Too late

Hyosung's One Shot Collection

"Finally!" She said to herself. After hectic schedules with her group, Secret, she finally got one week holiday on her own. Jieun went back home with her parents. Zinger attended a short composing class. Sunhwa traveled to the US with her family. Actually she did not know what to do at first. She had just visited home last weekend. This week, her younger sister was away for a school festival. Her mom was at her older sister's house to take care of the new born. So nobody was home. She had nowhere else to go beside her hometown. If she were not there and not with her members, she would be in the practice room  to make up some chreography and practice by herself.

But then he called him the other day and asked her if they could go on a vacation together. She was shocked. Her man was a real man. Right, she got a boyfriend, but her boyfriend was not just a normal man. He was an idol just like her, which made it hard for them to date like any other couple. She was ok with that. Not like she wanted anyone to know about their relationship for now, especially his group members. He was upset, and kept asking why when they were together. It is understandable that they could not let his fans know, but why his group members too? She always laughed it off acting shy but there was always a reason for anything. And this time it was hard for her to explain to him. At least not yet. She felt bad though. They have been dating for what? Almost 6 months. He must feel frustrated because he had to hide it from his own group members. However, she could be a bad girlfriend, but she never wanted to let anything happen to his career. 

She agreed to go with him. As principal addict as she was, she was just a normal girl who wanted to spend a lot of time with the man she loved. And it happened to be him who always treasured her and treated her well despite all the unreasonable rules she set out for the relationship. This time, she wanted to forget everything and just spent time with him like any good girlfriend. Moreover, she was excited of the fact that it was like they ran away from the whole world together. It was romantic to her, and her man absolutely had a lot of guts. It was interesting and fastinating at the same time. 


She woke up because it was raining so heavy and loudly outside. When she opened her eyes, she saw such a beautiful sight in front of her, her man was sleeping soundly like a baby. He must be tired after last night, she chuckled. They sure haven't met for a long long time so it was more passionate than usual. She felt her body aching all over and found it hard to sit up as well. Maybe it was not just because last night. They went hiking for the whole date when they first came. Then he forced her to learn how to snow boarding from him for the second day. On the third day, the rest house they spent the holday in held a wedding for their 3rd daughter in tradional way so both of them ran around the whole day to help. She was not complaining at all. For her that was ever better than just sticking with each other in the room for  the whole week. Her boyfriend sure was a charming man who knew how to make her stimulated all the time. On the 4th day though, they were so tired that they decided to just rest for one day. And of course her boyfriend was a man, and a naughty one so he wouldn't just stay still if they were in one room together doing nothing. She blushed thinking about how naughty he was. 

When she was in the bathroom doing her everyday cleaning, someone rang the door bell. Who visit them this early in the heavy raining morning? She draged her tired body to the door and once she opened it, she was frozen...


Looking at him, there was something in that stopped her from speaking. He was terribly wet, his face was so pale and he was trembling because of the coldness of the rain. His eyes were staring at her like piercing in her heart. Then he pushed her harshly inside the living room, against the wall. He talked under his breath.

"Hyosung...why...why did you do that?"

She was not scared, she was more sorry. And she did not even know why she was sorry for him. Was it her fault for everything? Maybe she always thought it was her fault because she always wanted to hide her relationship from him. 

"Open you mouth. NOW. WHY ARE YOU DATING HIM?" Doojoon lost it, he was yelling at her.

"Doojoon, calm down, please" She did not know why she was pleasing him now, but she just felt so terribly bad.

"Why him NOT ME?" 

"Doodoo...I..." She was trying to say something but she just did not know what to say.

"Don't call me that name. Just don't"

"You said until I am not a playboy anymore you will give me a chance, why you change now? TELL ME NOW!!!" Doojoon gripped her shoulder so harshly that she felt numb.

"Doodoo, that was just a joke. Please, don't do this... Please" Her tears were rolling out and she was sorry, and frightened at the same time. She knew herself it was not a joke. She used to love him so much that it hurted her like hell. But he did not give her the feeling of security. He had played around too much that she was tired of waiting. And she had moved on. She knew he did not, but she was a girl too. How could she not fall for someone who cared for her so much and keep waiting for someone who was out there played with many girls while saying he loved her?

"He is a playboy too, Hyosung. You know it. And I have been trying to improve myself for you. Why did you do this to me?" 

No he was not. And Hyosung could feel it.

Doojoon was crying. His hot tears rolled down to her forhead as he was so close to her now. Her heart was broken seeing like that. It was so painful. At this moment she just wished she had told everything to him when they just stared. Would that reduce his pain now? 

"Doojoon ah~ I am sorry. I am so sorry." She was crying so hard and fell on the floor when he released her. Why did everything happen this way? Was she selfish? She always thought she was the one who was hurt, and the one who satisfied everything for the ones she loved and used to loved. Why was she hurting him so much now? She did not want this to happen. That was why she tried to hide everything.

"Sorry, I must be crazy doing all of this." Doojoon said before heading to the door for leaving.

"Doodoo!" She called out for him, grabbed the coat and stepped closer. He did not turn back to look at her but she could see how his shouder was shivering. Was it the coldness or was he crying? She did not know but she knew either way was breaking her heart.

"DON'T" Doojoon yelled. "Don't step closer to me ever again. Don't call me that name. Don't talk to me. Don't appear in front of me any more. I don't want to see you". 

Doojoon ran out under the heavy rain and his figure was getting blur and more blur until she could not see him at all. Or is it because she was crying?

A pair of arms pulled her into his warm embrace. He kissed her hair while whispering in her ears.

"I know everything now, honey" 

She was statled and tried to pull out but he hugged her tighter. 

"It is ok honey. It will be ok. Please don't cry."

'You are up? Why so quiet?"

"I was eavedropping, of course I have to be quiet" He kissed her neck softly. 

"Will you 2 be ok with each other? I don't want anything happens because of me!" She was between the sobs. 

"Silly, we will of course be ok. Who do you think you are?" He answered playfully but his voice was so warm and caring.

She turned back and hit his firm chest lightly. "You are bad, you see I am crying?"


"So he was why it was so hard to make you my girlfriend..."

She pressed her lips on him to stop him from talking nonsense. 





"Kikwang, will you be with me forever?"


"Of course, silly"





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Chapter 2: So, the guy is doojoon? :D Kinda relieved, maybe because I ship doojoonxhyosung :D
Chapter 1: Poor doojoon :3
ichiru #3
Chapter 2: thats two chapter is really awesome...even i'm a kisung shippers. i still do like hyosung and doojoon pairing...its really great to read this two chapter....who else after this..?hyosung-sungje..? or hyosung-jonghoon...?
Chapter 2: The chapter with Doojoon. OMG. TOO ADORABLE! *spazzes around. FTI's Jonghoon next please? :D
gihyoB2Secret #5
Chapter 2: Aigoooo the first chapter is sooo epic!! Haha I like iiiiit kisung shippers here,, =) and the second chap really I think it was kikwang all the time until BABAM ITS DOOJOON what a Twist hahahahaha still I LIKE IT :))
Chapter 1: hyosung with doojoon please :)
Chapter 1: Wahhhh! The first chapter is soo good! Doojoon and kikwang :D
9pmluv #8
Hyosung and jonghoon ft island please..

Situation :force marriage.. But later on they love each other :-)