


Ryeowook could feel the dim light shining into his closed eyes when he had finally gained some awareness for the first time.

His nose breathed in the smell of dehydrated alcohol and disinfectant. A soft wind caressed his face here and there, signing the existence of an electric fan nearby.

Small familiar steps echoing in the room muffled his ears. The sturdy body leaned down, mingling their breaths together.

He is so cold, Ryeowook thought when a hand reached down to his face; I wish I could provide him my warmth.

However, the boy found no strength to move.

Then he heard a small sigh.


The second time Ryeowook felt awakened enough, his hand was grasped tenderly, and the spaces between his fingers were filled perfectly.

Their contact was like touching silk and kissing the moonlight – the smoothness of the other’s skin fondled him, protected him against everything.

-We’ve just released a new song, you know? Soo Man-ssi also wanted a world tour to promote the sixth album, but we’d refused, since it’d be senseless without you…

A sweet voice crept into his ears, and the boy suddenly had the strong urge to cry.

Nonetheless, he still couldn’t expand his vision.

The tone finally muffled, and Ryeowook drifted into another world.


Ryeowook saw himself sitting on a wooden bench in the park, the dark orbs traveling to infinity. The image was blurred, but he managed to make out his vision. It was in the middle of the autumn, and nature was a work of art, making him smile rapturously.

A figure walked toward his direction, the hem of his shirt flowed in the wind, highlighting his elegance. He sat down noiselessly, as Ryeowook by instinct rested his head on the man’s shoulder.

The Ryeowook – who was watching the whole scene – searched hopelessly in his mind.

Who is he?

-Beautiful, isn’t it? – the man eventually talked, his voice filled with gentleness and affection.

-Hmm… - the other let a sound escaped his nose randomly, snuggling closer into the fragrant heat given. His chin was lifted up, and his rosy pair of lips welcomed the other’s.

The kiss was tender at first, but gradually become rougher. The man gnawed his bottom lip, his tongue, exploring the whole cavern. Ryeowook saw his own body shaking softly as receiving the sweet intrusion; a small moan escaped his mouth. Their tongues mingled together, tasting each other, wanting each other to become a part of them.

A thin silver thread broke out when the kiss ended, both of them panting hard.

The other Ryeowook felt his head exploding with doubts and questions. The other man was unable to be erased, but also impossible to remember.

The boy’s heart clutched in unknown pain and sorrow.


-Ryeowook-ah, I’ll wait, I’ll wait, even if it’s for a lifetime…

The familiar voice – which he had heard everyday in unconsciousness – pours into his ears again. The words stabs through his heart, making him feel numb.

-I love you, Wookie, I love you…

I love you too, his mind automatically answers.

Ryeowook uses all his will to fight back the dark snowing around his eyes. The chaos eventually took a step back, and his eyes gains the ability to analyze the surroundings.

All he can see is white. Fresh, clean and unconcealed.

Emphasizing in the ivory room is a man dressing in black; a tired expression taints his face.

That face… The face attached to his dreams, the face that caused him so much pain, so much doubt, but he felt loved at the same time… The face that made him fight, made him awake…

-Kyuhyun… - he whispers weakly.

The name of his love that keeps him enlightened at the darkest corner.

His brain starts to work again, like activating a damaged video that has been fixed. He sees himself in that car accident, in that dangerous operation, and eventually, in that deep coma. Kyuhyun’s face came into view in every scene, quick as a flash, but obvious as the sunrise.

Kyuhyun has always stayed there…. Til the end… Even when he doesn’t even show a sign of a living creature.

The feeling of unable to remember him, to recognize him, to relive their intimate contacts, it was such an indescribable revulsion.

Not once more in his life he wanted to cut a part of his body off.

-Ryeo…wook? – Kyuhyun drops the plastic bag in his hand.

-Ryeowook you’re awake! – realization sinks in, and he runs toward the smaller lying in the hospital bed. He runs, faster than the wind, every footsteps heavy with happiness and passion - the passion of getting back what you thought you have lost.

The eyes… The chocolate eyes he hasn’t been able to see for so long…

They stare at each other for what seems like eternity, swallowing every detail of this unforgettable moment.

A hand travels down to caress the other’s fragile cheek, while the other hand presses the red button nearby to call a doctor.

-Hyunie… How… how long has I fell asleep?

-Two years, dear… Two freaking years – all the sensation the younger has restrained flows out freely, and the crystal tears fell down.

Ryeowook steadily reaches out to hold his hand, attempting to mend all the scars the younger has tolerated. Ten fingers lace jointly, representing their irreplaceable position in each other’s soul.

He is stunning. Still flawless, after two years.

I can’t lose him. The simple thought of losing him even in my dreams, was already a horror.

It is normal when lovers tangle hands together. It is a symbol of love, of trust, of possession, of claming the other’s existence in their life. But only when you hold someone’s hand after a matter of life and death, you can feel the truest love of having a priceless treasure by your side.


A/N: I'll write this in Kyuhyun's POV, if my time buckets allows... XD So let's just mark this completed first, no?

Unnie do you enjoy this? I hope you do, cause I feel so guilty abandoning this for so long >.<

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Chapter 3: This is SO SO SO SO SO SO GOOD!!!!!!!
Your writing is absolutely stunning!
yayayy good job (y)
Chapter 3: great joa kamsahanida
Chapter 3: Uhhh...Sumt ><
AMAZING!!!You should write more KyuWook fanfic ^^
Chapter 2: ..................uuuuhhuhuhuhh ;uuuuu; i dont know
Chapter 1: omfg
i am crying
it was so beautiful in every way can you write like this ;_______________________;
i just....i cannot
wonder if i will get through the next chapter XDD
still crying otl
Chapter 2: Aww...This is just too...fluff ><
Update soon~~!