I'm Sorry

Does it Really Hurt?

Yuri's POV

I woke up suddenly because I was thirsty. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand to see what time it was. 3am. I stood up from the bed, but something was wrong. I turned around to an empty bed. Where's Jessica? Thinking that she might be downstairs, I went there calling her name.

No answer.

I ran back upstairs to get my phone. Something wasn't right. I started debating with myself if I should call her or not. It's not the first time this has happened either. It has happened many times. Several nights I woke up in the middle of the night without her by my side.

I have to call her. I need her to explain. I dialed her number and hovered my finger over the send button. I put the phone to my ear and in the first call, there was no answer. I called another time and she picked up on the first ring.

"Hello," she sounded a little out of breath.

"Sica, where are you? I woke up with you not by my side. Are you okay?" I was concerned. Something could be wrong.

"I...um... am at the park. I decided to take a walk." Why did she stutter?

"At 3 in the morning! Are you running because you sound like you're out of breath?"

"No. It's cold, Yuri. Don't yell at me I'm fine. I'm getting off the phone now," I heard the phone connection end before I could even reply. I grabbed a jacket and ran to the park close to home as fast as I could.




Jessica's POV

Crap. Yoona and I were in the middle of having our fun time and Yuri decides to call me. She started to get angry too and I don't know why. I had to rush back to Yuri's place before she gets angrier.

Yoona understood because of the talk we had earlier. I kissed her goodbye as I was putting on my clothes and rushed out the door.




When I got home, Yuri wasn't there. She is probably looking for me, so I decided to give her a call and tell her that I'm home.

She was mad. That may have been an understatement.  She was furious! I don't get why she was though. I was only walking in the park. That's not a reason to be mad. Now if she knew the real reason, she'd be flipping a even more than she is now.

"Why Jessica? Why?" She asked. She looked tired for some reason.

"Why what? I walked because I felt like it," I challenged back. I needed to know why she was being so pressed on this.

"You know. Almost every night I wake up with you not by my side and pretend I don't see you crawling back in the bed in the morning. I've never said anything because I didn't want this to come between us, but I really need to know. Why?"

She knows? Though this seems like the perfect time to tell her the truth about everything, I needed to do this like it was planned. "Okay so you do know. I was hoping you didn't. Lately I've been going through insomnia, and the only way for me to pass time is to go somewhere. Sorry to make you worry." Part of what I said was true. I've gotten very little sleep since the affairs. Once this is over I'll finally be able to get some sleep.

"Whatever the reason and whether you can sleep or not, I'm tired. Don't leave; I'm going to sleep." I did just what she said. I crawled in bed with her and laid there. I looked at the clock and it was 4am.




In the morning I told Yuri that I didn't feel well and that she should leave without me. Once she left, the plan began. I wanted to do this, but I knew she would be really hurt.

I first called Sunny over to end things between us. She really didn't mind because she's found herself a tall shikskin ladyfriend. I think it's my boss, but I'm happy we can remain friends without awkwardness.

Next I called over Yoona, and she helped me pack up all of my things. There were so many boxes that we took some to her place before Yuri came back. It still wasn't time for Yuri to leave yet, so she made me some lunch. I felt bad using Yuri's food, but she'll be okay. I don’t think that I’ll regret this decision, though, because of Yoona.

I know people say things like once a cheater, always a cheater, but this isn't the case. What Yoona and I have is special; something that I thought for years is what Yuri and I had.

It was around 2pm when I found Yoona and I slowly falling to sleep.




I stirred in my sleep when I heard the sound of a door shutting. Oh ! Yuri is home. I violently shook Yoona to wake her up and took her through the back entrance; I needed to do this alone.

As Yuri was entering the door, I stood there waiting for her. She looked confused but still happy to see me, "Hey Sica. Are you feeling better?"

"Yuri we need to talk. Come sit with me in the living room," I said before walking to the living room and sitting on the couch.

"Sica, what's this? What is in all these boxes?" She looked so scared.

"Yuri, I've been lying to you for the past few months know. I cheated on you, Yuri," I opened with. Immediately tears rolled down from my eyes. She, on the other hand, looked as if she couldn't believe what I had just said. She had opened to speak.

"Let me explain further. I've slept with one of my friends from college a few times and I have even started a relationship with someone else. The boxes, to answer your question, are leaving with me tonight when I move out. I'm leaving you Yuri. I'm so sorry," both of us had broken down after that.

"Why? Didn't you love me?" She asked with tears ruining her makeup.

"Yes. You know I did. It's just... we had our time Yuri. It's time for both of us to go different ways." After I had said that there was a knock at the door. It was Yoona.

"Leave it Jessica. We need to finish talking."

"No, we're done talking now. That's her coming to get my stuff," I said a little too coldly. I went to get the door and let Yoona in.

"Yoona? Really Jessica? Why?" She was now on her kees in front of me. "Stay Sica please. I'll forget about the cheating, just stay. I thought she would be pissed with Yoona, but she's not.

"I could... um... wait outside a few more minutes," Yoona said while standing there awkwardly.

"No, you're fine. Let's go get my stuff," I said and got the few last boxes in the house to leave. Of course Yuri would follow us outside.

"Sica, I'm heartbroken. I'm hoping that one day you realize this mistake and come back to me. But I need to know one thing: did you even love me at all after all what we've been through?" She's letting me go now. I guess that she finally gave into my stubbornness and gave up.

"You know I did Yuri. The love was just lost. I'm sorry, Yuri. Goodbye," I said as I got into Yoona's car. When we took off, I saw Yuri in the rearview mirror throwing stuff in the front lawn while crying.




So this ends the YulSic couple! Or does it?

Just kidding it does. I actually love YulSic, but this is not a Yulsic fic.

As you've probably noticed, most of this story has been Jessica's Point of view.

Now, you'll rarely see YoonSic and Jessica's point of view in the story because this story is, of course, about the "heartbreak" of Yuri.

So what do y'all think will happen to our poor Yuri? Comment your thoughts please

Katie out!


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:( update pleaseee
Chapter 5: seori hehe :)
Chapter 5: Yulti and seori!!!! Ugh i hate Jessica!!!!!!!! Please update soon!!
Chapter 4: I want yulsic in the end
DarkestAngel #5
Chapter 4: ahhhh.. i still want yulsic thought...
and yuri.. why must you torture yourself...
Chapter 4: uwaaa. that was realllllllllyyy short.
blu_angie08 #7
Chapter 3: Wooh! Hoping for YulTi. Hehe. Though, I like TaeNy and Yulsic too.
langsircoklat #8
Chapter 3: Yes..yuri's revenge..dont worry yuri..u are hotter than yoona..
Chapter 3: Waaaa. I wanna see Yuri's revenge. Lol. Yuri's revenge. That's like a game.
Chapter 3: You know what will make this story better? Yulti~~ And Tiff is Jessica's cousin or bestfriend XD