Episode 9: Ordo ab Chao, Order in Chaos and the Calm BEFORE the Chaos

Seoul City Saviors


Rated SPG

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Last time on SeoulCitySaviors:

Jay: Oh yeah.. Standard procedure.. Can we have your codenames now?

Sooyoung looked up and then she said without hesitation.

Sooyoung: Invictus. Strong..

Chansung: That's invincible sweetie.

He draped his arm around her shoulders and pushed him off his seat ripping his seatbelt. He stood up and sat next to her right away as we all laughed.

Chansung: I'm fine. Gwenchana gwenchana. 

Sooyoung: This ChanSoo will not catch on okay?

Chansung: See.. we even have a couple name now.

Sungmin and Nichkhun, the pilots laughed so hard.

Chansung: Hyungs, please take this phoenix off ground now. Cha.

Jay stopped laughing and asked the same question to Tiffany. Junsu looked at her and he seemed to have grown a special affection for her.

Tiffany: Saint.

Jay: Nice choice.

Junsu looked at her and they both smiled. Sungmin and Nichkhun had taken the Phoenix off ground and we were now in a steady flight. Everyone had their own businesses.

Junsu and Tiffany were trying to get to know each other and the team, but specially with each other. Taeyeon and Wooyoung were also helping Tiffany and Sooyoung get a catch up with the team and the department. Chansung fell asleep but Sooyoung keeps on checking on him.

I unstrapped and sat next to Yoona. She was on the tracker again. Jay was liistening in his iPod and asked us from up front. Yonghwa was seated next to him.

Jay: Any news Yoona?

Yoona typed some things in and ignored me completely.

Taecyeon: Hey are you ignoring me?

She ignored me again.

Taecyeon: Is this about the teasing we get from them? C'mon ignore that not me.

She ignored me again and asnwered Jay's question.

Yoona: Take us to Ilsandeong, then Ilsanseo, Goyang. Two mutants, Seo Joo Hyun and Kim Hyoyeon. 

And then she turned towards me.

Yoona: Taec, whatever we have is just friensdhip right? We're strictly being professionals right?

She's right and all I could say is.

Taecyeon: Yeah.. And Nicole remember, I just want to be your friend. Plus being with the guys again I'm still not used to this again okay?

She ignored me again. Though when I mentioned Nicole's name, there was a clear look of hurt on her face. Though she's an empath, her face keeps showing her true feelings.


On with the story, stay right here with the SeoulCitySaviors...


Yoona: Pabo! Aish..

She shouted at me. Yep, we're having a fight in the middle of landing the Phoenix on the outskirts of Goyang. Jay, Nichkhun and Junsu were between us. Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sooyoung were behind me together with Yonghwa and Junho. The other guys, Chansung and Wooyoung, were behind Yoona trying to calm her down.

Taecyeon: What the hell are you talking about woman?!

I shouted back.

What were we fighting about? Here's the thing.. I am a guy who recently had a relationship. How could I feel something else for her, she said she's been throwing herself towards me but I keep on ignoring it? What's a guy supposed to do? I haven't moved on with Nicole yet. I just needed company like hers that's why I befriended her. Didn't I make that clear?

Jay: Taecyeon, stop it ok-

I was pushed back by an invisible force slamming on the controls of the Phoenix. Sungmin and Nichkhun protested.

Nichkhun: Taec what the hell? Settle down okay?

Nichkhun unstrapped and helped me up. His controls were set on auto-pilot by Sungmin and Sungmin looked at me with pity. I then looked back at Yoona with a clear shock on my face. I took small steps towards her. I pointed one hand at her.

Taecyeon: Did you just push me?!

She was glaring at me now. Her head bowed a bit her eyes starting to get.. teary? And the look of hate in my eyes faded. Did I just make a girl cry? Again? What kind of monster am I? I tried to walk towards her. The guys tried to stop me.. I muttered in my trance.

Taecyeon: Yoona... Are you..

Then she pushed me back again with her mind.

Taecyeon: What the ?!

Jay: Taec HAJIMA! Yoona, stop! That's an order.

She cried out loud and then Jay commanded the pilot to land the Phoenix right away. We all stood as we made a slow clean descent to the outskirts of Goyang.

As we had landed Sungmin opened the exit door and stairs slid down from the doors. We were greeted by a rainforest. Jay walked outside. I was infuriated now. I lit my hands on fire. Yoona was asking me to bring it. I couldn't hit a woman but this was a special case now. The others filed out too. Chansung teleported outside.

We've been cool since the morning we got Tiffany and Sooyoung. We've been together in everything since the attack on the department. She's been a real friend and now she wants to be more. I don't want to sound like I'm numb or something but isn't this going too fast?

Taecyeon: You asked for this!

Yoona: Bring it candle brain!

We taunted each other. I ran towards her now as she ran from the opposite end. Jay, Nichkhun, Sungmin, Junsu and Wooyoung came between us. We were running at top speed now. Jay charged the ground and detonated it sending Yoona and I back to our corners. Tiffany and the other girls attended to me, the guys attended to Yoona.

She stood up and brushed the leaves I stood up too and brushed off the dirt that clung to my pants. The girls helped me up. I fixed my jacket and then Yoona started to tear up. I was gonna walk to her but Jay spoke up.

Jay: Okay enough.

He said. He looked at Yoona and I like he was a very disappointed father.

Jay: Stop it guys. We don't have time for our personal problems.

He pointed north.

Jay: The Chaos Club's out there marching the North towards us. We don't have time for this. They're marching an army of mutants. We don't have time for love troubles arasso?

Yoona and I nodded at him. She was crying now. Chansung, Yonghwa and Junho comforted their noona. Nichkhun booted the MDNA Tracker again.

Nichkhun: Cha.. Mutants in...

He typed in something on the tracker.

Nihckhun: Opposite directions, 500 km east and the other 400 m west. I think we should.

Sungmin interrupted him.

SUngmin: Split up. Arasso. I'll stay here and rest. I'll wait for you guys okay.

He brought out 11 ear pieces. Blue tooth earpiece of some sort. He gave each team member one and then he walked close to me. 

Sungmin: Taec, I didn't link yours with Yoona arasso?

He winked at me and then looked back at the team.

Sungmin: Intercom..

He put one in his hands and showed it to the team.

Sungmin: Just talk to it okay? It automatically links to your badges and serves as the satellite that connects us to each other.

Yoona had a panicked look on her face now. I looked at her but she was looking at Sungmin. She was probably thinking the same thing as I. Were we connected to each other? Of course I already know we weren't. Sungmin looked at her and smiled and nodded no.

She was relieved by that. Then  Jay spoke up again.

Jay: Team splits arasso?

He looked at me. Behind me now was Wooyoung, Nichkhun, Tiffany, Junsu and Sooyoung were behind me now. Sooyoung from behind gave Jay a look saying that they got me. Jay nodded at her. He trusted her. We all do. We all trust each other, it was kinda silent agreement since we're all in this together.

Jay: Cha, team A lead by Taec members Sooyoung,Wooyoung,Tiffany,Junsu and Nichkhun. Team B..

He looked at Yoona then back at me. She was still crying. 

Jay: Uhh.. her.

He motioned a thumb behind his back.

Jay: And Chansung, Yonghwa, Junho, Taeyeon and I. Intercom always ready arasso?

We all nodded at him.

Jay: Cha.. Move out.


Sooyoung: So what's up with you two?

Sooyoung broke the silence of our walk. We were all looking at the tracker Jay had given us. It was not much but it could help us. We've signed in the MDNA Signature of a Seo Joo Hyun. We were all guised as civilians again. Like normal everyday Ilsandeong citizens. We gave a trench coat to Tiffany though it also helped that she braced her wings inside her shirt. 

Tiffany here is a Chefayem-type mutant. She has the physical appearance of an angel and the strenght of 4 men. She'a also been busy training herself in YawYan, Sayaw ng Kamatayan, a Filipino martial arts. It is directly translated as Dance of Death. Anyway back to Sooyoung.

Sooyoung: I mean, pfft, Chansung and I are probably gonna hit it up some time and uri Saint here is prolly gonna bang it up.. oh sorry.. gonna hit it up with Sonic over at the other team.

We continued to walk on the sidewalk. Sooyoung confidently said. Junsu and Tiffany went far from each other and tried to avoid each other's gaze. Well thanks there Sooyoung for making it awkward for the two.

I also did not let the words 'Chansung and her' get into my mind and Tiffany and Sonic. Well she's right though. But what is really up with Yoona and I. 

Sooyoung: Taeyeon and Wooyoung too right? So mind sharing anything with us?

We rounded a corner and ended up on the double doors of a research facility. A building probably owned by the government. She looked at me. As she had finished her talking everyone turned their gazes from her to me. I looked up at them from the tracker. And I could only sigh.

Taecyeon: Okay.. I don't exactly know guys okay?

I thought for a moment and then looked at them. I read the words SK MUTANT RESEARCH LABS. Whoa, South Korea had these kind of departments? But shouldn't this department be with the SCS?

Taecyeon: She's... she needs someone in her life.. and she thinks it's me... I can't be that though. I thought we're just friends. I really don't have feeling for her okay? We can't just have feeling for someone over four to five days right?

Then Wooyoung looked at me.

Wooyoung: Funny right? You can't love someone over a week but when you've met the love you lost for several years you instantly rekindle the flame? Huh... FUN-NY.

I opened the glass double doors. As we walked in a front desk greeted us, to the side was a metal detector and an x-ray detector for bags. We didn't pack much though. But Nichkhun well, his bones are practically made of metal. He can't go in.

And Junsu has an arm cannon so he decided to be left with Nichkhun and guard downstairs. The rest of us got scanned and went past the security. I turned  to them and said.

Taecyeon: Intercom guys arasso?


Both nodded and went out the building. Then Sooyoung continued her blabbing. Wooyoung was leading the way through the Head of Research office.

Security: ID's please?

The Security officer asked. The one stationed on the metal detectors. I flashed him my SCS Badge. A circular badge made of titanium that serves also as a satellite enhancer. It looks like the blue and red circle in the center of the korean flag and in the center are the letters SCS.

He looked past me as if asking if the people behind me had the same badge. I looked behind me, Wooyoung, Tiiffany and Sooyoung looked at me.

Taecyeon: They're with me. I'm agent Torch of the SCS, with me are agents Stego, Saint and Invictus. We want to talk to the Head, I believe we need some assistance right now. Is he in?

He let us past the metal detectors and led us to the elevator. He punched in some numbers and then we all filed in the elevator. He looked at us as he finished punching in the floor we're heading to.

Security: He's probably busy right now but he can squeeze you in. So you're JYP's guys huh? Black Ops of the Black Ops of the Black Ops of the SK Secret Service huh?

We all just nodded as the elevator had started to ascend. Now that we've looked at the security guard he was a young-man. Probably about Wooyoung's height. He had squinty eyes and black shaggy hair. His name plate read Lee Changsun.

Security: Sorry about the attack though. We're all being extra cautious right now too.

The elevator stopped and the metal doors opened. We were expecting a pleasant office, a man in a desk and the Head Researcher Julien Kang to greet us but instead, the tracker beeped off the hook. The security personnel drew his gun and pointed at a very unpleasant surprise.

Dragon was lounging on the office chair,  Beelzebub held the bladed tonfas in his hands and the right one was bloody. To his feet is the dead body of Julien Kang. On the corner of the office cowered the MDNA Signature we were supposed to recruit, Seo Joo Hyun. She was wearing all white and her white shirt was wet with tears. She's crying over at the corner. Seating on Dragon's lap was Psisosis, the Mind Torturer.

Dragon was surprised to see us. He smiled his evil grin and stood up as Bom had slid off his lap. Beelzebub sheathed his bladed tonfas. The four of us were shocked.

Dragon: Torch, nice to see-

Security: Hands on your head, lie on the ground on you stomach and don't move!

He interrupted Dragon. Dragon looked at Beelzebub and he nodded. Beelzebub teleported to the Security's side and teleported mid-air outside the window and dropped the security dude.

Dragon: Now where was I?

He thought to himself as Youngbae had teleported back inside the office.

Dragon: Oh yeah.. Nice to see you again guys.. Heard you were recruiting mutants against me huh?

He nodded his head sideways.

Dragon: Tsk tsk tsk.. Stubborn eh? Still don't want to join us? You heard the news lately? You heard what the humans plan to do to us? You heard what this mutant right here..

She pointed at the girl in all white at the corner of the office. Bom was looked at her. She's probably crying cause Bom was using her mind torture to her. But I noticed that she was a good ten feet away from the girl. 

Dragon: You know what they're researching here?

We're all still in shock. But we regained our composure and we all got ready for a fight. Wooyoung drew two bone spiked from his fore arms. Tiffany let loose her wings and Sooyoung got into a fighting position.

Taecyeon: Dragon, surrender now and we won't have to make a mess of everything.

He nodded sideways again.

Dragon: Hear me out first Torch. You see this research facility..

He walked from behind the desk to the front. Beelzebub sat on the chair now. Bom was still torturing the poor girl. Wooyoung was contacting the guys downstairs now. Nichkhun said over the intercom that the guards wouldn't let them go past the detectors unless they drop their metal belongings.

Dragon: This mutant here... She's the cure. And they plan to make a dose of cure. A kind of uhh... shot to the bloodstream, a "vaccine" so to speak.

I let him talk more. He may spill his other plans now.

Dragon: The humans fear, that us mutants would wreck the world to rubble, just as we did with your department. Remember that?

Wooyoung and I got infuriated now. He was about to step forward but I stopped him.

Dragon: This mutant, her mutation is the cure. She nulls the mutant gene in our body. You see what they're doing here? They, the humans, are about to make our kind, extinct before we do them. Will you let this happen Taecyeon?

Taecyeon: Let them be.

I said. That got his attention. He looked at me. Tiffany took off her trench coat and spread her wings more. Sooyoung was scanning the 

Taecyeon: This is pointless Jiyong you know.

Bom stopped torturing the girl and she looked at us now. Beelzebub also sat up from the chair.

Tacyeon: You're running the North and South together. Then you'll go in for leadership. Then kill the humans. Then what?

Dragon got infuriated. He's the type of villain that doesn't like it when the heroes look down in his 'superior evil plan.' He walked forward, about three steps, and then his eyes grew big. And then he shouted at us.

Dragon: And I will bring a new age.

Wow, this guys huh? His visions are too big.

Sooyoung: HAH! Your visions are too big for a small man.

He got insulted. He looked at Sooyoung then walked over to the girl. He looked at Beelzebub and then back at us, then he turned around. Bom wrapped her arms around him. Beelzebub dragged the girl over the the glass walls, he kicked the wall.

Dragon: Too bad you don't share the vision with me. You are the only brethren of mine that will be ravaged by the fires of our species. The widespread of our plan. 

Then Beelzebub pushed the girl out the broken glass walls. Stego threw his bones spikes at them. One caught Beelzebub in the right shoulder. Jiyong was shocked but they teleported as I had lit my hand on fire. The girl was falling fast. From a 70-story building she would be pancake on the streets of Ilsandeong.

Tiffany ran to the broken walls and spread her wings and made a dive for the girl. She was closing in the distance between her and the girl. But as she had reached the girl her wings had been de-feathered and shrunk onto her back. 

Wooyoung: Hyung she neutralized Tiffany's mutation. Oh god.. what now.

Sooyoung: We should probably start praying.

I looked at them both with worried looks. Then I made a dive. The Wooyoung shouted from above as I had started to fall faster as I clipped my hands inside and made my body more aero-dynamic.

Wooyoung: Hyung you! This is not what I meant as a solutiooooooo....

His voice faded as I had started to make a vertical drop. I crashed onto Tiffany and the girl. I hugged the girl and pushed Tiffany a good 10 feet away above us. It slowed her fall down a little as her wings started to sprout again. As we had reached the 21st floor her wings had fully gone out now.I removed my jacket with one hand and threw it at her.

Good thing she understood it and held onto it. I held the other end with one hand as I was clinging onto the girl. She buried her face in my chest. Tiffany started to flap her wings. We reached the 10th floor and our descent started to slow down. We landed on the concrete floors. Nichkhun and Junsu greeted us.

Nichkhun: Cool stunt bro.

Junsu looked at Tiffany and he tended to her.

Junsu: Are you okay? Nothin broke? Gwenchana? Gwenchana? Are you? Are your wings alright?

Tiffany just looked at him with a very cute smile might I say.

Tiffany: AIGOO. You're liked an old man you. Gwenchanayo.

Nichkhun and I looked at each other and then laughed. Then I remembered I was holding onto the CURE. I looked at her. She was still crying. Sooyoung and Wooyoung had reached ground floor and walked outside to meet us. Sooyoung tended to the girl first as Wooyoung had a worried look on his face.

Sooyoung: Gwenchanayo?

Sooyoung held the girl on her shoulders. The girl nodded though.Then she looked back at me.

Sooyoung: She's pretty shaken up guys.

Seohyun: Wh- Who are you guys?

I looked at her dead in the eyes. She's a cute girl. I looked at the the mini tracker and its content about her. Apparently she's younger than me. Than all of us present.

Taecyeon: We're your rescue team. They can't use you like a cow in there okay?

I sait to her as Sooyoung wiped the tears away from her eyes.

Tacyeon:They're milking you for your blood, for your Mutant Gene Neutralizers..

The girl just nodded and she took the handkershief Tiffany offered her.

Taecyeon: Seo Joo Hyun right?

She nodded again. She had started to calm down now.

Taecyeon: We'll be your new family. Now what can we call you then?

Seohyun: Inside they used to call me Cure. But I'd rather be called Seohyun.

Taecyeon: Okay Seohyun, you're part of this team now okay?

I gave her the usual informal orientation of the department but we were gathering too much attention so we decided to hotwire a car. Criminal habits die hard right?In the car we started to talk again.

Taecyeon: So, what's you agent name? Code name.

She thought for a second. Then she looked at everyone, each of us had eager looks on our faces. Well at least we got what we came to Ilsandeong for right?

Seohyun: Switch. I'll be switch.

I nodded at her and smiled. She's an essential addition to the team. And we can't let her fall to the Chaos Club ever again then I told them about our encounter with Dragon and how he pushed the girl.She still isn't talking though. Then Junsu said from the driver's seat.

Junsu: His plans... He can do it you know..

Nichkhun nodded and then looked back at us from the front seat.

Nich: Yeah.. He can put his plan into a full go guys.

Wooyoung is on the phone, he just turned it off and then from the back he said.

Wooyoung: Guys for now we have bigger problems.

We all looked at him. Junsu looked from the rear view mirror.

Tiffany: Bworago?

Wooyoung: The other team? They also encountered Dragon. Yoona's injured. Dragon took some of Jay's charge and then uri Yoona took the hit. They put her in a hospital now.

Taecyeon: WHICH HOSPI-

They all looked at me, shocked with my reaction and shocked with my strong voice. Sooyoung who was seated at the back seat with Wooyoung said.

Sooyoung: Whoa there Romeo. Clam down..

She motioned her hands as if pushing down an invisible pillow. I sighed and took more control of my emotions. Aigoo.

Taecyeon: Which hospital?

Wooyoung nodded sideways at me. Sooyoung looked at me.

Wooyoung: Molla, the other team's intercom got busted from the attack and my phone just died. I was contacting Taeyeon.

We all had grim expressions on our faces now. Especially me. He took out his anger on the other team as we were all ditracted. Again, he outwitted us. How dumb of me. I should have brought Yoona with me. We all were silent for a while.

Sooyoung took a swig of tequila from a silver flask she kept in her pocket and she offered some to Wooyoung. Wooyoung just shrugged and took a sip himself.

We all got no way to contact the other team. We'd have to search the next city for the hospital they're in. Shado couldn't teleport to us though if he doesn't know what our location looks like. And we got an alcoholic herculean at the back with a half dinosaur half man.

Then Seohyun snapped her fingers and sat up from the center seat we had put her in. 

Seohyun: Which part of the city are we going to?

She asked Wooyoung from the back.

Wooyoung: If it's in Ilsanseo, they're probably in Ilsanseo General Hospital. That's the closest one where you've landed the Phoenix.

Junsu looked at her from the rear-view mirror. Nichkhun did too. Both had questioning looks for her. Tiffany who was seated left of Seohyun looked at Junsu and frowned at him. He started to focus on driving again.

Seohyun: I used to live there.

Tiffany: The mission location they had is in Ilsanseo right?

Tiffany pitched in information of herself. Junsu continued Tiffany's train of thoughts. Nichkhun also sat up from his seat.

Junsu: Yeah, the other mutant's location IS in Ilsanseo.

Sooyoung closed her flask and pocketed it again.

Sooyoung: Then Ilsaneseo General Hospital it is! KAJA!

We drove off onto the setting sun. Hoping that we're right and we would find the team there also with us are high-hopes that they've completed their mission.  But I could not take my mind off of Yoona being injured. I stared at the disappearing houses in the distance and could only sigh and say.

Taecyeon: Yoona yah.. Gwenchanayo?

We're running out of time. We need more information on the Chaos Club and what they're doing and we're running out of mutants to recruit. They would probably know that the Cure survived and they'd probably be after us more now.



To Be Continued...


Watch Out for the Next Episode of SeoulCitySaviors! Next time..


The Chaos Club has given more insight on their plan, what do you think will happen with the Saviors? What's their next move? Stay subscribed with the series..





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Chapter 1: Soon. Watch out.
When will you comeback authornim? :-( :-(
tupiemoppars #3
Chapter 16: Yay! Welcome back!
Chapter 15: Welcome back author-nim!!
Chapter 16: It's been 6754321 years authornim keke I'm happy that you're back.
Chapter 16: Yay! You're back! :)
Chapter 16: Guys.. I;m back. ;P
Chapter 15: i hope you'll update this story soon :D
darkhorse15 #9
Chapter 15: update please been months
tupiemoppars #10
i miss your updates authornim ><