This is Reality

Fairytale Misery
[As the sun rose over the horizon, it cast a long golden ray of light across the sea, and in the chilly water, Sirenetta turned towards it for the last time. Suddenly, as though by magic, a mysterious force drew her out of the water, and she felt herself lifted high into the sky...]

"Hey, Miki." she heard, pulling her head out of the book in her hand. The tall, shaggy black haired boy beamed brightly at her, "About time… I've been calling you for the last five minutes." The two sat in the school library, sitting at one of the desk. Miki had multiple piles of books surrounding her at the table, making it barely able to see the boy across the table. She smiled, "Sorry, you know how I am with my books." He looked at the spine of her book, "The Little Mermaid? Why are you reading that?"

"I like the story." she smiled.

"Why not just watch the movie?"

"Because the movie was made to adjust it to an appealing plot. I want the original story." she pointed out. He sighed, "Seriously, one day, your face is gonna be glued to the book and you will hate it." She scoffed with a small laugh, "Well of course. How can i read it if it's stuck to my face?" He laughed, "Not exactly the reaction most people would have…"

"Well I'm not most people..." she sighed. "So, did you need something?" He smiled, "I can't just have a nice conversation with you without having to need something?"

"Well, you have definitely chosen a bad time for wanting a conversation." she motioned to all her books. He sighed, "Ok, you caught me. I'll get right to the point then. I wanted to ask you to have lunch with me."

"Sorry. No food in the library." she said immediately. He gave her a look, "I meant outside of the library. You're always in here every lunch period and into half of last period." She shrugged, "It's my favorite place in the world."

"Well, for today, how about you get out of it?" he wondered as she twirled her dark black hair, small streaks of brown highlights, mixing with it. She answered, "Sorry, Yuto. I really want to finish this."

"The books aren't going anywhere, Miki."

"I know…it's just…" she explained. "This is the only time I have to go over these. I'm always busy with other--" He got up, interrupting her, "Forget it. Go ahead and get back to your book." He stormed out as she watched and soon turned back to her book.


'Three times now….' she thought as she filled her bag with multiple fairytale novels. The school bell had rung ten minutes ago and she was late. However, she was in no rush. She casually walked through the halls as she sighed, thinking, "That was the third time… this month I've turned him down… when will he get the picture?"

"… It's not like I have anything against him…" she said quietly to herself as she headed out the school door and towards her car in the parking lot. "He's a nice guy… but… I'm not looking for a relationship right now…" She got into her car, driving off, ditching her last class of the day. She thought, "There's too much I need to figure out… he's the least of my concerns." An image came to mind as she took a glance at the little mermaid book resting on the passenger seat with other books. She sighed turning back to the road, "I have to figure this out…"


"MIKAYLA!" she heard a loud scream as she sat in her living room, head hanging over the edge of the couch as she read her book. She moved it out of her book as she saw a, upside-down tall, slightly-muscular man angrily glaring at her at the door way. She looked back at her book, "Hey, Blake."

"Don't 'hey, blake' me! What the hell is this?!" he stormed over, pulling the book out of her hands and showing her a letter. She groaned and turned over so she was now sitting on the couch. She grab the letter, "… a letter from the principal?"

"He says you've been ditching classes too repeatedly!" Blake shouted. "This is the tenth time we got a warning, Miki. He's not gonna take it easier on us anymore. This is the final warning or you will be expelled!"

"No I won't. They're bluffing." She said reaching for the book in his hand, but he pulled it away. He scolded, "Pull yourself together Miki! You can't keep thinking you're so secure just because you're one of their top students! With your ditching reputation, it's overpowering your school status!"

"It is not. They don't want to lose any top students! We're the reason the schools getting so much more funding." she pointed out, soon grabbing the book out of his hand. "I know what I have to do, Blake. I'm the third highest ranking student at school, I have a steady, ok paying job, and I do most of the chores around the house. The least you can do it let me spend my spare time the way I want to." He sighed, "Alright… go ahead and read your book…" She smiled soon sitting back down as he called, "But Miki…" She looked at him as he pleaded, "Please don't get confused between fiction and reality."

"I know the difference-"

"You've always been a unique, imaginative kid… but you're growing up." he pointed out. "Maybe it's time… to move on from fairytales."

"I'll move on when I'm ready to moved on…" she said strongly. "This is my little enjoyment with my packed life-"

"But it's not just enjoyment to you." he observed, sitting with her. "You analyze these fairytales as if its your job. All they are are tales, stories… nothing more. So why are you looking so in-depth to them?"

"Because it what I like to do Blake." she answered confidently. "Everyone has their interest. Mine is analyzing the Grimm Tales." He sighed, getting up, "Alright… I'll get started on dinner. Do you have a request?"

"Anything is fine." she said without looking away from the book. He gave a look, but headed into the kitchen as he began making dinner. Miki however, took out her cell phone as a familiar looking symbol appeared in the book. "Here it is again…" She stared at it, taking a picture of it on her phone as she thought, "What does it mean…"


"Ms. Fabella." Miki heard as she looked up, away from her book. Her math teacher stared her down, "Are you reading in my class again?"

"… yes." she said softly as he held out his hand. She handed him the book as he took it, "Please answer the question on the board." She took a glance at it, "It's x^2+32x-8." He nodded, "Good. Now would someone else like to explain how she got that answer?" The class remained silent as the bell soon rang. Everyone began packing up as he said, "We will be having a group project for the remaining of the semester for both math and english. Ms. Smith and I decided that it would be an interesting way to get your creative minds to work as well as learn math in a fun way.The objective of the project is to explain a math concept through an original storybook, with pictures. Before you all leave, be sure to take a look at the group list and exchange contact information with your group members. Your math concept will be written with your group. It's due by the end of the month so get started." He taped up the paper on his board as everyone began crowding it. However, Miki went over to him, "Mr. Warren, may I have my book back now?" He handed it back to her, "I don't want to see you reading in here anymore, Mikayla."

"I'll try not to get caught next time." she teased as he gave her a serious look. "Just kidding." She began heading out as he said, "Ms. Fabella. You might want to see your math concept and your group members." She smiled, "My group members will find me, and let me know." He decided not to bother as she headed out, only to run into a familiar figure.

"Oh… sorry, Yuto." she said. He gave her a small smile, but it quickly faded. "It's fine…" There was an awkward silence as he scratched the back of his head in nervousness, "So… who's in your group for your math and english project?"

"Dunno yet." she shrugged. "I'm kinda waiting for my group to find me… sorry, but I gotta go-"

"Heading to the library again?" he sighed as she smiled, "Haha, you so know me. I'll see you around." She ran off, ready to look into more books. She prepared large piles around her once again and began reading through some as she heard someone clear their throat, "Uh-hum." She looked up to see a petite young girl, around her age, carrying a large bag filled with textbooks and notebooks. She said, "You're Mikayla right? Mikayla Fabella? Your friend Yuto said you'd be here."

"Sure am. Call me Miki." she said. "And you?" She gave her a look, her dark brown eyebrows furrowed over her light brown eyes, "You… don't know who I am?" Miki looked her up and down. Her school uniform seemed perfectly clean and crisp for being worn all day at school. It was too plain, with no added accessories to differentiate her from others, or even to show her taste of clothing style. She shrugged, "Should I know you?"

"…" she was quiet but introduced herself, "I'm Tsubasa. Tsubasa Marin." Miki smiled, "Oh, I see… as in Prinicipal Marin's daughter." She nodded as Miki said, "So… who else is in our group?"

"Um…" she took out a paper and said, "There is Kei Inoo and… Yuri Chinen, do you know them? I couldn't find them after class."

"Don't think so..." she thought. "But we'll find out eventually. What's our math concept?"

"We have slopes." she said taking a seat in front of her.

"Awesome. Easy enough." Miki smiled. "So let's plan out a day to meet. Any day works for me as long as its after 5. I have work right after school until then." Tsubasa thought, "Okay. We should probably find out Kei and Yuri schedule first.."

"… hmmm… Kei-- oh! Mira!"

"What?" Tsubasa gave her a questioning look. She smiled, "I call Kei, Mira… He has shifts here in the library." She took a glance around as Tsubasa asked, "You…. call him Mira? Why?"

"Because when I met him, he was wearing a name tag with the name Mira on it." she laughed. "I guess his cousin stole his name tag and gave him hers. Since then, I call him Mira everytime I see him…. Mira!" She waved as Tsubasa turned to see a guy with short shaggy hair groan as he stopped pushing a cart full of books. His school uniform was a bit wrinkled and his blazer hung over his shoulder as he groaned, "Seriously? The name's Kei. Quit calling me that."

"Hey, first impressions mean everything. And I met you as Mira, so Mira you will be." she smiled. He sighed, "Whatever… I hear we're in the same group." She nodded, "Yup. This is Tsubasa… she's in our group too."

"I know who she is." he said. "Everyone does, Miki."

"Really? I didn't." she answered.

"Well, that's because you're always in the books rather than reality. You barely know anyone in the class." he pointed out. She pondered it, "That's… wow. That's actually really true." He nodded, "Yeah. Which is probably why you wouldn't happen to know who Yuri is."

"No clue." she smiled. Kei rolled his eyes, "Luckily, I do. I've seen him around the school garden alot. Guess he's got a bit of a green thumb. I think he's apart of the Gardening club." Tsubasa said, "Okay. We're all gonna meet by Mr. Warren's after school to discuss our schedule so can you tell him to meet us there?"

"I guess…" he shrugged. He went back to work as Miki headed back towards her books, "See ya then." Tsubasa waved back, but headed off.


"Tsubasa. Where have you been?" she heard as she entered the principal's office half an hour after school was let out. "You were suppose to be here half an hour ago." She answered, "Sorry, Papa… I had to meet--"

"Meet with who?!" he shouted at her. "You know you're suppose to be focusing on your studies!"

"It's for class, Papa." she said softly. "It's a group assignment." He sighed, "… alright… don't let those other students bring you down, understand?"

"They won't…" she answered.

"Good. Take the limo and get home already so you can do your assignments." he ordered as she spoke up, "Papa… we'll be having a meeting tonight. At Miki-- Mikayla's house… for our project."

"Mikayla… Fabella?" he remembered as she nodded. "Good kid… if she wasn't always in those fairytale books, she might be able to get to that second place status. Go on… make sure to whip them into shape. Show them why you're the top student."

"I will…" she said as she headed out, soon getting into the limo with her chauffer. She sighed staring out the window, where students were walking home together smiling and laughing, jealously thinking, "… i wish… there could be more to my life… than just school…"


"Wha--" Miki saw something out of the corner of her eyes as she drove. A loud honk knocked her back into her senses as she stepped on the gas, seeing that the light was now green. As she drove she looked to her passenger seat again for a moment as she saw the symbol that had so greatly interested her, slowly dim away.

"Was that… just glowing…" she stared, freaked out, parking on the side. She grabbed the book, seeing that the symbol was now normal. She sighed closing it and looking at the title.

“The Little Mermaid...” she read. “... what is up with this story...”


And here's the first chapter :D haha sorry about it being short, but unfortunately I haven't chosen all of the girls just yet. Only one is revealed here, but I have two that I will for sure have in the story. I'm still thinking about the others ones.

Application is still open so if you can spread the word that would be great. I'll extend the deadline to Nov. 12. Please do comment and let me know what you think of the story ^^ Thanks all!

Always with Love,

Nikki <3

© NikkiKaori Storyline

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