You Had Me At Hello.

An empty book waiting to be filled.


Coupling: Kaistal. Side Kyungsoo.

Prompt: You had me at hello.

Genre: Fluff.


Soojung remembers the first time they met and according to Kyungsoo, it was fate. Except it wasn’t fate because Kyungsoo actually forced her into meeting his so-called friend. He was pestering her for the last few days before she eventually gave in to the fish-eyed housemate. Nevertheless, she trotted along with a light heart to the elder’s idea and propped herself with the anything she could find in the old wooden box she called her cupboard.

“You’re going to love him,” Kyungsoo giggled, a little too fangirl-ishly, “He’s oozing with charisma, he’s rich, charming and very good looking.”

“Then why don’t you date him?” she scowled at him as she held various pieces of clothing in front of her and peered into the mirror, “He sounds like your kind of guy.”

Kyungsoo’s giggles ends abruptly and glared at her, “Although I like cooking, gardening and sad Korean drama, it does not mean that I am gay.”

“No it doesn’t,” she threw the blue shirt in his face and smirked, “But crushing on my date does.”

She settled for a white shirt and crimson red jeans that her mother bought her a few months ago that had a childish sign that read I hate boys, in an attempt to scare the male species away. Kyungsoo eyebrows went akimbo for a while and his eyes widened by a few millimetres. She ignored him.

“If he doesn’t like me then maybe you’ll have a chance,” she snickered as she darted out the door, leaving Kyungsoo agape and a little bit embarrassed.

It was so typical of Kyungsoo to pick a posh uptown restaurant with a price tag more than she could afford. The interior was just breath taking. Not to mention the mood lighting, jazz singer complete with a piano, golden gleaming chandelier as well as hot waiters with black bow ties. She instantly regretted her choice of attire as soon as she saw the other diner’s heads turn in her direction. She was so not prepared for this.

She wasn’t prepared for who she was about to meet either. She assumed it was going to be a short male, probably nerdy and maybe liked studying than girls, judging from the friends Kyungsoo already had. It wouldn’t have crossed her mind that probably the tall, tanned guy in clad white buttoned up shirt and black faded jeans was her date.

As she began to gulp down the drink, the said male walked over to her table, smiling at her before settling himself comfortably. Soojung forced the transparent substance into as she covered the rest with a few coughs.

“Hello, Soojung is it?” he held out his hands, “Jongin. Kim Jongin.”

She could only force a nod, ignoring his hand and forcing what seemed to be another litre of water down her now dry throat. Well, what was she supposed to do when an out of this world, hot smoking guy was sitting, maybe contemplating, in front of her. There was a reason why Soojung was forever single and probably will be after this date.

It isn’t even half an hour later when both of them are sitting across from each other in silence. They had both gotten over the greetings and general questions to be asked and were too busy in their own thoughts about what to ask.

“So…” both of them ask in unanimity and fall into small shy laughs.

“You first,” Jongin kindly flashed a wan smile and waited for her to respond.

“No, no,” Soojung gestured and shook her head, “By all means, you first.” It wasn’t because she was being kind. One glance at his crinkling eye smile was all it took to lose all her sanity.

“Soojung, are you ok?” he asked once he saw that she wasn’t moving and every hole available was wide open. She was snapped back to reality once the waiter came over to present their dinner. She had dreaded dinner.

The thing with Soojung was that she was terribly and utterly clumsy. She didn’t mean to be (I mean, who actually wants to be clumsy?) but all her life she had seemed to have butterfingers. Tonight was no exception when she reached out for her juice. It was safe to say that the juice didn’t end up in her stomach. Instead it ended up on Jongin’s clean white shirt while Soojung wished the ground would just swallow her and leave no trace.

The date ended a grueling hour later when both of them finished their dinner. Actually, it was when Jongin finished his dinner and when Soojung had finished playing around with hers. Out of manners, she let Jongin take the orders. But she regretted it immediately when a white and pale fish came with cucumbers at the side. For one thing Soojung hated cucumber. The other would be that the fish reminded her of Kyungsoo and as she nibbled the fish out of politeness (once again), she could sense the fish’s eyes moving like it was observing her.

“Damn you Kyungsoo,” she hissed when the doors flew open and an eager looking fish holding his pillows closely appeared.

“So,” he skipped around her playfully and took her handbag, “How was he? Tell me everything? He’s good looking right?”

“Your stupid relative ruined everything,” Soojung moaned while the latter formed his infamous dazed look.

To be honest it wasn’t Kyungsoo’s fault and Soojung knew it. She just wanted someone to be the scapegoat for her ability, or in this case lack of ability, to be able to converse properly on dates.

“I don’t seem to follow,” Kyungsoo tilted his head to her direction. He grabbed the ice cream off her hands and does his best threatening look.

“I at dates. Please don’t embarrass me anymore,” she let another series of groans before viciously taking back her precious ice cream, “Now leave me alone to wither away alone peacefully.”

The second time she met him was actually fate, maybe not fate, but close to it. She started to wonder if it was actually Kyungsoo scheme but then realized that her half dim witted friend was too inept to be coming up with an idea like this.

He passed by her absent mindedly through the long crowded corridor and Soojung is a little upset. But then again, who would greet a failed date? She too walks by him casually without even a second glance towards him. By casually she meant holding her breath and speed walking to stop her from making a fool out of herself.

She made a fool out of herself anyway when she tried to avoid the wet floor sign and walked to the puddle of water that the sign was meant for. The next thing she saw while lying down on the wet floor was his worried face and trails of giggles from onlookers. She gave a few blinks before scrambling to her feet and accidentally bumping into him.

“Ow,” he rubbed his nose and laughed, “Fancy meeting you again Soojung.”

She could only force a small smile and nervously scratched her nape. He offered his hands and she kindly took it. He then proceeded to explain that he too was enrolling at the same university.

Soojung cursed Kyungsoo under her breath as she realized that she was probably going to see Jongin for the next few years until she finished her studies and will be reminded of the awkward-est date ever.

The awkwardness became more apparent when she decided to excuse herself in fear of making things more awkward by saying, “Jongin, it’s nice to see you again. I need to go. So, goodbye.”

Soojung should’ve facepalmed herself when she had the chance. She knew she should’ve offered to give a tour of the campus or even took up the courage to ask for coffee. But being socially disabled as she currently was, she jogged away within seconds.

The next time she meets him was out of pure coincidence, Kyungsoo insisted. This time she doesn’t notice him but he notices her. She was in between the cherry Primrose and plum Jasmines when he sends her a wave. She, once again, cursed Kyungsoo between her pasty pearls as he walked over to her.

“We meet again Soojung,” he flashed his best smile, hoping that she wouldn’t run away again this time, “You like gardening?”

“Yes…I mean, no,” she stuttered once more, “Kyungsoo sent me on an errand. He has this weird obsession with plants.”

The smile from his face turned into an awkward one as he said, “I share the same obsession too I guess.” She should’ve guessed, he was after all one of Kyungsoo’s friend.

Soojung’s voice got caught in and chooses to stay silent for next few minutes while Jongin calmly explained about the flowers. She finds out that he is actually studying plant biology just like Kyungsoo. What a revelation. She wonders what could be so exciting about a bunch of green stuff but smiles instead.

At the end of the gardening and planting lecture, he bids goodbye and for the first time Soojung actually feels sad that he’s gone. Yet again she curses Kyungsoo for introducing her to such a perfect being.

The next day she puckers up the courage to ask Kyungsoo about Jongin. She casually slides his name in between the conversations and casually asks about him.

“This is a funny thought,” she awkwardly giggles as she presented him with an organic carrot and beetroot drink while settling herself for a strawberry and vanilla ice cream, “Has Jongin mentioned me at all?”

“Jongin?” Kyungsoo slanted his head to match hers, “Not that I can remember.”

Her shoulders fell into one of disappointment as she dropped the rest of the icy substance into , “Figures.”

“He doesn’t talk much,” Kyungsoo peered over her shoulders and sensed the frustration, “Unless it’s about plants. Why do you ask?”

Soojung waltzed her way into her bedroom before Kyungsoo could clog up her brain with his questions and buried herself underneath her soft feather pillow to wallow in self pity.

She was disheartened at the fact that Jongin likes plants more than her but even more miserable when Jongin hasn’t even had an ounce of thought about her. Who was she kidding? She wasn’t as pretty and alluring as flowers and neither was she thin and planet friendly like plants. It was a preposterous idea to even think she had a chance with him.

It was the ending of the semester when she once again met him. She avoided him throughout the semester and Kyungsoo was far too busy with end of year assignments and final exams to be playing matchmaker anymore. Final exams were never kind.

She too had given up hope on this happy ever after and indulged herself in some late night sad Korean dramas to fulfill the nights that was meant to be filled with dates. Yes dates, if she was magically not all thumbs.

At the end of the semester she finds it quite hard to separate with her one and only housemate. Although Kyungsoo was inevitably annoying in the many ways possible, she could not but help be saddened by the bittersweet goodbye even if it was only for a few measly months. She lugged her boxes on top of one another and marked them with green to distinguish them from Kyungsoo’s. That was when he appeared at the square of the door with a few bits and bobs.

“Why are you holding a pillow in front of the door?” she bluntly asked him when he waits for her to greet him in.

“I’m bringing my things in,” he too answered her frankly and drops his bags in front of her, “Didn’t Kyungsoo tell you of this arrangement?”

“What sort of arrangement?” she narrowed her eyes at the timid looking boy trying to failingly hide himself under the kitchen counter, “Do Kyungsoo, kindly explain.”

“I am here with bags. Is there anymore to explain?” Jongin takes a step forward to face her straight into the face, except that she was a few inches shorter and he takes the courtesy to bend his knees to stare at her eye to eye. 

“I can’t be living with two guys,” Soojung shook her head in incredulity and threw death glares at Kyungsoo, “It’s enough having this freaking infuriating gay genius running around telling me to be green friendly all the time. I really don’t want to be adding palm sweating and awkward clumsiness to the list of things I will be doing in my own comfort zone.”

“I’m not gay,” Kyungsoo firmly says but it comes out as a small squeak, “And why would you be sweating?” Kyungsoo was unbelievably oblivious.

Soojung’s cheeks bloomed a shade of red as she began to lower her head and mumbled inaudibly about how embarrassing Kyungsoo was. Jongin could only chuckle with amusement.

“So I make your palms sweat?” Jongin smirks and she could see that he was enjoying this, “And you’re clumsy around me?” Their proximity made Soojung hold her breath even further.

“Stop over analyzing my words,” she stutters and she can feel those sweaty palms right then, “You’re changing the topic.”

“Since when?”

She stifles a shy smile and began to lower her head, counting the nonexistent ants whilst mumbling diffidently, “You had me at hello.”


Everyone and everybody should know this line. It is the best love line ever. And sorry if this was sappy and ew. I am thankful anyone is reading it actually. I haven't been able to proofread this so there may be a ton of grammar mistakes. My apologies. 

LuYoon will be next but it will be a long time before I can post it since my dad hasn't been so well. Please pray that my dad gets better quickly ok? Thanks readers and have a wonderful day/night/evening/afternoon depending on where you are. 

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Chapter 13: You make me cry huhuu why he need to die why waeeee
more krissica and kaistal pls >_<
i lurb them and i lurb ur writing style~ xD
Chapter 13: Luyoon more more more!!!!!!!!!
Iamjonas #4
More KaiStal, Baekstal, TaeStal, MinStal, KrisStal, KyungStal and SeStal please.
Chapter 13: More LuYoon plzzz
More Baekstal, Chanstal, and Kyungstal please :3 Maybe you could write Kristal, Chenstal, and/or Luna/Chen for a change :))
jaysica pleeaseee!^^
Chapter 16: how did i even miss this out ......... orz.
Chapter 16: awwwhhhh, the trio are so sweeet xD I wish I have friends as thoseee :)