
Oh! My Sweet Love!


Dongwoo had his eyes on the new kid which took Sunggyu’s place for a week. Talking about Sunggyu, where is he? Where did he disappear to? The new kid, looked nice for Dongwoo. And on top of that he has a great look. He was pretty sure that many girls in this college had their eyes on this new kid already even though it was only his first day in the college.


His intention of saying ‘hi’ to the new kid had to wait when there were some girls already stole his chance to talk to him. Waiting about 10 minutes, the cost was clear.


‘Hey there.’ Dongwoo was the first one to greet him.


‘Hey.’ The new kid smiled at him.


Surely if Dongwoo hadn’t set his eyes on Howon, he will be captive by this boy’s smile. Damn, he’s so cute.


‘I’m Dongwoo, Jang Dongwoo.’ He introduced himself.


‘Kim Myungsoo.’ The boy said to him.


Dongwoo smiled as he offered his hand for a handshake, but just before Myungsoo could reach his hand, someone stopped him by shouting,




Dongwoo face-palmed himself when to see Sungjong, who came out of nowhere, screaming like a fan girl. Seeing Dongwoo’s reaction,Sungjong shifted his eyes on the guy beside Dongwoo. A weird wave swept onto him because he never seen the boy’s face before. Then, it hit him.

‘He’s the new kid right?’ Sungjong asked eyeing on Myungsoo.


‘Yup.’ Dongwoo simply answered and moved his feet to his seat again because he was so damn embarrassed of Sungjong’s act.


Sungjong bit his lower lips hoping that Myungsoo won’t laugh at him. Luckily, Myungsoo just blinked. But for sure Sungjong noticed Myungsoo was chuckling when Sungjong took his seat beside Dongwoo. Just perfect that Sungjong made a fool out of himself.




As they were having breakfast, Sunggyu just eyed on Woohyun who was busy taking some pictures at the scenery outside instead of eating. At first Sunggyu was fine with it, but soon he got annoyed because Woohyun didn’t even touch his food yet while he was half done with his food.


‘Yah, hurry up and eat.’


Sunggyu’s words didn’t make Woohyun to stop from taking pictures. He stayed quiet and continued his work. He needed these pictures for his assignments so, he decided to ignore Sunggyu.


Pissed off because he was completely ignored by Woohyun, he finished his food and suddenly stood up and walked out the restaurant. Woohyun blinked his eyes eyeing on that elder’s act. He sighed before picking up his things and followed Sunggyu out. But of course he paid at the counter first.


When he walked out the restaurant, he touched Sunggyu’s arm for Sunggyu to stop and turn around facing him.


‘Can’t you wait for a while?’ Woohyun had to admit he was pissed off but he was in no mood to be angry at Sunggyu.


‘No, I can’t.’ Sunggyu pouted.


Again Woohyun sighed and he said,


‘Let’s go then.’


Sunggyu looked at Woohyun, frowning because it was strange of Woohyun being not mad at him after what he did. Usually he will be shouting at Sunggyu now. Woohyun, he had been acting so strangely these days and Sunggyu didn’t know the real reason of his acts.


Woohyun acknolweged that he was acting strange but it was because he didn’t want to see Sunggyu crying again. Last night was the first time he saw tears stained on his cheeks and he hated it. He hated it some much until he blamed himself for making Sunggyu cried. He never knew Sunggyu could be so fragile.


‘Okay.’ Sunggyu nodded.


They decided to take the bus to go around Jeju Island. Sunggyu took a seat farthest from the driver seat and Woohyun he took the seat beside Sunggyu. He stared at Woohyun as he was perplexed. Why didn’t Woohyun sit at the other seat, there’s some more seats left. But he just rolled his eyes, trying to ignore Woohyun.


‘Where are we going now?’ Sunggyu asked him but never bothered to look at Woohyun.


‘Cheonjiyeon waterfall.’ Woohyun simply answered that, playing with his camera again.


Sunggyu felt like smashing his camera because he was annoyed that Woohyun didn’t even look at him when he was talking (but he did the same too). He was not jealous over that camera, or maybe he did a bit.


‘Why don’t go there at night? It’s more beautiful when it’s night.’ Sunggyu was telling the truth.


‘We’re not going anywhere at night.’ This time Woohyun looked at Sunggyu.


By looking at his expression, Sunggyu pouted because he knew what Woohyun meant. He couldn’t go there at night because of his stupid night blindness.


‘Aww, just once. Please, let’s go there at night.’ Sunggyu pleaded Woohyun.


Woohyun frowned as he set his eyes on Sunggyu because it was strange at Sunggyu to want to go there during the night. As far as he knew Sunggyu, he never was interested in beautiful sceneries. To him those places are extremely boring.


But because the elder pleaded so much, Woohyun had no choice but to agree.


‘Fine. But don’t cause trouble tonight.’


‘I won’t!’ Sunggyu smiled and his eyes turned crescents again just like Woohyun loved the most.  


‘So, where should we go now?’ Woohyun asked him.


There was a naughty smile formed on Sunggyu’s visage when he replied,


‘I know the best place we should go.’


Somehow Woohyun had a bad feeling about this.



‘Let me go!’ Woohyun shouted at Sunggyu, who was grabbing his arm, dragging him to somewhere. ‘There’s no way I’m going in there!’


‘Come on Woohyun, they won’t bite you.’ Sunggyu chuckled as he was having fun, dragging Woohyun to the teddy bear museum.


‘I hate teddy bears and very allergic with them, so why don’t you just go by yourself.’ Woohyun’s words made Sunggyu stopped dragging him.


He suddenly crossed his arm on his chest and pouted like a five-year-old kid. Woohyun never understood why Sunggyu was acting like a child? Through out this vacation Woohyun saw new sides of Sunggyu. He was rather cute than scary.


‘You’re no fun.’ Sunggyu complained.


Woohyun smiled looking at Sunggyu’s pouting face. He suddenly pinched Sunggyu’s cheek and said,


‘Let’s go then. I’m doing this for you, cutie.’ Woohyun walked, leaving Sunggyu dumbfounded.


Sunggyu was still shocked when Woohyun pinched his cheek. He brushed his finger on his cheek as his eyes weren’t blinking for a sec.


Why am I feeling like this again? I shouldn’t have any feeling towards Woohyun but now, I don’t know why this feeling is overwhelming in my heart. Is it love or distraction?


‘Are you coming or not?’ Woohyun shouted at Sunggyu who was still frozen at his place.


Sunggyu slapped into reality hearing Woohyun’s words.


‘I’m coming.’ Sunggyu answered and started to move his feet towards Woohyun.



‘That was fun!’ Sunggyu squealed as they walked out the teddy bear museum.


‘I’m never going back in there again.’ Woohyun was freaking out because there were too many teddy bears.


‘Stop overreacting.’ Sunggyu said to him.


‘I’m not, the teddy bears kept on staring at me.’ Woohyun never liked teddy bears.


He wondered how could Sunggyu like them. It’s true that Sunggyu was not a fan of teddy bear but he loves teddy bear. They walked towards the nearby bus stop. It was already pass lunch because they really stayed long enough at the teddy bear museum for Sunggyu to take a look at every single teddy bear in the museum.


‘Where to go now?’ Sunggyu asked but receiving no answer from Woohyun, he looked at Woohyun just to be shock.


Woohyun was clutching his own stomach and his face was in pain.


‘Yah, what’s wrong?’ Sunggyu was panicked.


But Woohyun didn’t give a word or any positive respond. He was trying to hold back the pain surging in his stomach.


‘Gwenchana? Woohyun, answer me!’ Sunggyu didn’t know what to do.


‘Wait, let me get some help.’ The moment Sunggyu said that, Woohyun grabbed his hand, preventing him from going anywhere.


‘Who’s overreacting now?’ Woohyun said with a naughty smile on his face.


Sunggyu’s eyes were widened because he never thought Woohyun could trick him. He was so damn panicked. Now, he was glaring at Woohyun as he was really pissed off.


‘I hate you.’ Sunggyu uttered before walking away from Woohyun.


‘Aww, baby. It was just a joke.’ Woohyun tailed the elder.


Sunggyu was really worried about Woohyun. It was the first time he was so worried about someone else. But to think that Woohyun tricked him was too much. Woohyun kept on apologizing at Sunggyu but Sunggyu won’t accept his apologies.


Aish! That stupid stomachache. Why must you ruin everything again? I had been having this stomachache for a while now. What’s wrong with me actually?   




During the class, Myungsoo was glimpsing at Sungjong. Why? First because he had to admit Sungjong is cute. Second, because he was sure the two guys he heard talking at the club that day were Sungjong and Dongwoo. Now, all he had to do was to ask the two about Sunggyu and the junyoung guy. But how?


The moment the class ended, Sungjong was really didn’t want to waste even a minute to dart out of the class. Yet, luck wasn’t on his side that day, when Myungsoo suddenly grabbed his wrist, which was a shocking thing for Sungjong cause no one ever did that to him.


‘Hey, can I ask you something?’ Myungsoo asked.


‘Umm…sure.’ Sungjong asked.


But when he answered it, he was blushing because Myungsoo still held his wrist. Myungsoo, who noticed Sungjong’s red face, let go of his hand seeing the boy was uncomfortable with his touch.


‘Mian.’ Myungsoo apologized for his rudeness. Seriously what was he thinking grabbing someone’s wrist for so long.


‘It’s okay..’ Sungjong smiled.’ So, what you want to ask me?’


It’s time Myungsoo. Ask him! Just ask him about Junyoung and Sunggyu and everything will be okay. Well, not so okay if they really are dating. Mian Woohyun if I have to step into your wedding life.


‘Is Sunggyu shi dating with someone?’

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702 streak #1
Chapter 32: ❤️❤️❤️
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 31: My heart suffered since I found out that Woohyun was sick 😭 I couldn't handle the sadness
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 15: I really don't understand Sunggyu. JY is not supposed to be his boyfriend nor does he love him that way, just that the other one started treating him that way and he didn't say anything about it. So... Why does he have to worry about the "relationship" with him? I don't even understand why he has to look good with the other and let him mistreat him🙂
Chapter 32: I didnt know how many times I reread this story~ I wish you would write a woogyu story like this one again. 🥰
Chapter 1: So sweet beginning 😍
Simran20 #6
Chapter 28: Rereading it after a long time. Still makes my heart warm.
Really good and cute fanfics!! :D I loved so much!!
sunggyu_chingyu #8
Chapter 32: the best part when woohyun always faint whenever he know about gyu's pregnancy hahahha reread this again and never get bored! it's bittersweet with a fluff ending ❤ thank you!