Long Time No See

Mission: Bringing The System Down


I knocked on his door and waiting for him to answer. I knew he was home, I saw him go into his apartment 15 minutes ago. I could hear footsteps reaching the door, and finally the door swung open. And a familiar face appeared before my eyes. 

Junhyung definitely has gotten older. He's more... mature looking in some handsome way. His facial expression was just as I hoped to be: surprised and shocked. I gave him my infamous smirk and said "It's been quite a while since we last came face to face hasn't it, Junhyung?" Junhyung became pale and swallowed down his anxiety. 

"J-Jade, what are you doing here. I though- We all thought-!" I pushed him out of my way and made it into his apartment. It was a nice place. Pretty spacious, clean, and organixed. The front door slammed and Junhyung came running behind me "Tell me what you are doing here, why you are here, what your motives are, and how you're not dead yet." he loudly whispered.

I took a seat nearby on the black leather couch and said "Junhyung, there's no need to whisper. I've been gone to the whole world since I was 12, then gone from The Sy-" Junhyung glared at me and said "Don't you DARE say it." I rolled my eyes.

"-The System's radar for the past 5-6 years. Now, I've just decided to pay a good ol' visit to one of my good ol' friends." I smiled cheekly at him. Junhyung was not satisfied and not buying it. "I know you better than this, Jade. You wouldn't have came back to Seoul if you didn't have a motive to doing something that may risk your life again. You would be back in whatever country you were in, starting a new life. Even having a family. Being happy." his eyes softened. 

I got up and walked towards Junhyung "You're right. You do know me better than this. But what I said about visiting you wasn't false." He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed "But it also wasn't the only thing you were planning to do while you're still in Seoul. Now tell me, what are you REALLY doing here." 

I had to tell him sooner or later. He was going to be involved. And once you're involved, there's no way of getting out. I began to pace around for a few seconds, thinking about how I was going to break the news to him. That I'm trying to bring down The System, get myself killed, and do him a huge favor. Obviously he's not going to take anything lightly, he's not that type of person. 

Once my pacing had stopped, I looked directly into his eyes and said "It will be much easier trying to explain everything at my place. Come with me." I headed towards the door when I halted and realized there was no one following behind me. "Junhyung, I promise I'm not going to kill you. Or set you up. I just... this needs to be done at my place." I guess I persuaded him enough because the next thing I knew was Junhyung snatching his coat from the coat hanger by the door and storming out of the apartment. 




"And tell me again WHY you're blind folding me?" he angrily asked. I lead him closer and closer through the hallways. "You'll understand when I tell you eveything later." 

I flashed my card against the key to get into my place. It beeped and unlocked the door. I pushed Junhyung through it and closed the door behind us. He took off the blind fold and was about to yell when he took a good look around my place. 

"Jade... you have got to be kidding me. Don't tell me you're-" I cut him off and said "Yes. Yes I am. I'm going to do what everyone may think is impossible. I'm taking down The System." Junhyung stood there looking at me with empty eyes. But then he finally busted out laughing.  "HA. Yeah right Jade. You really had me going there for a second. But wow," he took in a deep breath "you really are a prankster." 

I walked pass him and said "Junhyung, I'm not kidding. I'm going to do it." I looked at him honestly and sighed. "Jade, listen, we both know what The System if capable of. Which is basically getting you killed. Also me if they catch me in the act of being your partner in crime. I know you came back to Seoul for a reason. But you can't come back just for this. Not for revenge."

Glaring at him I said "It's not revenge. It's... It's a mission." 

"A mission? Assigned by who? Yourself? Stop this nonsense." I shook my head and said "The reason why I'm telling you my motives, Junhyung, is because either way you're going to be involved. So I wanted you to know everything beforehand." 

Junhyung cocked his head to the side "So, you're asking me to join you in bringing down The System?" he asked. "Jade, you know I'd help you with anything. But this?!" he pointed towards my bulletin board clustered with newspaper cut outs, blue-prints, and maps. "This is going to not only get ME killed, but also you. You should be aware of that by now." 

"Junhyung, I need your help. Ever since.... I got out... You were the only one there for me. You helped me. Now, I need to help you." I said crossing my arms. 

Junhyung turned around facing me and said "You? Help me? What do you mean by that?" he stepped closer to me. I knew the truth would hurt him. But not only hurt him, but bring him in. 

"What I mean is they have your sister. They have her and are putting them into the same program as I was in. They're going to make her an assassin." Junhyung's face turned to stone, and his jaws clenched. He was angry, I could tell. 

Junhyung walked up to me, and grabbed me by the collar "If anything happens to her during this mission, then you'll be the blame for it all." I shoved him back and fixed my jacket. "Nothing's going to happen to her. Just as long as all of us stick to the plan." 

"Us?" he muttered. ... "Don't tell me you-" I cut him off and said "Yes. Yes I did. I got your sister involved. She's going to be our little spy on the inside." Junhyung charged towards me and anger and I pulled out my gun from the back of my jeans "Don't even try Junhyung. Either way, you're stuck with this mission that I've created. And trust me, we're going to keep her safe. They're going to keep her safe. And The System is going down."

Junhyung was furious and took him a few minutes to calm down. Once he did he spoke "I'm in," I smiled and walked towards him to hug him when he held his hand out to be signalling he wasn't done talking "but you better promise me that if they find out I'm working with you, you deny it. Also, you will give me the latest updates on...her..."

"This is going to be the most dangerous mission you've had yet, Jade. Are you sure you're up for this?" he asked, concerned. 

I smirked and said "More than you'll ever know, Junhyung. Now let's get this whole mission sorted." I gave him a deep hug and he returned it.

"It's somewhat bittersweet to have you back in town, Jade. I really missed your company." I laughed at his remark.

"Bittersweet? How so? And I'm positive you're just glad I'm not taking up room in your place anymore." he smiled at me.

"Sweet because one of my closest friends is still alive and back in town. Bitter because you're definitely going to get me killed." I slapped his arm and we both laughed. It was almost like the good old times. Back when I was still in The System. Before I ran away. Back when I had "freedom". Those were the days when I met Junhyung and told him everything. Who I was, who I worked for, and how I was going to get out. He actually helped me out on escaping. 

I don't know why I chose to trust Junhyung, to be honest. When you first look at him, you think he's a cold man who doesn't look very promising. But in fact, he's one of the most loyal mates I've had. I'm going to make sure I won't lose him. Not only for my sake, but for her sake. 

Now that I have Junhyung on the team, I felt as though it was one huge step closer to completing my last mission. . But I guess what I didn't know was how hard this mission really was going to be.

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This is actually a potentially awesome action story!