Final :'(

Engraved Tattoo Of Love ♥



"Where is your son?" the man looked around before smiling pointing at someone behind Yukwon. Yukwon looked behind, he froze; Minhyuk froze too looking at Yukwon. *What the ?* both of them cursed.


Nevertheless both act as if they didn’t know each other. Shook hand, introduce each other. All the way of the event, Yukwon fight himself not to cry as he knew what is going to happen next. Screw that! His boyfriend, his lover is none other than son of the man that his mother going to marry. His soon to be step brother. Out of many people in this world, why must it be Minhyuk’s father? Minhyuk thought the same too. He keeps looking at Yukwon who just smile at him with a force smile. He knew that insincere smile.


For now, all Minhyuk think was to hug Yukwon, embraced him in a tight hug. Event went smooth. Minhyuk text Yukwon to come to his apartment, Yukwon did. As they entered, they only straight away lay on the bed. Not talking at all. Hugging each other liked there is no tomorrow.


The next day for the very first time, they fight…..


Their parents issue. Why? Minhyuk is crazy. He wanted to break up with Yukwon. Sure does Yukwon got mad at him. He doesn’t want to break up with Minhyuk just because of their parents going to get marry. Minhyuk explained it’s for his father happiness who had been longing to feel the love also for Yukwon’s mother.


"WHAT ABOUT MY HAPPINESS THEN?" Yukwon hollered looking at him demanding an answer from him.

"But our parents are the most important Yukwon. After they got married I’m your brother, we are brother. We are going to be brother soon."


Yukwon made it clear to Minhyuk that they were not going to break up and he going to do anything so their parents wouldn’t get married.


Yukwon walked through the rain straight to his mother’s house, wet from top to bottom. His mother worried at him, giving him a towel to clean himself. He asked his mother, "Mom, are you really going to marry Mr. Lee? Are you sure he is the one?" he forces smiles at her. Her mother nodded saying he need to take warm bath. Yukwon compiled going to the bathroom crying as soon as he get in there.


He couldn’t do anything. He really couldn’t do anything. Not liked he couldn’t do anything. Most specifically both of them didn’t tried enough. Their parents love each other just as much as both he and Minhyuk love each other. Yukwon took a bottle of pill from a drawer, eating it as much as he could before his eyes turned into pitch black, he could only saw black with white light.


He groaned loudly as his head starting to feel the pain. His mother keeps knocking the bathroom door begging for him to open the door as she heard him screaming in pain. Good timing Mr. Lee arrived there visiting her when he heard Yukwon’s scream, he asked for a key, she doesn't know where she put it. He slammed the door with his body to see Yukwon laying on the floor with a bubble foam coming out from his mouth.


His mother panic: crying as she went to him, laying Yukwon on her laps. While Minhyuk’s father called for ambulance. They both sat next to him crying, wiping the foam away. His mother opened up his shirts making him felt as comfortable as possible until one thing caught their eyes. His mother now understands why Yukwon kept asking the question saying ‘stupid’ over and over again.


"You can just tell us. No need to take your own life, you stupid. How could you do this to mommy? Leaving mommy only with the feeling of guilty," he caressed Yukwon cheek softly kissing it while Minhyuk’s father trying to calm her down.


On the right side of Yukwon’s chest engraved the name of the person he love, "Lee Minhyuk" with a love sign engraved at the end of it that he got the day before all the happened.




After they went to buy an ice for Zico they stopped at nearby playground sitting there finishing the ice cream they bought since they didn’t want Zico to get mad as they didn’t bought for him as well.


"Minhyuk.. Ehrmm, I was curious. You were a tattoo artist but I didn’t see any tattoo in your body. I saw on your friend and also on TV all tattoo artist got…"

"I don’t," Minhyuk said sitting himself on the swings next to Yukwon. Yukwon asked why.

"If I did having a tattoo it will be my first and my last tattoo.. I will engrave the name of the person that I love. The most special person in my life. I will engrave their name on my right chest showing how much I love them."

"Wow... I want to do that too," he beamed. "Are you sure you not going to regret engraved my name instead of your mother?" Minhyuk jokingly said ruffling his hair.

Yukwon pouted, "I’m sure I will not regret it because I love you," Yukwon whispered more to himself.


*end of flashback*



"Your name will I engrave on my chest for the rest of my life. Will I bring to my afterlife"



Revised – 13/11/2013

·         English is not my first language. I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes. Asking for your kind understanding :)


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Chapter 2: I cried at half past 3 in the morning reading this ;A;
nusiaxx #2
Chapter 1: Like always Dj-Ubomb is doing a BIG BUM with her new ff!.;p OMG that will be something amazing I feel it now!<3
I cant wait for another chapters. Update it soon please<3