Not-so- Easy Street

Fairytale Misery
["You're still too young!" said her mother. "In a year or two, when you're fifteen. Only then will the King let you go up there, like your sisters!" Sirenetta spent her time wishing for the world of humans, she listened to her sisters' stories, and every time they returned from the surface, she would ask them questions, to satisfy her curiosity.]

"Miki." she heard as she groaned, "Blake." He gave her a look, "Aren't you suppose to be working on a project?" She, without looking away from the book, motioned around the empty living room with her hand, "I'm missing something important… my group. They're coming tonight... like in three hours." He sighed, "You could at least take the initiative and get started."

"It's a GROUP project… I, alone, am not the group. So I can't get started." she pointed out. "We need to decide things together. I can't just take matters into my own hands or i will be taking over the whole project." He grabbed the other books surrounding her as he told her, "Well, at least get the place cleaned up a bit. Put your books away and help me get some dinner ready. They'll probably be staying late to work on the project." She sighed, closing her book as she grabbed a stack and followed him to her room, placing them on the now filled desk of books. She took a glance at the little mermaid as she asked, "Blake?"


"Is it weird… if I saw one of my books glowing?" she wondered as he thought, "No."


"With how often you've been staring at those books, I'm surprised that a glow is all that you're seeing." he teased as she pouted, nudging him, "I'm serious, Blake. I swore that something was glowing in one of my books."

"Your mind's playing tricks on you Miki." he pointed out. "That's why I don't want you reading fictional stories anymore… you're letting it get to you so much that you think you're seeing things that aren't there."

"Hey, don't blame the books." she stated.

"Well what else would it be?" he answered. "And don't say the stress of school. You rarely get stressed with anything." She motioned to her books, "And you can thank these for that. But seriously… go along with it for a bit, if something really was glowing in one of the books, what would you do?"

"… I'd try to figure out what was glowing." he went along with it. "There had to be a reason it lit up in the first place. Figure out why would be a good place to start." She pondered the thought as he ruffled her short black hair, her sidebangs, soon covering her brown eyes. He said, "Now can you please help me with dinner?"

"Pft…" she blew her bangs out of her face as she nodded, "S- oh crap! I’m gonna be late for my shift!" She ran up to her room as he called, “W-Wait, what?! I thought you only work on the weekends?”

“I took an extra shift this month because we need it.” she shouted from her room as she changed into more suitable clothes. “It’s only a two hour shift.” She ran out of her room and out the door as she screamed, “I’m sure you can handle the dinner without me! I’ll be back then!”


“Good evening.” Miki smiled as she approached a booth, notepad in hand and a kind smile on her face. “Welcome to the Falls. I’m Miki, and I’ll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with some drinks?” She got them down and returned to the back to prepare their drinks. She soon heard, “Miki, table five hasn’t gotten their steak yet and table seven needs their check.”

“Yes, sir. I’m on it.” she said as she grabbed the hot-of-the-oven steak with one hand and got the check as she headed over to the tables.

“Clean up at table seven.” she called as she returned to the back, grabbing the drinks and returning to the table she was recently serving. After getting done their entrees, she began heading back only to see one of her co-workers having trouble with clean-up. A plate began to descend off the table as she was able to grab it, “Whoa... take it slow, Riyu. We wouldn’t want any damages now would we?” She sighed, “Sorry, Miki.” She took the plate, placing it in her bin filled with dirty dishes. “Thanks for the save.”

“You look tired... how long have you been working?” Miki wondered as the two headed back into the kitchen. She looked at the clock, “About four hours.”

“Since school was let out? Seriously?” Miki gave her a look. “Shouldn’t you be off? That’s sounds like a lot for a part-time worker... especially on a school night.” She nodded, “I guess, but college isn’t gonna pay for itself...”

“Ah... and you’re paying for it on your own right?” she remember as Riyu nodded, “Yeah. Unfortunately... that’s why I’m really aiming for a scholarship.” Miki called, “Order up!” She pinned up her order as she helped Riyu in the back with the dishes, “Well, even if you are, you shouldn’t be overworking yourself.”

“I know... I’m getting off soon.” she stated. “Just as soon as I finish cleaning all this.”

“Oh, cool. I’m almost done with my shift too.”

“Really? You just got here like a few hours ago.” Riyu gave her a look. She shrugged, “I took over for Yuya today. I think he was home sick or something, but I saw an opportunity to make some cash and I took it.”

“I was wondering why this is the first time I’ve seen you since our first training...” she sighed. “It’s too bad we don’t have any other shifts together. It’d be nice to work with you more...”

“Right back at--”

“Order for table four!” the chef called as Miki rushed out, “Hey, wait for me after. I’ll walk home with you.” Riyu nodded as she went back to work. Only a few minutes later, she got a text. She read it, sighing, “I guess I’ll leave her a note...

[Had to go. Sorry. -Riyu]

Riyu quickly stuck the note on Miki’s locker and rushed out, trying to make it back on time.


“I’m home-”

“You’re late.” Riyu heard as she entered the house. The young adolescent teen glared at her as she sat in front of the tv, doing her nails, “Mom’s gonna be home in a few and dinner’s not ready yet. You know how cranky she gets about waiting.”

“I’ll prepare something...” she sighed. “I don’t see why you couldn’t have started on it.”

“I’m busy with other stuff. Besides, the meals is your chores.” she gave her a look. She headed into the kitchen, looking at all the ingredients she had to work with. She questioned, “Where’s Rizu?”

“He’s working the late night shift at the bar tonight.” she replied. “So... it’s just you and me until Mom gets home. As she began to mince some vegetable she sarcastically answered, “Joy...”

“Hey, I hear that sarcasm.” she called out.

“You were meant to.” Riyu replied. “What have you been doing all day? Has your been glued down there?”

“Haha...” she gave a sarcastic laugh. “What do you care anyways?” Riyu shrugged, “It’s just a question...” She sighed, “I’ve been looking for a new dress... the school formal is coming up and I’ve been asking mom for a raise on my allowance so I can get the best dress ever.”

“The formal... isn’t that still a month away?”

“Yup.” she answered. “But I gotta be ready. I have to have the most amazing dress so I’ll have boys just lined up to dance with me.”

“Quite an imagination you got.” Riyu rolled her eyes.

“It could happen!” she retorted. “And it will! I just have to look better than all the other girls going.” Riyu sighed, “Good luck with that... do you know how many girls are in our school?”

“A lot...” she pointed out. “But...” She smiled maliciously, “I’m the most popular one in it.”

“Honestly, Haruna?” she gave her a look, moving away from the now heating stove. “What good is popularity gonna do for you at a masquerade? No one will know who you are behind a mask.”

“And there’s where the problem is.” she stated. “Maybe I won’t wear a mask....” She gave up, “Honestly... sometimes i question how we’re related...”

“Ugh... don’t remind me.” Haruna groaned. “I can’t believe are mothers were sisters...” Riyu went back to her cooking as Haruna resumed doing her pedicure as she flipped through magazines.


"Miki." She heard as she took her usual seat in the school library, placing a few books on the desk. She smiled, "What's up, Mira?" He gave her a look, "Could you please knock that off? You know that's not my name..."

"But every time I see you, that name comes to mind." She giggled as he gave in, "Whatever, listen. Yuri didn't come to our meeting last night and he ditched class today. He's already behind with our plans for the storybook."

"So..." She tried to get him to the point.

"So, since I have my part time job here and Tsubasa is speaking with her father in his office, that leaves you with the job of finding him and updating him... And baking sure he knows of our next meeting this weekend."

"Urgh.... But my books..." She pouted as he motioned to the door. "They aren't gonna walk away. The sooner you talk to him, the sooner you can come back."


"Just go." He said beginning to push her to the door."I'll watch over your books okay? Just talk to him already." As they reached the door, she sighed, "Alright, fine... I'm going." She headed away as Kei sighed in relief and got back to work. Meanwhile, a thought occurred to Miki as she walked down the hallway, "Wait... I don't even know what he looks like! Mir-"

"Whoa... Is it possible? For the first time ever, Mikayla Fabella isn't spending her lunchtime in the library." She heard as she turned to the familiar boy and sighed, "Sadly..."

"What brought you out?"

"I was kinda kicked out by Mi-er, Kei." She corrected herself. "I have to talk to one of our members about our project." She then realized and lit up, "Hey! Maybe you know him, Yuto! Do you know the guy Chinen Yuri in our class?"

"Heh, typical Miki." He sighed with a shake of his head. "Who do you know in our class?" She was silent, but pouted, "so I don't take notice of people... Sue me."

"Heh, yeah I know him. He's always at the school garden in his spare time. He's kinda anti-social... Kinda like you. He's got an obsession with plants similar to you and books." He told her as she smiled, "Thanks, Yuto. That's great help..." She began walking in the direction as he followed, "I'll tag along... If you don't mind."

"Sure I guess." She shrugged. She headed down the stairs and towards the back door as Yuto tried his luck, "So... Since you're already out.... Do you think you'd get some lunch with me?"

"Yuto, you know-" she sighed.

"Yea, yea. I know. He turned away disappointed. "Just thought I'd ask." She pushed her guilt away as they looked around the garden. Yuto pointed, "That's him over there." She looked to see a boy, pulling some weeds out into a trashbag.

"Thanks." She beamed. She headed over as he waved, heading off on his own.

"Yuri? Chinen Yuri right?" Miki approached him from behind as he seemed to ignore her. She pouted and persisted, "I'm in your group for the storybook project...." Still no answer. She tried again, "You know you missed our meeting yesterday... And you ditched class today so your falling behind. We can't have that...." He just continued pulling weeds as she groaned, tapping his shoulder, "Hello?! Are you even listening--" She stopped as he turned towards her. That's when she noticed he had had earphones in his ears.

"Oh... Sorry. Were you talking to me?" He said pulling one earphone out. He looked at Miki as she said, "I'm Miki. We're in the same storybook group."
"Oh, hi. I'm Yuri." He responded cooly. She gave him a look, "You realize you haven't been helping us out, haven't you? You missed class today and our meeting yesterday."

"..." He looked confused as he turned to his watch. "Wow... Is it that late already? I could've sworn I've only been working on this flower bed for a few hours..."

"How long have you been working on it?"

"Since I got to school." He said bluntly as she gave him a look, "Wow... I hope I'm not this bad." She shook it off and told him, "Look, the storybook is a group project so we really need you to work with us."

"Right... Ill try to remember." He said as he went back to work. Before he could plug his earphones back in, she said, "We're working together after school, ok? Meet us in the library."

"Ok." He said, not losing focus on his plants. The tone of his voice didn't reassure Miki, but like him, she wanted to get back to what she loves. She gave in and headed back, hoping he would show.


"..." The young adolescent quietly made her way through the halls, books in hand and her messenger bag slung aross her shoulder as she rushed to class after lunch. She thought to herself, "Why does this always happen to me..." She hurried and finally reached her class. "... I can't... I hate this... This feeling is the worse." She opened the door as everyone in the class turned to look at her, a few had smirks on their faces, others were holding in some laughs. Her teacher called, "Ms. Cornix, you realize class started ten minutes ago, do you not?"

"Yes, sir." She said softly.

"That's the fifth time this month you've come late to my class." He told her. "Detention after school. Please take your seat." She headed to her seat in the back as she heard some people coughing under their breath, "Loser." "Heh. Nice look." " to be her..." She took her seat, doing her best to ignore their horrid comments. She sighed, looking down at the vandalized gym clothes, scribbled with paint saying loser, freak, stupid.

"... Why the hell do I get picked on... I've never done anything wrong..." She thought to herself. "Just don't let them get to you, Sambrie... If you don't react, then they'll eventually leave you alone." She took a glance out the window, "If only I could speak up for myself...."


“And then we can have our character go-- Miki!” Kei shouted as she looked up from her book. “What?” He grabbed the book from her hand, “No distraction! Geez... why did we have to have the one person who actually likes libraries in our group?” Tsubasa shrugged, “Bad luck?” Miki pouted, “It’s a good book...”

“That you’ve probably read about a hundred times...” he scolded her. He looked at the book sighing, ‘Seriously? You were reading ‘The Little Mermaid’ all last week!”

“And I’ll keep reading it as much as I want.” she grabbed the book back.

“Well read it later. We have a project to focus on.” Kei stated as he looked, “And it looks like Yuri decided to ditch again.”

“He probably lost track of time... he’s as addicted to plants as I am to books.” she beamed as he headed over to the window. She pointed, “Yup. There he is.”

“We should probably go get him.” Tsubasa said as Kei sighed, “No. He’s not coming on his own initiative. He won’t come to us, we’ll bring the project to him.” They all grabbed their bags as Miki pouted, “Awww... but the library...”

“Miki.” Kei glared at her as she gave in, “Fine... I’m coming...” They headed out as they soon approached the boy working on the flowerbed as Kei said, "Yuri. We're gonna have out project meeting here." He didn’t respond as Miki pointed, "Earphones."

"Yuri." Tsubasa tapped his shoulder as he turned to look at them. He pulled out his earphone and realized, "Oh, the team meeting."

"Yea. Well have it here, as long as you don't get distracted." Kei said as he took off his gardening gloves. "Sure. There's some tables over there we can work at."

"Alright, let's get this over with." Miki said. She hurried off as Yuri questioned, "What's got her so energized?"

"She wants to get down with them meeting already so she can get back to the library to read her b--" before Kei could finish, Yuri rushed off after her, "Come on. The sooner I get back to the flowers, the better!"

"... They're like twins..." Tsubasa stared at them as she and Kei slowly walked behind. He nodded, "Yea... Not only one, but we got two obsessive people in our group... How will we survive?"

"Well, she may be obsessive, but Miki is still the third ranking student at our school." Tsubasa pointed out. He shrugged, "That's a good point... But Yuri isn't."

"Doesn't mean he won't work.. especially with the right motavation." She stated optimistically as the heard both Miki and Yuri calling, " Hurry up you two!!!" They headed over as Kei sighed, “I think everyone does... whether its books, flowers, or being with friends. That motivation is what gets them through the day.”

“... Being with friends? Is that your motivation?” she wondered as he smiled, “I guess yeah. After school, I usually go out with them. I’m hoping to catch up with them later... it’s my little relief from the trouble school is for me.”

“I see...” She thought as they soon caught up with the two and began discussing their project.


"..." Miki sat on her room floor that evening, piles of books surrounding her, but her focus was on the one open in front of her. The Little Mermaid. She flipped through the pages as she stared at one, "I know this was the page..." She did her best to remember that glow she saw coming from the book just a few days ago. She had the urge to figure out what it was.

"... Hmm..." She scanned the page, over and over again, "...[And as she waited for the day when she too would be allowed to reach the surface of the sea and meet the unknown world, Sirenetta spent her time in her wonderful sea garden. The seahorses kept her company, and sometimes a dolphin would come and play]..." She scratched her head in annoyance, "Man... What's so important about that..."

"Miki! Dinner!" She heard Blake call. She shouted back, "In a minute!" She looked back at the book as then noticed something near the book number. "Wha..."


"Hang on!"

"I swear if you are in your books again..."

"Just wait!" She took a closer glance noticing the familiar symbol that appeared on some fairytale books. "It's here again..." She flipped through the pages, holding a finger in place of that page, and stopped where a larger version of the symbol was.

"Man... What does it mean..." She groaned as Blake knocked on her door, "Miki! If you're not gonna make dinner then you might as well come down when it's done! It's gonna get cold!" She groaned, marking the pages with sticky notes as she got up an opened the door, "Okay, I'm coming..." He headed back down as she took a glance at her piles of books as one thought stuck in her mind, "... There's so much more... To these fairytales than what is told..."


“And that’s the process of mitosis.” Tsubasa sighed as her private tutor explained.

“Tsubasa.” she heard her father familiar, stern voice as she turned towards the doorway of their living room. “One moment please.” She got up and headed over as he asked, “How’s that group project working out?”

“We’re getting somewhere--”

“As in you haven’t started yet.”

“We’ve gotten to the brainstorm of the story idea.” she explained as he scolded. “You should already be starting on the actual book by now. You’re lagging behind.”

“But Papa-”

“No buts. I expect more from you.” he told her.

“... I’ll work harder.” she sighed as he nodded. “Good. I’ll see if I can talk to Mr. Warren about your teammates’ work ethics.” He left as she groaned, heading back to gather her stuff. Her tutor said goodbye, seeing his session was done, and took off as she headed back into her room. She placed all her stuff on her desk as she stared at the window right next to her, thinking, “... Miki... Kei... Yuri. They all have something outside of studying... Books, flowers, friends.... but me... what do I have? Studying, school... it’s my life. Outside of that... i- I have nothing...” She glanced at the stars in the sky, “If only... I could have something to motivate me... just like they do."
"Something... that will push me or even relieve me off this schoolwork....” She pleaded in her mind, “Anything... I want to have a life like them... outside of the school walls. I want to be someone.. other than the principal’s daughter or the number one student....Anything.”

And here's chapter 2~! Three more girls have been introduced here :D Congradulations! Also, I'm still trying to figure out if I can work in all the JUMP member so, I'll keep the application open just a lil longer.. Until thanksgiving I guess. Nov. 22.

My laptop charger seemed to have died on me when I wanted to post this up on Tuesday. Luckily for all my amazing reader, i'm home for the weekend and I got to post~ :D

Hehe, hope you all enjoyed the chapter and please, comment on thought, reccomendations, or any improvements you think of.
I love hearing from you all! ^^

Always with Love,

Nikki <3

© NikkiKaori Storyline

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