Name Votes

Fly Me to Heaven
* M.NITE (Midnight)
* Hawt Issue
* H.andS (Heart and Soul)
* P.H.A.T.(Power Held Amoung Them)
* L.O.V.E. (Ladies of Various Ethnics)

Tell Me which name you like the best out of these choices, and please be fair only vote for one. Then I will be able to decide how to better write the next chapter of the story. Until it has been decided on by all of us I will not be writing the next chapter. Also I have singles that we will be able to debut with for know I'm only going to make the first songs.

For the band, M.NITE(Midnight): Night of One Star
For the band, Hawt Issue: Popularity Called Us
For the band, H.andS(Heart and Soul): The Smallest Change
For the band, P.H.A.T.(Power Held Amoung Them): Neo-Generation
For the band, L.O.V.E.(Ladies of Various Ethnics): Smash UP!

So tell me what you think truthfully and honestly please I can take constructive critism from you guys and let me know if there are things that you would like me to change. Also I think the next chapter will be going straight to our debut night. Wish me luck, and please respond.

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.