


It was in the middle of autumn, and nature was a work of art. Kyuhyun fastened his speed toward the rustic wooden bench, on which sat the reason of his existence.

Ryeowook. The sun that shone through his heart days and nights, months and years, cool it down in the hottest summer, and heat it up in the coldest winter.

They sat there, watching as the night fell, swallowing everything with its darkness. Rays of lights finally gave up their daily battle, slowly withdrawn to the horizon.

-Beautiful, isn’t it? – the silence ensued around them was indeed comfortable, but Kyuhyun was urgent to hear the other’s voice. Adrenaline rushed through him for no reason, an unknown fear crept up, filling his erratic heartbeats.

-Hmm… - Ryeowook answered with a cute nasal voice, snuggling closer into the fragrant heat given, like a fluffy kitten curling up onto a soft cushion. Unconsciously, the younger lifted Ryeowook’s chin up, and he was welcomed by a hot velvet pair of rosy lips.

Their tongue tangled into a sweet harmony. He gnawed his lover’s bottom lips, tasting the sweetness of the cotton candy Ryeowook has just eaten a few minutes ago. His tongue rushed into the hot cavern, touching each spot and devouring every sensation running down his spine.

This last kiss before the accident… was so extraterrestrial.


-There was a car accident. Ryeowook’s now in our private hospital. You’d better hurry up – Hyukjae said simply, then ended the call.

But Kyuhyun could still make out a quivering glimpse.

Or was that shaky tune made by his hand?


A coma. The dangerous line between life and death. Whether if Ryeowook was still fighting for his breaths, everyday this was a big question.

For one moment, Kyuhyun felt like giving up.

After all, what is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the winter time; and it is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

Life is fragile, and Kyuhyun lack skills in handling vulnerable things.

However, this is Ryeowook – the oxygen of his lungs, the flame of his heart, the passion of his soul. More important, he is the essence of his life.

The younger is selfish. Human nature is to be selfish, especially when they don’t want to lose properties that belong to them.

Kyuhyun let out a feathery sigh watching the unmoving figure.


-We’ve just released a new song, you know? Soo Man-ssi also wanted a world tour to promote the sixth album, but we’d refused, since it’d be senseless without you…

To an outsider, this would probably be a useless daily chat.

But to Kyuhyun, this was a silent confession.

Do you know what it’s like to be in a world without you?

It’s like the sun without the moon, the sea without the land, and a human without a spirit.

Time stops, and nothing seems to be alive when you’re not around.

He strengthened the grip on Ryeowook’s hand. The other’s fingers filled the gap between his, but unfortunately, it couldn’t fill the emptiness in his soul.


-Kyuhyun-ah, I…I don’t think he’s gonna…make it… - Donghae slyly stated, biting his lips worriedly.

He received a dead glance for an answer.

-What do you know! He’s only sleeping! He will wake up! He will wake up when I whisper into his ears, just like the old times…

He will wake up, Kyuhyun’s own voice echoed in his brain.

-Ryeowook-ah, I’ll wait, I’ll wait, even if it’s for a lifetime… - he turns to the body lying on the white sheet, his firm voice mingled into the calm breaths.

Even when hope had closed the door, it was love that always widened its arms.


Ryeowook was here…

Ryeowook was there…

The smiling face was still the same; however, Kyuhyun could sense evilness in his features.

He moved faster than the light, unable to catch.

Whenever the younger reached his arm, the cold air would surround it, sending shivers running down his spine.

-It’s over – Ryeowook stated with a sharp glance and a chain of laughter.

To Kyuhyun, it didn’t sound like a harmony anymore.

-No! – Kyuhyun’s eyes fluttered open, and he got dizzy by the darkness of the hospital room.

And when he realized it was all just a nightmare, he had sweating buckets.

The younger lankily walked to the white bed, once again studying his lover’s face. His smooth thumb gently caressed the high rosy cheekbones, and the touch was light, so light as the midnight breeze now blowing through the window.

Love is vigorous. Love is everlasting.

Love has the power to defeat anything.

So Ryeowook, I shall transfer to you all my love, so you can sneak out from the hand of the devil.

-I love you, Wookie, I love you… - Kyuhyun leaned down and pressed a light kiss on the other’s cheek.


-Kyuhyun… - it is a weak voice, but a very familiar one that the person who was called could never forget.

He stands there speechless, with a fear that it was just a hallucination.

But no, look at those brown eyes adopting the lights, look at those lashes softly move to every blink of its orbs, look at that small nose calmly regain the air to its lungs.


Those orbs, after two years, finally turns back and gaze at him lovingly.

This is reality.

-Ryeowook you’re awake!

A tsunami wipes through his brain, leaving a complete mess of entangled emotions and reactions. He feel happy, and thrilled, and sorrows, and clingy – in short, all the girly emotions dominate him, making Kyuhyun vulnerable.

But at the same time, he felt loved.

To love, and to be loved, are the most wonderful things one can ever experience in their own life. True love – two words, but means a world. Some people live and die without finding their perfect match, or perhaps they had, but had lost it without knowing, or in regret.

So thank God that Kyuhyun’d found Ryeowook, and was able to keep him when he had nearly slipped through his fingers.


A/N: Officially a three-shot! *fireworks* 

There will be an extra with promising fluff XD

And thank God my unnie - the person to whom I dedicated this fic to - had finally read this! >o<

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Chapter 3: This is SO SO SO SO SO SO GOOD!!!!!!!
Your writing is absolutely stunning!
yayayy good job (y)
Chapter 3: great joa kamsahanida
Chapter 3: Uhhh...Sumt ><
AMAZING!!!You should write more KyuWook fanfic ^^
Chapter 2: ..................uuuuhhuhuhuhh ;uuuuu; i dont know
Chapter 1: omfg
i am crying
it was so beautiful in every way can you write like this ;_______________________;
i just....i cannot
wonder if i will get through the next chapter XDD
still crying otl
Chapter 2: Aww...This is just too...fluff ><
Update soon~~!