I'm Not A Monster

HypE vs HQ (Official Story!)


So how long has it been since I’ve updated? Awhile, right? Gosh... Guys I’m so sorry!! My school just basically screwed me over with all this work! Plus all this college stuff is killing me  (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ 



But, rest assured I am finally on Winter break and things have cleared up... As of now.  Hopefully it will remain this way.  



Now go enjoy this long awaited and overdue update!



<3 Okurah (◕〝◕)






HQ's Section:





“Are we there yet?” A voice asks from the back of the van. Hyunji can be seen pouting next to a cranky JinSun whose just about had it with her constant and repetitive question.



“We’ll get there when we get there woman!” JinSun snaps facing the female next to him and fixing her with his signature glare. 



“That didn’t answer my question Leader dear.” She mocks while sending a condescending smile his way. The other members glance at the two in back and silently watch their Leader’s glare seem to grow even darker. A shiver is sent through Ma Roo as he recalls being glared at like that in dance rehearsals. However, to everyone’s surprise the look diminishes instantly as the heated male lets out a lengthy sigh.



“How did I even get stuck in the back next to you?” He questions calming himself as the roles switch and HyunJi now glares slightly offended.



“That’s because you decided to take your sweet time in the bathroom this morning.” DD answers from her spot up in the front seat of the van. JinSun glances at her before rolling his eyes when she shoots a peace sign his way.



“Are we-”



“Don’t even finish that sentence.” JinSun growls, cutting HyunJi’s question short with his hand on . Ma Roo, MinKi, and ChaeC turn around and laugh as they see the two fighting slightly when HyunJi JinSun’s hand.



“Yes HyunJi, we’re here.” Manager KwangSu responds as the rest of the van peers out of the window at the impressively sized building. 



“It’s huge!” ChaeC exclaims as she bounces in her seat excitedly. A snicker is heard from MinKi as he opens his door and slides out.



“That’s what she said.” He jokes causing DD to smile slightly. 



“What are you doing saying that to a kid!” JinSun reprimands as he also slips out of the van quickly.



“It’s not like she understood what I meant.” Is MinKi’s reply as he places a hand on his hip. JinSun glances over and finds true to MinKi’s word a confused and pouting ChaeC.



“I don’t get it. I know that’s what I said because I said it!.” ChaeC mumbles to herself quite dumbfounded. She looks to HyunJi for an explanation, but receives none.



“Sorry Chae, I don’t get it either.” HyunJi responds scratching her head. “That was a stupid joke, MinKi. No one gets it!” She shouts and pats the maknae’s head to soothe her confused mind. MinKi glances at HyunJi and tosses a “mehrong” her way.



“You’re stupid.” He retorts childishly. ChaeC glances up at Ma Roo next in hopes for an explanation. He catches her pleading look, but simply smiles at her.



“Don’t worry about him maknae. He’s just coming to terms with his inner e.” He replies lightly before patting her head too.



“Hey! I heard that Ma Roo! Don’t make me call you DonDon in public!” MinKi yells crossing his arms and ing his chin in the air. A feminine chuckle is heard and a hand is placed on his shoulder.



“He’s not even paying attention to you.” DD responds snickering at MinKi’s put off expression as he catches a glimpse of the earphones in Ma Roo's ears.



“So are you guys ready?!” KwangSu asks catching the group’s attention. When he receives six assured nods he smiles and begins to lead the way out of the parking lot towards the entrance.



“I can’t wait!” ChaeC cheers gaining a little bounce to her step. She begins to skip trying to pick up as much speed as her legs could manage.



“Tell me about it! Can you imagine the treatment we’ll receive in there?” MinKi responds mimicking the excitement of the maknae.



“This place does seems pretty awesome.” HyunJi adds in spazzing along with the other two. JinSun glance at the three sugar heads. Shaking his head he hovers over to Ma Roo and DD who seem to be much calmer.



“What’s up JinSun?” DD asks seeing him eye the crazy trio.



“They’re way too happy this early in the morning.” JinSun mumbles shuddering slightly as MinKi lets out a glass shattering squeal at something the two girls said. The calmer bunch glance over and see that even their poor Manager has sped up to avoid the crazies.



“They’re just excited. Don’t be such a downer.” DD responds with a light smile playing on her lips.



“Well then, why aren’t you guys like that. Are you two not excited?” He asks causing DD to raise an eyebrow.



“Of course I am!” She replies a bit heatedly which receives a pat on the head from the quiet guy next to her.



“Calm down flame-head, he was just asking an innocent question.” Ma Roo says causing DD to blush in embarrassment. Turning his attention to JinSun he asks, “Aren’t you?” JinSun seems to thinks a bit before answering.



“Yeah, I’m excited. Just a bit wary of what they’ll make us do in there.” He replies honestly. Ma Roo stares at him strangely before nodding his head.



“True. Not much was explained to us beforehand. We’re basically walking in the dark.” Ma Roo exclaims shivering slightly at the thought. 



When the group reach the doors of the building, KwangSu turns around and claps to catch his new children's attention. 



“Alright before we go inside-” Before he could finish the doors to the building burst open, pushing him out of the way and on to the ground. In his place was now a small woman with a wide welcoming smile.



“Hi! You must be Hy...” She seems to falter a bit in her speech and glances down at KwangSu in question, but quickly clears and continues, “High Quality? Right?” When she receives six nods her smile grows wider and she glances over at the fallen Manager rubbing his head grumpily on the floor.



“What KwangSu? New group already?” She asks. This causes JinSun and Ma Roo to glance at their Manager in confusion.



“Aren’t you even going to apologize?” KwangSu grumbles while standing up on his own. She seems to roll her eyes and ignore him once again. 



“It’s nice to meet you all. My name is Lee Soo Min and I’ll be helping you guys out with your MV shooting today.” The pretty lady presumes as she leads the group inside the building.



Upon entering the establishment the group revels in the new air conditioned atmosphere. Slightly glad for the now cool air. The members follow the seemingly spunky girl in silence as they watch her check off multiple things on her clipboard. ChaeC happens to glance back at their Manager to see him lagging in the back. She raises an eyebrow as she comes to the realization that he’s pouting.



“Soo Min Unnie?” She starts, but is quickly interrupted.



“Oh! No! You don’t need to call me that! Just call me Mallow.” Soo Min, now known as Mallow replies. The name brings a smile to the members of HQ.



“Like Marshmallow?” Ma Roo asks as he laughs. He mentally nods agreeing to the nickname, it suited her perfectly! The petite girl nods her head happily before revealing a sweet smile matching her name even more.



“Exactly!” Mallow exclaims as she stops her stride and turns to look at the group. The six peak behind her to see a large curtained area. MinKi couldn’t help but grow a bit fussy wanting to know what was in store for them.



“Mallow Unnie?” ChaeC asks again calling the petite woman to look her way with soft eyes. “What exactly are we going to be doing?” She asks causing Mallow to grab the curtain and pull it open revealing a large makeup and hair set. There were 12 stations, but only six of them were set up with workers and stylists waiting for their assigned member to sit. The chairs were set in a circular motion, all in all, each member was surprised and a bit of excitement built in each of their guts.



“Why don’t you guys start getting ready first and then I’ll explain things.” Mallow answers revealing a large and cheerful smile at the equally happy soon to be idols. 



“Wow, they even have our names on the chairs!” HyunJi says as the rest make their way to their seats. Before KwangSu could waltz in however, Mallow pulls him on the side out of HQ’s sight. HyunJi notices and nudges MinKi causing him to smirk.



“You go Manager KwangSu!” MinKi mutters in a suggestive way as HyunJi mutters a soft, “Get that!” The rest of the members glance at the two before shaking their heads.



“What? We’re just supporting our Manager.” MinKi defends. Ma Roo who was staring at the two seems to shrug and nod.



“True, Ms. Marshmallow seems like a good catch.” He responds causing DD and JinSun to look at him in surprise.



“You’re supporting their thoughts!” DD asks her brows a bit higher than usual, she hasn’t seen this joking side of the normally quiet member before.



“I thought you were better than them.” JinSun mumbles shaking his head slightly in false disappointment. 



“I agree with Kangaroo, I like Mallow Unnie.” ChaeC mentions causing the rest to laugh at Ma Roo’s new nickname.



“At least it’s not Don Don.” He mumbles to himself while shaking his head. Meanwhile back with Soo Min and KwangSu, she finally drags him out of ear shot before letting him go.



“What was that about!” KwangSu asks a bit confused at the girl’s antics. Soo Min’s eyes seem to darken as her scary glare seems to grow even angrier.



“You know what this is about! What the heck is going on here?!” She asks keeping her voice low. KwangSu quickly looks away from her suddenly sharp eyes.



“What do you mean?” Keeping his eyes downcast he plays an innocent role, but it only emits a growl from the small woman in front of him. She shoves a finger in his chest before using it to flick his chin up to look at her instead of the ground.



“Don’t play innocent.” Soo Min responds keeping his head up to look at her in the eyes. “You know I like to stay organized and having last minute changes such as these go unappreciated by me.” She drops her finger to point at herself. KwangSu remains staring at her knowing better than to look down again.



“I’ve had to change many things for this video shoot. You went from seven open spots, to six.” She starts counting off the things listed with her dainty fingers. “I’ve had to push many things back in order to push YOUR appointment forward since you decided to change dates. I had to think of a COMPLETELY new concept for your group’s MV filming, considering you decided to completely flip your concept from sweet, to dark.” Soo Min puts her hands down before placing them on her hips. “And why has the name changed? It’s gone from an appointment for HypE to HQ.” She finishes staring at KwangSu expecting an answer. He stood there in silence not knowing what to say. Despite his earlier thoughts, he drops his gaze to the ground again, finding it much more attractive than the furious face in front of him. Hearing a heavy sigh however, he glances up.



“I know something is up KwangSu, and I don’t like it.” She responds in a much more controlled voice. KwangSu’s eyes widen at the words spoken. “Considering I even had to change the names on the chairs... I know something is up.” KwangSu lets out a shaky sigh, and prepares to explain himself, but Soo Min’s voice cuts him off. “I’ll do it, but only because I owe you one.” She responds causing KwangSu to smile brightly at his old friend. “But, I only owe you this one so don’t expect anything else.” She ends clipped causing KwangSu’s smile to falter.



Back with High Quality, the members are all being made up by the group of stylists surrounding them. However, there was one member who was putting up a bit of a hassle when he found that his hair needed to be bleached.



“Do we really need to do this?” Comes the voice of the quietest member, Ma Roo. Hearing the commotion Mallow appears with a sulking KwangSu tailing behind her.



“What’s going on?” She asks.



“Ma Roo doesn’t want to kill his hair with the bleach.” MinKi speaks up from his spot as his stylists finish his hair. Mallow raises an eyebrow and glances back at the slightly pouting member. She smiles and ruffles his hair causing him to look at her.



“It’s alright Ma Roo! We’ll use a wig!” As soon as the words leave the stylist scatter in order to prepare a wig to the style needed.



“Thanks Marshmallow.” Ma Roo responds shooting a smile her way. Mallow nods and waves it off as another set of stylist take over and begin his makeup.



As everyone finishes their makeover Mallow looks them over and nods in approval.



“So?” She asks tilting her head to glance at KwangSu. “What do you think?” The mentioned Manager finally snaps out of his mood and glances at s and a smile takes over his face as he sees each member standing proudly. 



“So what do you think Manager?” HyunJi asks motioning towards all of them. “Pretty intense, right?” KwangSu was surprised at how well Soo Min did planning each member's concept. 



JinSun stood not resembling himself at all. His usually lax hair stood up as it was spiked up into somewhat of a messy mohawk. Some strands hung in his face creating a dangerous, yet y aura about him. Sticking out of his hair were two realistic horns. They were placed on each side of his head and blended nicely with his hair color. His eyes were rimmed slightly with black eyeliner and there was a small upside triangle painted under his left eye. What really stuck out about JinSun’s face was the cage covering his mouth. JinSun seeing his Manager eyeing him out lets a vicious smile grace his face under the cage.



“I look pretty good like this, yeah?” He asks holding out his arms causing the buckles adorning his top to clink against each other. His attire consisted of what looked like a stylish straight jacket that was long ago torn out of. You could see he was wearing a large tank top underneath and it occassionally showed his tattoo which read “Don’t be afraid of Dying, be afraid of Living.” on his rib cage. His clothing consisted of mostly black and hints of silver from the buckles. 



“You look sort of scary Oppa.” DD announces from her spot, causing the two other female members to nod.



“More scary than usual.” MinKi adds in receiving a nod from a silent Ma Roo.



“I think you look very fierce like that.” Mallow chirps in causing JinSun to smile a bit.



“This look suits you JinSun. I really think the cage adds to the outfit as a whole.” KwangSu states finally coming out of shock. He then takes the time to observe the other members who were all wearing something that resembled a straight jacket or restraints.



DD’s fiery red hair was swept up into a high and thick ponytail. Her fringe in the front was extremely choppy giving her a bold look. Her hair faded from a fiery red to orangey blonde and feathers were mixed in to give her a phoenix quality. Her right eye had red eyeshadow while her left eye only had eyeliner adorning it. The golden contacts in her eyes were stunning as they seemed to shimmer. The finishing touch to her face was deep red lipstick that stuck out on her pale face perfectly.



“You’re beautiful DD.” KwangSu compliments causing a grateful smile to break out on her face.



“Really?! Thank goodness I was worried I wouldn’t match with this much red!” She responded playing with the burnt edges of her sleeves. Her straight jacket looked as if it went through a house fire as it was singed at parts.



“You really think I’d let you on set looking anything less than stunning?” Mallow asks appalled at the idea causing the group to chuckle.



Next up was Ma Roo with his now white/silvery hair styled to look messy. The color of his hair only seemed to lighten his skin color giving him an almost ghostly look. KwangSu couldn’t tell if it was the makeup or a trick of the eye. Ma Roo’s eyes were very haunting with a look that said “I haven’t slept in years.” In fact his right eye was completely out by a contact. To add to it the right side of his face and down his neck had light black writing painted on, it almost looked as if it weren’t there. His attire was completely white as well, but it had a dingy gray coloring to it that made it appear dusty.



“What’s with the light writing on him?” KwangSu asks Mallow. “It’s a nice touch, but what good is it if we aren’t able to see it?” Mallow smiles and points at something written on her clipboard.



“Well sometime within the MV we are going to make the writing seem like its being written on... It will make sense when you see it.” She finishes cheekily. KwangSu as well as Ma Roo nods at the explanation.



“That sounds pretty awesome.” Ma Roo says suprised and excited to see the end product.



HyunJi was next and she was stunning just as DD was. Her long black hair had been curled so that everything fell in waves. All of it was swept to the left side and secured with a rope. The right side of her face seemed to be overrun by crustaceans so that her eye was not visible. Her left eye however was enticing as it was rimmed with thick lashes and small shells that acted as tear drops from her eyes. She even had a contact placed inside that was a swirl of deep blues and greens. She was tragically beautiful with her straight jacket that almost resembled a dress with it’s length.



“HyunJi? Is that really you?” KwangSu asks causing HyunJi to stick her tongue out and laugh. 



“I know, right? Let us give the stylists a hand for managing to make our HyunJi here decent looking.” MinKi announces clapping for the blushing stylists. HyunJi growls and shoves him lightly.



“HEY! Watch it! You’re going to mess up my hair.” He states catching himself quickly.



MinKi indeed had the most groomed hair out of the males. It was perfect and it seemed that there was not a strand out of place. Even his facial features looked as if they were painted carefully on. Everything would have been perfect if it wasn’t for the cracks across his cheeck and eye. Like Ma Roo he had light marks that resembled cracks.



“Are you cracking his face as well in the video?” KwangSu asks Mallow as she peers up from her clipboard.



“Oh! Yes! We are making his face crack and chip in the video.” Mallow says cheerfully. MinKi smiles and gives a thumbs up to the peppy girl. KwangSu raises an eyebrow as he catch sight of the strings hanging from his wrists. He found it interesting almost puppet like.



ChaeC’s concept was very... wet to say the least. Her hair was styled so that it looked soaked. Her tips were turquoise and they matched well with the strands of seaweed added in there. The upper half of her face had netting over it and it casted a shadow over her eyes that gave off an air of mystery. Her eyes were an enchanting purple and the eyeliner on her left eye seemed to be melting off. Her lips were bluish to give off the vibe that she was cold. Her straight jacket was styled to look damp or wet as well. It was darkened at the edges and seemed to be weighed down. 



“Do you like it KwangSu Appa?” ChaeC asks curiously. KwangSu smiled and patted her head as if she were some puppy.



“Of course I like it! I like all of your looks.” KwangSu concludes. He turns to Mallow and bows thanking her greatly. 



“Don’t thank me just yet. We aren’t finished.” Mallow replies glancing at the members. “I hope you all didn’t have anything else scheduled for today, because filming will be awhile.” She concludes as MinKi visibly deflates.



“Looks like you won’t be shopping today MinKi.” JinSun responds snickering slightly as he scowls only adding to the cracking effect made by his makeup.



“Cheer up Pedo-Oppa.” ChaeC responds innocently rubbing his back. HyunJi and DD glance at each other before cracking up as MinKi’s eyes grow three times their original size.



“YAH! No! Don’t call me that in public! You’ll give people the wrong idea!” MinKi shouts covering the maknae’s mouth. Mallow giggles hiding her face behind the clipboard.



“What wrong idea? That’s the truth.” Ma Roo states from his spot smiling as MinKi holds a fist up his way.



“Anyways, who is first Soo Min?” JinSun asks wanting to get things moving. Mallow glances at him and raises an eyebrow.



“Well first off, you should call me Noona, if not Mallow.” She responds giving him an almost agitated look.



“I’m 23.” He states looking at the tiny female in front of himm. She couldn’t be much older than Ma Roo or DD.



“And I’m 26. Now that that’s cleared up, you my friend are going first.” She finishes giving him a knowing smile as his jaw drops.



“Whoah! You’re 26? You look Chae’s age!” HyunJi says in awe. The others silently agree. “I wish to age gracefully like you Unnie. Mind handing over some of them genes?” HyunJi asks giggling lightly at her own joke. MinKi scoffs at the statement.



“Too late HyunJi you already look like an old lady.” A punch to MinKi's arm is thrown as she walks away from him in anger. DD shakes her head at their antics, but can’t help but smile at her goofy members.



“Alright! Well are you all ready?” Mallow asks as each member smiles and follows her to the set of their video. The rest of the days was spent with Mallow shouting out orders and compliments as each member filmed their parts.



“JinSun! Stop messing with your mouth piece!!”



“HyunJi!! A little more serious and a lot less derp please?” Laughing is heard from said girl as a response.



“Nice! I like the wind in DD’s hair! Keep the wind coming! Stop trying to fix it DD! It looks fine!”



“Ma Roo your timing was little off on the singing. Just watch me and I’ll cue you in this time.”



“ChaeC can we try that run again without you tripping and falling?”



“MinKi! Off the phone!!”



“Ma Roo I know you’re stronger than that! Fly it like you’re angry!”



“JinSun!! I like how sharp your dance moves are! Keep going!!”



“ChaeC! I like that lost look! It’s perfect!”



After a long day of filming the group was exhausted to say the least, but they successfully completed their MV for Monster. After bidding a goodbye to Mallow who would be spending the rest of the night editing for HQ, they piled into their van and began their long trip home. All was quiet and peaceful until someone asked a question.



“Are we home, yet?” The question caused JinSun to practically hiss in detest.



“HyunJi! I may still have this cage on my mouth, but so help me I will rip threw it and bite you!” JinSun shouts. HyunJi throws her hands up in the air.



“Hey! It wasn’t me! Don’t be getting all crazy!” She says trying to inch further away from the crazy leader.



“Then who was it?” JinSun asks eyeing each person in the van halting as the person in the front seat began to snicker.



“I’m sorry JinSun I just had to see how you’d react.” DD confesses as she laughs from her spot in the front. 



“You are lucky you’re in the front DD.” He mumbles as the other members shake their heads.







HypE's Section:




Meanwhile in a completely different building a young Manager could be seen on the phone. He didn’t seem to be too happy either. 



“Are you kidding me?” He says pulling the phone away to look at it in disbelief. Bringing it back to his ear he scowls. “What do you mean my appointment’s been cancelled!!!?” After a bit more arguing he hangs up the phone and puts it on the table before practically slamming his head down.



“You okay Op?” A voice is heard from the doorway. He glances up to see the main vocalist of HypE, JaKyung. “I heard some noise and got worried. Didn’t think it was your head slamming against a table though.” JaKyung finishes snickering at the younger male.



“I’m okay.” He replies after sighing. JaKyung raises an eyebrow catching the normally goofy male's dampened mood.



“You’re lying.” She states bluntly. He glances up and smiles at the slightly stubborn girl.



“I’ll be okay. Just frustrated.” His answer seems to be accepted by JaKyung as she nods. “You should head to bed JaKyung. You have a busy schedule ahead of you.” His statement causes the femme fatale to roll her eyes.



“I was getting there. You’re the one that needs to head to bed. Heck, you need to head to your own dorm.” She responds walking away from the doorway. “I swear it’s like you sleep here at night.” Op smiles at the weird but spunky girl catching her last sentence. When he hears a door close he begins to mess his hair up in frustration.


“I swear I set an appointment for HypE’s MV to be filmed...” He complained as he leant back in his chair. “I guess I just need to go down and talk to Mallow Noona personally... Hopefully she still thinks of me as her dongsaeng.” He says before standing up and heading towards his own dorm for once.






Here’s the MV for Monster. Though you should all already know it ಠ_ಠ I know there are three girls in HQ, but just use that imagination ◕ ‿ ◕


G-Dragon w/red hair ----> DD

G-Dragon w/white hair ----> ChaeC

TOP ----> HyunJi

DaeSung ----> Ma Roo

TaeYang ----> JinSun

SeungRi ----> MinKi










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Sorry this update was soooo late guys >~< I never meant for things to be like this again!


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Chapter 8: Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so amazed you cant still co relate everything in one story!! lol, to my red hair!! HAHAHAHA!! Keep coming I want to see what happen!
Chapter 8: Oooohhhh Mallow is back ^^
-stares at other comments- so lengthyyy...
Chapter 8: I also want to see more MinYun... MinHae... KiYun? Whatever you want to call the pairing for Minki and Haeyun :). I want more of them too. We haven't really seen them interact, except over the phone, since they met ;A;. They need to do some shopping ;). Anyway, I'll be watching out for the next update ^^. I hope you have a happy holiday and new year ^^.
Chapter 8: OMG, Jinsun and Hyunji are so amusing XD. They really have a... I guess sibling type of relationship? They bicker like siblings XD. I think it's pretty cute :). Ha! I saw that! Mallow almost called them HYPE! (and yes I got super excited when I realized that was Mallow) But why is Mallow working for the evil ones?! (The entertainment company, not that HQ is evil... just that jerk of a manager >:O). Yes Mallow, yell at that traitor for us! Though you sadly don't know what's going on ;A;.
OMG, it sounds like they all look amazing! Now I wish there was a fan version of MONSTER or something, featuring the members of HQ :). That would be awesome! Oh, and I had to laugh at Mallow yelling at Minki for being on his phone XD. I was like "I bet he's talking to Yunnie" X3. Gah, those two are so cute; chatting day and night. Sadly, I see this relationship going sour when they find out about Kwangsu ;_;. So unfair... which brings me back to that jerk. HOW CAN HE DO THAT TO A BUNCH OF INNOCENT KIDS!? He is seriously a jerk =_=. I REALLY hope something bad happens to him... and soon. If it isn't enough that he ruins HYPE's debut, but he's going to ruin Haeyun and Minki's friendship D;.
Anyway... I have a sneaking suspicion that Kwangsu swooped in and stole HYPE's MV shoot reservation. What a jerk -_-. Poor Op has his work cut out for him. He needs to learn that he needs to stay ahead of Kwangsu. I hope that things work out for HYPE and HQ.
You did a really good job on the update ^^. And don't worry about making us wait. I'm sure we can all understand that school is hard. I definitely know I understand. College has me so busy I hardly have any time to do anything T^T. I'm glad I'm on winter break XD and next semester is my last semester at a community college, yay! Then I have to start all over again for University... not so exciting XD. Anyway, listen to me ramble :). I'm excited for the next update. Oh what could happen?! I kind of want to see more JaeRin moments ;)
roserobinson #5
Chapter 7: OKAAAY I CAN FINALLY COMMENT :D School has been a super BUM. I HATE IT D': But now that I'm having a really SHOOOOORT break from school, I can comment! Weeee :3 Sadly HQ was only mentioned here, lets hope they'll be shown in the next update? (:

Okay, now...I love their new manager omg XD Aerin was freaking oooouuut about not being busy, especially since their special day is so close by hahaha. She really is the mummy of the group, but I can understand why she'd be so worried. But it's so nice seeing everyone happy!! HAEYUN AND MINKI OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOSH. They are too adorable. Texting each other I mean, erhkfgiaeb tooo adorable. seriously.

BUT I FEEL SAD AND WORRIED. Cause they'll find out sooner or later that HQ's manager was their old traitor manager and that Kwan (I think that's his name) the meanie noob is like a meanie and stuff I KIND OF WANT THEM TO KNOW THOUGH. Cause then there would be drama and everything would be even more interesting but I DON'T WANT THEM TO KNOW EITHER. Because at the same time I hate dramalamas and I want HypE and HQ to get alooong. (: I kind of just confused myself OKAAAAY MOVING ON.

JAE AND AERIN OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGAEBKRDFJHQEUFB I CAN'T EVEN. WHAT IS THIS. WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE I WANNA CRY OH MY GOSH :') They're SO ADORABLE. I feel bad for Jakyung though, but those two are just so cute!! >.< I don't know who I want with who anymore.

I FIND IT SO ADORABLE HOW MINJEE'S ALL CHILDISH-LIKE, playing with the two kiddies and all :') Too adorable, tooo adorable hahaha. And I love how she's cheating and all, even though it's like, BAD TO CHEAT! It's still funny. I LOVE ROSALINA!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! ANDANDANDANDAND JAEHYUN SINGING BUTTERFLY...WHAT IS THIS. That's like, perfect for him. I don't even know why. MARSHMALLOW...that song would definitely suit Hani, Im not even kidding :'D I can't wait to see their outfits as well!!!! (:

ANDANDAND OOOOOH, I THINK JELLYJELLO'S FINE!! Like I said, I don't really care whooo wittle Hani ends up with! :)
i haven't been here in months i'm sorry that i haven't commented but i will read everything again and comment alot !! look forward to it! haha
Chapter 7: unnie... I got speechless dunno what to say lol. You write it in awesome way!!! I am envying you! And lol, unnie I can't comment much. This story is awesome :')
Sorry for the late comment! School has kept me SUPER busy @_@. Gah, I love how cute Haeyun is >w<. All focused on his texting =w=. You'd think he was talking to his boyfriend. But we all know Minki could never replace his Bummie XD. Okay, I'm really the only person who knows that XD. And dang, such a cute JaeRin moment X3. They really do make an adorable couple X]. And sorry to cut this comment short, but I gotta go get ready for class. I'll be sure to leave a longer comment on the next update! (and yes, the love interests that you have down are fine. Though I'm still tempted to say I need more convincing on the OC XD)