Help SooHyun With The Bags

~★~ Buried Treasure ~★~


Hearing a loud, repetitive thunk coming from stairs, you look up to see SooHyun halfway up the stairs, struggling to haul Kevin’s heavy suitcase up them. ‘He’s such a dutiful leader... He needs this vacation the most.’ You think to yourself, smiling as you rush to his aid. Eyes closed in frustration, SooHyun didn’t notice your approach until the opposite end of the suitcase lifted a few centimeters into the air. Blinking his eyes open in surprise, he noticed you struggling with the other end of the suitcase and lifted his end quickly. Finally making it to the top of the stairs, the two of you sat the suitcase down by the banister.


“He can take it from here.” SooHyun announced, shaking his head. “Why does the kid have to bring so much...”


“Because it’s Kevin.” You laugh, slightly breathless.


Patting your shoulder once before resting his hand there, you look up to see SooHyun smiling back at you. “Thank you for helping me.”


“No problem.” You smile back. “I’ll help you get the others, too.” After a split seconds pause, a smirk replaced the innocent smile on his lips. ‘Uh-oh...’ “Why are you smirking at me like that?” You ask wearily.


“Well, since they’re making us drag their things up here, don’t you think we should prank them in revenge? We could say that several of the rooms are still under construction, and make them bunk together?”


You stared at SooHyun while considering the idea until the utter brilliance behind it hit you. “Let’s do it.” Nodding, the two of you shook hands, sealing your secret deal.


After all the member’s luggage was upstairs, SooHyun covertly grabbed the yellow caution tape out of his suitcase downstairs and walled off the third level of the house. (Apparently he had this planned way in advance.) That left the three second level bedrooms and the main level bedroom available.


You placed Eli’s suitcase at the closest bedroom to the stairs, DongHo’s in front of the middle room’s door, and together with SooHyun you drug Kevin’s to sit in front of the farthest room. Considering your choices, SooHyun placed Hoon’s suitcase beside Eli’s, KiSeop’s beside DongHo’s, and AJ’s beside Kevin’s.


Laughing at your choices and exchanging a quick high five, SooHyun quickly recovered his poker face and headed downstairs, looking mildly concerned. You followed soon after.


“Well, we have a problem guys.” SooHyun announced to the room at large and immediately the members all gathered around. Only Eli was missing, and KiSeop quickly announced that he was out getting groceries for dinner. “The third floor is still under construction, which leaves us short three rooms.”


“Jinjja?!” DongHo whined from his spot on the couch, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. “Why would they let us come if it’s not finished?”


“Maybe they just didn’t want to disappoint us, I don’t know. Anyway, ____ and I put your luggage in front of the remaining rooms. However, we decided to break up the usual bunk-buddies, just for diversity. So there will be no switching rooms, arraso?” Everyone muttered a dreary reply of some sorts, everyone’s varying in their enthusiasm.


“But-” Kevin began slowly, his head tilted to one side as he thought. “Hyung, that means ____-ah will have to sleep in the same room as one of us.”


Your blood turned to ice when Kevin pointed this out, and you sent a fleeting sidelong glance at SooHyun. You hadn’t thought of that during your planning. Eight people: four rooms. Why were you so stupid?! (Or was it brilliant? o-o)


“Well, the main level room has the most room, and Eli’s at the store, right? He can get an air mattress and she can stay in there with me.” SooHyun shrugged as though the situation was easily resolved.




What do you do?

Agree with SooHyun’s idea and share the room?

Reject the idea and suggest that you can sleep on the couch?

Same as above, but secretly sleep in one of the “closed” rooms?



Record’s AN: I’m so sorry guys, I’m sure that this is really bad. OTL I had this idea floating around, but I’m not sure if it’s any good or not. Let me know in the comments? :D

Writing song: Batoost - I Like You The Best
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I'm back, if anyone reads these! I will update soon, don't fear!


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Chapter 1: The links are all messed up like I click on help soohyun w/the bags but it leads me to helping kiseop & aj D; or is it only happening to me? :c
Chapter 6: Update soon, Maknae~! Appa wants to continue the reading~! :P
Chapter 5: Wooh, I like it ;D Love you guys, haha, keep the updates coming, but don't push yourselves :P
IkkleLau162 #4
Chapter 5: I don't know much about Hoon either but his character fits his image. It's a really good chapter too. And update when you are able, don't push yourself, I'll be waiting ^^
Chapter 5: Love it already!!! I've read all the possibilities muahahaha. Please update :3
Chapter 4: So well written story til now <3
I don't really know much about U-kiss, but I love interactive!
Chapter 4: Soohyun~ >.< you match his character here. I love him!! <3 Ghamsamnida. Fighting, author sunbaenim! \^0^/
IkkleLau162 #8
Chapter 4: Soohyun~~~ my bias~~~!!!
Thank you for updating
IkkleLau162 #9
Chapter 3: Haha nice update ^^
I'm going to force Eli to go with me. That's what he gets for calling dongho an ___ haha
Heyy~ where's my söohyun oppa picture? -3- kekeke. Anyway it's sound fun! Fighting! Btw soohyun looks H.O.T in stop girl mv but i realised that he has lose some weight. . Poor my soohyun oppa. .T^T