He Is On The Way For Me

My Separated Twin Brother

I'm so so sorry for this being late. Like i know what you are thinking. its been over a month since the last update. Well I am back and hopefully I'll be updating at a more constant rate while attending college in a week or two. But I will try my hardest for you guys to get the story out for my amazing Subscribers. I love you guys and thank you for understanding. 

So in this chapter I'll use the Italic font so you know that what you are reading are the character's thoughts and not actual speech. So enjoy the chapter

. I have always wanted to do this with somebody. Hope it made you laugh and now onto the story.

While we were running towards the only part of Seoul that the others had not looked and Jjongie wouldn't take me to  look, I slowed realizing I have never really used my twin telepathy on this level before. Sure we used it a bunch during school when one of us was bored in class or to make plans without our boyfriends knowing. I felt a hand on my arm that brought me out of my thoughts.

"Key, you can do it." Yesung encouraged me. He then pulled me to some stairs so we could rest and I can try my weird twin link as Yesung called it.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on Ryeowook. So...I don't really know if you can hear me my dear brother, But i'm on my way to find you. Umm...how do I know you can hear me? Does it work like a cell phone? I thought as I sighed. 

Key? I heard Ryeowook's in my head call out to me. Key. I'm scared. I've missed you and everybody else so so much. I heard a sniffle. I grabbed Yesung's arm and shook him to let him know about us making a connection. 

You have no idea how much I missed you. Where are you? We have looked everywhere for you, Father and I are very very worried about you. Has that monster done anything to you? I questioned my fragile older brother then continued,  If he has I'm going to make sure he is put away until the jail he is in rots. 

He's done...things that I don't want to talk about or mention. I am in this run down hotel, It has a view of the street and a small park in front of it. second floor somewhere on the left....Key...I feel cold and...week. Oh one more thing....he is strong then the last time you saw him...Ryeowook's voice told me. He has never called me Key before.

I continued with our conversation, Is there anything else that you can see from the window of your room? Yesung is with me and he will do anything to get you back. Though one more question, Why did you go back with that bastard? I asked 

I don't want my Jongwoon to see me like this.. Well that bastard threatened me if i didn't come with him he would have his friends turn the ones that love into slaves....and so to save you all I went with him. Ryeowook's voice said dripping of shame and disgust. I couldn't believe my brothers words that for years the bastard had my brother as his slave in all meanings and every way possible. He has me on a leash...lucky for me hes not in the room at the moment so i can look out the window to see what else is out there.  He continued.

He will regret taking you away from Father and I, I promise you.  I told him as i felt my blood boil. What else do you see?  I asked after waiting for a long period of time. My worrying started to max out waiting for his reply 

A billboard for Big Bang's new album and a small cafe under it. ...Hes Back......Please Hurry. Was the last thing my beloved brother told me. I snapped my eyes open grabbing Yesung's arm. I looked around for a higher vantage point. I smiled as i spotted  the fire escape stairs on the side of the building, I then bolted for them dragging Yesung behind me

"I know where he is!" I exclaimed looking at Yesung's face which had a hint of hope on it. He pulled out his phone and started to call one of our friends to tell them the news. As we got to the top, I immediately found the billboard and pointed to it. "He is right across from that billboard!"

                                                Both my Co-Authors are



thats right i went there. Hope the funny SHINee Macros will make up for my really late chapter. Please comment and tell your friends.






this is one of my Favorite Macros fo sho

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the last two chapters while i was busy so give her around of applause


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Chapter 29: I'm so glad you were able to update! Actually, I was working on a chapter for a fic of mine and this story kinda inspired me :3 not sure if that's a good thing because now I feel bad for hurting my idols, but oh well XD
Chapter 29: Ah, it ended well
Chapter 28: Wahhhh I finally caught up, and all the feels!!!! ^o^ glad Wookie's okag! Great work~!
Chapter 28: Yaaay... they found him.. xD
Hate that bastard.. x(
Chapter 26: poor wookie.. the others too.. use your telepathy key.. you can do it ! :)
Chapter 25: plz find ryeowook soon, no one wants him to be a slave :( hurry everyone!!!! plz update soon.
Chapter 25: hope wookie will be find soon.. i don't want him to be a slave.. ! :(
Chapter 24: NOO I hope the group finds wookie soon, plz update soon.
Chapter 24: nooo ! wookie is being slaved ! physically and that's soo bad and just soo wrong.. huhu