
Mission: Bringing The System Down


My name is Jade Choi I'm 24 years old, and a escapee from a program designed to train kidnapped teens to become killers. Or at least, that's how it was for me. 

12 years ago, I lived in a house being raised by drug addicts. Then one day I came home to them dead on the floor, and 3 men holding me down. They knocked me out, then I woke up in a white sterilized room. In a bed that wasn't mine, and wires attached to my body. I guess they found out I had woken up since a woman and 2 other men came into the room.

The woman was around her late 30's and had long jet black hair. She walked towards me with her clipboard in hand and brushed my hair out of my face.  I slapped her hand away and the men came racing towards me. I grew violent. I knew my parents were dead. I knew they didn't care for me, but that didn't mean that I didn't care for them.

I also knew that her, and whoever she worked with assigned men to kill my parents. But that I didn't know, was why. But after a week, I found out why. They wanted me to train and become a killer. It was either that, or be killed. So I obviously chose to live, but with the idea in mind to someday escape from that hell hole. 

Which I did, successfully. Almost not, but back to the story. Basically, for the next 6 years, I trained extremely. That included learning how to hack computers, shoot guns that I never knew existed, break someones neck with a turn of their head, and self defense. Throughout those 6 years, they saw something in me. By "They" I mean The System. But not the entire porgram, just 3 certain people.

The first was that woman, who ended up turning my life into hell during my stay at The System's facility, who's name is Yoonji. Son Yoonji. She was the one who I went to see for mental evaluations and to learn how to "manipulate people." I can't say I liked her, but I also can't say that she didn't teach me anything that I wouldn't use for in the future. 

The second was Kim Jaejoong. I guess you can say he's the "Eye" of The System. He watched over all the recruiters, goes out on missons with the ones that have graduated, and also works for the main guy which I'm about to talk about. Lee Joon was someone close to me. Someone who I trusted. But he betrayed me, so I betrayed him. 

The last person, which is one of the most important ones, is Lee Joon. He's in charge of The System. He's the one who calls the shots, orders the missions, kills off all the usless recruiters, and runs the whole damn program. He's the one I was to kill the most. He's the one who I'm really after. Why? Because if I kill him, then the rest of The System will go down with him. Kind of like a brick wall. If I take it down at the center, the rest will eventually crumble.

After the 6 hard years of training, I was promoted to go on missions. I was finally able to be somewhat "free". But actually, that wasn't all of the case. For that whole year, I was sent out with Lee Joon to do missons, but still stay in the facility I grew up in. That still meant killing people. People who had families, friends, loved, ones... Just because I was kept in a souless place, doesn't mean that I lost my soul as well.

During that same year, I was promoted again. This time, I was actually free. They gave me a place to stay, a new city close by, and a life. 6 years of my life went by, and I hadn't even seen the outside world by myself. I didn't know anything in the world. I didn't know the latest news, the newest shows, fashion trends. What I knew, is that now I have to escape. 

All recruiters and trainees have tracker chips in their teeth. So even if they do escape, it's not as though they're going to be gone forever. But even worse is when we get promoted to doing missions we get a new tracker. A tracker attached to some part of our body and placed carefully so that if we even try to take it out, we may end up killing ourselves accidentally.

So again, back to my story. During that same year I got promoted twice, I finally found a way to escape. I found a surgeon to take out my tracker, and I've found a safe place to hide before The System finds out I've taken it out and disabled it. Once I did those things, I got out of the city. But someone close by, which was my mistake. Because within the 24 hours of my surgery, they had found me. They also attacked me. I got out with my life, and took the next flight to Canada. 

I stayed in Canada for 5 years. No one was able to find me, and I was free. Withing those 5 years I have been planning to take down The System and most importantly: Lee Joon.

So there's my story. Not in complete detail, but enough to get down to the point. I will take down The System. Even if it means hurting those that I care about. I need to take it down before any other teens go through the same sick, and horrifying life I went through. Or even worse now that it's present 2012. 

I'm not planning on keeping a lot of people involved. The more involved, the more emotions that I have to deal with. Also more of a chance they could turn on me. What I'm planning is to keep this mission of mine to be recognized by The System. I want them to know I'm coming after them. I want them to fear me once I reveal myself.






A/N: Well. Yeah. I'm starting up another story. I'm going to like this story... a lot. I'm not sure if I can write action stories well, but here's a go. Also, if you haven't notived, ALL THE CHARACTERS NAMES START WITH "J" I didn't plan that out, sincerely. But the characters I picked really just... suit this story. Except for the OC Yoonji, who's name doesn't start with J. 

Ok, yeah. Well, good luck to me and trying to update this story. Also my other one. Feel free to comment and whatever. Yeah. Byeeeee.


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This is actually a potentially awesome action story!