~*FOUR*~ [Part 1]

♥~Unexpected~♥ ft Song Seunghyun (FT Island) & Bae Suzy (Miss A)


Seunghyun walked beside Suzy quietly their footsteps in perfect sync but their thoughts separated by their silence. He watched her out of the corner of his eye & almost tripped over the tree root that he didn’t notice. “Be careful Seunghyun shi!” Suzy grabbed his arm to steady him. “I’m fine. There are a lot of tree roots out here.” Seunghyun laughed awkwardly.

“The rain washed most of the soil away.. That is why the tree roots are poking out.” Suzy answered equally awkward. The rain had ceased & Seunghyun and Suzy trudged through the muddy ground slipping slightly. A slight chill had started & Suzy shivered as the breeze wafted past her. “It’s getting awfully cold. I wish I had a jacket to give you.” Seunghyun said watching Suzy out of the corner of his eye once again. “Even if you had it you need it more than I do.” Suzy giggled.

Seunghyun gave her a mock glare. “What do you mean by that?” he asked trying to hide his smile. “You’re skinnier than I am.” Suzy smirked. “Why you..” a snort escaped Seunghyun despite himself. “If I had a jacket I would give it to you Seunghyun shi.” Suzy deadpanned. “But it’s alright if you’re not a beastly idol. I like you just the way you are.” Suzy shrugged & continued walking.

Seunghyun paused for a moment & blinked at her. Maybe she didn’t realise it but her words made him feel.. hopeful. “Do you really mean that?” he asked her loudly. Suzy turned around her eyes holding questions. “Do I really mean what Seunghyun shi?” she asked him obviously puzzled. “When you said you like me just the way I am. Does it not bother you that I’m not big & strong?” Seunghyun asked.

“Of course not. You’re so funny Seunghyun shi. I really like guys who have a good sense of humour & I think you’ve got a very nice smile too.” Suzy answered with a smile of her own. “Really? Is that what you really think?” Seunghyun asked in a more persistent tone. “I don’t understand..” Suzy blinked at him in shock. “I mean if what you said means you still like me.. Do you like me more than Jaejin hyung?” Seunghyun moved closer to Suzy.

She stared up at him her eyes growing larger every step Seunghyun took towards her. “Seunghyun shi.. You know.. Jaejin oppa is my..” Suzy tried to articulate what she was saying but Seunghyun put a finger to her lips. “I know hyung is your boyfriend but that is not what I was asking. Do you like me better than Jaejin hyung?” Seunghyun asked steadily. Suzy seemed to be at a loss for words. “You do don’t you? I can see it in your eyes.” Seunghyun reached out & brushed his fingers against Suzy’s cheek like a butterly.

“Seunghyun shi..” Suzy started to speak rather disorientated by his touch. “Seunghyun & Suzy? Is that you??” The PD’s loud voice broke the silence between the couple. “Yes PD nim! We are here.” Suzy called back. With one last look at Seunghyun she walked towards the direction of where the PD was waiting.

Heaving a deep sigh Seunghyun followed Suzy back to where the PD was waiting. Maybe it hadn’t gone the way he wanted it to but Seunghyun felt like a burden had been lifted off his chest. She knew. She finally knew how he felt & that was enough for Seunghyun.

“Wow.. you two look like a mess. The rest of us gave up a long time ago. Did you really trudge up the mountain to get that flag?” Bora grinned when the muddy duo of Seunghyun & Suzy showed up as the rest of them were having some warm kimchi soup. “Well we had to win that hamper.” Suzy answered thanking the assistant who gave her a wet towel.

“You guys won alright. The hamper is all yours!” Boom trudged into the room with a huge hamper. “Yay!” Suzy jumped with joy while Seunghyun watched her round face flushing with happiness. “Thank you Seunghyun shi. Half of this is yours.” Suzy walked up to Seunghyun with the hamper in her hands. “Nah.. It’s alright. You can have it Suzy shi. I don’t think I should be using Victoria Secret’s products.” Seunghyun answered making Suzy snort. “You can explore your feminine side if you want.” Suzy her eyes sparkling.

Seunghyun met her smiling eyes seriously & saw her smile fade. She was reminded of his confession back at the mountains no doubt. “Are you two lovebirds done?” Jiyoung called from where she sharing a bowl of soup with Jonghun. Seunghyun saw Jaejin eyeing him curiously once again & turned away unable to meet his eyes. “Don’t say that unnie!” Suzy grumbled softly.

“Hey.. What about the rule that the couple who win will get to have dinner & a nap first?” Suzy realised that the other teams were already eating even though she & Seunghyun had won. “Your dinner has already been prepared in the private room. We already knew that you both got the flag when you took so long to return. After that you both can go take your naps first before ending the day.” Young Ja spoke through a mouthful of soup.

“The private room?” Suzy repeated quietly. The last thing she wanted to do was be in a private room all alone with Seunghyun after.. after what happened between them up in the mountain or what had almost happened between them. “If the PD hadn’t called us he would have..” Suzy gulped & looked away. With an awkward smile that mirrored Seunghyun’s they both made their way to the private room for their dinner.

Seunghyun watched Suzy munching on a chicken drumstick & ate a spoonful of rice his eyes still on her. Even back in high school her healthy appetite was well known. Seunghyun still remembered Suzy munching on snacks even when she was in the classroom having her lessons. “What is so funny?” Suzy stopped eating when she realised that Seunghyun was smiling at her.

“More high school memories.. I still remember you always eating in class.” Seunghyun grinned. “You would know. You waited outside my classroom for..” Suzy paused. “For me. You waited outside the classroom for me.” Suzy breathed. All the while through high school Suzy hadn’t realised that Seunghyun was waiting for HER outside her classroom. “I thought you waited for..” Suzy fiddled with her spoon. “You. It’s always been you.” Seunghyun smiled softly.

His eyes found Suzy’s & Seunghyun was sure he saw a glimmer of happiness in them before they turned doubtful again. She glanced down at the table & her eyes widened with shock. “Your arm.. You’re bleeding.” She pointed at the scratch on Seunghyun’s right arm. It wasn’t a deep wound but Seunghyun winced when he saw the droplets of blood trickling down his arm. He hadn’t even noticed that graze until Suzy pointed it out because he was too busy eyeing her.

“Give me a minute.” Suzy nodded seriously & rushed off somewhere. Seunghyun watched her his mind in a dilemma. On one hand he wanted to keep doing what he was doing, urging & probing Suzy to reveal her actual feelings for him but on the other hand he had to think about Jaejin. Jaejin who was totally in love with Suzy. Jaejin who was close to him as his real brother was.

“I really wish I didn’t have to be stuck in this situation & I really wish I had asked her out in high school. Why am I so stupid?” Seunghyun sighed out aloud. “You’re not stupid. Maybe just a little clumsy like I am.” Suzy appeared out of nowhere bringing a large first-aid box with her. “Come.. Show me your arm.” She held out her hand. Seunghyun placed his arm in her hand & saw her dabbing the graze with a cotton swab soaked in antiseptic lotion. He winced slightly when the liquid stung.

“Sorry.. I’ll be more gentle..” Suzy apologised taking out a bandage. “I really regret not asking you out in high school. That is like the only thing I regret till now.” Seunghyun said almost inaudibly his eyes still fixated on Suzy’s profile. He saw her stiffen but she still continued dressing his wound keeping her head down. “All done.” Suzy patted his arm. Seunghyun glanced down & found his wound perfectly dressed. “Thank you Suzy shi.” He smiled at her.

“No problem.” Suzy gave him a half-hearted smile. However before she could stand up & leave Seunghyun caught hold of her hand. “Wait..” he pleaded. Suzy stopped & looked at him uncertainly her eyes holding questions. “I need to say this before it’s too late again.” Seunghyun took a deep breath. He heard Suzy doing the same. Seunghyun felt her trembling & tried to hide his own feelings as well. They both seemed to be mirroring each other’s feelings even without trying & Seunghyun felt a tug of happiness at that realisation.

“I love you. For the past 3 years & till now I still feel the same.” Seunghyun confessed his voice trembling. Suzy stared at him for a long silent moment before sighing. “You should have told me earlier Seunghyun shi. You should have told me this before Jaejin oppa started pursuing me. Why didn’t you do anything when Jaejin oppa said I was his ideal type?” she questioned sadly. “I..” Seunghyun stammered incoherently.

“Now it’s too late..” Suzy continued & shrugged her arm away from his grasp. “If you’re done eating we can go have our nap.” She told him without looking at him. Seunghyun nodded mutely. Five minutes later both Seunghyun & Suzy headed towards the rest area where the mats, pillows & blankets were already prepared. To Suzy’s relief the camera crew were already setting up their gear in that room which meant that she didn’t have to face Seunghyun once again all alone & struggle with her feelings.

Bidding Seunghyun good night Suzy climbed into her bed & shut her eyes. Realising that he can’t be too obvious due to the cameras around them Seunghyun also bid Suzy good night & climbed into his bed. Heaving a heavy inaudible sigh he faced the ceiling his thoughts still jumbled up. Suzy had said the words he had feared to hear. It was too late. “Perhaps I should have just shut up instead of even opening my trap.” Seunghyun felt his eyelids droop without even realising & was soon fast asleep slipping into his own daydreams.

“That was an interesting day. I enjoyed myself so much.” Minhwan beamed as the four of them begun their drive back to their dorm. “Yeah I mean we’ve filmed for almost 10 hours straight but yet I enjoyed every minute of it.” Jonghun added with a smile of his own. Jaejin & Seunghyun however were uncharacteristically quiet that made the other two members curious.

“What is wrong with you two?” Jonghun asked raising his eyebrows. “Nothing.” They both answered instantly. “Did you have a fight with Suzy?” Jonghun directed his question to Jaejin & got a firm shake of the head in reply. “How about you? Did YOU & Suzy have a fight?” Minhwan asked Seunghyun. Feeling Jaejin’s eyes on him once again Seunghyun shook his head quickly.

“Whatever you guys.. Sometimes I don’t understand either one of you.” Jonghun gave the duo an once over & rolled his eyes. Through the ride back to the dorm both Jaejin & Seunghyun exchanged glances but didn’t speak. Seunghyun had a foreboding feeling that Jaejin already realised that he liked Suzy too.

“We need to talk.” Jaejin stopped Seunghyun before he could escape to the safe confines of his room. “Now? It’s already 2am hyung. We should rest..” Seunghyun protested weakly. “In my room. Now.” Jaejin said quietly but firmly. Knowing that it was pointless to argue with the older man Seunghyun followed Jaejin into his room.

“Alright. Spill. Tell me exactly what is going on between you & Suzy.” Jaejin asked taking a seat on his bed & gestured Seunghyun to take a seat on the chair beside the dresser. “Nothing..” Seunghyun shrugged. “You know you can’t lie to me right?” Jaejin raised his eyebrows. When Seunghyun maintained his silence Jaejin clucked his tongue. “I spoke to Suzy. She told me everything.” He said in a lofty voice.

Seunghyun’s head shot up in shock. “She.. She told you everything?” Seunghyun stammered. “I got you didn’t I? Suzy didn’t say anything to me when I spoke to her but I could see that she was bothered. Can you please be honest with me?” Jaejin asked. “I like her. I’ve always liked her since high school however I am not you hyung. I didn’t have the courage you have in mentioning her, wooing her & even making her date you. I fail at these kind of things & I lost my chance with her.” Seunghyun said slowly.

To his surprise Jaejin didn’t seem surprised, it was as though he expected such a confession to happen. “Did you tell her that?” he questioned his voice still neutral. “I did however I never said that she should dump you for me or anything like that hyung.” Seunghyun hastily added the last part into his comment. “What did she say in reply?” Jaejin wanted to know.

“She..she..” Seunghyun avoided eye contact completely. “Like I said.. Be honest with me Seunghyun.” Jaejin snapped. “She said she liked me back in high school too but now it is too late for the both of us because she is your girlfriend.” Seunghyun blurted out the truth stunning his bandmate into silence.


Author's Note : This part will be divided into two chapters since it's too long. :) Comments & suggestions are welcome! Thank you to my readers for leaving me encouraging comments! <3

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Chapter 1: cool cool cool...
suho_S2_suzy #2
Chapter 5: i miss ur minho-suzy fanfic soooo much.plz update
Chapter 5: OMG !! I love it !! <3 The ending is DAEBAK !! *O* But can you please finish your other story of Minho and Suzy ? I'm really waiting for the new chapter TT
Chapter 5: aww.. that's so sweet.. ^_^

I'm glad if you make another seunghyun-suzy fics again.. :D
ummm,, if so, i hope you make the characters not as an idol, yeah.. so you can give a little bit drama inside, just like jonghun story, or minho's..
but it's okay if you would make the characters as an idol.. I'll always support you :)
forsunyealso #5
Chapter 5: *died!
Suji naughty naughty!!nyahaha
i so love the kiss after that tie pulling >_< thank u so much for this wonderful piece <3
forsunyealso #6
Chapter 4: aw.,my heart </3 are you going to post the 2nd part today unnie?..can't wait
soomuch_A #7
Chapter 3: Wooaaahh !! This chapter is crazy... ! I mean really good ! really unexpected ! daebakkk... Update soon.. :)
Chapter 3: OMG !! The paragraphe is so *O* If only they confessed in High School ! Things will DEFINITELY be different
forsunyealso #9
Chapter 3: jeezzzz..the last paragraph was soooo..!!!!
err..Hyunnie!why you didn't asked her before when you're in highschool :(
