
♥~Unexpected~♥ ft Song Seunghyun (FT Island) & Bae Suzy (Miss A)


A couple of days later Seunghyun was sitting on his bed going through the lyric notes for the group’s new Japanese single when Jaejin barged into the room with a loud whoop causing Seunghyun to almost drop his guitar. “Hyunnie!! Guess what?! We’ve just been invited by KBS to be guest for Invincible Youth 2!” Jaejin jumped around waving a piece

of paper. That time around Seunghyun really did drop the guitar only to catch it before it crashed to the floor. “What?? How did we suddenly get invited over?” Seunghyun demanded setting his guitar aside & walking up to Jaejin who was still bouncing up & down happily. “Well not all of us are invited. Only three of us are.” Jaejin consulted the piece of paper. “Lee Jaejin. Me of course! Choi Jonghun. Our leadja.” Jaejin read out the names. “And Choi Minhwan.” Jaejin read out the last name. Seunghyun’s face fell. He wasn’t invited.

“Oh..” Seunghyun walked back to the bed to grab his guitar. What did he think? He would actually be invited for the show? He was the last member to join FT Island & wasn’t as popular as his bandmates were. Naturally he’d be left out. To his surprise Seunghyun heard Jaejin laughing his head off behind him. “What’s so funny?” he asked the older man still a little hurt that he hadn’t been invited.

“Because you are so easy to troll you babo! ALL of us were invited! Hongki hyung can’t go because he is filming another variety show so the rest of us are going.” Jaejin continued laughing. “You’re such a troll Jaejin hyung!!” Seunghyun smiled feeling all the disappointment welling up inside him ebbing away in an instant. He had been invited after all & he could have another chance to see.. to see her. It was so wrong but he couldn’t help it.

Seunghyun had kept on playing & replaying the situation back in the pub inside his head. If Jaejin hadn’t shown up with the rice cakes he might have actually blurted out to Suzy that he liked her. “Babo! What are you thinking about? Don’t you want to pick out your outfit for the broadcast? It’s in two days.” Jaejin snapped his fingers in front of Seunghyun’s face. “Yeah.. I will pick out my outfit now hyung..” Seunghyun went to the wardrobe to choose from his favourite shirts.

“Aren’t you guys excited for the filming? I can’t believe we got invited onto Invincible Youth!” Jaejin kept on chattering excitedly through the trip to the quaint little island where the filming usually took place on. “Jeez Jaejin.. Shut up already. We are also excited to be on the show but you’re taking it too far. My ears are going to bleed from your incessant noise.” Jonghun made a face.

Sheesh! Can’t a guy just be happy for once that a girl he likes actually likes him back?” Jaejin grumbled loudly. “I think we should be happy for hyung.” Minhwan quipped his eyes on Seunghyun. Noticing the drummer’s gaze Seunghyun avoided looking in his direction. “Well whatever.. I’m still sleepy. Let me sleep for at least ten minutes before we reach the place.” Jonghun pulled his ski cap over his eyes & turned his face away from his other members.

Respecting his wishes the other members fell into a comfortable silence & Seunghyun spotted Jaejin still bouncing up & down in his seat. “Are you alright?” he heard Minhwan’s almost inaudible question. “I’m fine.” Seunghyun smiled back uncertainly. Though Minhwan looked like he was about to say something he stopped himself & gave Seunghyun a comforting pat on his shoulder.

Realising that Minhwan somehow knew he liked Suzy Seunghyun avoided the drummer’s inquisitive gaze. “He honestly knows too much for his own good.” Seunghyun draw shapeless figures on the dusty window glass of the van window.

“So now that we are all seated out here.. Do you guys have a favourite G5 member?” Boom asked the FT Island members. Seunghyun stood beside Jaejin uncomfortably trying to adjust his mike so that it wouldn’t fall off into the inside of his favourite ruby red shirt. “I like Yewon shi.” Minhwan said & Seunghyun saw Yewon’s cherubic face break out into an adorable smile.

“How about you Jonghun kun?” Young Ja asked the leader. “I like Jiyoung shi.” Jonghun gestured towards Jiyoung who also gave him her brightest smile. “Jaejin?” Shin Young prompted a knowing glint in her eyes. After all she was the one who had on the episode of Oh My School about Suzy being his ideal type. “Me? I like Bora shi.” Jaejin answered to the shock of everyone there except Suzy who already seemed to know who Jaejin would pick.

“You’re so lying.” Bora grinned not looking the slightest bit offended. “Don’t try to spare our feelings.” Hyoyeon quipped nodding. “No I really like Bora shi.” Jaejin insisted rather unconvincingly. “Well.. Since he’s so insistent it’s Bora.” Young Ja moved her foot threateningly warning anyone else who protested that they’re going to get her slipper thrown at their head.

“Alright. Last but not least Seunghyun shi.” Everyone looked at Seunghyun. “It’s Suzy shi isn’t it?” Shin Young & Boom chorused in unison. “Yes.” Seunghyun nodded in defeat. “This is interesting. A love triangle between two brothers over Suzy.” Boom rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Don’t talk nonsense & start scandals! Let’s start the show.” Young Ja’s slipper hit Boom in the head. “So it’s you & me Hyoyeon?” Boom grinned at Hyoyeon who turned rosy with happiness.

“The first game for today is going to be the three legged race. G5 members please pair up with whoever has picked you.” Shin Young started handing out ribbons to the respective teams. Seunghyun stood beside Suzy still looking awkward. “Let’s win this Seunghyun shi!” Suzy told him with a determined smile. “Are you okay that I picked you?” Seunghyun questioned uncertainly.

“Of course! I like you Seunghyun shi. You’re so funny.” Suzy shrugged absent-mindedly. “I like you too Suzy shi.” Seunghyun answered seriously but Suzy was oblivious to the fact that he meant an entirely different manner of ‘liking’ than her own definition of liking. “You & Jaejin hyung made plans not to pick each other didn’t you?” Seunghyun whispered to Suzy as they both bent down to tie the ribbon around each other’s ankles.

“Yep we did. Don’t want to be too obvious.” Suzy answered quietly. Seunghyun fell silent at her words. Maybe they didn’t want to be too obvious but wasn’t he being obvious enough for Suzy? “Apparently not.” Seunghyun muttered. “I’m sorry did you say something?” Suzy looked up from where she was tying both their ankles together with the yellow ribbon. “Nothing Suzy shi.” Seunghyun gave her an exasperated smile.

“Okay. Are you guys ready for the three-legged race?” Shin Young spoke through a megaphone. “Yes!” The couples answered in one voice. Seunghyun spotted Jaejin giving Suzy a meaningful look over Bora’s head & looked around in panic. Heaving a sigh of relief Seunghyun realised that no one had spotted Jaejin’s look towards Suzy.

“Hyung needs to be more careful if he’s trying to act like he’s not being obvious.” Seunghyun sighed inwardly. “On your mark.” Shin Young yelled into the megaphone. Seunghyun’s hands hovered over Suzy’s shoulder but he let them hang over the air as he was still hesitant. Noticing his discomfort Suzy looked around to find Seunghyun’s pained expression meeting her own curious one. “What’s wrong Seunghyun shi?” Suzy looked amused.

“Can.. I.. you know put my hands around your shoulder? It’ll be easier to walk that way.” Seunghyun coughed slightly. “Yep. Go ahead.” Suzy shrugged nonchalantly not seeming to understand why Seunghyun seemed so flustered. Seunghyun let his hovering hand drop onto Suzy’s shoulder gently & heaved a breath of relief. At least she wasn’t treating him like a leper. That was a start. “Are you guys ready? Seriously..” Shin Young asked once again in an annoyed tone.

“Yes yes we are. Just start the race already unnie!” Bora answered laughing. “GO!” Shin Young dropped the handkerchief & the couples started off rather unsteadily. The first to be eliminated were Yewon & Minhwan when Yewon slipped & landed on her taking Minhwan down with her. “You fool!” Young Ja shook her head watching Yewon & Minhwan burst out into peals of laughter.

Boom & Hyoyeon were next when Boom’s untied shoelace got in the way causing him to trip & falling on top of Hyoyeon. “OPPA!” Hyoyeon pushed back her messy hair & grumbled still smiling. Jonghun and Jiyoung had almost made it to the finish line when Jonghun gave a loud groan & keeled over. “Leg cramp.” He held onto his thigh with a pained expression. The two remaining couples Jaejin & Bora and Seunghyun & Suzy were neck & neck.

“We can do this Suzy shi.” Seunghyun smiled at her as they quickened their pace. Unlike most of the other couples there Seunghyun realised that he & Suzy had a natural rhythm. They seemed to understand each other without even trying. “Just a bit more.” Suzy pushed forward. Unfortunately for them the knot Suzy had tied around their ankles came unravelled just as they were about to cross the finish line.

“Ow!” Seunghyun groaned as Suzy stepped on his foot. They both collapsed into a heap onto the ground as Jaejin & Bora crossed the finish line with loud victory whoops. “Are you alright?” Seunghyun heard him & Suzy say those words at the same time to each other. “I’m so sorry Seunghyun shi. Me & my clumsy feet. Did I hurt you?” Suzy asked her large eyes full of concern.

“No you didn’t. You had a pretty bad fall. Are you sure you’re alright?” Seunghyun wanted to reach out for her but once again was plagued by a bout of hesitance. “I’m okay.” Suzy smiled & stood up brushing dust off her pants. “Jaejin & Bora WIN!!” Shin Young yelled into the megaphone earning deafening cheers from the duo on the winning team. However when Jaejin realised that Suzy had fallen down he stopped cheering & rushed to her.

“Suzy shi are you okay?” he almost reached out to gather her in his arms but thankfully realised that they were being surrounded by people. “I’m fine, thank you Jaejin shi.” Suzy gave him a small smile. “Suzy’s 285mm feet is always getting in the way.” Boom quipped. “Boom Oppa!!” Suzy made a face. “We actually measured Suzy’s foot on Mnet Wide Open Studio. It’s only 255mm hyung.” Seunghyun replied almost instantly.

“The way Seunghyun defends Suzy you would think that he is her Prince Charming!” Shin Young told Boom in a serious tone. “Unnie!” Suzy protested. Seunghyun however blushed slightly & attempted to hide it. Spotting the look on Jaejin’s face Seunghyun hastily gulped & looked away. Jaejin didn’t look upset but he looked curious. Curious as to why Seunghyun had jumped to Suzy’s defence so quickly even before he had.

“Next up is the treasure hunt in the forest. Each team will be given a coloured flag & whoever reaches the top of the mountain first will win gift hampers worth 200,000 won.” Young Ja announced. “The winners will also get to have their nap & dinner first out of all the couples. Are you guys ready?” Boom handed out cards with instructions written on them to each team. Seunghyun examined his pink card that was identical to Suzy’s.

“They say our pink flag is in the west of the mountain. Let’s head out now!” Suzy told Seunghyun who nodded in agreement. “We’re going to win again!” Bora waved to Suzy as Jaejin & her walked past Suzy. “We’ll see about it!” Suzy grinned back mischievously. “Let’s hope my big feet don’t get in the way again.” Suzy sighed when she & Seunghyun headed out towards the hill top. “I’m sure it won’t Suzy shi.” Seunghyun answered comfortingly. Suzy gave him a grateful smile & nodded.

“Omo.. it looks like it’s going to rain.” Suzy pointed up at the sky that was darkening at a rather alarming pace. “They didn’t give us any umbrellas either. Is your camera going to be fine PD nim?” Suzy turned towards the cameraman who gave her the thumbs up sign. However Suzy’s words rang true fifteen minutes later when Seunghyun & Suzy were doused with a sudden downpour from the angry dark grey skies.

“Oh my god! I thought the rain would at least give us half an hour before it started pouring. Guess not..” Suzy tried to shield herself from the fierce drizzle of stinging watery needles. “Can you guys go on ahead without me? I need to call the assistant to get me a raincoat & protective cover for the camera.” The harried looking PD took out a cellphone all the while muttering under his breath.

“Unless you guys want to wait here with me.” The PD looked at them questioningly. “Well I guess if we want to win we have to brave the rain.” Seunghyun met Suzy’s eyes. “Are you okay with getting wet?” Suzy asked trying to remove a strand of hair that had gotten into . “I don’t think it’s possible to get any wetter.” Seunghyun looked down at his drenched t-shirt. Suzy laughed in agreement.

“Alright then. You guys go on ahead. I’ll catch up with you as soon as my assistant gets back.”  The PD gave them a wave. “Let’s run to the shelter up there.” Suzy pointed at a large white tent like structure looming up in the distance. “On the count of three. 1.2.3.” Seunghyun counted & he and Suzy took off at top speed towards the shelter. “That was fun.” Seunghyun wheezed when the duo reached the shelter completely drenched from top to toe.

Suzy threw back her head her laughter resounding through the shelter even through the drumbeat of the rain. “I think we are going to win!” Suzy clapped happily. Seunghyun returned her smile but stopped short when he noticed that Suzy t-shirt after being drenched in the rain was clinging onto her in a rather flattering way.

Averting his eyes Seunghyun gulped noisily. Oblivious to his awkward situation Suzy started chattering away about the shortcut they could use to get to the top of the mountain before the other teams could.


Author's Note : Thank you to the readers who left a comment! :D I'm glad at least more than one person is interested in my HyunZy story. haha! Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and comments & suggestions are welcome! :D

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Chapter 1: cool cool cool...
suho_S2_suzy #2
Chapter 5: i miss ur minho-suzy fanfic soooo much.plz update
Chapter 5: OMG !! I love it !! <3 The ending is DAEBAK !! *O* But can you please finish your other story of Minho and Suzy ? I'm really waiting for the new chapter TT
Chapter 5: aww.. that's so sweet.. ^_^

I'm glad if you make another seunghyun-suzy fics again.. :D
ummm,, if so, i hope you make the characters not as an idol, yeah.. so you can give a little bit drama inside, just like jonghun story, or minho's..
but it's okay if you would make the characters as an idol.. I'll always support you :)
forsunyealso #5
Chapter 5: *died!
Suji naughty naughty!!nyahaha
i so love the kiss after that tie pulling >_< thank u so much for this wonderful piece <3
forsunyealso #6
Chapter 4: aw.,my heart </3 are you going to post the 2nd part today unnie?..can't wait
soomuch_A #7
Chapter 3: Wooaaahh !! This chapter is crazy... ! I mean really good ! really unexpected ! daebakkk... Update soon.. :)
Chapter 3: OMG !! The paragraphe is so *O* If only they confessed in High School ! Things will DEFINITELY be different
forsunyealso #9
Chapter 3: jeezzzz..the last paragraph was soooo..!!!!
err..Hyunnie!why you didn't asked her before when you're in highschool :(
