Eyes Of Darkness And Void

Tao winced as Suho spat his saliva into his face. Ew. Suho rubbed his jaw a little as the pain began to set in. Hissing, he slammed Tao against the floor and brought his foot down upon Tao's chest. The younger coughed and spluttered as the air was knocked out of him. Hurts. Suho's 'friends' snickered as they watched Tao being vulnerable and suffering below them, they felt a strange satisfaction rising in them and it brought sick smiles to their faces, which grew as Tao gasped more for air. Tao's ankle still have not recovered from Suho's previous attack and now he was adding more bruises and injuries to Tao's body. 

Tao managed to cough out a feeble ' you.' as the horrible feeling from all the injuries added to his headache. A sadistic smile made it's way onto Suho's face as he stared down at Tao's weak and trembling frame. One of Suho's goons picked Tao up from the ground and threw him towards the dark coloured brick wall. Tao's vision blurred for a moment before he blinked his eyes several times in an effort to clear his vision. He groaned as his head fell forward, too overwhelmed with to pain to even keep his head up any longer. A guy named Sehun kicked Tao directly in his face, he swore he heard his nose crack. Sehun smirked as Tao's head was thrown back by the sudden force directed towards it. Taunts were directed towards Tao as his head slammed back against the brick wall with such sheer force, that he fet that his head was going to burst and explode right there and then. . Tao whimpered as he felt himself about to give in to the temptation of closing his eyes and temporarily escaping the extreme pain he was feeling. But Tao was determined to stay awake and go through this. "ing freak, I wonder why your parents decided to let you live, they should've killed you the moment they saw you." Tao wanted so much to retaliate but he had less than no energy left to do anything. "I w-wonder...h...ow....the," he coughed. "The ing.....d-doctor...f...ailed to abort...you. Is it.. th-" Comsidering how weak he was already, all it took was a strong kick to his abdomen and a punch to the side of his head. His vision started swimming around and his sight blurred, then he out. Kris, help me...

A few minutes later, Tao's unconscious body was abandoned in a toilet nearby.


Kris wondered where Tao was. He hasn't seen the boy for the whole morning and it's already reccess. He still haven't caught sight of Tao. Feeling a familiar urge in his lower body, he rushed to the nearest toilet he could find. Kris hasn't answered nature's calls since school started and it was really getting to him. He slammed the toilet door open and rushed to the nearest cubicle. Opening the door, Kris got a shock of his life. Tao's back was against the wall and dried blood was visible on his face. Bruises littered his face and limbs and Kris didn't want to see what was under all his clothing. Slowly, he kneeled down and examined the injuries on Tao. Ouch. . Who the did this to him. It looks so painful. Kris checked Tao's breathing and luckily, he ws still alive. But every breath Tao took was shallow and it seemed like Tao would go any minute. Kris wondered, how long had he been here? The blood's completely dried so he must've been here for quite a while. "Tao?" Kris called. No response. Kris lightly slapped Tao's cheek and tried again, "Tao?" Kris sighed before he grabbed hold of Tao's body. He felt Tao flinch. Kris took his hands away from Tao's body and lifted up the boy's shirt. His eyes widened significantly as his pupils were fixed on the damage presented on Tao's whole body. Kris recovered Tao's body with his shirt and he picked him up. He was surprisingly light, so light it horrified Kris. Gathering Tao in his arms, he grunted as he kicked the toilet door open, completely forgetting about his urge to pee.

"So you decided to help this , huh," a boy taunted. People were staring at Kris as he was carrying the outcast in his arms.  "Tao's not a you ing rude ."

Another boy laughed. "So you're a now aren't you?" 

"Stop being so ing rude you ing prick. Now move." Kris glared as he gave his fellow schoolmate his face. Heck, he was even embarrassed to associate himself with those disgusting people. Schoolmates my ing foot. "Oh, feisty are we?" 

"Can you please just off. If Tao dies it's going to be your fault you er." With that, Kris barged his way through the crowd with Tao in his arms. Finally reaching the school clinic, he thanked god thst no one picked a fight with him. He really wasn't in the mood for fighting today. "Hello?" he called out, in hopes of a kind nurse popping up. But no. "HELLO?" He called more loudly. Still no response. Even though Tao was light, Kris's arms were really starting to ache. Letting out a groan of frustration he proceeded into the sick bay and found a bed to lay Tao down. He couldn't just leave Tao alone there though, he wanted to maybe make Tao feel better, even if it's just a tad bit. The tall male rummaged through the nurse's drawers and cupboards before he found some alcohol swabs and anti-germ cream for open wounds, which Tao had plenty. Kris searched for a box of Q-tips before settling himself down beside the bed Tao was on. He took a glance at Tao's pitiful frame before he decided that he might as well take off his shirt as well, since there was an abundance of cuts on his body as well. Wriggling his fingers, he grabbed the tube of cream and a Q-tip before he started on his quest to treat Tao and make him feel better. Kris scanned his eyes over Tao, he saw that both of his ankles were red and swollen like a million bees stung them, it was also very badly bruised.

Kris made up his mind, h was going to bring Tao personally home today. Who knows, the person, or persons who attacked Tao might do it again. 

Now, the problem was, when was the male going to wake up?

Kris guessed that he had to wait more if he wanted to be there when Tao regains consciousness.


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Chapter 2: finally update \(^_^)/
savior Kris <3
Chapter 1: omg u better freakiNg UpdatE THIS ONE J WKFME
Chapter 1: wohhh I Like it!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON! please? :3
kpopluver4 #4
Chapter 1: I ,the student of the celebrated Chanyeol,demands an UPDATE.

kifalea #5
Chapter 1: Update please ,,, asap ... ^^
Chapter 1: update soon, pwease? *_*@
update soon author-nim^^