Chapter 3

Hearts that Tie ; Discontinued!

You remember you had a "date" with Chanyeol today. You got out of your bed & put on anything.

"Where are you going missy?" a voice called out.

You turn to see your mom smirking at you. You roll your eyes.

"I heard you're going on a date with Chanyeol. Falling for him already? GREAT!" Your mom smiled & hugged you.

You didn't want to call it a date, simply just a get together or hanging out. You'd rather fall off a cliff than have a date with him.

"It's not a date umma. We're just hanging out." You say & push her away.

"Mm... Call it whatever you want Yeon, It's a date!" she said.

You kiss your mom on the cheek & made your way downstairs. You knew your mom was going to tell Mrs. Park right away that you & Chanyeol were going to be together today. Your mom was also the first to know about the "date" with Chanyeol.

"Where to miss?" your chauffeur asks.

You think for a moment & then realize Chanyeol never told you where to meet. 

"Aish that boy! Just take me to his house please." You say.

He nods.

You stare out the window daydreaming about how this date will go. Did he really want to make it up to you that much? 

You arrive at his house & see maids bowing knowing it was you just by looking at the car.

"Thank you Mr. Lee!" You smile.

"You're welcome Ms. Shin" Mr. Lee said.

The maids lead you to the living room where you first met Chanyeol. 

"Would you like some tea miss?" a maid asks.

You smile & nod.

The maid from last time came to pour your tea. What was her name? Yeun? Yoonie? Eun! That's right.

"Thank you Eun!" You smile.

She smiles & bows.

"I don't think I really got to introduce myself." You say.

"I'm Shin Yeon Seul. Nice to meet you." You say & lift your hand.

"I'm Eun Hae, nice to meet you too." She says & bows.

"There's no need to bow! We're friends! So shake my hand!" You chuckle.

She lifts her head up & shakes your head.

"If you excuse me, I must finish preparing your snacks." she says.

You nod & smile.

You waited an hour for Chanyeol. 

What another great impression you left me.

You then took a mini tour of the house. Seeing pictures in some hallways. There were baby photos of Chanyeol, you had to admit it, he was really adorable. Your curiousity took over, you continued to walk around & stare at pictures. Everything was organized & neatly placed.

"Found what you're looking for?" a voice calls out.

The sudden voice made you jump a little. You take a deep breath & place your hand on your chest.

"Gosh! You scared me!" you yelp seeing Chanyeol.

He was still wearing his Pj's, he had messy hair it was swooshed here & there. A bit of dry drool on the tip of his lip & huge dark circles.

"Looks like good looking guys also have an unattractive side." You smirk.

"Wait... You think I'm good looking?" Chanyeol asks.

Your eyes widen, you cover your mouth.

"Um.. no.. I never said such a thing!" You lied.

"You just said it a few seconds ago!" Chanyeol laughed.

You roll your eyes. You were busted. 

"I thought you were at first sight, but I then realized you're like every guy." You sigh.

The drool on the tip of his lip really bothered you. It led your eyes to his pink lips. 

"Why are you staring at my lips? Do they look that kissable?" He teased.

"Please, a donkey's lips look much more kissable!" you say.

He laughs. 

"Sorry for walking around your house without permission." You say & scratch the back of your neck.

"Its fine, you're not done though." He said.

Done? What am I not done with? The tour? Or...

You tilt your head in confusion.

"You didn't see my room. Wanna go up & see it?" He smirks.

"How about a no. Maybe coming here was a bad idea." you say & walk away.

As you pass by Chanyeol the dried drool really bothered you. You too out your hankerchief & wiped it off. Your sudden action made Chanyeol blush. 

"Your drool was annoying me." You say & put your hankerchief away.

Before you could go, Chanyeol grabbed you by the wrist.

"Ok, look I'll go up & change. You wait here.." he said.

You sigh & nod.

You then found yourself back at the living room.

"Remind me why I even bothered to come.." you mutter.

"Eun-ah!" a voice yelled.

You look up the stairs, seeing a blonde boy walking down stairs rubbing his eyes. He had deer slippers on & cute Pj's. He looked really familiar... The boy then put his hand down making you see his face. Luhan.

"L-Luhan?" You stutter.

He just woke up, so his eyes were squinting. 

"Hm?..." He muttered. He stared at you & then realized.

"YEON!" He screamed & hugged you.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I can ask the same." You chuckled.

"I live here." He said.

"Live? Here?" Your eyes widen.

"Oh, do you guys know each other?" Chanyeol asked walking downstairs.

"Mm... Yeah." You say.

"How?" Chanyeol asked curiously.

You & Luhan look at each other.


"Restaurant." You both said.

"Um.. we met at a restaurant in the mall." Luhan said.

You nod & smile at Chanyeol.

"Anyways... What are you doing here Yeon? How do you know my cousin?" He asked.

Cousin? Chanyeol's his cousin? He lives here? What.

"She's my fiancee!" Chanyeol said & hugged you by the waist. You slapped his arm off.

"Yah, don't touch me." You roll your eyes.

Chanyeol pouts & sticks out his tongue.

"Fine!" he muttered. 

Chanyeol was also really immature... It sorta made you feel more comfortable.

"She's your fiancee?" Luhan's jaw dropped.

"Sadly.." You say.

"YAH! What's that supposed to mean!" Chanyeol cried.

"It's supposed to mean.. I DON'T LIKE YOU & I HATE YOUR GUTS." You finally let out

Chanyeol & you continued to fight. Throwing back insults & making faces at each other.

"BE QUIET!" Luhan yelled.

You both then shut up.

"WELL THEN." Chanyeol said.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." You look the other direction.

"Aish... You both are never going to stop! Well.. what brings you here? I'm a bit curious since well... You hate his guts." He chuckled.

"We're going on a date." Chanyeol said.

You wave your hands around.

"Um.. no. We're just hanging out. You wanted me to have a better impression of you. So far, not so good." You smirked.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

"Don't sass me boy!" You smack his arm.

Luhan laughs at you.

"You don't mind if I join then?" Luhan asks.

You look at him, his smile gave you weird feelings.. His smile was so adorable attractive.

"No no! I don't at all!" You say.

"I DO!" Chanyeol butted in.

You make a face at him.

"WELL I DON'T." You say.

Luhan went back upstairs to change which left you & Chanyeol alone.

"Do you like Luhan?" Chanyeol asked.

The sudden question made you choke on your tea.

"W-what?" You say.

"Nothing.. Nothing." Chanyeol laughed.

Then an awkward silence...

"I'm back! Let's go!" Luhan said.

You stare at him. He was wearing a white v-neck with black jeans. Talk about attractive!

Luhan grabs your hand & smiles at you.


You ignored him & walked to the car with Luhan.

Chanyeol decided to sit in the middle, which meant you sat on the right side, while Luhan sat on the left.

Chanyeol, you er!

The whole ride was really silent & awkward.

"So, where are we going?" You ask.

"Somewhere! It's a surprise!" Chanyeol smiled at you.

You smiled back. Maybe Chanyeol really meant what he said... He really did want to make it up to you. You didn't know how you knew, but his smile sure showed it a lot.



Hey there! Sorry I haven't updated. (Even though I only have like 1 subscriber?) 

No ones reading my fanfic :( 

Oh well! Sorry for the boring chapter! I was typing it earlier & it had great detail. (No joke!)

But I pressed delete twice & made me return to the main page. (I have a macbook so..)

SOOOO... I had to retype chapter 3 all over again! 

It made me so mad. I decided to do it for you guys ~ 

I got lazy so... I just typed whatever. I promise Chapter 4 will be more interesting! TILL THEN~ 


Yes. I made Luhan Chanyeol's cousin. What a twist right? :D

Well comments & subscriptions are always appreciated! ^^

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