Chapter 5 - Now I know I Only Love You

Cinderella Twist

Sooyoung made herself visible at the last moment when Changmin's lips almost touched Sulli's. 

"I love you Changmin.. Bye.." She whispered to him before dissapearing. 


"Sooyoung! Sooyoung!" Changmin screamed as he tried to look for his godmother. "Oh god, Sooyoung! Where are you?" He asked himself. He ran around, calling her name. 

He ran until he reached an alley. 

"Sooyoung.. please..." He pleaded. He was tired. "Sooyoung... please come back.." He felt hot tears slipped down his cheeks. He staggered into the dark alley and his body slipped down the wall and he burried his face into his knees. Thank good ness he has went far inside and the alley was dark. 

"Sooyoung.. I'm sorry.." he sobbed again. The sound of his sobbing was joined with another. His eyes shot up. He looked around. "Sooyoung?" He asked as he sniffed. He took a look inside the alley again, and saw a figure wearing an oversized white sweater who he thinks is already tattered and dirty. 

"Sooyoung?" He timidly asked. The one who was sobbing looked up. Sooyoung's red eyes looked into Changmin's eyes as they held their stares. Sooyoung broke it as she looked away. 

"What are doing here? You should be kissing Sulli. And leave me." She said. Changmin felt his heart hurt at the intonation of her voice. He slowly made his way to Sooyoung and kneeled infront of her. 

"I.." He bit his lips. "I kind of left Sulli back at the beach." He said. She looked at him in disbelief. 

"What? You should be with her! Quick, wish yourself to be back with her so you could kiss her. Quick!" Sooyoung said as she wiped her tears, clearly a wearing a hurt expression on her face. She looked at Changmin.

"Sooyoung, stop.."

"No! Come on! Wish already! At least your last wish before you kiss Sulli-"

"SOOYOUNG, STOP OKAY?!" Changmin shouted. Sooyoung quieted down. Changmin looked at her eyes. 

"Why are you stopping me?"

"Why do you want to leave me?" Changmin asked her back. 

"Why won't you kiss your damn girlfriend?!"

"Tell me why you want to leave me first!"

"WHAT? YOU WANT TO BREAK UP WITH HER, MAKE ME HAPPY, THEN LOVE ANOTHER ONE JUST TO BREAK MY HEART AGAIN?" Sooyoung lost it. She spat out the words as if she means it. No, she doesn't. She doesn't want Changmin to leave her. But her emotions got the best of her. 


"Yes, I love you, okay? What? You want roses and confetti and fireworks and all?" She asked, impatient. Changmin just looked at her with his skeptical look. She looked at him once more and she broke down into sobs. She burried her face into her knees. She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. 

"Sooyoung.." She heard Changmin sighed as she felt herself being pulled in someone's embrace. Changmin was hugging her. Hugging her! "Sooyoung, I'm sorry." He said as he softly her head. 

"Don't be." She said as she sniffed. Changmin smiled as he pulled them apart. He cupped her face and wiped her tears with his thumbs. 

"Don't cry anymore." He said. Sooyoung sniffed. 


"Shhss.. Don't cry or say anything." Changmin shushed her. He smiled as he brought his face closer to hers. 

Sooyoung felt the world spinning around her when she felt Changmin's lips pressed agaisnt hers. It was a sweet, innocent kiss. Changmin poured all his emotions into that kiss, and so does Sooyoung. Changmin's arms pulled on Sooyoung's waist, bringing them closer to each other. They finally broke the kiss as they both lacked of air. 

"But... but.." Sooyoung stammered. Changmin chuckled as he softly brushed a few strands of hair from Sooyoung's face. 

"I love you too." Changmin said as he pressed his lips again on Sooyoung's lips. 

Changmin finally felt a part of him complete. He never had the feeling when he was with Sulli before, but he felt it now when he was with Sooyoung. The other side of his heart which was missing was finally found. The puzzle piece in his mind finally fitted when he kissed Sooyoung. Sooyoung gently pushed away as she gasped for air. 

"But, what about Sulli?"

"I realized something.."

"What?" Changmin pulled Sooyoung into his embrace as he gently played with her hair. 

"Now I know I only love you. You and only you." He whispered to Sooyoung's ears and he kissed her temples.

"Ah, young love. How I am touched." A voice rang. They both looked up and saw a woman. 

"Head Fairy!" Sooyoung gasped. The head fairy smiled. Sooyoung scrambled up as she ran towards her and bowed her head. 

"My child, you have finally found love." She said as she took Sooyoung's hand and patted it. 

"But, I fell in love with a human.." She said. The head fairy smiled. 

"Child, love is rare. So rare. You think my husband is a magical creature?" The head fairy asked while Sooyoung just stared in shock . "No, he was a human. But because of my high place in the Magic Council, I left him." She closed her eyes. "It hurts, child. And I don't want you to hurt, just like me for loving a human."

"Are you saying...?"

"Yes, you have a choice. Continue being a fairy godmother and serve children, or become a human to live your life with this charming man." She said. Changmin was standing next to Sooyoung. Sooyoung looked at Changmin's eyes, already knowing her answer. 

"I would wish to be..."


5 years later...

"Mom! My Barbie doll broke again! Soochan and Chansoo broke it again!" A girl with pretty jet black hair waddled her way to her mother. The mother smiled as she lifted the 4 year old and put it on her lap. 

"Honey.." She called for her husband. 

"Wait, sweetie. I am kind of busy here." She heard her husband's voice. "Ack! Soochan! Not on daddy's head! Chansoo! Off daddy's leg!" She chuckled as she heard her husband's wails. She stood up, carrying the 4 yearl old in her arms. She went into the living room and saw her husband and her twins climbing their daddy like he's some kind of jungle gym. 

"Soochan, Chansoo, off your father please." Sooyoung asked. The two kids disobeyed their mother. Sooyoung could just smiled pitifully at Changmin who was almost toppling over when Chansoo gripped on his leg tighter. 

"Chansoo! Don't let go of daddy's leg!" The brother, Soochan, yelled at his younger brother. Chansoo nodded. 

"Hyung! Don't let go of daddy's hair!" The little brother said to his hyung. Soochan smiled as he showed a thumbs up to his brother. 

"Honey! A bit help here!" Changmin pleaded to his wife. Sooyoung smirked as she looked at her youngest, Chayoung, and snuggled her agaisnt her face.

"Nope. Punishment for breaking Chayoung's Barbie doll. Right, darling?" Sooyoung said. Chayoung nodded. Changmin groaned.

"Aww, guys.. have mercy!" Changmin pleaded again. "AAHHH!" Changmin screamed as Soochan pulled his hair. "Daddy's going to fall, honey. Ack!" Changmin wailed as he fell face first onto the carpet. The twins jumped off their father as they high fived. 

"Mommy is so proud of you." Sooyoung purred as the twins hugged their mother's leg. Changmin groaned. "Okay, help your father up, boys."

"But mom.."

"he will go and treat you for ice cream." Sooyoung said again. Changmin lifted his face.

"Say what now?"

"YEAY! DADDY'S GOING TO GIVE US ICE CREAM! AREN'T YOU DADDY? AREN'T YOU?" The twins said as they both jumped around Changmin. 

"Pile!" Chayoung suddenly said as she jumped from her mother's arms. The boys smirked. Soochan jumped on first, and then Chansoo, letting Chayong on the top. Changmin groaned as his kids pile on his back. He eyed his wife pleadingly. 

"Please?" He pleaded again. Sooyoung smirked as she shook her head. 



"Okay fine." Sooyoung laughed as she tried to persuad their children to get off their father. 

Yes, Sooyoung was now married to Changmin. And the marriage produced three beautiful, active, playful and naughty kids.

Soochan and Chansoo. Twins. Both of them are the naughty and mischevious boys. Once, Changmin had to call security for help when the boys climbed up the giant chrismast tree at the mall. Adventure, they said when Changmin asked. Soochan was the brother. Born with leadership and general naughtiness. Chansoo, the little brother, born with the same naughtiness and a bit of leadership.

Chayoung, the girl and youngest. She was sometimes polite and shy and sometimes naughty and mischevious, like her brothers.

The kids were rowdy and crazy, just like Changmin and Sooyoung's lives. But they couldn't be more happy.

Finally, the pieces of the puzzle was now complete.




This fic has reached the end. 

And I apologize for the short ending. I got no ideas how to make a sad-happy ending. 

Forgive me >.<

And good luck to me for the contest.

kissme123, aja aja FIGHTING! ^^

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Good luck for the contest. <3
Chapter 5: What an awesome fairy tale you have there..
Thanks for you story... Ü
Chapter 5: Yay!! Happy ending! =D
Good luck author nim!! Hwaiting!!!! ^_^
Chapter 5: happy ending :D
such a nice story. good luck on contest!
Chapter 3: Awww...let just hope Changmin won't kiss Sulli anytime soon. ;~~;
Wait, so does it count if he kiss Sooyoung? o.O
Chapter 3: good luck with the rest of the chaps ^^ this is good