Wow, Fantastic Baby!

HypE vs HQ (Official Story!)


Omigosh! Please forgive me you guys!! I know this update is severely late and I apologize cause I never wanted things to go back to how they were back when I wrote for RISE.  Unfortunately this update is a bit shorter than the others AND there is no HQ section in here, though they are mentioned. Please, rest assured though the next update will be completely about HQ and it is coming soon! I have a bit of it typed out already!


Now please read and enjoy this long awaited update! Please forgive me for any out of character moments, I haven’t written for awhile and it may take me a little time to re-grasp your character’s personality.


<3 Okurah






HypE's Section:



It was a relatively boring and quiet day for HypE considering it was supposedly close to their "big" date. Merely a few weeks away from their re-debut and they have yet to start on anything involving their songs, nor their image. No one was complaining though as everyone was lounged around... Well, all except for one member.



“I thought Manager Kang Dae told us we’d better prepare ourselves for a busy schedule?” Aerin vents to her brother who is seated next to her on the rather comfy couch. “I mean this isn’t exactly what I thought he meant by being ‘busy’.” Aerin finishes lamely as she glances at all the other members lazing around. After a bit of silence her brother finally answers.



“Noona, you know he doesn’t like when we call him that.” Haeyun responds completely missing the point. Aerin glances at him sharply and realizes his mind is off else where as he is texting away on his pink and highly decorated phone. Thinking back to the past couple of days, she has noticed that that's all he's been doing. She purses her lips as she ponders who he could possibly be texting so frequently.



“Haeyun! Are you even listening to me?” She asks again. When the umma of the group gets no response she literally deflates. “Who are you paying attention to more than me?” She finally asks growing extremely curious. Still receiving no answer she makes a grab for the phone, but Haeyun quickly pulls it out of her reach.



“I’m texting my new friend! You know the one I met at the mall? His name is MinKi, he’s also in a new up and coming group called HQ.” Haeyun replies happily finally giving his full attention to Ai. JaKyung who wasn’t much further away heard what he said and mentally took note to do some research on HQ later in the day. A new group meant they would be their friendly competition.



“Oh! You’ve got a new friend! He must be nice! We must meet him! You two get along so well! I mean you two have been talking non-stop since you two have met.” Aerin says exaggerating things a bit finally finding something to stall her bored mind. It was just too bad it had to be on Haeyun’s expense.



“We haven’t talked non-stop! I mean yeah he’s nice but...” Haeyun was quickly beginning to grow flustered having been poked fun at. Much to his luck however, his sister’s teasing comes to a quick halt when a certain leader makes himself comfortable on her lap. Which causes her to squeal under his weight.



“Jae! You’re squishing me!” She shouts in a joking manner trying to shove the male off. Jae Hyun merely laughs and gets into a more comfortable position; laid out on the couch with his head in her lap. 



“What are you doing?” She asks completely forgetting about teasing her poor victim, Haeyun.



“Oh you know, just chilling.” He replies giving her a wide smile. 



“Can’t you chill someplace else?” She gives him a sarcastic smile. Jae pretends to think about it for a second before coming to a decision.



“No, I like it here. You are very comfortable! Have you ever thought about becoming my person pillow?” He asks innocently causing the Umma to blush slightly. “Plus you called me fat so you sort of owe me.” At the light blush on Aerin’s face Jae Hyun laughs before winking at Haeyun who mentally thanks the leader for getting his sister off of his back.



“Hey!! Stop cheating MinJee!” KyungSu shouts as his car on the TV swerves off the track and into a billboard sign.



“Yeah MinJee! You have to win fair and square!” HaNi yells as her car is nearly run off the track as well. MinJee laughs as she continues to shove the two youths over and block their point of view.



“Hey! This is fair! If I can multi-task and still manage to win then it’s fair.” MinJee claims as her car manages to drive past the finish line crowning her as the winner.



“That teaches the two of you to doubt the power of Yoshi!” She laughs evilly as she throws the controller up in the air in a little celebratory dance. HaNi and KyungSu glare at her.



“Nah-ah! Everyone knows Rosalina is the best!” HaNi states pointing to her blonde haired and blue eyed character on the screen. “Anyone with a little cute star next to them 24/7 has got to be legendary!” She states with a nod of her head causing her loose curls to bounce slightly.



“Pshhhh, everyone knows Mario is the best! He is the real OG! The game is named Mario cart.” KyungSu states pointing his tongue at the two girls.



"Mario doesn't know how to steer jack diddly squat! Yoshi is the one who carries his behind all over the place!" MinJee says causing KyungSu to pout.



"I want a rematch immediately!" KyungSu announces while starting a new race. 



"You're on!" MinJee says while getting her controller back in grip.



"No cheating this time Unnie." HaNi warns growling slightly. MinJee chuckles when she hears KyungSu agree.



"No promises." She responds as the race starts. JaKyung whose been watching the scene giggles a bit to herself seeing the rare "childish" side of MinJee. This is why MinJee was one of her favorites. She could be very real with a person, but she still knew how to have fun. She glanced at the others to find the two "love-birds" having a moment together. Her smile slowly transformed to a straight line before sighing quietly and standing up. She decided a cup of water would be nice at the moment and makes her way to the kitchen. Aerin however takes notice and begins to try and go after her, but is stopped by the head still in her lap.



"Don't." Jae Hyun states causing Aerin to glance down at him.



"What do you mean don't? She's upset." Aerin replies giving him an almost irritated stare.



"I honestly don't think she wants neither you OR me to go in and comfort her. In fact we're probably the last people she wants. She'll be okay." Jae says giving her a look that says to just let it go.



An extremely loud yip of happiness comes from the boy whose eyes were literally glued to his phone. The twinkle in his eyes almost seemed like he was granted a limitless shopping spree around the world. Once he notices everyone is staring however, he clears his throat and fixes everyone with a curious glare.



"I know I'm stunning and all, but staring is rude." Haeyun states causing the rest to scoff and snort at his comment.



"Conceited much?" MinJee manages to say before pulling KyungSu's hood over his eyes causing him to once again crash into a billboard.



Meanwhile, JaKyung makes her self a cup of water, but nearly drops it when she realizes she isn't alone. Sitting on the kitchen table once again was a very busy young Manager at work. He had papers scattered all over the kitchen table, each had various amounts of important details listed on them. She couldn’t help but get a feeling of deja vu as she mentally giggles at their make-shift Manager’s appearance. His hair was sticking up in a few places, he was surrounded by a numerous amount of empty soda cans, and he was sketching away crazily once again. He looked like a total mess... It sort of reminded JaKyung of their Bae-Appa.



Hearing the slight commotion Op lifts his head up and fixes JaKyung with a curious stare. He can tell the usually spunky girl is feeling down, so he smiles at her despite the fact that she disturbed his work.



"When did you get here?" She asks Op not able to find better words. After she puts the glass cup down she turns back to face him. “And how are you always in our dorm?” She ridicules again fixing him with a suspicious stare in which Op responds with a roll of his eyes. He seems to dig in his pocket for a bit before holding up a pair of shiny keys that JaKyung could see was to their dorm.



“I’m your Manager remember?” He says while raising an eyebrow slightly. When JaKyung sticks her tongue out at him, he smiles and lowers his hand. He begins to go back to work, but can see JaKyung trying to catch a sneaky peak at what he’s working on. She couldn’t help it though, she’s never seen their young and hyper Manager so focused. A laugh catches her attention and she looks to see Op offering her a seat.



“Here sit with me, it’s lonely sitting here by myself.” He replies causing JaKyung to bring a small smile to her face. She makes herself comfortable and begins to look at the papers. She could tell all the paper work were for them, the numerous amount of times HypE, RisEntertainment, and their names littered them made it pretty obvious. 



“What’s got you so focused?” She says finally deciding to ask. She wasn’t nervous around Op considering he was her dongsaeng. “I mean you’re usually so ADD.” This causes Op to laugh and stop what he was working on, letting JaKyung catch a quick glimpse of it.



“Okay, I’m pretty ADD, but have a little more faith in me here.” Op replies while rolling his eyes. After a sweet smile from JaKyung he decides to let her see what he’s been working on. 



JaKyung was surprised to say the least, finally able to see Op's work up close. Each sketch was of a person, they had no face, but everything about them oozed the personality of one of the members. Each had a very sweet, stylish, but innocent look to them. It was impressive to say the least. However she only saw six sketches.



“Where is mines?” She asks suddenly dejected. Did he really forget about her? Op pats her head and holds up a blank piece of paper.



“I was just about to start yours before you came in and made a whole bunch of noise!” He teases as he begins to stare at the paper intensely. After a few moments of nothing, he turns his stare to JaKyung. She could feel her cheeks heating up, no one could blame her though if someone was staring so intently at you, you’d blush too! It didn’t help that Kang Dae wasn’t exactly ugly, plus he was in such a close proximity. 



“What?!” JaKyung finally squeaks becoming overwhelmed with his staring. With no fault in his stare he answer her.



“I’m trying to imagine how you’d look. You should stay still you’re fidgeting too much.” After a glare from JaKyung, he smiles and begins to sketch away quickly. She watched as each of his pencil created such detail that it blew her away.



“I think you’re going to look beautiful in golds and browns.” He states as he holds up a now finished sketch of her concept.  JaKyung takes it and smiles widely, completely forgetting the feeling she walked into the kitchen with.



“I have to admit... You’re pretty talented.” JaKyung mumbles causing Op to practically glow.



“Thank you! It’s more of my sister’s specialty though.” He replies losing his radiance slightly. Before JaKyung could respond a loud crash could be heard from behind them drawing their attention towards the source.



“Dang junk! Who even put you there!” MinJee grumbles as she bends down to retrieve the many fallen bowls from the floor. When she catches the stares from the others she scowls slightly.



“What?! Never seen a lady trying to make herself some coffee?!” She asks causing JaKyung to raise an eyebrow. MinJee on the other hand catches a glimpse of the colorful sketches and picks one up knowing instantly it was hers.



“This is more like it!” She exclaims as a smile spreads on her face. JaKyung laughs at Op’s confused expression and begins to explain.



“The outfit and concept that you’ve designed match her style much better than our first debut’s one.” She says causing Op to nod and take a sip of his recently opened soda. MinJee decides to make herself comfortable by leaning on the table and glancing over the rest of the sketches.



“Seems like you’re working really hard on these. You aren’t stressing out, right?” MinJee asks still managing to appear nonchalant, but caring at the same time. JaKyung looks at Op as she hears him hum in thought.



“I’m stressing slightly, but nothing I can’t handle.” He responds causing MinJee to smile slightly in an almost knowing way. JaKyung becomes a bit agitated at the feeling of a hidden message to his words that only Op and MinJee could understand. 



“Well do you still rap? That seemed to be your stress reliever before when we were still trainees.” MinJee responds catching JaKyung’s interest again. Op furrows his eyebrows and puts down his still full soda. 



“I don’t record anymore.” Is his simple reply which MinJee understands.



“It’s a shame that a talent such as Co-Op had to go to waste.” MinJee replies before taking her leave managing to swipe Op’s soda without notice. Op watches her leave before going back to his soda only to find it missing.



“Hey! You owe me another soda!” He yells only to hear a laugh come from the living room.



“You’ve had enough!” MinJee responds causing Op to sigh and pout as he sees JaKyung giggling at him as well.



“Hey, what was MinJee talking about?” JaKyung asks as her laughter slows; her curiosity getting the best of her. Op smiles and says shakes his head causing JaKyung to scowl as she becomes infuriated. Op gathers his papers and sketches before standing up and looking back at JaKyung.



“Where is the fun in just telling you everything?” He replies before leaving for the living room. "There is much more to me then you think." JaKyung growls slightly before shrugging it off and mentally reminding herself to also do some research on Co-Op later.



“Annyeong HypE!” Op announces as he enters the packed living room. Everyone greets him with cheer. 



“I thought I heard someone else in the kitchen.” Jae Hyun announces sitting up from his previous position. 



“Yeah! We thought JaKyung was talking to herself this whole time.” Haeyun states from his spot on the couch. Said girl sticks her tongue out at him before taking the seat beside him.



"Does no one else find it weird that he just pops up in our dorm out of nowhere?" JaKyung asks as she holds a hand out towards Op. As the other members shake their heads JaKyung sighs in defeat.



"So what brings you here Oppa?" HaNi asks as she places her controller down. KyungSu follows her lead and pauses the game.



"Does this happen to have anything to do with our debut?" Aerin asks as the spark in her eyes begin to ignite at just the thought. Op's eyes widen a bit before nodding. This causes HypE (besides JaKyung and MinJee) to cheer in excitement.



"Yes! I’m actually going to show you guys your new concepts!" He explains as he passes out each look to their respected owners. Their reactions were absolutely priceless.



Receiving his concept Jae Hyun could feel a smile make its way on his face. The sketch in front of him was perfect. It resembled his previous debut’s outfit a bit, but he felt it matched him much more. The colors were enticing and he could tell instantly the look was in fact inspired by the small gifts given to them before. The words “Gummy Hyun” were scrawled out on the paper in a rushed but neat handwriting.



“This is going to be interesting.” He mumbles more to himself than anyone else.



MinJee having received her concept once again couldn’t help but smirk. Lollipop wasn’t exactly her “style” having being sweet, cute, and adorable. Looking at her concept however, she felt a bit more comfortable with the idea. It resembled her favorite candy indeed, being dark chocolate, the way it was styled gave her a more edgy look. She decided she could make it work.



Aerin practically squealed when she got her concept. She instantly noticed the reddish streak drawn into the sketch’s hair, meaning a trip to the salon was in their future schedule. Her look had a very professional/high class look to it. Very fitting for raspberry chocolates. It wasn’t a very common candy, nor was it very cheap. The look portrayed that perfectly. She had to admit... She was doubting their Manager, but seeing these results made her doubts come to an end. Perhaps, she wasn’t giving Op enough credit.



Haeyun stared at his concept sketch for awhile before nodding his head in satisfaction. Like his sister, his sketch also held a hair color difference, meaning a makeover was called for. At first he wasn’t too sure about the hair change, but seeing how it came together with his outfit and makeup, he found himself quite excited. Especially the makeup part.



KyungSu clapped slightly when he caught a glance at his. The look was fresh and quite fashionable. People wouldn’t walk down the street with it, but it would be seen in some crazy magazine ad. It sort of reminded him of a clown with all the bright colors. The way it was styled however was very... cute? He was definitely going to be able to work his “aegyo” skills with this look on.



HaNi sat there staring at her sketch with a frown on her cute face. Its not that she disliked her look, no, it was quite the opposite. Her outfit was awesome! It reminded her of her delicious lollipops that she finished off almost as soon as she got them. She pondered whether or not she should ask Op for more, but thought that would be rude. Hopefully these candy inspired looks would cause their fans to throw them candy on stage! The last thought managed to make HaNi smile brightly.



JaKyung on the other hand already had her sketch in hand. She admitted Op had an eye for style. She did in fact think she would look good in golds and browns considering that was the main colors in her new debut image. 



“So.” Op begins nervously, not sure how to take HypE’s silent reaction. “How do you like them?” He asks hesitantly.



“When are we starting!!!” Haeyun exclaims excitedly! The rest of the members mimic his energy as they begin to thank and praise their Manager. 



“I’m glad to see you all so enthusiastic about this.” Op says as he scratches his head slightly.



“Are you kidding me?! We’ve been waiting forever to get started!” Aerin responds.



“Well alright! There will be a lot taking place these next couple of days.” Op responds taking a seat on a single seater as everyone sits at the edge of their seat to listen. 



“Let me make this clear before I start. You will not need to re-record your single ‘Lollipop’ however, I will need some of you to stay back and help with a little additions I plan on adding to the song.” He glances at HaNi, Jae Hyun, and JaKyung who nod in response. 



“What will the rest of us do?” MinJee asks.



“You, KyungSu, Haeyun, and Aerin will head on over to a salon and get your makeovers.” They nod in response to Op’s words. “As soon as the three helping me are done, you’ll head over to get your makeovers as well.” He finishes explaining.



“I can’t wait!” HaNi says while clapping her hands slightly.



“Your new music video for Lollipop will be recorded by the end of this week.” This statement caused the seven members to grow a bit nervous. 



“You don’t think that’s pushing it a little?” JaKyung states. KyungSu nods in agreement.



“You really think we’ll be able to do that?” KyungSu asks.



“Of course! I have faith in you all.” Op responds patting the youngest male member’s head.



“Op is right! We can do this!” Jae Hyun says trying to pep-talk his group, which seems to work a bit when their eyes become a bit more bright.



“As Lollipop is released to the public, we’ll work on getting the rest of your first album recorded.” Now this statement of Op’s caught everyone’s interest. They had no idea they would be recording more songs. 



“What else are we recording?” Jae asks.



“Well myself, as well as a couple of my close friends whipped up some songs for you guys.” Op responds pulling out a bunch of other papers from his large stack. He stood and walked towards Jae Hyun and HaNi who just happened to be right next to each other.



“Jae Hyung, HaNi, you two will each have a solo number.” Op says handing them each a sheet of paper holding lyrics to their new song.



“Wow, we get our own song!” HaNi responds happily. The other members nod in agreement, the leader and maknae were the main vocalists.



“Butterfly?” Jae Hyun ponders as he reads over his sheet, until one name catches his attention. “Kwon Jiyong?! He wrote this song?!” Jae Hyun exclaims losing his cool for a couple of moments.



“Yeah! G-Dragon is my good friend! He wrote that song knowing it would go to HypE. He hopes you guys have a successful debut.” Op replies causing the members to smile gratefully.



“It’s nice to know other idols are cheering us on.” KyungSu replies from his spot. Suddenly an excited squeal comes from the maknae herself.



“Oppa! Did Unnie really write this song just for me!!!” HaNi replies hugging the paper to her chest. 



“Yeah, she was more than willing to write this song just for you. Why else would it be called Marshmallow? ” Op answers smiling wide at the mention of his sister.



“Co?” MinJee asks receiving a nod from Op.



“Wow, even Sang Hee is supporting us?!” Aerin asks remembering the twin sister of their manager. 



“Of course she is! She always wanted to see you guys debut!” Op says chuckling before handing out papers to everyone. “Alright, now I gave you all two separate songs. The girls have a song called ‘I Love You’ and the guys have ‘Lollipop pt2’.” Kang Dae stops a bit watching the reactions of the group.



“We’re doing these two songs separately?” JaKyung asks a bit put off.



“Why the sudden separation?” MinJee asks.



“What difference does it make? We’ll sound awesome either way.” Haeyun replies causing the two older females to look at him. “You know it’s true!” He says confidently.



“That’s the spirit.” Op says cheerfully. 



“Alright, when will these recordings be taking place?” Jae Hyun asks sounding tired already.



“As soon as the MV is out for Lollipop!” Is his answer. The members each absorb in all this new info and can’t help but cringe at the thought of their now very jam packed schedule.



“Oh! I forgot to mention... HaNi? KyungSu?” The two mentioned little cuties turn their attention to their manager in question. “CEO Bae informed me to let you two know that you will be going back to school soon.” This caused the two maknaes to grumble and complain.



“Thank goodness! I didn’t want their brains to rot like their teeth have.” Aerin responds laughing slightly at the two youngest faces.



“Its a bit too late for this one.” MinJee responds knocking on HaNi’s head lightly. “See it’s as hollow as a coconut in their.” She responds causing the rest to laugh as HaNi sticks her tongue out at MJ.



“Well that’s all I have to say for now. HypE, I suggest you enjoy the rest of this day off because tomorrow we’ll be starting nice and early.” Op responds walking towards the door.



“Wait!” Haeyun practically shouts as he stands up causing everyone to turn at his outburst. When Op turns around confused Haeyun bends to his knees and clasps his hands together. “Is it alright if we attend a concert?” At the request Op raises an eyebrow and mentally tries to figure out what group would Haeyun want to see in concert. He couldn’t recall any concerts being soon.



“What are you talking about Yunnie?” Aerin asks his brother. 



“Are you crazy? Are we not busy enough?” MinJee almost mumbles too loudly. JaKyung caught what she said and mentally sort of agreed.



“My friend... He’s from a new group who is about to debut just like us! They’re called HQ. He invited us to their debut stage... It won’t be till a bit later in the month. Can we please go?” Op’s eyes widen when he recalls the name slightly. He furrows his eyebrows thinking of his answer carefully.



“I don’t know Haeyun, do you know how risky that’d -” 



“Please oppa?” Haeyun manages to cut Op off while pulling a puppy dog look. Op hesitates before sighing.



“I guess it would be okay.” He responds causing Haeyun to yelp and hug their manager. Kang Dae smiled before mentally telling himself to do some research on this new group HQ... Something told him that name was familiar.





So I have a couple of announcements. I will be releasing HQ’s update very soon so keep an eye out for it! Also I will try to whip up some sketches for HypE’s concept  so you all can have a better idea of how they’ll look. I’m very sorry you guys! I will try to become more dedicated to this story. I mis-judged how difficult my senior year in high school would be.




I need you all to please PM me or comment below if the love interests listed below are still intact. (Yes, you may still change it!)



Park Jae Hyun [XxLizalooxX] - KARA’s Goo Hara (Or... you know... The OC?)


Choi MinJee [alexpop] - EXOM’s Wu Fan “Kris” (Is it faced Kris? Or Choi MinHo?)


Moon JaKyung [InnerMagui] - ??? (Do I even need to question your decision?)


Hwang Aerin [BloodyRavens] - Super Junior’s Lee DongHae (You know your other choice... OC?)


Hwang Haeyun [BloodyRavens] - SHINee’s Kim “Key” Kibum


Lee KyungSu [flyerstation] - 4Minute’s Kwon SoHyun 


Kim HaNi [roserobinson] - BAP’s Choi Jun Hong “Zelo” (You’re okay with that, right?)




Hwang JinSun [iShina] - 2NE1’s Lee Chaerin ‘CL’ 


Don Ma Roo [InnerMagui] - (I know who!)


Yoo MinKi [blommon] - Infinite’s WooHyun 


Jung “DD” Chaerin [popsanguine] - EXOK’s Byun Baekhyun


Shim HyunJi [maggie-scole] - SHINee’s Lee Taemin


Choi (ChaeC) Chaerin [AegyoAeyoung] - Boyfriend’s No Minwoo EXOK's Do KyungSoo "D.O"



Remember you’re able to change them!! Just let me know!




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Thank you!
Sorry this update was soooo late guys >~< I never meant for things to be like this again!


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Chapter 8: Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so amazed you cant still co relate everything in one story!! lol, to my red hair!! HAHAHAHA!! Keep coming I want to see what happen!
Chapter 8: Oooohhhh Mallow is back ^^
-stares at other comments- so lengthyyy...
Chapter 8: I also want to see more MinYun... MinHae... KiYun? Whatever you want to call the pairing for Minki and Haeyun :). I want more of them too. We haven't really seen them interact, except over the phone, since they met ;A;. They need to do some shopping ;). Anyway, I'll be watching out for the next update ^^. I hope you have a happy holiday and new year ^^.
Chapter 8: OMG, Jinsun and Hyunji are so amusing XD. They really have a... I guess sibling type of relationship? They bicker like siblings XD. I think it's pretty cute :). Ha! I saw that! Mallow almost called them HYPE! (and yes I got super excited when I realized that was Mallow) But why is Mallow working for the evil ones?! (The entertainment company, not that HQ is evil... just that jerk of a manager >:O). Yes Mallow, yell at that traitor for us! Though you sadly don't know what's going on ;A;.
OMG, it sounds like they all look amazing! Now I wish there was a fan version of MONSTER or something, featuring the members of HQ :). That would be awesome! Oh, and I had to laugh at Mallow yelling at Minki for being on his phone XD. I was like "I bet he's talking to Yunnie" X3. Gah, those two are so cute; chatting day and night. Sadly, I see this relationship going sour when they find out about Kwangsu ;_;. So unfair... which brings me back to that jerk. HOW CAN HE DO THAT TO A BUNCH OF INNOCENT KIDS!? He is seriously a jerk =_=. I REALLY hope something bad happens to him... and soon. If it isn't enough that he ruins HYPE's debut, but he's going to ruin Haeyun and Minki's friendship D;.
Anyway... I have a sneaking suspicion that Kwangsu swooped in and stole HYPE's MV shoot reservation. What a jerk -_-. Poor Op has his work cut out for him. He needs to learn that he needs to stay ahead of Kwangsu. I hope that things work out for HYPE and HQ.
You did a really good job on the update ^^. And don't worry about making us wait. I'm sure we can all understand that school is hard. I definitely know I understand. College has me so busy I hardly have any time to do anything T^T. I'm glad I'm on winter break XD and next semester is my last semester at a community college, yay! Then I have to start all over again for University... not so exciting XD. Anyway, listen to me ramble :). I'm excited for the next update. Oh what could happen?! I kind of want to see more JaeRin moments ;)
roserobinson #5
Chapter 7: OKAAAY I CAN FINALLY COMMENT :D School has been a super BUM. I HATE IT D': But now that I'm having a really SHOOOOORT break from school, I can comment! Weeee :3 Sadly HQ was only mentioned here, lets hope they'll be shown in the next update? (:

Okay, now...I love their new manager omg XD Aerin was freaking oooouuut about not being busy, especially since their special day is so close by hahaha. She really is the mummy of the group, but I can understand why she'd be so worried. But it's so nice seeing everyone happy!! HAEYUN AND MINKI OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOSH. They are too adorable. Texting each other I mean, erhkfgiaeb tooo adorable. seriously.

BUT I FEEL SAD AND WORRIED. Cause they'll find out sooner or later that HQ's manager was their old traitor manager and that Kwan (I think that's his name) the meanie noob is like a meanie and stuff I KIND OF WANT THEM TO KNOW THOUGH. Cause then there would be drama and everything would be even more interesting but I DON'T WANT THEM TO KNOW EITHER. Because at the same time I hate dramalamas and I want HypE and HQ to get alooong. (: I kind of just confused myself OKAAAAY MOVING ON.

JAE AND AERIN OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGAEBKRDFJHQEUFB I CAN'T EVEN. WHAT IS THIS. WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE I WANNA CRY OH MY GOSH :') They're SO ADORABLE. I feel bad for Jakyung though, but those two are just so cute!! >.< I don't know who I want with who anymore.

I FIND IT SO ADORABLE HOW MINJEE'S ALL CHILDISH-LIKE, playing with the two kiddies and all :') Too adorable, tooo adorable hahaha. And I love how she's cheating and all, even though it's like, BAD TO CHEAT! It's still funny. I LOVE ROSALINA!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! ANDANDANDANDAND JAEHYUN SINGING BUTTERFLY...WHAT IS THIS. That's like, perfect for him. I don't even know why. MARSHMALLOW...that song would definitely suit Hani, Im not even kidding :'D I can't wait to see their outfits as well!!!! (:

ANDANDAND OOOOOH, I THINK JELLYJELLO'S FINE!! Like I said, I don't really care whooo wittle Hani ends up with! :)
i haven't been here in months i'm sorry that i haven't commented but i will read everything again and comment alot !! look forward to it! haha
Chapter 7: unnie... I got speechless dunno what to say lol. You write it in awesome way!!! I am envying you! And lol, unnie I can't comment much. This story is awesome :')
Sorry for the late comment! School has kept me SUPER busy @_@. Gah, I love how cute Haeyun is >w<. All focused on his texting =w=. You'd think he was talking to his boyfriend. But we all know Minki could never replace his Bummie XD. Okay, I'm really the only person who knows that XD. And dang, such a cute JaeRin moment X3. They really do make an adorable couple X]. And sorry to cut this comment short, but I gotta go get ready for class. I'll be sure to leave a longer comment on the next update! (and yes, the love interests that you have down are fine. Though I'm still tempted to say I need more convincing on the OC XD)