Page 2 and 3 from Jaeseop's diary

Pieces From My Life Diary

Page 2

18 January 2011

This is shocking. Eli had gotten together with Kevin. I mean who knew they would be dating each other, seriously? And I thought I could get Kevin because I used to have a crush on him until some people started calling me a homo. And I hate people teasing me. I have no idea why ElVin (Their couple name) can't feel embarrassed by their homo relationship. I mean, although I'm gay, and so is Soohyun and Hoon, they don't act like couples yet..Well, I don't have a partner yet, but I'll find one..soon. This is just not the time for me to find a boyfriend yet. The only people who are gay and single is..Kiseop. And although I might have a crush on him, I don't have the courage to confess yet. Besides, he never even heard me talk. And neither have I heard him talk. Because we're both quiet, and we don't speak that much. I was walking towards the couch, when I saw Kiseop sitting, staring at ElVin. I sat next to him with my coke float in my hand and stared at ElVin with him. When he sighed, I immediately turned my gaze on him. A million of questions flew in my head. Why did he sigh? Was he sad? Did ElVin make him remember something? Well..I could ask him that because like I said, I'm anti-social and quiet. Just like him. I had been staring at him for the past half an hour and he probably thinks I'm mad or something but I just have this question in my head....

Do I like him?

- Kim Jaeseop



Page 3

19 January 2011

Such a tragedy today. Hoon and Kevin fell ill after eating the chili crab we ordered outside. Who knew they were allergic to seafood? When Hoon's rashes and fever had gotten worst, our leader got too worried in Hoon's condition and brought him to the hospital. Eli, who was taking care of Kevin, was sitting by his side. When Kevin had gone to the bathroom to throw everything out, worried pigeon took his unopened bottles of medicine which had the drowsy effect. After Kevin came back, Eli fed him the medicine and brought him to his bedroom. Then, I saw Eli talking to Kiseop. I was interested in their conversation. I was about to walk to Eli when he called Dongho and left the dorm with him. Oh, must be something up then.. So Kevin, Kiseop and I were alone in the dorm. I walked to my bedroom and secretly took out my life diary, which was this. I didn't have anything to do so I read my first two pages that were written yesterday and the day before yesterday. Then, I fell asleep. 

When I was about to wake up, I felt someone's presence, which could only be Kiseop's because Kevin was in bed. When I opened my eyes, I saw him reading my diary. My heart was beating fast. He probably must have read the second page. I snatched it away before Kiseop would read anymore and he backed away in shock. Then, he looked down and showed a book to me.. He was doing what I was doing..

He had a life diary as well..

I looked down at his diary and I changed my gaze to my diary before showing it to him. At that moment of time, I saw him smile. Just a little, but it still counted as a smile.. His smile looks adorable. He moved closer to my bed and I moved all the way to the right side, allowing him to sit on the left side. That was when we started finishing today's entry before we both fell asleep on each other's shoulder.

He's so warm I wish we could just stay like this forever...

- Kim Jaeseop



I changed the dates so that it will a little realistic. When Kiseop is writing, Jaeseop is writing as well. And both their entries are almost the same. The difference is the way that they write. Their different point of views. Anyway, I hope you like it. Because I took a long time planning this chapter. I don't know why either but yeah. Ahaha.

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CamiiAusterlitz #1
Chapter 7: I like it ^^
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story! It's interesting seeing how they try to communicate without actually speaking. Don't be so hard on yourseelf, I think it's good!