Game Start

Unrequited Love

Mr.nagika started writing on the bored with the chalk making sure to write all the key concepts. Blake was staring at Teacher looking at all his movements. "hmm..." Mr. Nagika sighed as he turned around

"alright class.." He started.

Class president sent a note over to Blake making sure that the teacher wasn't looking.

Blake looked down at the note it read : What were you doing with sensei yesterday - Sno.

Blake glanced over at Class president then wrote back under the note: I fell for teach

Blake passed it back as he continued to look at the teacher trying to think of good ways to start the game. He felt a paper slide under his hand.

He looked down at the note: You Homo.

Blake kicked Sno's chair as he fell to the floor. "anyone know the answer" Mr.Nagika said as he ignored the class president who sat back up in his chair. Sno raised his hand. Mr.nagika picked on Sno wondering if he knew the answer.

"He kicked me" Snow said pointing to Blake.

Blake glared back at Sno.

"What of it Nerd" He said

Sno was about to say something back when Mr. Nagika voiced interrupted both of them.

"Both of you Shut up" He said as he glared at both of them.

" not a nerd." Snow mumbled under his breath.

"Really now... your right your a Mega Dweeb" Blake shot back at sno.

"Your pissing me off" The teacher said glaring at Blake.

"Hah Teach is mad" Blake said laughing. Mr Nagika sighed as he pointed to the question on the bored.

"Now will someone tell me who wrote Hamlet" The teacher said looking over the class.

Blake raised his hand as he glared at everyone to keep there hand down.

"yes Blake" The teacher said. "Shakesphere" He answered.

Mr. Nagika nodded as he wrote down the name on the board "Correct... now"

"don't i get a prize" Blake asked as he looked up at the teacher.

The teacher looked over at Blake as he threw him a candy.

"There now pay attention." He said as he turned around.

"Huh...not what i wanted though" Blake thought aloud but Mr. Nagika ignored him as he continued to write on the bored.

After the bell rang everyone walked out happy to be out of class. Blake went out as he went over to the office to pick up a paper when he noticed snow staying after class ALONE with teacher. Blake was about to walk in there and kill Sno but he needed the paper before the office closed so he walked over to the office as quick as he could.

By the time he got back Sno was already out of the room and Mr. Nagika was alone. Blake waited outside the door for Teacher to go out.

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Busy lately XD but im trying my best to update as soon as possible so srry for small chapters


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Chapter 14: Thanx for updating! ^^
Chapter 13: Awwwww that's so cute! I hope he isn't going to Blake's house but he probably is isn't he!? :)
Chapter 12: I feel so bad for Blake!
Chapter 10: I thought he had kissed him!! DX you're such a troll!!!
But I love it anyway! Hehe :) can't wait for the next update!
It's so cute!!!! :)
Chapter 6: Liked it! ^^
Thanks for updating :3
Chapter 5: I liked your story a lot! ^^
Please update soon! =)
I really liked the fact that the teacher goes against blake kekeke:3