Triangle Love

Triangle Love

Mee-Yon POV


"Sam Jing-ah!" a middle aged man came running when we came into the house.  He gently embraced my umma then focused his attention on me. 


"What a bright girl" exclaimed the man.


"Pft..." snickered Heechul oppa from behind.


"Heechul!" screamed aujumma.


"I'm so sorry Mee-Yon.  This is my husband, Dong-Bo." explained aujumma while gesturing at a huge beer belly man.


"Nice to meet you." I smiled sweetly.


"My eldest son is off at another autograph signing with Eunhyuk, they just can't get enough of them!" she said in a kind of annoying and proud way.


"Anyways, how about you girls go wash up and then come down for dinner?" 


"araso." I asnwered.


Sungmin POV



I tried my very best to dress nice for dinner since this is like the first in forever we had a girl visit our house.  I even dragged Leeteuk hyung into my room and asked him what I should wear.


"You should go with something fresh and clean but casual." leeteuk hyung suggested.


"Yea, something like that." I said still trying to decide what to wear.


"You know, Sungmin-ah, I haven't seen you this happy in such a long time, you've been down ever since that acci-" Leeteuk hyung stopped himself before he said anything else.


"mian haeyo Sungmin-ah" leeteuk tried to apologize.


"It's alright" i said with a half hearted smile.


What happened was.  A few month ago I was dating a girl named Sohee,  she was a sweet, and kind hearted girl.  One day I was suppose to meet her to go to a concert.  I saw her on the other side of the road and needed her to hurry so I waved my hand back and forth signaling her to hurry up.  She was half way across the street when... she got hit.  Yes i was really depressed, and I though till this day that it was all my fault that my love died.  And that is why I am so kind to all girls, it's a way of paying back the guilt for Sohee.



Mee-Yon POV



The dinner was fun.  Me and Sungmin oppa got to know each other a little more.  I now know that he likes the colour pink, likes animals, likes hamburger as fast food, and other random facts.


I'm in my new bedroom right now.  The room looks great, but Kyuhyun oppa said that it looked kind of flashy, well I guess in a way.  I also met their leader, Leeteuk oppa.  They are all so well mannered it's unbelievalbe.  Aujumma told me that her eldest son Donghae would come home tomorrow since he has autograph signing with one of the members Eunhyuk.  


"Donghae, sounds familier... but it couldn't be... " I utter to myself as I put some clothes onto the racks.  




I heard someone on the other side of the room. That's right Sungmin oppa occupied the room next to me. *squeals silently*  


"So hyung, what do you think of that Mee-Yon girl?" said a voice that sounded a lot like Kyuhyun's.


"I think she's really cute." replies the hyung.


"Ahaha, I thinks she kinda looks like an airhead that has no idea what she's doing" replied the dongsaeng.


"Yah, that's not polite, apologize right now!" 


"She can't even hear us hyung, but, I think she is unique and something definately will happen, something interesting." said Kyuhyun in an evil voice, then all I hear were gaming sounds.


I sat against the wall as I listen to the faint gaming sounds.  Get used it Mee-Yon, you'll be hearing this a lot from now on.


* Yeah, it's short, but hey on the bright side you all learned something about Sungminnn~~~  The part where Sungmin had his flash back was a remake of suju's little drama they did for a reality show ^__^~~  anyways, all comments, subscribers are really appreciated, Thank you so much ;DDD*

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Assddffghjj more!!!! 8D and you added Sica here e___e anyway.... I like this fic xD
UPDATE.!! yay.!!!! :D hehe hae is so mean did he as Sica to do that.????
@LeepFrog sorry sorry *rubs hand together* High school is soooo stressful right now and I can't seem to have any inspirations D':<br />
But I will try my very best to update this ff! But thank you so much for waiting^_^~
LeapFrog #4
I can't wait any longer D8
wahhh.. cliffhanger.. haha XD who is her saviour.. OMO please update soon :)
LeapFrog #6
XD I love this ff.<br />
Sungmin so nice~ <3
@tricia358 kamsamnida! And as for the clip I got it off of photobucket =)
MyOneAndOnlyHae #8
the clip in chapter 3 is really funny.. where'd you get that?
MyOneAndOnlyHae #9
new reader here! and all i can say is WOW!.<br />
daebak!..<br />
ChaeKiRin #10
D: dong is so mean to the girl. how could he :(<br />
thanks for the update :)