What is Love...

Unrequited Love

Blake started doodling on his test as he continued to circle random answers. He knew all the answers but didn't feel like writing the right answers. everyone turned in their tests just as Blake finished his random drawing on his.

Everyone else left the classroom Blake was waiting but got annoyed when Sno was waiting to.

"Oi Class prez Move your and get out" Blake said glaring at Sno.

"Blake..." Mr. Nagika started as he was looking down at Blakes test.

"I did good huh" Blake said knowing he probably did bad.

"Sno... 46/50 good job... Blake you got a 7/50" Mr nagika said.

Blake was about to talk when sno stood up. His face was beat red as he was looking at the teacher.

"i..im staying becuase... i have a question about the assignment" Sno said.

"what assignment" Blake said glaring at Sno even harder.

"Well... While u were asleep i introduced a new assignment for everyone... Its where you need to find someone to interview that has your interest." Mr. nagika said as he was looking at Blake. Blake nodded as Snow walked closer. Blake bit back a angry growl as he sat on top of his desk shooting invisible daggers at snos back.

"Can i do my assignment on Hayo Miyazaki" Sno asked Mr. nagika nodded as Sno thanked him and ran out making sure not to meet Blakes gaze. Blake looked back up at Mr. nagika with an innocent smile.

"So MR. teach i wanna do my project on you... can i" Blake asked as he sat on The teachers desk Mr. nagika nodded.

'it not like you would do it if you wanted to interview anyone else". Blake smiled as he looked down at the teacher sitting in his seat.

"You know me so well" Blake said laughing. He started coughing but covered it up with another laugh.

"So Mr. teach what else do you do but teach" Blake said grabbing a random paper on the desk and a pencil. Mr nagika sighed as he leaned back in his chair looking Blake directly in the eyes.

"A Mangaka" He said. Blake nodded as he wrote it down.

"and what is your Manga about" Blake asked Still looking at the paper feeling flustered against His sensei cool gaze.

" Its a BL.... A Manga. Its about this one demon boy. He wants to kill all humanity. all people listen to his needs because they're afraid but one day a human comes and This human defy him and slowly they have feeling for each other..."

Mr. nagika said. He looked up at Blake again as he met Blakes gaze. Blake's face turned red as he looked down. For some reason it sounded familiar to him... Blake looked up at sensei again as he leaned down and kissed his sensei full on the lips. Mr nagika started slightly blushing as he pushed Blake away. Blake feel on the floor as he stayed on his knees looking down on the ground.

"Blake Stop it... " Mr. nagika said.

"But...Mr. teach why wont you listen..." Blake said as he looked up his eyes slowly filling up with water. He blinked them away wondering what he was doing... He never cried before.... It was a new feeling.

"Sorry but I dont like kids who don't know when to stop!" Mr. nagika said as he stared down at Blake. Blake grabbed onto Sensei pants as he stayed on his knees.

"but...i love you" Blake said still crying.

"Wh...what if i stayed a friend... then could i stay by your side..." Blake said hope filling his eyes. Mr nagika signed as he helped Blake up.

"yes" Mr. nagika said. Blake smiled as he rubbed his eyes. He suddenly felt very tired. He started laughing as he looked up to his teacher.

"Yeah..ill stay a fri-" Suddenly Blake fell on his teacher.

"Blake!" Mr nagika yelled as he caught him. Mr. nagika felt his students forehead as he carried him up.

"... Why didn't you tell me you felt sick" Mr. nagika said as he grabbed a document from his file that stated where Blake lived.

He gently seated Blake in his car as he got into the driver seat. He heard Blake breathing heavily as he started driving.

Soon the house came into view. Mr. Nagika stopped the car in front of the house as he got out of the car. He went over to the side door as he picked up Blake. Blake looked up into his teacher face.

"Huh... Hi..there" Blake said smiling but instantly fell into a coughing fit. He groaned as he leaned into his teacher. Mr. nagika took Blake to the door. He started knocking but no one answered. He waited a little while but still no one came to the door. He reached for the door knob and noticed that the door wasn't locked.

He thought for a moment but instantly went in when he felt Blake shiver.

"Hello??" Mr. nagika asked into the empty house.

He noticed a picture frame of a beautiful lady. He shook his head as he went to the nearest room. He saw text books and a paper that said Blake and knew that the room was blakes. Mr. Nagika putted Blake under the covers as he tucked him in.

Mr. nagika went to the kitchen as he got a small bucket of warm water. He putted his handkerchief into the warm water as he set the handkerchief on Blakes forehead. Blake shivered again as Mr. nagika patted away the sweat.

He sighed as he looked down at his student.... His student looking poor and defenses.

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Busy lately XD but im trying my best to update as soon as possible so srry for small chapters


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Chapter 14: Thanx for updating! ^^
Chapter 13: Awwwww that's so cute! I hope he isn't going to Blake's house but he probably is isn't he!? :)
Chapter 12: I feel so bad for Blake!
Chapter 10: I thought he had kissed him!! DX you're such a troll!!!
But I love it anyway! Hehe :) can't wait for the next update!
It's so cute!!!! :)
Chapter 6: Liked it! ^^
Thanks for updating :3
Chapter 5: I liked your story a lot! ^^
Please update soon! =)
I really liked the fact that the teacher goes against blake kekeke:3