Shoking Sureprise!!


This conversation takes place in Kim's household. Between Kim KiBum and his older brother, Kim Jonghyun.


For JongKey Shipper out there, i am sorry for making them brothers cause obviously they have the same first name. And as for Onew and Taemin pair as brothers, i had seen a couple of others fics as well so it's not that surprising xD.



"Well, yeah he is handsome with a pair of brown beautiful puppy eyes, sharp jaw line, great body, broad chest, and gorgeous abs. all in all totally my type but life is cruel. He has to be my brother, and is still condidered as unforgivable crime here so i just keep him in my e fantasies."


this is based on a real conversation i had with my sister. Well, she is not my real sist, we are best friend and considering she is older and like to boss me around (not that i mind xD) so i called her sist. We are really close even some of my facebook friends think that she is my girlfriend cause we call each other with "oi" or "love" in cantonesse.



She just popped this up cause we talked about someone we know who till his mid 30's still single. Cause you know, in my hometown once u had finished your high school and still stuck there with no will to further your education or looking for job you will end up merried ASAP. Even some don't get to finish their high school. Me and my sister is the only ones from our respected class who are still single, well she is enganged and that leave me all alone with my singleness.



Not that i mind! Cause hey! I am single and very happy (1 song from my country's artist)!!



Hope you enjoy (^-^)v!!


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Chapter 1: Lol
Chapter 1: wOw my eyes hurt