The Client

Does it Really Hurt?

Yuri’s POV

I woke up with a killer hangover. Luckily, Seohyun gave me some pills that she said would help. She’s not the type of girl to try to kill me, so I took them. I quickly took a shower and drove to work with Seohyun.

“You know, Seohyun, you shocked me at the club last night. You don’t seem like the clubbing type to me,” I said, trying to spark some conversation with the girl. She was awkward around everyone and I wanted her to open up to me.

“I’m not,” she bluntly said. Wow, her conversational skills is like texting a boring person. I hate short responses.

“Then why were you there if you’re not into clubbing?”

“Sunny called me while I was reading last night. She said you were drunk and needed a ride home.” She said more than two words! And Sunny called her?

“Sunny called you? How does she have your number?” I asked. I really shouldn’t be into people’s business but it’s so tempting.

“I’m her girlfriend’s PA,”she stated. Duh, now I feel stupid.

“Oh. Sorry for making you take me home. It was really late.”

“That’s fine. Thanks for letting me stay over. I really appreciate it and the outfit you let me wear,”she said. She seems really nice. She is also the only girl besides Jessica who has slept in my bed. Usually when a friend comes over, they’d sleep in the guest room, but Seohyun passed out on my bed after she laid my drunken self on it.

“No problem. Just don’t tell anyone that you slept in my bed. We don’t want people to get the wrong impression, do we?” I joked.

“Oh no! Of course not!” She began a little flustered, “The workers know of your reputation, and if they hear of me going home with you, I wouldn’t be able to handle it,” she concluded, waving her arms everywhere.

“Okay then. I’ll pretend like I’m not offended. So the staff knows?” I asked, trying to get the new information out. The only people at the job that I thought knew were Seohyun and Sooyoung. They didn’t seem to judge because they knew what I am going through.

“Yes. You came into the office one day drunk announcing about the ‘hot chick’ that you scored with last night. They figured that you were that type of girl after you described about ditching her  before she woke up,” she stated. I feel terrible now. This could affect the relationship that I have with my co workers if it already hasn’t.

“Thanks for the information, Seo. I didn’t know that. You’re a good friend,” I said as we were getting out of the car and walking into the building.

“Thanks, Yuri. Do you...maybe you....” she seemed lost on what to say. And she’s all flustered again.

“Do I, Maybe I what? Spit it out girl.”

“Will you eat lunch with me today!” It was more of an exclamation than a question. People on the bottom floor of the building that we worked in stopped and stared at us.

“This isn’t any of your business so get back to work!” I shouted at the people staring,”And yeah, Seo. I’d love to go out with you for lunch. Where to?” Why is she blushing?

“Umm...How about that cafe that Sunny works at? I’ve never been there, but I heard it’s good.”

“That seems good. Come to my office at lunch break so we can go together,” I said and split into our own offices. Apparently, my new client would be here today early.

As I entered my office, a beautiful woman was sitting in my office desk while looking at a phone. Beautiful was an understatement. This woman is absolutely breathtaking, but what is she doing in my office and in my chair? I sat my stuff on the couch in my office and cleared my throat so my presence would be known. She looked up and I saw her beautiful eyes.

“Oh, you must be Yuri. I’m your new client....”




I felt bad so I quickly wrote another chapter. Who do you think this beautiful client is?

Now I'm out(I'm sleepy)

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:( update pleaseee
Chapter 5: seori hehe :)
Chapter 5: Yulti and seori!!!! Ugh i hate Jessica!!!!!!!! Please update soon!!
Chapter 4: I want yulsic in the end
DarkestAngel #5
Chapter 4: ahhhh.. i still want yulsic thought...
and yuri.. why must you torture yourself...
Chapter 4: uwaaa. that was realllllllllyyy short.
blu_angie08 #7
Chapter 3: Wooh! Hoping for YulTi. Hehe. Though, I like TaeNy and Yulsic too.
langsircoklat #8
Chapter 3: Yes..yuri's revenge..dont worry yuri..u are hotter than yoona..
Chapter 3: Waaaa. I wanna see Yuri's revenge. Lol. Yuri's revenge. That's like a game.
Chapter 3: You know what will make this story better? Yulti~~ And Tiff is Jessica's cousin or bestfriend XD