L.Toria perhaps.....

Boys Over Flowers

Sorry For The Long Update Well Here We Go Well KrisToris Kissed This Chapter Will Have L.Toria Moments....


Victoria was furious 

While Kris.... O_O to G_G he was mesmerized by that kiss 

To everyone went to there class 

Kris had Gym for 1st Pd

Daehyun and Gongchan had Math for 1st Pd

L.joe and Victoria had Science for there 1st Pd

Kris wanted to know all of Victoria schedule but the Gym was far from the other classes

He was in the basketball team he was so tall it may seem basketball is nothing to him 

But to day he seems to be lacking since he remembered the kiss it was so...something that 1 out of a million can have 

Yes that kiss meant something to him..


Daehyun was copying Gongchans work since Gongchan was finish and took a nap 

Thats until they teacher caught Daehyun but she didn't mind since she was still getting pay to teach 

Gongchan whispered

Gongchan: " The more you copy me the dumber you'll get.." He said while he was asleep since he was use to Daehyun copying him

Daehyun shot up since he thought Gongchan was asleep but wasn't 

Daehyun: " Stop scaring me like that its not funny!!!" He said almost having a heartattack 

Gongchan got his head up and smirked


L.joe went to sit in the back he told Victoria to sit by him 

Victoria went and sat by him 

Victoria felt really uncomfortable since there were girls taking pictures of L.joe

She heard some girls saying that L.joe has 3 girlfriends and such...

The teacher came in with a chart saying that everyone has to pair up

Teacher: " Jessica and Krystal you two will be together!" she said reading her chart

Krystal: " YAY!!" they screamed

Teacher: " Kai-D.O/Minho-Taemin/Baekhyun-Chen/Sehun-Luhan/L.joe-Victoria!!/Girl-Girl/Girl-Boy She said finishing up her chart

L.joe: " At least I know you!!" He said smiling

Victoria couldn't help but to smile along

Teacher: " Today we will be dissecting frogs..." She said disgusted

All the girls started to whine except Victoria

Kai: " Ewww Victoria aren't you scared??" He said looking at her poker face

Victoria: " There just amphibians what's wrong about it???" She said still with a poker face

Teachers: " Who ever does it will get a 100% for participation grade!!" She said making them do it

L.joe: " Me and Victoria will do it then!!" He said not scared

So the teacher got one frog out but it was dead but was in a jar

L.joe and Victoria wore goggles an apron and gloves

She tied her hair back all y and all the guys started 'WOOING'

Victoria just rolled her eyes

All the girls went to the bathroom to barf since they saw the frogs

All the guys surrounded Victoria and L.joe along with the teacher

Kai and Sehun were watching closely at how Victoria slice the frog

Luhan was on Baekhyun shoulders along with D.O

Victoria cutted the body and liquid started to squirted everywhere

Some liquid went on L.joe's face and Victoria wiped his face then......

The teacher screamed

Teacher: " Are you crazy GERMS!!! Quickly go to the restroom!!" she hollered

Victoria and L.joe quickly ran to the restroom

But the girls restroom were full of girls

So L.joe just took her to the guys restroom

Victoria got a piece of tisssue and put soap in it and scrubbed his face

L.joe could have done it himself but the guys restroom didn't had a mirror

So L.joe just stared at Victoria

He noticed how pretty she really she was and that how Kris fell for was not a mistake but a good thing

Victoria suddenly said

Victoria: " Sorry hor having that liquid on your face!!" She said nervously

L.joe: " It's cool no harm done!!" He replied quickly

Victoria: " NO I have to do something that's worth forgiving!!"

L.joe couldn't think of anything

Then he said











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Victorialover #1
Chapter 21: OMG!!! looking forward to the next chapter!!! hope you can update soon..
Chapter 21: Emegod........... Cool
eyqasong #3
Chapter 19: 4sure many idol drool after look victoria in instyle
vicqian #4
Chapter 16: Update soon •⌣•
Chapter 3: Oh dang the guy who saw them is definitely going to think wrong of that scene
Chapter 2: Aww Gongchan is sweet but random why did he ask for pancake recipe?
Chapter 1: Oh ho hahahaha xD poor Kris-sshi got ice cream on his face
vicqian #8
Chapter 11: Wuahh, Kris & Gongchan fall for Vic? Update soon, it's interesting •⌣•
Chapter 9: I like this story; it's cute :3
vicqian #10
Chapter 9: Update soon and make a long chapter pls. •⌣• Kris help them?