sharing is caring

Brothers Without Borders

okay sorry again for dissapointing u guys this time.

and about the previous chapter, i'm really sorry. it was bad of me, and the chapter was horrible too

although some of you said that it was good and etcs, i just, i wanna say sorry to yall.


forgive me?

and i really hope there could be more subscribers than just 89 :c

see, i'm dissapointed? i'm so lame. i'm bad. bad bad bad bad.

my fic is so bad that i feel like deleting it.

but i won't, don't worry.


bye, thanks.

see u in the next chapter, bye!!!! :)

a/n: start of new chapter. chapter 4.

“Luhan, come out. Now”, Sehun said.


Inside the bathroom, Luhan once again took a deep breath and in seconds, he twisted the doorknob and there stood an angry and pissed looking Sehun, his younger twin.


“Y-yes?” Do you need anything, Sehunnie?”, Luhan looked up into Sehun’s fierce-looking eyes. No. Not even a word came out from Sehun and that made Luhan felt even more nervous. “Sehun?”, Luhan asked. “Do you need anything from the grocery shop?”, a sudden sentenced question came out from Sehun.  “N-no, thanks. Are you going?”, Luhan’s nervousness started to grow lesser and he asked Sehun. As his usual self, Sehun shook his head, turned away from Luhan and walked out towards the door of their room. Luhan looked at the figure walking in front of him and he suddenly called him.


“Sehun”, he called.


“What”, he turned around and straightly stared into the brown orbs of Luhan.


“Be careful”, he smiled.


Sehun continued walking downstairs after Luhan’s “Be careful”. He didn’t even glanced back, not even an “Okay” for the reply. Nothing.


Luhan has become familiar with this of situation. He sighed and shrugged. It was already 2pm and the parents aren’t home yet. Luhan wondered whether his twin brother was hungry, and that was why he went to the grocery shop. Maybe to buy some instant noodles but thinking back, no. He wouldn’t buy a pack of instant noodles. He’s an athlete who took really good care of his health. Luhan was grateful that Sehun turned out to be all healthy and happy. Maybe just healthy, cross out happy.


Just one thing, only one thing. He really felt lonely and sad because of the cold attitude Sehun was giving him.


He sometimes wanted to ask Sehun the reason why he was acting this way towards him. He really wanted to. But, courage was not with him all the time. Even if he asked Sehun, he knew the latter would only nods, shrugs or even didn’t even give a reply to his question. Luhan threw all the thoughts he was having on his mind and walked outside the room, towards the watching room.


Watching room was the only place where he can find peace besides the library. He brought with him some revision books to revise in the room. Stepping into the room, he switched on the air-con and draw opened the curtains that were covering the way of the Sun to shine into the room. He took a moment to enjoy the not-so picturesque view from the watching room. Well, everything was green with the road that was not-so congested, at least.


Then, he sat on the wooden tiles and pushed upwards his glasses to get a good and comfortable sight while revising.


Entrance exam is only two days apart. He has to do well in order to get into the medical school. In order to forget all his love towards Sehun. All of them. He again shook his head and flipped open his book. Maybe he was too much to be revising about pharmacology but to him, nothing is too much. Who knows some questions may plop on the paper about these? He thought.


Luhan is currently revising his studies with a little reference from a pharmacopoeia. He didn’t plan to be a doctor, instead, he was more interested to be a guy who does both jobs in the medical area. A qualified guy who prepares and sells drugs, which is a pharmacist. And a guy who treats patients with gentleness and kindness, which is a doctor. He wanted to be both.


Thus, he tried hard revising about them.   



Sehun was picking out some apples to cover the grumbling noises that his stomach was making since this noon. He was hungry, yes, and his parents aren’t home yet. He didn’t want to interrupt the couple by calling one of them and telling them to come home earlier, just for food. He didn’t want to ruin their time together. So, here he is, picking some apples for his temporary lunch. After picking them, he paid at the counter and walked back home. Since the grocery shop was just a stone’s throw away, he decided to walk.


Halfway to his house, a thought stopped him. Luhan. He must be hungry too. Upon thinking that way, he walked all the way back to a nearby stall. Burgers, he must be fine if I buy him one. Sehun thought to himself. He ordered a chicken-special burger for Luhan, his brother. He stood there, like a person who is in dazed, slightly tapping his left foot while waiting for the burger. After a good ten minutes of waiting, he paid for the burger.


His walked to his house was exhausting, he admitted it, but he brought some foods for lunch. For Luhan and for him.


Reaching the house, he slipped off his sneakers at the entrance and walked upstairs. He walked straight towards his shared room with Luhan but a cool, chilly air interrupted him from his right side, accidentally welcoming him to the side. Right, the watching room. He thought.


He slowly went towards the watching room and took a peek of what’s in there. Of course, there was Luhan, on the floor, hunching his back while sitting cross-legged with revising his studies. Sehun then went inside the room and cleared his throat from Luhan’s back.


“Oh, Sehun? When did you come back?”, Luhan was startled and he immediately turned around to face Sehun who was standing behind him.


“Here”, he handed the burger to Luhan. “Umm, what is this for?”, Luhan looked up and asked dumbly as he took the burger from Sehun. Then out of the blue, a loud grumbling noise came from who-knows somewhere. Luhan looked up at Sehun and immediately looked back down on his lap, clutching his stomach in embarrassment as soon as he knew the noises just now came from his own stomach. He jabbered to himself.


“For that”, Sehun said while pointing at Luhan’s stomach.


“What about you?”, he concernly asked.


Sehun hold up the plastic bag that was quarter-filled with apples then showed it to Luhan.


“Only that?”, he asked again. “Only these”, Sehun said.


After a few awkward silence moment passed between them, Sehun walked out from the room. “No, wait. Sehun-ah…”, Luhan called him.


Sehun turned back and looked at Luhan.


“Wait. Come here. Eat this with me. You’ll take half of my burger and I’ll eat some of your apples. Share it with me. You can’t just eat apples for lunch”, Luhan stood up and said.


“Why not?”, he asked.


“Please?”, Luhan asked again. Sehun sighed and walked back into the cool and chilly room.


Luhan stared dumbly at Sehun when suddenly Sehun purposely cleared his throat. “Uh…oh. Sorry about these”, Luhan squatted down and closed the books he was revising and then put them on the couch neatly. After that, they both sat down on the floor with Luhan began to unwrap the wrapper of the burger and Sehun took out an apple from the plastic bag to eat. When Sehun was about to have a bite of the apple, Luhan suddenly shouted.




“Huh?”, Sehun was confused.


“Wait, let me wash this for you”, he yanked away the apple Sehun was holding and quickly went to the sink in the bathroom. He washed the apple properly, wiping all the dirt or who-knows-what on the apple with a smile plastered on his cute face.


“Here you go. Now you can eat it”, he smiled and handed back the apple to Sehun upon sitting down on the floor in front of Sehun. Lunch was awkward for Sehun because Luhan was the only one talking whereas him, only nods and “yea” for replies.


“Here. This is your part”, Luhan said to Sehun and slide over the burger on the wrapper towards Sehun’s side. “No, thanks”, he pushed it back to Luhan.


“Please, Sehun? Eat this. Don’t be so skinny” Luhan went nearer towards Sehun’s face in front of him. Sehun was becoming skinnier when he started to be an athlete since last year. Luhan noticed the changes of Sehun’s body.


Sehun simply shook his head. “Sehun…”, Luhan tried again.


“Sehun, please? For me?”, he tried again, this time, holding onto Sehun’s shoulders and pouting cutely in front of the latter.


Beads of sweats started to form on Sehun’s head although the room was cold. Butterflies started to fill up and flutter around in his stomach upon seeing Luhan staring at him with his pleading-like eyes and his adorable pout.


“Okay, fine”, he gave up and took the burger, eating it. Luhan grinned happily, seeing his twin brother eating the burger. After throwing away the wrappers and stuffs they had earlier, they sat back on the floor, doing nothing.


Silence. Awkward. Silence. Awkward.


“TV?”, Luhan suggested to broke the silence between them in the watching room.


“Okay”, he agreed.


They both sat on the floor next to each other with backs against the couch behind them. They both didn’t like to seat on the couch. It wasn’t their favorite place. The welcoming warmness of the wooden tiles made them feel much more comfortable and relaxing to watch the television. The show was boring but Luhan decided to just watch it to spend some time alone with Sehun, even without talking to him.


While stupidly staring at the television, Luhan felt his left shoulder weighed. He looked to his left side and found a sleeping Sehun, nuzzling onto his shoulder for a good sleep. He chuckled happily yet silently while watching the younger sleeping on his shoulder. Luhan slowly took Sehun’s head off from his left shoulder and carefully laid it back onto his lap. As soon as he put down Sehun’s head on his lap, the latter started to nuzzle more onto his lap.


Luhan looked down and reached his hand towards Sehun’s hair. He them softly and without realizing, he had kissed Sehun on the cheek. A simple peck on the cheek. Yes, on Sehun’s cheek. “Thank you for the lunch, Sehun. I love you. Like always”, he smiled as he the younger’s hair gently, remembering all the memory he had with Sehun.


Past (15 years old Hunhan)

“N-no, stop. Please…”, Luhan’s tiny voice cracked when a student in his PE class punched him on the stomach several times. “Shut up, nerd”, one of the students who was holding his hands hissed at him. Luhan’s hands were hold tight by two students who appeared to be ‘this’ student’s subordinates. ‘This’ student was Suho.


Suho was punching Luhan’s stomach because of the scolding he got from his class teacher earlier today. Luhan knew Suho was smoking with his friends at the backyard of the school while recess. He saw it from the library. It wasn’t his fault to report to the teacher that Suho and his ‘subordinates’ were smoking at the school’s backyard for all this while. He did the right thing. And Suho has been warned by the teacher about his bad behavior while in school. Afterwards, Suho found out that Luhan was the one who told the teacher that he saw him smoking at the backyard of the school.


So, here they are with Suho severally punched Luhan on the stomach, slapping him on the face and yanking his hair upwards in the store room. Luhan couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t afford to scream out loud as he was so damn scared that he’ll be hit much worse when he did it.


“Ah, please…it hurts”, he pleaded as tears rolling down on his cheeks.


“You think I’ll just stop without even hurting you? This is just the beginning, Luhan. You are sure going to get—”, his words were left hanging when the door of the store room suddenly yanked open.


“ you! What the hell are you doing to him!?”, Sehun shouted at the bullies who were bullying his own twin brother. “You ing bullies better get the hell out of here before I press this button”, Sehun put his thumb on the emergency red button beside him. Suho shoot a sharp glare at him and immediately went out from the store room with his subordinates.


“You’re next”, Suho whispered at Sehun as he slightly pushed Sehun on the shoulder while walking out of the room. Sehun rolled his eyes as soon as they went out from the room. He turned back his gaze towards Luhan whom back was against the floor of the store room. “Luhan! Luhan, are you okay!?”, Sehun squatted down next to Luhan and took his head onto his lap.


“I’m fine. J-just…my stomach hurts”, he told him.


“What did they do to you?”, he worriedly asked as he brushed away the hairs covering Luhan’s eyes. “Nothing…”, he lied.


“Tell me now.” Sehun gritted his teeth. “Kicked on the stomach, slapped me o-on the f-face and…yanking my h-hair”, he covered his face from the tears flowing from his eyes. “Luhan…why didn’t you call me?”, Sehun pulled Luhan closer and hugged him tightly. “I-I was…scared”, his voice cracked.


“Let’s go home”, Sehun told Luhan. “W-what? No. I don’t want mom and dad to know about this matter. They’re at home right now”, he shook his head desperately. “No, they’re not. I called them earlier and they were out”, Sehun rubbed circles on Luhan’s back.


“Okay”, he nodded. Sehun slowly stood up and pulled Luhan with him. Luhan slung his right hand on Sehun’s shoulder for support and Sehun puts his left hand on Luhan’s waist, supporting the hurt one. After getting the permission from the teacher to go back, Sehun called the taxi to drive them back home. “Luhan, hold on”, Sehun said as he walked up the stairs at home with Luhan hanging his hand dearly on Sehun’s shoulder.


He carefully put Luhan on the bed and rushed down to the kitchen. He opened the cupboard above the stove and took out the first aid kit. “Sehun…no. I don’t want that”, Luhan shook his head vigorously as soon as Sehun took out the antiseptic, iodine, gauze and some cream from the aid-kit. “Look Luhan. You have to, otherwise it’ll be much worse”, Sehun rubbed Luhan’s arm soothingly.


After putting and applying the needed-things for Luhan’s bruise to get better, Sehun packed back all the items onto the aid-kit. As soon as he stood up, Sehun could feel he was stopped by a tug at the hem of his shirt.


“Sehun…”, Luhan called.


“Don’t go”, he said.


“I just need to keep this back at the kitchen”, Sehun said as he hold up the aid-kit he was holding.


“Don’t leave me alone, please…”, Luhan said. Sehun looked at Luhan worriedly and sighed. He then put aside the aid-kit and crawled onto the bed next to Luhan. “I won’t. I’m here. Always here for you”, Sehun said as he grabbed Luhan’s hand and entwined it with his.


“Sehunnie…”, he called again.


“Yes, Lu?”.


Luhan rose up from his current laying position and went nearer towards Sehun’s face beside him.


“I love you”, he pecked Sehun on the cheek. “Thank you”, Luhan smiled and holds tighter onto Sehun’s hand. Sehun’s face instantly turned crimson red every time Luhan did that.

End of past events


Luhan smiled upon remembering those memories of him and Sehun. What happened to Suho, I wonder. Whatever. He thought. Just like a few years ago, while summer, when Sehun decided to wear the same clothes as Luhan just to make him feel better. And yes, of course he did feel better and happier. Then, Luhan gave a pecked on Sehun’s cheek with his “I love you” and “Thank you” when Sehun did that just for him.


But now, he can’t even do it. He can’t thank Sehun like he always did.


But now, right now, Luhan really thanked to God that He had given him the chance to thank his little brother this way again, with Sehun laying asleep on his lap. He smiled thankfully yet sadly. Thank you, God.


a/n: hye guise!!! hehe, i'm back. about my apology post previously, i thanked all of you who had encouraged and gave me strength c: thank you so much and there was one person who really made me stronger back. grrr. haha you know who you are c: thank you guys. sorry if there are mistakes or typos. hope you enjoy! merrryyy christmas! love you <3

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brothers without borders chapter 6 updated! thank you for reading ;)


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kim_exolover #1
Chapter 8: Omg!! Authornim!! Dis story is dae to the BAK DAEBAK!!
What happened to hunhan in the past?? Iam dead curious and now I can't study!! Pliz update soon, preety Pliz with hunhan on top : ) your story, it needs more love , Authornim I really like your writing style it's simple yet cute and sweet, I really wonder , are Luhan and Sehun real brothers? If yes then will they have a happy ending? And why are their parents acting strange? Arghhhhhhh I'm really dying of curiousity.....
Chapter 8: Hii author-nim!~ this story is really good and I feel really bad that it hasn't had as much love as it deserved. I hope you know that and you continue with it ;) FIGHTING~~ <3
shawolshipperjongkey #3
Chapter 8: Are you going to still continue this story? It's sooo good, and I want to know what happened to them when they were kids!!! And their parents seem kind of odd, I'd like to know the deal with I need some HunHan!!! I am eagerly awaiting for one of them to make a confession to the other. Please please PLEASE update soon!! I can't wait!
Chapter 8: Author-nim please update soon! I'm so excited to read the rest~ <3
Chapter 8: please update soon authornim...these two gives me life...HunHan forever..
will u continue this, Author-sshi??
Great story. Update soon please(:
Chapter 8: Update????????!!!
fantastic-wow #9
Chapter 8: past???? im so ing curious omg i read many fics in a day but i still love this. they are so cute!!!!!!!! oh my god authornim omg
Chapter 8: O_o past?!!!! WHAT PAST?!!! What happend author-nim please update soon can't wait for the upcoming chapters