Trash Can Love

Trash Can Love

Jiyong is at recess and playing in the sand with his toy trucks. His hair is crazy and there is sand all over his clothes. The kids around the play ground like to mess with him because he is a easy target. Jiyong never fights back because he is simply too afraid. His father is busy most of the time so his mother mainly raises the boy. 

He has learned from day one to never fight back always tell the teacher. He does try to do what his mother tells him to do, but his legs are not fast enough. Just when he is about to get away one kid always has the right aim for his head. 

By the time teachers get to the crying boy the bullies have already ran away. They always plead for Jiyong to tell them who did it but Jiyong would never tell. One thing he is not is a snitch. No matter how many times he gets beat up he refuses to tell on anyone...simply because he believes that people can change. Maybe they will want to be his friend one day and share cookies. 

In his child mind he always has a good heart. He may not have many friend but he does have aquatinteces where he looks forward to them asking for that red crayon that they don't have. Even though Jiyong gets picked on he still loves everyone. People may precieve him as an easy target because he is tiny and doesn't talk much but Jiyong is completely fine with it. He is happy and that is all that matters. 


After recess Jiyong is walking back to his class room. All the kids are either running or walking back slow as possible. Since the school is so big the teachers have a hard time keeping an eye on all of the children. The district is so poor the city refuses to hire anyone else. As the result children like Jiyong is lost in the wind. 

Jiyong walks around the corner to find his bullies from earlier Cha Eun Gyeol and Choi Dong Wook. They  have smirks on their faces and Jiyong starts to look down. 

"I thought that you already picked on me today" he says with a quiet voice. 

Eun Gyeol walks up to him and throws the book in Jiyongs hand on the ground with a slam. Kids walking past them eye the situation but don't even dare to jump in. The bigger kid gets in Jiyong's face. "We can pick on you anytime we want to Jiyong" The kid gets closer and Jiyong closes his eyes tightly scrunching his body as if he is trying to hide. 

The other bully points and laughs "Ha ha haaaa haaa Jiyong is a chicken Jiyong is a scrady cat haaa aaaaa haaa haa haaa ack!" 

A large shoe is thrown at the kids head from out of no where. Jiyong looks to see the other kid clearly in pain. Dong Wook yells at the crowd. "Who did this?!" 

The little kids keep walking with fear on their faces. The crowd parts and a kid slightly taller skinnier and with dark eyes walks over to the two bullies. "Leave him alone!" 

The two bullies smirk. "Mind your own business. " says Dong Wook with a sneer. 

"You are messing with a defenseless pre schooler. This is my business.." says Seunghyun getting closer and taking his place next to Jiyong. Jiyong looks up at the older man in awe and wonders why the man would help him. 

Eun Gyeol clenches his fist. "Move or I'll" "Or you will what punk!" says Seunghyun clenching his fist as well. 

Dong Wook points at the two "Why are you bothering us man. We just want his lunch money. You know how it is." 

Seunghyun frowns. "No...I don't know how it is. But what I do know is that this is not fair." 

The two bullies turn red from frustration. Dong Wook then yells "Aish man just move. It's not like he is your girlfriend. Just move!" 

Seunghyun then smirks and takes the smaller hand in his catching Jiyong off guard. He tried to release the grip but Seunghyun was much stronger. "What if he is my girlfriend...or really boyfriend. What if he what will you do eh? Will you try to beat us both up? Which I advise you don't because I will knock you both out with one punch. "  

The way Seunghyun talks makes the two other boys have a chill down their spine. It was if Seunghyun's eyes became darker the more he talked in anger towards them. They knew from that point on that Jiyong can never be a target again. The two boys wave their hands in surrender. 

"Fine fine...we will leave him alone. You didn't have to say the boyfriend stuff....we get it..." The two boys start to walk off and Seunghyun smiles at his victory. To top things off he has to have the last word. "EH punks?" The two boys turn around with annoyed faces. They still see the two with hands clasped together. 

Seunghyun smirks at them and yells. "He is my boyfriend! AND IF ANYONE ELSE HAS SOMETHING TO SAY THEN SAY IT TO ME!!"  The two other boys run away in fear while the other pre schoolers cheer on their brave elder as they continue to walk to class. Jiyong on the other hand is still in shock. He was just defended by taller kid with a deep voice. 

Jiyong releases their grip and bows deeply while saying "Thank you for saving me" He raises back up again and the older smiles back. "It was no problem. I'm tired of them picking on you. How come you never fight back?

Jiyong smiles "I could never hit another person. Maybe we could all be friends one day if I show them kindness. " 

Seunghyun ruffles the youngers hair "Aiiigo you are so nice Jiyong." 

"I'm sorry...but what is your name?" Jiyong's coffee eyes stare up into the olders with a smile. Seunghyun smiles back and bows. "I'm Choi Seunghyun but you can call me hyung, hyunnie, or Tabi" 

Jiyong blushes. "Hyunnie...isn't that a pet name" Jiyong turned redder and Seunghyun takes Jiyongs hand again. "Let me walk you to class. We can talk about this later okay." 

Jiyong nods and doesn't argue. At the moment he doesn't know what to do. He pretty much had a knight in shinning armor come to his rescue. From this day on he don't think that those bullies will bother him ever again. They finally make it back to the class room and Seunghyun leads Jiyong all the way back to his desk. 

The other kids in the class talk to murmer to each other about the whole thing in the hall way that happened. Finally a curious boy named YoungBae had to ask. "Hyung?" Seunghyun turns around at the shorter boy. "Hmm?" 

"Are you two lovers?" 

Seunghyun blushes at the word lovers. He is not even sure what lovers means but he does know that his noona has boyfriends. That he knows about. "I'm his boyfriend but I don't know about lovers" 

Bae smiles "Okay" and runs back to his little crowd of curious children. Jiyong blushes and looks at his hyung. "Umm I think that I will be safe now. Thank you for today." 

Seunghyun bows. "Okay. I come by after school to walk you home. Wait for me Jiyong ah"  Jiyong nods and blushes again as the girls in the room start to look jealous. 


School finally ends and Jiyong does as he was told. He doesn't know why he waited but he does like the feeling of a possible  new friend. Seunghyun comes to the class room with his bearbrick backpack on. "Are you ready to walk home?" 

Jiyong nods and throws on his back pack too. He walks up to his hyung and looks down the slowly brings his hand out revealing a strawberry milk from snack time. "I thou thou thought that you might like this..." 

Seunghyun rufffles the youngers hair again and takes the milk. "Thank you Jiyong ah. I will drink it now." He opens the milk and downs it in seconds. Jiyong watches as the milk quickly goes fromt he bottle. "Wow..." Jiyong says in amazement. "You drink fast." 

Seunghyun laughs. "My noona and I like to eat fast so we can watch TV after dinner. " He puts the milk in the trash and turns to face Jiyong. "Let's go home." He holds out his hand and smiles at Jiyong. "Take my hand Jiyong ah" 

Jiyong looks at the hand and slowly streches out his digits. Then slowly his hand forms into the larger and their hands fit together perfectly like a glove. "Your hand is warm" Jiyong blushes and Seunghyun nods. "I generate heat. I learned our body temperture is equal to a boiling pot. " 

Jiyong starts to look confused. "We are like boiling pots?" 

Seunghyun nods. "Ne we are like hot pots. So I guess that means I'm hot all the time." 

Jiyong starts to chuckle. They finally make it out of the school hand and hand. A couple of kids eyed their hand holding but they did really care. Jiyong then remembers what his noona was talking about "My noona says that she knows a lot of hot people" 

Seunghyun smiles at Jiyong "She does?" 

"Ne, she says she meets hot people all the time." 

Seunghyun chuckles at his innocence. Seunghyun grew up in a rather free talking family so the occational cuss word or talks of and all have been brought up in front of him...nothing is new to his young ears...well except the word lovers...he will have to ask his noona about that one later. "Well I guess that means that you are hot too Jiyong ah." 

"You think so?" Jiyong presses a hand to his face. 

Seunghyun chuckles "I don't think so...I know so." He holds their hands tighter sending a gentle warmth through their bodies. He then stops and faces Jiyong. "I want to be truthful to you...I really want to be your boyfriend...and if you allow me I will always protect you..." 

Jiyong looks up into the other boys eyes. "You want to be my boyfriend....but we are both boys..." 

"My noona told me that it doesn't matter." He presses his finger over Jiyong's heart. "It's all about what is in here that counts. I feel that I should be by your side." 

Jiyong puts his smaller hand over the older mans heart. "I like your heart. It is very warm and kind" 

"So will you be mine?" 


"Yes yours" 

"Wait I'm confused Tabi?" Jiyong pouts. 

"Will you be my boyfriend forever and ever?" 

Jiyong smiles "Sure if I can always hold your hand" 

Seunghyun pulls the younger into a little hug and quickly releases making them both blush. They finally make it to Jiyong's house and the trash cans are still out. "Aish they could have taken the cans in. " Jiyong snaps his head up. "Those are your trash cans?" 

"Yep. I"m your neighbor." Seunghyun smiles "Wonder why you never get picked on on the way home?" 


Seunghyun smiles "I wanna have you meet my mom. Stand here." Jiyong nods and stands behind the trash cans. The older starts to yell "uummmmaa ahhhh come outside COMe SEEeee MMMEEEeee !" Seunghyun calls again and bangs on the trash cans. A older lady comes out and smiles at her screaming child. "Yah yah you trying to piss off the neighbors." 

"Mommma guess what?!!" 


Seunghyun then smirks and pulls Jiyong from the trash cans by his collar and plants a kiss on his lips. "This is my boyfriend

Jiyong is stunned and speechless. He has never been kissed on the lips by anyone ever. He puts his hand over his mouth and Seunghyun smiles at his boyfriend and then back at his shocked mother. He ruffles Jiyongs hair. "Don't worry about my momma she is just a little shocked. You go on home I will see you tomorrow Jiyong ah" 

Seunghyun then plants another kiss on the younger ones cheek and Jiyong in response quickly runs back home with a huge grin on his face. Seunghyun's mom is not mad....more like stunned her son kissed his first love in front of her. "Hyunnie? why did you do that?" 

"You and dad always talk about how I don't share what is going on in my life. So today I shared." Seunghyun smirks another Choi like grin.

"You are just like your father..." His mother laughs to herself and closes the door. 

Heeeey all I just wanted to write this one shot. I will update my other stories tomorrow. I have been sick the past week due to drastic weather changes. I will be 100 percent soon. Maybe I will update later tonight I just need this medicine to kick in. My nose is like chistmas red hahaha. If you like this story please check out my other stories. I write nothing but gtop lol. 

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Chapter 1: make some sequel !!!! they're so cutee
Pame10 #3
Chapter 1: Ji is so cute I love him ji Is so innocent awww
Chapter 1: So cue omg seunghyun is bold omg I like this version better than the real one aww it was so cute
Chapter 1: Fluffy and cute!! I need a dentist!
Chapter 1: Zhshhdjdjj
What an adorable story
Hahahahha this is fantastic
And funny as
I love ur drabbles theyre sooo entertaining
SanaKe #7
Chapter 1: awwwww!such cute little story, made smile the hold time. i really like how write. i've only read this story and i'm in the middle reading Manny. thanks for sharing. :)
lovechoilovelee #8
Chapter 1: >_< totally can see TOP doing this...

little GD!!! >_<

you are such an awesome GTOP author!!!

keep writing!!! :)
thank you!!!!
Chapter 1: I don't care how many times I re-read this story couse I miss all their cuteness all the time, so authornim if you have a time please make sequel. I' be back LOL