M.Nite's Debut Showcase!

Fly Me to Heaven
Yay, I'm so excited finally we've made it to our debut showcase. At first I had plans to make this a larger band, but there wasn't enough appliers. However, I'm happy with just the girls that applied so far, we make a great band. Anyway, I made up the first single for our band, but if you have any suggestions for songs I'm open to them always. So read on and enjoy, our debut song.

The area was crowded and full of stars rushing to get ready for their perfomances, and others looking for a way to leave back to their dressing rooms. Each of the members of the pre-debut group, M.Nite watched the unfolding events with butterflies in their stomachs.

To prevent further nevousness to get to them, MinJi stood and closed the door. It was then that SungTae spoke on behalf of all the other girls," Yeodongsaeng, we can't go out there yet were not ready. If we do we'll all just embaress ourselves, and Lee SooMan as well."

"~sigh~ I guess your right." MinJi said while looking at her fellow members faces. The rest went back to sulking, and making themselves more nervous. This continued on for about five more minutes until MinJi couldn't stand it any longer.

"Girls, that is enough! There is no reason for us to be nervous now. We practiced this dance over and over, and memorized the words so well that we could sing and dance it in our sleep. It doesn't matter that were going out to debut tonight, all that matters is that we get through this perfomance together. After that you can back to being nervous again, but right now we all need to let it go. And, then Seoul praise M.Nite, okay girls." MinJi stated with such conviction.

Slowly, each of the girls stood with renewed vigor. They each bowed slightly out of respect for M.Nite's newly dubbed leader, MinJi. Not long after that they were called out one by one to perform alone before they each rushed back to get ready for there first group performance. As they were directed to the stage to meet the MC's for tonight. Before, they were ushered onto the stage in front of thousands of screaming fans they held hands and took a few deep breathes to calm themselves.

Each member of the newly minted girl group, M.Nite smiled brightly as they walked toward the MC's, Nichkhun and SoHee.

"Wow, I think the stars suddenly went dark, don't you SoHee-ah?" Nichkhun asked his partner MC.

"Yes, I have to agree, I never realized that there were girls that could outshine the stars. I think this will be the start of another awesome band." SoHee replied.

"Yes, why don't we have you introduce youselves." Nichkhun said to the nine membered group beside them.

"Of course. Anneyong haseyo, I'm Kwon MinJi, and I'm the leader of M.Nite. We hope our effort and dedication show well tonight." she said bravely on behalf of all the other girls.

"Anneyong haseyo, I'm Nam SungTae. Please treat us well." SungTae said to help break the ice.

And slowly one by one each member of M.Nite unknowingly introduced themselves to the world. The headed back stage and proceeded to get ready for there debut performance. They each walked out on the stage where the light were completely off. Each of them posed in a different spot, away from the others.

The spotlight flashed on swung around until it landed on SangJoon, who immediately began moving around. She began singing as soon as she made it to center stage.

*HyunAe: Get ready everybody. 'Cause M.Nite is here to rock the city tonight. Put your hands, and let me know your ready to rock!

The light died out and again focused on AeRin who proceeded to dance solo on her cue, and did the whole thing flwalessly. And once again the light cut out, and then all the lights turned back on and everyone started to move in sync. HyoRa broke away from the group on the left and sang on her cue.

**HyoRa: If your in our house its the time to let it go. On this night of one star, we'll live as one, party as one, and once this night is over we'll be closer together...

It was at that point that MinJi took the center stage in coordination with the other girls.

**MinJi: Under this one sky is where all live, and we have all have someone that cares for us. Knowing this should us all want to live the dreams have planned...

ChunSa came out out of to the left and began on her cue. And JooEun followed her from the center stage.

*ChunSa: Keep reaching for sky, and hold to our hands, and even if the world ends we'll help carry you into the sky. Even the people say that should've given up I never let go of dream, it'll be our night!

**JooEun: Our night!

ChunSa: Our star!

With that ChunSa moved back to others and JooEun to finish her performance.

**JooEun: Our star! And we'll keep on flying higher with no one to tell us no. This is our road, the only we walk on, and if keep standing up we know that we'll get there in the end...

The group stopped singing then and took to dancing their hearts out before leaving the stage to TaeShin and her long dance solo. After the dance solo's were over they each posed behind the last performer.

***SungTae: Now that you know who we are, tell me now will you live under the one star. Let us hear you say M.Nite... give it up for M.Nite... That's we're talking about. Peace out everybody!

Then the crowd errupted with loud cheers and each girl waved enthusiastically as they walked off the stage. They hi-fived each other and gave each other congratulations. As they headed back to their dressing room some of the members weren't paying attention, and obviously didn't see their special visitors...

So do you like it, I had hard time coming up with the lyrics for the song, so I hope that it turned out alright. Let me know if you want to have a nickname/stagename. And if you come up with any suggestions for songs/song titles/ or plot ideas let me know by e-mailing me @ [email protected]. Please comment, and let me know if I need to change anything, 'kay?

*= girls that are rapping
**= girls that are singing
***= girls that are singing and rapping

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.