Chapter 3

Cinderella Twist

"Um, hi Changmin-sshi." Sulli said as he approached Changmin. Changmin was day dreamin on a bench at the school football fields, accomponied by Sooyoung of course. Changmin's head turned, and was surprised to see Sulli. 

"Ah, Sulli. What brings you here?"

"I was worried about your head. Is it okay?" She asked. Changmin nodded. Sulli's hands made their way up and felt the place that Yoochun had hit the piggybank, completely surprising Changmin, and also made Sooyoung almost fell off the bench. "Hm? No bumps or cuts? That's strange."

Oh no, Changmin thought. She would be curious. Please dont let Sulli suspect anything, Changmin prayed. 

And magically, his prayers were answered. Sulli beamed and smiled at him. 

"Well, its a miracle. And we can't question miracles, right?" She said cheekily. "Um, Changmin-sshi.."

"Just call me oppa, if you want." Changmin offered. Sulli smiled. 

"Changmin oppa, could you accompony me home? Please? Usually Yoochun does it, but we kinda broke up after he hit your head." Sulli asked shyly. Changmin's world could never been brighter. He glanced at Sooyoung and saw her smiling. 

"Ah, I would love to! Just, meet me here after school, neh?" He asked. Sulli nodded happily as she skipped to the cafeteria. Changmin looked dazed. 

"Happy, lover boy?" Sooyoung asked. Changmin looked at her. 

"Did you.. I mean... do this?" Changmin looked baffled. Sooyoung shook her head. 

"Nope. Us fairies can't make someone love someone, but we could make another look attractive to the someone's eyes. " Sooyoung explained. Changmin nodded. He quickly pulled Sooyoung in his embrace, hugging her tightly. 

"Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you!" He said, almost out of breath. Sooyoung pushed him away, making a disgusted face. 

"Ew, man, we're friends. And no hugging me, its gross." She said and wrinkled her nose. Changmin laughed. He was happy. I mean, he is walking Sulli back home!

He felt like the luckiest man alive. 


"Anyway, the bell rang. You better get to class." Sooyoung said. Changmin nodded happily. 


The day seem to drag on as Changmin waited for school to end. When it did, he quickly jumped his way towards the bench and waited for Sulli. Sooyoung gave him some helpful tips. 

"And last one." She reminded him. Changmin listened attentively. "Keep your smile off creeper mode." She said. Changmin frowned. 

"Is my smile that creepy?"

"Yea if you are too happy. Keep it cool and get a grip. " Sooyoung advised. Changmin nodded his head. He practised smiling to Sooyoung. She laughed when it was too much, she shook her head when it was on creepy mode. At last, she seteled down with just a simple smile. "Oh look, there she comes!" Sooyoung said as she pointed towards the walking Sulli. 

"Oh no, I don't have a flower! What to do Sooyoung?" Changmin panicked. "Quick, poof me up a rose or something." Changmin demanded. 

"Hi Changmin oppa!" Sulli jumped towards Changmin, waving cutely.

'"Um, hi Sulli." He stammered. He felt something on his hand. "Here, I got you..." He showed the flower. "... a sunflower!" He said and smiled. Sulli squealed. 

"Oppa, this is my favourite flower! Thank you!" She said happily as she accepted it. "But where did you find it? There aren't any sunflowers here in the school."

"I um... science project?"

He admitted that the excuse , but it was worth a shot. And Sulli believed it. They started walking towards the gates, Sooyoung following behind. She keeps poofing things so that Changmin could impress Sulli, and it did the work. 

When Changmin left Sulli on her front porch, she tip toed and kissed Changmin's cheeks before running inside. Changmin was shocked. He touched the cheek that Sulli kissed. 

"I am never going to wash this cheek, ever again." He muttered to himself. 


For the next 4 weeks, Changmin was going out with Sulli. 

It was the semester break. His stepfamily left to go visit his stepmother's grandmother at Canada for the whole week, and left Changmin at home. That night, he had a date with Sulli. 

"Sooyoung, what do you think?" He asked Sooyoung about his outfit. Sooyoung glanced a little.

"Hm, yeah. That would work." She said. She was sitting on the window ledge, looking up at the sky. Changmin looked at her worriedly. 

"Sooyoung, are you okay?" He asked. 

"I'm fine." She said. She was not. 

"Are you sure? You are not sick are you? Can fairies get sick?" Changmin asked as his hands felt Sooyoung's forehead. She slapped the hand away. 

"No, idiot. Fairies cant get sick. Now go and enjoy your date!" She said and shooed Changmin out of the under the stairs room. She heard the front door clicked shut. 

Now she could let it loose. 

She burried her face in her knees as she cried. Yes, she is crying. And she is crying for the damn Shim Changmin who was out on a date with another girl.

Yes, she realized that she loves Changmin. When? It all started when Sulli asked him to be her boyfriend a week ago. And yes, she does realized if the head fairy knows about this, her job and life and at risk. 

Fairies can't love different species, and strictly non-magical species. But she can't help it. All those flick on the heads, playful punches and even pinches on the arms and hips make her feelings for Changmin grow. Changmin isn't aware of her love yet. She just showed him affection, so he would get the clue. But no, Shim Changmin is as stupid as that. 

Sooyoung rarely argues with Changmin, rarely punches him and somehow managed to like the dusty and small so called room. But no, Changmin doesn't notice. He didn't notice everyday the bed was made for him, the water was warm enough for him to bath in and the cool windy sensation that he felt on hot days. No, Changmin was not aware of it. 

She recalled what happened when she accepted the task from the head fairy.



"I know it is a little complicated.."

"You assigned me to a feaking teenager? I mean, what the hell?" Sooyoung blowed a fuse. The head fairy rubbed her temples. 

"Look, Sooyoung, you are the most toughest and most succesful fairy I have. Please?" The head fairy begged. 

"But, I don't know what will he be like. What is his name and all." She said. 

"His name is Shim Changmin. He is a 18 year old boy who's mother died when giving birth to him. His father abandoned him when he was 5 and now lives with a cruel and abusive step family (excluding the sweet and innocent Yunho). See? This boy desperately needs your help!" The head fairy begged again. Sooyoung looked at her feet, debating weather she should accept it or not. 

"Fine. I'll do it. What will he do to make my work done?"

"Well, you have to make him happy-"

"That is my job. Just skip to the part where I dropped him off and be reassigned to someone else."

"He would have to kiss the girl of his dreams to be ultimately happy. Then your work with him is done." She said. Sooyoung sighed. 

"Fine. I will take him as my godchild."

[End of Flashback]

Sooyoung wiped her tears as she thought about it. She could just pray that he and Sulli haven't kissed yet. It is almost a week since they staretd dating, and Sooyoung was worried. She was worried that she would have to leave him. 


Changmin was happy. But a part of him was missing. 

Sooyoung wasn't tailing him that night. 

She was abondoning him ever since Sulli asked him to be her boyfriend. 'You need your personal space with Sulli, right?' was all her excuse. Changmin felt empty without Sooyoung by his side every time. 

He felt... incomplete. 

"Oppa, is something wrong?"

Changmin broke out of his daze when Sulli tugged on his shirt. He awkwardly smiled. 

"Yes, Sulli. I am alright." He smiled. Sulli smile back as she rested her head on Changmin's shoulders while intertwining their fingers together. Changmin should have felt happy.

He should, shouldn't he?

Sulli is his girlfriend for crying out loud! A girl he likes is finally his girlfriend! But somehow, he wasn't that satisfied. He felt like a part of him was missing. He looked over to Sulli. Yes, he loved him, but he felt like his heart yearned for someone else also. 

"Oppa, can we stay like this for another 10 minutes?" Sulli asked as she batted her eyelashes. Changmin smiled as he softly patter her head. 

"Of course." He said. Sulli happily smiled as she snuggled next to Changmin closer. They were on a bench of a park, and looking at the moon after their dinner. Changmin looked up and saw a star twinkling at him. He smiled. 


Sooyoung looked at one twinkling star. It was shining brighter than the others. 


Without noticing, the both of them stared at the same star at the same time, only at different locations. 


In both of their hearts, they felt, somehow...



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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Good luck for the contest. <3
Chapter 5: What an awesome fairy tale you have there..
Thanks for you story... Ü
Chapter 5: Yay!! Happy ending! =D
Good luck author nim!! Hwaiting!!!! ^_^
Chapter 5: happy ending :D
such a nice story. good luck on contest!
Chapter 3: Awww...let just hope Changmin won't kiss Sulli anytime soon. ;~~;
Wait, so does it count if he kiss Sooyoung? o.O
Chapter 3: good luck with the rest of the chaps ^^ this is good