My Separated Twin Brother


When I heard the gasp come from the mysterious boy and saw the tears threaten to fall, I through the pain I felt in my body raised my arms and waved to the boy to bring him over to give him a hug. It was a weird feeling...I didn't know this sad boy yet I wanted no had to give him a hug. When he was close enough I grabbed his hand pulled him into a friendly hug
While hugging him this empty feeling I have always had since I could remember was gone. This boy was special to me though I didn't even know him. I looked down at the now crying boy and rubbed his back.
"Don't cry. Everything will be okay." I said as I continued to try and calm him down. As I said this I noticed that I was smiling and crying tears of joy. His crying slowed and he looked up
"I-i'm Kim Kibum, b-but my friends call me Key." The boy answered to my question that I asked earlier. I kept rubbing his back and holding him. I smiled at him. This felt right. 
"Key I like that name." Saying with a smile on my face. Out of nowhere I also said, "I have always felt -"
" that something was missing?" Key asked with a smile. How did he know I was gonna say that. There is that strange feeling again. I held him tighter. 
"How did you know I was going to say that?" I ask curiously. He looked nervous and looked back at the other boy which I guessed was his boyfriend give him an encouraging smile. He then looked back at me.
"It was a feeling..." he whispered and wiped the tears off of cheek. He was nervous still. 
"Whoa that was like a twin thing." Donghae said out loud. I looked at Hae and then back at Key. Could it be that I'm Key's twin. I have heard stories about separated twins reuniting and they both agree something was missing. Key seemed less nervous.
"Ryeowook...I'm your twin and I really missed you." Key told me with tears streaming from his eyes.  I'M A TWIN! I thought what does this mean about the man whose supposed to be my father. Key then hugged me and cried. As I was rubbing his back I started to cry too. 
I smiled as my boyfriend was reunited with his twin brother. I owe his dad an apology seeing my Key happy like this made me happy. I looked at Leeteuk and Donghae and waved them over as I walked out the door. 
"What does Key mean by Ryeowook being his twin brother....uh I never did catch your name." Leeteuk asked. He has to be the most polite person that I have met. 
"Kim Jonghyun. I'm Key's boyfriend." I bowed and continued to say, " Sixteen years ago a set of twins named Kim Ryeowook and Kim Kibum were born before an earthquake. Right as the earthquake struck a man kidnapped the twin Kim babies. The father chased after the kidnapper and managed to get one of the twins back before he was forced to find shelter. That twin was Key. The father has been looking for his lost twin for the last sixteen years until tonight. Donghae's and Leeteuk's were both in a state of shock. 
"That's why no one is able to get a hold of his father. He's probably left Seoul." Leeteuk said while putting air quotes around the word father. 
"I knew it was him that did this." Donghae said. I nodded as I noticed Donghae's hand made a fist. He continued, "That man is going to pay."
"We can look for him tomorrow and get back in the room to rest." I said Leeteuk and Donghae both nodded. When we walked back into the room we saw that Key and Ryeowook had fallen asleep in each others arms with smiles on their faces. 
"Aww." We all said I then covered both of them with a blanket. "They are so cute. " I said out loud. I then sat down and fell asleep. 
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the last two chapters while i was busy so give her around of applause


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Chapter 29: I'm so glad you were able to update! Actually, I was working on a chapter for a fic of mine and this story kinda inspired me :3 not sure if that's a good thing because now I feel bad for hurting my idols, but oh well XD
Chapter 29: Ah, it ended well
Chapter 28: Wahhhh I finally caught up, and all the feels!!!! ^o^ glad Wookie's okag! Great work~!
Chapter 28: Yaaay... they found him.. xD
Hate that bastard.. x(
Chapter 26: poor wookie.. the others too.. use your telepathy key.. you can do it ! :)
Chapter 25: plz find ryeowook soon, no one wants him to be a slave :( hurry everyone!!!! plz update soon.
Chapter 25: hope wookie will be find soon.. i don't want him to be a slave.. ! :(
Chapter 24: NOO I hope the group finds wookie soon, plz update soon.
Chapter 24: nooo ! wookie is being slaved ! physically and that's soo bad and just soo wrong.. huhu