
Cube's Ghost


A/N: Hello everyone, this time I am going to write an another POV chapter. This time it is.......Eunkwang.  I hope you will like this chapter. I don't really have a good thought about it while writing it, yet I did wanted to show you.


"Have you ever had the feeling: you thought you were at something but in a blink of an eye it all disappeared?, Have you ever had the felled or thought the only thing you'd to do failed, without realizing it first? Have you ever had the feeling something was wrong, but since you didn't wanted to disappoint anyone or wanted to be the mood ruiner you still gave in which end up wrongly? Have you ever thought you actually disappoint the people you care about while trying to do actually the opposite? Have you ever had the day you al doubting about actually everything and actually feel useless and a day everything goes all wrong?.... Well.. I do" -Eunkwang-

*While taking a nap, Eunkwang's POV*
I slept when everyone was taking a nap, well that is what I thought. While sleeping I honestly didn't slept all to peacefully. It was a sort of nightmare were one by one every member would disappear. The dream looked way to much to real in my opinion. How first it started just like today all innocent but sooner or later, one disappeared by the other while I remained and had to face the managers afterwards. With that, I slowly woke up, I didn't wanted to have a dream like that. It was just.. to painful and to... to much. Why did I had to dream like this? Did I just had listened to my feeling and told everyone not to go when I had the time? I don't know. Now, I slowly opened my eyes. I wanted to see everyone, telling we had to leave. But instead of seeing everyone. I stared into eyes of someone else. I almost jumped up since I was so surprised. 
'YAH!, Sungjae I almost got a heartattack because of you!'
I said a bit on a high pitch tone and hasty. Sighing as I just looked into the eyes of the maknae. Gosh it made me scared, I first thought it was someone else. Standing up and stretched myself. I decided I had slept more than enough now. I just wanted to get the hell out of here. I looked around and stood then frozen as I noticed there was no Minhyuk,  No Hyunsik and No Peniel. Right away, the worst thoughts appeared in my mind right away. No it must be a prank.. I thought for a second, it was weird all the three were always together whenever something happened. Though that idea fast faded away. I couldn't think like that!!. It probable wasn't the truth at all. And if it would've been a joke they would've said it already, Hyunsik wasn't that much of a good actor. Hyunsik couldn't act all that and couldn't just act like how he had acted a little while ago. No.. this was real. That thought only confirmed me when I hear suddenly Hyunsik and Peniel shouting "MINHYUK" really really loud. which also made the other awake.  Then, after the shouting it was quiet, paunfully quiet just for some minutes. It had taken minutes for him to think of what I should say or actually even what I should do? I.. had no idea.
I started to say and couldn't finish it , since Hyunsik and Peniel walked back inside the room. Now, I honestly wanted to shout at them, telling how stupid they were, just leavign without telling or something. As I opened my mouth to do so, I had expected Minhyuk to come.. but, No Minhyuk. I closed my mouth and as I just wanted to ask what had happened, why they shouted Minyuk's name and why they left and why they looked like they'd seen a ghost. Hyunsik already raised up his arm to show me something. To scared to look what it was. But I gave in, my eyes went to the thing Hyunsik was holding.
My heart felt like dropping as I saw what it was.. 'Minhyuk's Ipod' I mumbled soft, probable one who had heard it. But I don't care. I just stared at the Ipod and suddenly, feeling my legs getting weaker. Feeling how my eyes got weary. It meant, Minhyuk was gone... or..
Peniel suddenly said, like he was reading my mind. Which made me startled and looked at the two. I slowly sat down again. Leaning against the wall and thought deeply as my eyes went around the room the whole time. Looking for a clue for Minyuk. but... nothing.."I failed.. I failed just the ONE thing I needed to.." Was what in my mind creeped up. I covered my face into my hands. I didn't cry but... I felled like a total failure.. what kind of leader am I. I knew something would happen today, I knew we had to stay back home. But what did I do!? I just did what they wanted me to. I.....
'It isn't your fault Hyung'
I looked up, to Ilhoon who told me that, Before I even can react. Peniel started to talk.
'Hyunsik is right, it isn't yours'
Looking to Peniel then.
'Indeed, it is ours.. it was our idea to go here and you said you actually didn't wanted to and we ...didn't really listened'
Hyunsik said, I looked at hyunsik. Hearing those words.. made me feel bad. Even though they thought it wasn't my fault. Didn't meant it was theirs nor Minhyuks... No.. It was all of us. They wanted to, and I eventually agreed on it. Feeling slight happy though, that they just didn't blame me for what happened. Suddenly... I knew what had to be done. I stood up and all my scared feelings disappeared out of my body, just... gone. We had to find Minhyuk, no matter what and all together.. all together.. we're strong. All together made us shine the most on stage and now it was time to proof we are even shining the best and are the strongest off stage. Looking at Hyunsik, seeing his worried face.
'Hyunsik... what's wrong?'
Hyunsik looked up to him, waiting patiently for the answer of Hyunsik.
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Chapter 8: omg not my baby Ilhoon~ noooo! omg this is too creepy yet daebak. >o<
aeg118 #2
Chapter 8: Wae Ilhoon?? Omg I love this fanfic >< Please update the next chapter, I'm really curious. OMG I'm thinking that everyone loves Ilhoon even ghosts love him ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

And what happened to other members? Poor Eunkwang

@authornim : yeah HOONSIK baby forever~~

*sorry 4 the caps*
Chapter 7: WOW its so thrilling to read. ;_________; PLEASE UPDATE, this sounds interesting. ^w^ AND WHAT HAPPENED TO MA HUSBAND HYUKKIE OPPA
To Yuya_love_B: I am glad I am able to give you a real goosebump vibe, and you're welcome. HoonSik is like one of my favourite pairings ^^

To HyunAeJjang: I'll try to update soon, but it is possible it could take a while, am working on my testweek which is for my exams this summer and need to study for that. But I will try to work on it every time I have time for it.
Chapter 7: Please update soon! ^^ Can't wait for the next chapters... I am really curious why the other ghost took Minhyuk away??
Chapter 7: three chapter!! i love it..
you give us the real goosebump vibe..

ouh thanks to Chaerin who willing to help them..
and i would like to thank you to make ILHOON N HYUNSIK pairing here~~ my HoonSik feels~~
Chapter 5: nooooooooo~~~
Minhyuk!!! why you follow the voice!!!!
gah, Hyunsik, you should tell them!!!
Chapter 4: yeaay, you update. honestly you give me a goosebump. I really hope the Cube's ghost will not do anything harm to Btob. erm, I just want to give opinion, if you don't mind, can you write the name of the member before they start their own pov. I am getting confused, which pov own by whom. but, greeat update author-nim fighting :)