves us short three rooms.”


“Jinjja?!” DongHo whined from his spot on the couch, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. “Why would they let us come if it’s not finished?”


“Maybe they just didn’t want to disappoint us, I don’t know. Anyway, I put your luggage in front of the remaining rooms. However, I decided to break up the usual bunk-buddies, just for the sake of diversity. So there will be no switching rooms, arraso?” Everyone muttered a dreary reply of some sorts, the level of enthusiasm varying between them all.


“But-” Kevin began slowly, his head tilted to one side as he thought. “Hyung, that means ____-ah will have to sleep in the same room as one of us.”


Having just turned your head to check the sky again, your entire body froze as Kevin pointed this out, slowly turning to look at the others with a blank expression.


“Eli’s at the store, right? He can get an air mattress and she can stay in the main level room with me.” SooHyun shrugged as though the situation was easily resolved.


Hoon met your gaze with scrunched eyebrows. While he knew SooHyun wouldn’t do anything bad to you, the thought was still something that didn’t appeal to him all that much.




What do you do?

Agree with SooHyun?

Suggest that you should sleep on the couch?

Take over Eli’s spot?




Record’s AN: I’m sorry. I meant to update this a long time ago, but with a crazy week of concerts and preparing for finals I’m going a little crazy. It doesn’t help that my insomnia is back in full force either. I’m also going to apologise for this update, it probably . Hoon is one of the members I know the least about, and my friend just made me read Anterograde Tomorrow. (I’ll admit it, I was a sobbing mess by the end of it.) So if the mood cuts off about halfway through this update, don’t shoot me please! OTL Also, after ZelosPedo and I get this first set of options out of the way I’m going to try to make my updates longer! :D


Writing Song: Secret - Love Is Move

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I'm back, if anyone reads these! I will update soon, don't fear!


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Chapter 1: The links are all messed up like I click on help soohyun w/the bags but it leads me to helping kiseop & aj D; or is it only happening to me? :c
Chapter 6: Update soon, Maknae~! Appa wants to continue the reading~! :P
Chapter 5: Wooh, I like it ;D Love you guys, haha, keep the updates coming, but don't push yourselves :P
IkkleLau162 #4
Chapter 5: I don't know much about Hoon either but his character fits his image. It's a really good chapter too. And update when you are able, don't push yourself, I'll be waiting ^^
Chapter 5: Love it already!!! I've read all the possibilities muahahaha. Please update :3
Chapter 4: So well written story til now <3
I don't really know much about U-kiss, but I love interactive!
Chapter 4: Soohyun~ >.< you match his character here. I love him!! <3 Ghamsamnida. Fighting, author sunbaenim! \^0^/
IkkleLau162 #8
Chapter 4: Soohyun~~~ my bias~~~!!!
Thank you for updating
IkkleLau162 #9
Chapter 3: Haha nice update ^^
I'm going to force Eli to go with me. That's what he gets for calling dongho an ___ haha
Heyy~ where's my söohyun oppa picture? -3- kekeke. Anyway it's sound fun! Fighting! Btw soohyun looks H.O.T in stop girl mv but i realised that he has lose some weight. . Poor my soohyun oppa. .T^T