Triangle Love

Triangle Love


Mee-Yon POV


“Mee-Yon ! The taxi is here, hurry up!” my mom shouts.


“Okay!” I shout back.


Hello, my name is Mee-Yon, if you didn’t already know.  I’m an 18 year old country girl who is going to move to the Seoul City with my mom for my university education.  Yes, I am quite nervous, for this is my first time going into the big cities; I hope I’m going to be alright.


“I hope daddy is going to be alright, since we’re going to be away for quite a while,” I say to my mom who was sitting on my right waving to my dad as we departed for the train station.


“Yes, your daddy will be fine, he’s under the care of your ajumma, don’t worry everything will be fine.”


Those were probably the last words that were spoken until we arrived at the train station.   3 hours later we arrived at the Kanji Train Station, it was HUGE, well at least to me it was.   We had to go through some kind of little gate before we went in to the station.  We than boarded the train and found seats beside each other. 




I must of fallen asleep because the next thing I knew we were already at the Seoul Train Station.  I was still really sleepy but managed to stand up.


“Stay close to me Mee-Yon, it’s really crowed here,” my umma said when we were about to step off the train.  I heard her but I couldn’t see her.  Where did she go?  She was with me just a second ago.




I’m lost.


“Umma! Umma!” I desperately shouted over and over again.  No response, just blank stares from strangers. 


I walked around the station trying to find some service booth but was no luck.  I circled around and around until I hit the entrance/exit.  I got tired so I sat down on the steps.


“Umma, where are you?” I muttered to myself.




“AHHHHH!” a group of girls screamed, while crowding around the car that just stopped.  What is going on?  I pick myself up to see what was going on.  Soon the crowed go larger and I was pretty much getting pancaked in between girls around my age.


What the hell was going on?


I got shoved around for quite a while before I got pushed down.


Everything, everybody went silent.


Ouch, was all my brain told me.  But soon I came into sense and opened my eyes and looked around me, to find myself lying on the pathway.


“Get out of the way!” a strong and manly voice scolded me from behind.  A man in all black suddenly picked me up and dragged me to the side.


“Yah! Who the hell are you? Let go of me right now! Did you not see I was pushed out of the crowed?” I screamed and kicked at the muscular man.


“OHMIGOD! It’s Donghae oppa!” a girl screamed.


Soon the crowed that was staring at me, shifted their attention back to the car.  From the car, stepped out a guy, who was handsome looking.  He had brown medium wavy hair and was wearing a black suite with a white blouse.  Everyone was taking videos and pictures. 


Who is he?  He looked over at me while passing by and smirked.  What the hell was that suppose to be?


“Yah! You bastard! Apologize right now!” I yelled in anger.


“Jun, please take care of ‘it’” he said in a really, really casual voice.


“Yes sir” replied the man who was holding me.


IT?  Did he just refer me to IT? The man soon let go of me and ran after the guy.


“Aiish!  My first day in Seoul and this is what I get?  First I lose my umma then I get bullied around?  I think  I’m really starting to hate this place!” I yelled in anger.


“Well you never know, there is still lots of places to see” said a voice from behind.


OMIGOD.  What an angle, his face is so pure!


“Umm,  sorry.  I was just really mad, I didn’t really mean anything.”  What a cute boy I thought.


“Ahaha, it’s alright” he said with a cute smile. 


“I’m Lee Sungmin by the way, nice to meet you”


“My name is Mee-Yon, nice to meet you too” I said shaking his hand.  I was trying really hard not to focus too much on his face.


“What a nice name, beauty plus lotus flower”


I was enjoying my moment until his phone rang.


“I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry so here is my number, I hope we can see each other again.  Bye-bye” he waved to me while running into the station.


Wow, I have his number.


I was still daydreaming when someone waved their hands in my face.


“Yah, are you okay?” my mom appeared out of now where.


“Umma! Where were you!  Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you?” I said in frustration.


“Sorry about that, I had some forms to fill out.”


“It’s alright, but have you contacted your friends yet? The ones we’re staying with?”


“Yes, they have a car waiting for us.  So let’s hurry up.”


We walked up to a car that was parked a few feet away.  The chauffer held a banner that read me and my mom’s name.  The car looked familiar but I was too tired to think, so I climbed in and took a seat by a window in the back.


I soon fell asleep dreaming about a boy named Lee Sungmin.


*well this is my first chapter, hope it didn't bore you ;D It might take a while until next chapter since I have tests coming up =.=' But I'll try my best ;D  Thank you ^___^*

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Assddffghjj more!!!! 8D and you added Sica here e___e anyway.... I like this fic xD
UPDATE.!! yay.!!!! :D hehe hae is so mean did he as Sica to do that.????
@LeepFrog sorry sorry *rubs hand together* High school is soooo stressful right now and I can't seem to have any inspirations D':<br />
But I will try my very best to update this ff! But thank you so much for waiting^_^~
LeapFrog #4
I can't wait any longer D8
wahhh.. cliffhanger.. haha XD who is her saviour.. OMO please update soon :)
LeapFrog #6
XD I love this ff.<br />
Sungmin so nice~ <3
@tricia358 kamsamnida! And as for the clip I got it off of photobucket =)
MyOneAndOnlyHae #8
the clip in chapter 3 is really funny.. where'd you get that?
MyOneAndOnlyHae #9
new reader here! and all i can say is WOW!.<br />
daebak!..<br />
ChaeKiRin #10
D: dong is so mean to the girl. how could he :(<br />
thanks for the update :)