Chapter 2 - Hunted

A World Awakened

Chapter 2

“He what?” Donghae whispered in horror eyes wide as he searched the others golden eyes, the crimson glimmering eerily.

“He brought you here to kill me.” Eunhyuk scoffed, dropping his arm he rolled his head to glance back at Leeteuk. “Didn’t you.”

His voice was cold and demanding, eyes full of knowing contempt. Wincing slightly Leeteuk’s eyes looked at him shamefully.

“Eunhyuk, I-, Just listen for a moment.”

Laughing contemptuously, Eunhyuk scoffed. Turning from him he began to walk off voice cold and hard. “Go rot in hell.”

“Eunhyuk wait.” Leeteuk begged reaching for him.

Snarling Eunhyuk cast the arm from him, fangs drawn dangerously. Whimpering Donghae shrunk from the immense power rippling from him.

“Don’t ever touch me.” He warned dangerously, “Or I will rip that arm from your body.”

“Eunhyuk listen.” Leeteuk pleaded.

“You have nothing I want to hear.” Eunhyuk growled ears tapering as his jaw began to elongate.

“Eunhyuk calm down.” Leeteuk warned.

Smirking Eunhyuk inhaled, features returning to normal except for his amber eyes, which glowed uncannily. “Don’t worry Jungsu.” He scoffed coldly. “You and your little games aren’t enough to make me change.”

“That’s not-”

“You aren’t that important.” Eunhyuk snarled.

“What are you?” Donghae whispered.

Turning Eunhyuk looked at him callously. “Don’t worry, Keeper,” he snarled the name. “You won’t have time to find out.”

“What do you mean by that?” Leeteuk demanded eyes narrowing darkly as he stepped in front of Donghae protectively.

“Exactly what I said.” Eunhyuk glared darkly, turning on his heel he sauntered away.

“Eunhyuk!” Jungsu called angrily. “Eunhyuk! LEE HYUKJAE!”

Ignoring them Eunhyuk continued to walk away, head high and walk unhurried.

“Lee hyukjae I command you to turn around.” Leeteuk demanded angrily.

Stopping momentarily the other slowly looked at them over his shoulder, eyes shining ruby once more. Lip curling over dangerous fangs his eyes slid over them coldly. “You have no right to command me.” He rumbled low.

Drawing himself up Leeteuk looked at him squarely. “I am your caretaker.”

“Only due to a murderer’s guilt.” He growled.

Eyes widening momentarily Leeteuk’s façade briefly shook before his face became emotionless. “That’s not-”

“Command me again,” Eunhyuk warned lowly. “And I’ll see to it you never give another command in your life.” Scarlet eyes held the others momentarily before he slid around the corner and out of sight.

Exhaling slowly Donghae realized he’d been holding his breath for the encounter. Inhaling shakily he looked up at the man beside him, curious eyes looking at the man’s troubled features, silver eyes trained where the other had disappeared.

“Sir.” Donghae interrupted uncertainly. Jumping slightly Leeteuk turned to look at him, eyes not quite seeing him. “Sir,” Donghae tried again.

“Yes?” Leeteuk asked after a moment’s pause.

“What was he talking about?”

Inhaling softly Leeteuk shook his head, “We can discuss it later.”

“No.” Donghae responded voice oddly even as he looked at the older man. “I want to discuss it now.”

Shocked the man looked at him for a moment. Taking in the other’s unreadable chocolate eyes and set features he nodded slowly. “I suppose you have a right to know.” Looking down at the papers in his hand he looked back at the office, watching a quick head bob back behind the blinds suspiciously. “Just not here, wait a moment.”

Stepping around Donghae he twisted the knob, leaning into the office. “Eunjae?” he called, waiting for a response.

“I’ll be stepping out for the afternoon. I’ll have my phone on me, if you need to get ahold of me you know what number to call.” Nodding the woman assured him before he withdrew. Turning he looked at Donghae curiously before he took the other by the elbow. “Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?” Donghae asked worriedly, suspicion lacing his voice.

“Somewhere we can talk privately.” Leeteuk replied calmly.


Nervously Donghae shifted in his seat, watching the trees flit by as Leeteuk sped about the bend, shifting the gears automatically.

“Um, Mr. Lee.” he hesitated uncertainly.

“We are almost there.” Leeteuk responded, glancing at the nervous teen from the corner of his eye.

“Can’t we get there a little slower?” Donghae all but pleaded.

“Scared?” Leeteuk laughed, continuing on his reckless speed.

“Just prefer not to die.” Donghae squeaked, hands gripping the edge of his seat nervously.

“Don’t worry.” Leeteuk laughed oddly. “A simple crash won’t kill you.”

“Cause a crash is so simple.” He mumbled darkly.

“For you,” Leeteuk laughed. “Now it is.”

Smoothly drifting around a corner Leeteuk’s speed dropped as he smoothly slid into a small gravel parking lot, cutting the engine as he leaned back sighing unperceptively.

Slowly releasing the seat Donghae exhaled, eyes roving over the dense woods, the calm chatter of the forest meeting his deft ears.

“Where are we?” he asked curiously.

“Come on.” Leeteuk responded, opening the door as he stepped out, heeled shoe crunching the gravel beneath.

“Well that was an answer.” Donghae mumbled irritably, reaching over to unbuckle his seat belt. Opening the door he immediately felt the wilderness wash over him mingling with the magic and unknown. Breathing uncertainly he looked at Leeteuk, the others face lifted to the sun as he greedily drank in the energy.

Slowly he opened his eyes, grinning at the stunned boy. “Welcome to our nirvana.” He intoned.

“Nirvana?” Donghae whispered.

“Yes,” he replied, smiling he sauntered towards the woods. “Follow me.”

Quickly following, Donghae marveled at the little nymphs that glimpsed at him before dodging behind the tees their laughter tickling his ears. Stumbling over a log he quickly clambered over to try and keep time with the other.

“Where are we going exactly?” he insisted as Leeteuk nimbly passed under a branch, laughing when it caught Donghae in the face.

“To see an old friend.” He stated simply, pulling the branch from his face.

“I thought we were going to talk.” Donghae asked uncertainly, wiping the dew from his face.

“We will.” Leeteuk responded simply, turning to continue his journey.

Sighing in frustration Donghae followed him until the entered a large clearing, a small hut centered in the center. Slowly a tendril of smoke curled from the small chimney, spiraling above the small thatched roof. Slipping down the small slope Leeteuk headed towards the hut as Donghae hung back uncertainly, eyes scanning the clearing. Looking back Leeteuk looked at the other uncertainly over his shoulder.


“Something’s not right.” Donghae whispered softly, the empty clearing causing chills down his spine.

“What do you mean? Leeteuk asked, pausing in his descent.

“We need to leave. Donghae whispered, cold seeping through his body.

“What’s wrong Donghae?” Leeteuk demanded, cautiously walking back to the boy.

Looking around Donghae began to feel overwhelmed, the laughter from earlier turning into worried mumbles, soft voices carried on the wind. Edging back Donghae felt his vision begin to cloud, the noises slamming his senses. Sniffing softly he felt the fear of the forest.

“Donghae?” Leeteuk’s voice asked worriedly.

“We shouldn’t be here.” Donghae intoned worriedly, stumbling back while he tried to escape the voices.

“What are you saying?” Leeteuk demanded worriedly, his ears tapering to let his senses take control.

“We aren’t welcome.” Donghae whispered, listening to the voices he felt his eyes cloud over.

“Donghae!” Leeteuk called fear gripping him as the boy began to shift. Clutching the boy’s shoulders he searched his milky eyes. “Donghae! Listen to me.”

“We shouldn’t be here.” Came his distant reply.

“Donghae!” Leeteuk exclaimed worriedly, shaking the boys shoulder to try and reach him. “Get ahold of yourself. Donghae!”

Fighting the fog that seemed to envelope his mind Donghae struggled through the voices, searching for the face before him. Twitching his ears picked up the other’s cries, filtering their meaning as he swam back to consciousness.

“Donghae!” Leeteuk exclaimed, eyes searching the boys opaque gaze as he watched him slowly turn, the hardened muscles relaxing as he shifted back to his more human form. “Donghae, what are-“

“Run.” Came the simple response as he slowly blinked, eyes regaining the dark fathomless depth from before.

“Say again?” Leeteuk asked in confusion, dropping his arms to stare at the other.

Blinking Donghae tried to regain his senses, one cry from the forest driving him. “Run.”


“Now!” Donghae exclaimed, turning on his heel to run as he sped back the way they had come. Rupturing the sound of splintering wood echoed through the clearing as the small hut exploded. Snarling a large beast burst from within its dangerous claws glinting in the light.

Watching in terror Leeteuk saw the large form barrel towards him before he spun on his heel and followed the other, morphing as he ran.

“You can’t run,” came the bellowing voice. “Your flesh is mine Kitusne!”

“Donghae!” Leeteuk called, drawing even with the other, “Donghae!”

Glancing to the side Donghae felt his heart skip when he saw the half morphed being beside him.

“Get to the car and drive!” Leeteuk instructed, throwing him the keys, “Whatever you do don’t stop until you get to the school!”

Catching the keys he watched the other as he spun to face the impending danger. Stopping he clutched the keys desperately, “What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me!” The fox growled hackles rising as his many tails fluttered in the wind, power rippling from his hide.


Snapping his teeth viciously the silver eyes glared at him. “I said get to the school!”


“I can handle myself.” He growled, “But I can’t handle two beasts! Now go!”

Nodding Donghae turned to run.

“And Donghae!”

Turning he looked at the other fearfully.

“Whatever you do, don’t change.” With that he bounded towards the crashing, leaving the other to turn and run.

Terrified Donghae tried to fight the change as he rushed through the forest. Petrified and shaking he skidded to a halt, regaining his balance as he floundered with the door, fumbling with the key.

Hurry. A soft voice whispered in his mind.

Looking up he managed to click the unlock button as a cavernous roar filled the air. Yanking the door he slid into the driver’s seat, shoving the key in the ignition. Angrily the cries of the belligerent beast filled the air, shattering the silence.

Start the car. Insisted the same voice, prompting him to turn the key, the warm air blasting him from the console.

Now go! It urged as he threw the car in reverse and spun out of the gravel, the loud thundering of splintering trees filling his ears. Squealing the tires turned as he spun around the corner, shifting the car into gear as the forest behind him exploded in a burst of power.

Looking behind him he watched the splinters and smoke fill the air. Shifting once more he looked to the road, cursing loudly he screeched to a halt. Huddling in idle he watched the tattered and bloody man hobble towards him. Slamming his hands on the hood for support Leeteuk hobbled to the side, wrenching the door open.

“Drive!” he exclaimed, sliding into the seat.

Looking at him in petrified trepidation Donghae sat frozen, unable to process.

“God dam it!” Leeteuk exclaimed, ing his hand towards the gas petal as he used his magic. “I said drive!”

Started Donghae grasped control of the steering wheel, slipping his foot over the petal that was being pressed by the others magic. Satisfied Leeteuk released the magic and turned to the forest, silver magic spilling from his hand as he reached towards the trees, muttering softly under his breath. Glancing in the mirror Donghae felt the sickness in his stomach tumble as the wood and trees fell in on themselves, a large cloud rising in the sky. Turning around Leeteuk sighed, sliding down in the seat. Breathing heavily his eyes slowly shifted from silver to brown, looking at the nervous teen in the driver’s seat.

“Are you ok?” he breathed heavily.

“ME?” Donghae exclaimed, “You’re bleeding everywhere.

“I’ll be alright.” He wheezed, looking at the road before them. “Take the next right.”

“That’s not to the school.”

“We aren’t going there anymore.” Leeteuk sighed; leaning back he winced in pain, pulling his crimson hand back to reveal the ragged flesh beneath.

“Oh my god!” Donghae exclaimed.

“It’s not that bad.” Leeteuk laughed, grinning in reassurance. “Just a small bite”

“A small bite?!”

“Take that road.” He added.

Following the instructions Donghae pulled up to a small hut, fingers tight as he stared at the unassuming cabin.

“Now where are we?” Donghae asked suspiciously.

“An old friend’s.” Leeteuk breathed, eyes tinting silver as he scanned the area.

“Oh cause that worked so well for us the last time.” Donghae shot back irritably.

“That was no friend.” Leeteuk winced, gripping his side as he shifted.

“He knew you awful well.”

“You can stay or you can come.” Leeteuk said conversationally, heaving as he pushed the door open. “But I need this friend.” Standing he leaned against the frame, looking down into the car. “You don’t sense anything do you?”

“No.” Donghae responded after waiting for a moment. “Nothing bad.”

“Good.” Reaching in he grabbed the keys, smiling over at the other. “I need these.” He amended, struggling to stand. Breathing heavily he started to walk towards the door. Cursing slightly Donghae pushed out the door, following the other up the stairs. Struggling to open the door Leeteuk let them in as he stumbled to the kitchen.

“Could you go to the bathroom and get the alcohol and the stitch kit.”


“Just go.” He insisted, falling into one of the chairs.

Hastening to the bathroom he shakily went through the cabinets, grabbing the items requested.  Turning he immediately dropped the items, staring into the barrel of the gun pointed at him.

“Who the hell are you?” came a raspy voice.

“Uh, Mr. Lee?” Donghae called worriedly, staring at the beady eyes that regarded him over the barrel.

“What?” came the breathy reply.


“Jungsu?” The other called curiously, keeping the barrel trained on Donghae.

“He’s with me Donghee.”

Lowering the gun he looked at the items spilled and sighed heavily. Glancing up at the terrified teen he sighed. “You can lower your hands; I won’t shoot you if you’re with him.” Reaching down he grabbed the items and went back to the kitchen, setting the shotgun against the door frame. Setting the items on the table he looked at Leeteuk skeptically.

“What did you get yourself into this time fox?” he demanded.

Grinning Leeteuk fought to breath, looking at his friend cheekily. “Stitch me up and we can talk about it.”

“Who’s the brat?” He asked, reaching for the alcohol and cotton swabs ignoring Donghae’s cry of protest.

“A student.” Leeteuk responded, whimpering when the alcohol touched the wound.

“You endangered one of your students?” Donghee asked angrily, pausing in his administration.

“It wasn’t intentional.” Leeteuk  objected.

Eyes narrowing skeptically Donghee looked at him, reaching for the needle. “Explain.”

“It was Fenrir.”

Pausing in his stitching Donghee looked up, fear flashing in his eyes. “Kangin is back?”

Nodding Leeteuk winced, glancing over at Donghae uncertainly. Looking over his shoulder Donghee’s eyes slowly registered in understanding. Turning back to his stitching he shook his head slightly.

“Hey kid.”

“Yes?” Donghae asked.

“I need you to go and get this mutt some clothes. I don’t want him bleeding all over my floor.”

“Ok,” he responded apprehensively, “Where do I get them?”

“They are in the back room, far left in the bottom of the drawers. Anything from there will suffice.”

“Ok.” Turning on his heel Donghae went to retrieve the clothes.

Waiting until the steps were further down the hall Donghee began to finish the stitching.

“Does he know?”

“No.” Leeteuk responded.

“Why not?”

“He’s just awakened.”

“Don’t you think he has a right to know?” he asked evenly, cautiously threading the line to connect the jagged flesh.

“Not yet.” Leeteuk insisted, watching the final cross stitch form.

“Why not?” came the calm reply.

Looking away Leeteuk refused to meet the others eyes.

Tilting his head Donghee sat back and exhaled in amazement.

“You’re scared of him.” He breathed incredulously.

“I’m scared of what he could mean.” Leeteuk interjected.

“What about the other one?”

“He should be here soon.”

Arching his brow Donghee turned to cleanse the need, “He’s coming here?”

“I know he smelled the blood.”

“From that distance?”

“He’s powerful.”

“More powerful than that one?” Donghee asked, indicating to his back room.

Shaking his head Leeteuk looked up uncertainly. “I don’t know.”

“You’re playing with fire my friend.” Donghee stated softly.

“I understand that.” Leeteuk stated simply.

“Do you?” Donghee asked softly, zipping the bag he listened to the soft patter of feet as they drew near. “Do you really?”

Entering hesitantly Donghae looked at them uncertainly. “I wasn’t sure what to get, so I just grabbed some stuff.”

“That’s fine.” Donghee gestured towards the other. “Take them and go shower.” He stated simply, pushing the material towards Leeteuk. “Put that away while you’re at it. I’ll look after the kid.”

“I have a name.” Donghae replied irritably.

Blinking Donghee looked at him in surprise. “I didn’t say you didn’t.”

“You keep calling me kid.” He supplied sullenly, ignoring Leeteuk’s chuckle as he gathered the material.

“I suppose you do. And what is this name of yours?”

“His name is Lee, Lee Donghae.” Came a chilly voice. “And he’s my keeper.”

Turning towards the voice Donghae flinched at the crimson eyes that regarded him contemptuously.

“That was rather fast. Leeteuk replied drily, regarding the slender finger that lounged against the frame.

“What’s the knife for little one?” Donghee asked casually, hand straying underneath the table.

“It’s not for you old man.” Eunhyuk’s voice slithered over them whilst he languidly cleaned his nails.

“Then there is no need for it to be drawn.” Came the stony reply.

“Fair enough.” Eunhyuk shrugged, smirking slightly. “You can let go of the gun, had I wanted you dead you would have been a long time ago.” He added, casually seething the blade at his side.

“I’m going to go shower.” Leeteuk replied tiredly, turning towards the door.

“He almost got you this time.”

Turning Leeteuk looked at him incredulously. “What did you say?”

“I can smell it and I can see it.” Eunhyuk stated simply.

“You’re being absurd.”

“Am I? Eunhyuk laughed, eyes roving the stitches contemptuously. “I can smell your fear.”

“Any normal person would be afraid.” Leeteuk scoffed.

“Not a nine tailed fox.”

Eyes straying to look at Donghae Leeteuk’s jaw set. “We aren’t having this conversation here.”

“Why not?” Eunhyuk sneered. “Afraid you’ll scare him?”

“I’m not scared.” Donghae glared defiantly.

“Yes you are fool.” Eunhyuk sneered. “You are so, but with every right.”

“Hyukjae.” Leeteuk warned voice hard.

“I can smell him.” Eunhyuk sneered. “Why was he here?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Leeteuk ground.

Blinking Eunhyuk tilted his head, smirk playing about his features. “So that’s why you brought him here.”

“What?” Donghae asked uncertainly.

Eyes narrowing dangerously Eunhyuk pushed himself from the wall, sauntering towards the kitsune. “What games are you playing this time old man?” he asked, voice low and dangerous.

“I’m not playing any games.” Leeteuk challenged.

“But they are playing you.” He sneered.

“What is going on?” Donghae all but pleaded.

“What is going on?” Eunhyuk sneered, cold laughter filling the room. “That seems to be you’re new personal motto.”

“Well if someone would tell me what the hell is going on I wouldn’t have to ask!”

“Go ahead Jungsu.” He laughed coldly, “Tell him.”

Glaring angrily Leeteuk refused to talk, silently warning the other to shut up.

“Fine then,” Eunhyuk laughed harshly. “Seems like I’m the only one willing to tell him anything anyhow.”

“Don’t do it kid.” Donghee warned. “Leeteuk has a reason for what he does.”

“Sure the selfish bastard does.” Eunhyuk hissed, glaring momentarily at the man before looking back at Donghae. “You really want to know what’s going on?” he asked snidely.

Nodding dumbly Donghae watched Leeteuk’s lips purse angrily as Donghee sank to his chair in defeat. “Yes.”

“You’ve been marked for death.” Eunhyuk retorted.

“What?” Donghae whispered in horror.

“You’ve been marked for death.”

“How do you know?” he whispered in disbelief.

“Kangin, the Fenrir, he’s been hunting you.” Eunhyuk shrugged apathetically.

“But why?” he whispered in horror.

“That would be why our good ole friend Jungsu here brought you to the centaur over there.” He spat, jabbing his thumb towards Donghee.

“Watch your manners brat.” Donghee warned.

Rolling his eyes Eunhyuk looked back at Donghae skeptically before he looked back to Leeteuk. “Question is, whether or not the selfish bastard intended to tell you anything.”

“He doesn’t need to know.” Leeteuk interjected angrily.

“Oh,” Eunhyuk asked, brow arching in challenge. “And when does he need to know? Hmmm? When he’ dead?”

“He isn’t going to die.” Leeteuk interjected, watching the others face pale visibly.

“Oh yes, yes he is.” Came the definite reply

“I won’t let that happen.” Leeteuk ground bitterly

Grinning wolfishly Eunhyuk looked at him indifferently. “I give him a fortnight.”

“Are you threatening to harm him?” Leeteuk asked incredulously.

“Unless he comes near me, no.” Eunhyuk scoffed, “But I’m not what you need to worry about, am I?”

“Stop this kid.” Donghee interjected sternly.

“Stop what?” Eunhyuk scoffed. “Stop telling the truth?”

“Stop scaring him.” Donghee glared.

“He needs to be scared!” Eunhyuk interjected. “He’s a baby playing in a man’s world! They are going to destroy him! And all do to this fool’s pride!”

“Watch your tongue!” Donghee interjected, voice rumbling through the hut. Closing his mouth Eunhyuk stopped talking, glaring at the other.

“I will keep him alive.” Leeteuk’s voice softly vowed.

“You can barely keep yourself alive.” Eunhyuk scoffed.

“But we are alive aren’t we?” Leeteuk objected, looking to the terrified youth. “And in the end that’s all that matters.”

“For how long?” Came Donghae’s weak reply.

“Say again?” Leeteuk asked apprehensively.

“For how long can you guarantee I can stay alive?”

“That is why you have come to me.” Donghee stated calmly. “More specifically, been brought to me.”

“What?” he sked incredulously.

“The centaur is a seer.” Eunhyuk scoffed.

“Of some things.” Came the simple reply. “But now is not the time.” Looking at Eunhyuk he nodded to the door. “I need some mint, be a good child and go get me some.”

“Unless,” he interjected, seeing the other begin to object. “You would much rather leave.”

Narrowing to slits Eunhyuk glared at him before turning to saunter outside muttering darkly under his breath.

Shaking his head Donghee looked at Leeteuk, brow raised in question. “Not raising him to show many manners are we?”

“He’s still very angry.” Leeteuk sighed softly.

“That anger can become all consuming.” Donghee advised wisely.

“I can’t fix it when it’s directed at me.” Leeteuk sighed softly. “He still blames me you know.”

“Yes I know.” Donghee replied simply glancing over to Donghae. “But you aren’t going to solve anything sitting here bleeding in my kitchen. You alright lad?” he asked Donghae curiously.

Dumbly Donghae turned to look at him, nodding tentatively.

“Good.” Donghee nodded, turning to give Leeteuk a stern gaze.

“Yeah, yeah I’m going.” He sighed, pulling himself to his feet. “You will wait till I return?”

“If you wish.” He stated simply, handing a tea kettle to Donghae. “For now I think some tea will do us all some good. Fill this with water like a good lad and put it on the stove will you?” he instructed.

Nodding Donghae moved slowly to the sink, the concept of his own impending death looming over him imperviously.  

Glancing out the window the centaur shook his head thoughtfully. “I’ll be back.” He stated, pulling a tin of tea from a cuboard.

Stepping outside he stood next to the stiffened boy.

“What is it?” he asked softly.

Gripping the mint leaves Eunhyuk’s eyes simmered like liquid gold. “He’s out there.”

“I know.” Donghee stated simply, “But what has you on edge? I could sense it in the house.”

“He’s not alone.” Eunhyuk responded, eyes scanning the wooden area.

“Who is with him?”

“He brought the Laestrygonians.”

Shuddering Donghee felt a chill steal over his flesh. “Is that all?”

Fangs baring dangerously Eunhyuk snarled threateningly at the subtle crack of a branch beneath feet.

“Well they can’t cross the border.” The centaur stated matter of factly, placing a calming hand on the boys shoulder.

Looking over at him Eunhyuk’s eyes shimmered softly. “They are waiting.”

“For the boy?”

“For us all.” He intoned coldly.





A/N Well ... it's been awhile ... don't really know if I have any readers left... but i hope you will enjoy and give me feed back soon. Thank you so very much for your time and for reading! Please let me know how I did as it has been a little while since life has afforded me time to write!! :)

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check out my other stories as well~ ^_^


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Iljimae #1
Chapter 3: Please update soon. I love this story, it's so good.
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 3: I miss this one...curious why hyuk said hae was brought to retain/kill him, who's marked hae?? why hyuk is still angry to leeteuk? who was leeteuk kill?? Hope you'll update again this one, It's very interesting story about creature :) Good luck
MeinAltire #3
Chapter 3: Ohh my this is interesting...Curious here...
can't wait for the update...
Chapter 3: You make me more curious~~ ><
jaezetta #5
Chapter 3: Finally...its getting interesting...
Looking forward
pinkapple04 #6
Chapter 3: Finally an update! Gosh I've waited so long! Praise me ;)
It's only the 2nd chapter and the story is still developing but it's fascinating already! Please do continue to update. Thank you. :)
ZeiZei #7
Chapter 3: Oh wow... this is complicated, to say the least.. glad that u are back!! Cant wait to read the next chapter~~ \○/
Chapter 3: It's been awhile how are you?? Suprisingly i still remember this fic....normally i forget them if it's a long time
it's good to see you back ^_^
pinkapple04 #9
OK new reader here! Scribed 1st tho still don't know if this fic is good. Kekeke
But I love vampy ~
Chapter 2: i dont understand what you were talking about... :(