Crazy Night

Dangerous Liaisons

Ta dah, the next chapter! I was actually kind of hoping that I'd have another subscriber when I posted this up, but oh well... Hope you enjoy :D


Previously on Dangerous Liaisons…

I put the broom down, staring at each of the six guys individually. “Okay, seriously, what the heck is going on here?”


“Hyung, maybe we should just – “ the guy who kept getting hit by everyone else tried to say, but was interrupted.

“Shut up, Kai,” Baekhyun and another guy snapped, causing him to keep quiet.

“Are you going to call the police?” the leader guy asked, eyeing me wearily.

“Depends,” I answered, equally as weary. “Are you going to hurt me and my little brother?”

“No,” he replied firmly.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “How can I know you’re not lying?”

“You can’t,” he answered truthfully, but I think if we had wanted to hurt you, we would have already done so.” When he saw my hesitance, he said, “Listen, all we wanted was to treat our member’s leg. As you can see, he’s badly hurt and we need to get him healed.”

“If I help treat his leg, can I guarantee my brother’s safety?” I asked. I don’t mind if I get hurt, but if anything happened to Jae Sun, I’d never forgive myself.

“Of course,” he agreed readily. I bit my lip. I still don’t know if I could trust him… but like he said, if they had wanted to hurt me, I wouldn’t still be standing here right now.

“Jae, go get the first aid kit from my room,” I ordered. He looked at me and I could see the reluctance in his eyes to leave me alone with six strange men. I turned him around and pushed him into the hallway. “Go.”

“If you hurt Sehun-” the guy who I think was called Kai threatened, stepping towards me with a dark glare on his face.

“Kai, stand down,” the leader ordered, pushing back on Kai’s chest.

“Before I help your… friend, I want an explanation,” I demanded, not moving an inch until Jae Sun was back.

“No,” Kai immediately answered.

“I wasn’t asking you,” I snapped at him, crossing my arms and leveling my ‘mom’ stare at the leader. “Explain. I want names, at least.”

“I’m Suho,” he replied. “Over there is Chanyeol,” a guy leaning against the sink nodded, “Baekhyun, D.O,” the guy standing next to Baekhyun gave me a glare, “that blabber mouth over there is Kai and that’s Sehun.”

“Okay, now how the heck did you get into my house?” I asked, hearing Jae Sun’s footsteps nearing the kitchen.

“That’s… a long story,” Suho said hesitantly just as Jae Sun burst through the doorway.

“I got it!” he exclaimed, handing it over to me. he peered at Sehun, who was trying to stop the bleeding in his leg. “Is he gonna die?”

“No, now shoo,” I ordered, pushing him out of the kitchen again. “Now go watch TV and don’t come in here until I say so.”

“But – “

“No buts. Now go!”

He was grumbling as he stomped over to the living room, but I have bigger problems to worry about right now.

“Set him on the table,” I ordered. When nobody moved, I gave them a glare. “Look if you want me to help him, he has to get on the table.”

“Why should we listen to-“ Kai started, only to be cut off once again.

“Do as she says,” Suho commanded tiredly.

I could see protests from the others, but he silenced them all with one look. “Now.”

The others grumbled, but Baekhyun and I think Chanyeol slowly stooped over and slowly carried him up onto the table. I’m just happy the table is clean, since we don’t really use it much. Sometimes we eat at the table when mom and dad come home, but they’re rarely home. Even when they’re in Korea, they’re not at the house often.

Oh gosh, how do I do this? Maybe I should have paid more attention in high school during first aid lessons.

I grabbed a roll of bandage from the first aid kit and cut off a long piece to try and stop the bleeding. He was looking pale, so it looks like he’s suffering from blood loss. Ah, what do I do? I’m not trained for this!

“What happened?” I asked, as I pressed down on the wound, causing a strangled cry to come from Sehun. I cringed but didn’t let up on the pressure.

“Stop it!” Kai shouted. “Can’t you see he’s in pain?”

“If I don’t apply pressure, he’s going to die,” I answered through gritted teeth. This guy sure knows how to push all the wrong buttons. “Now how the heck did he get his leg hurt?”

“He got shot,” one of them – I think his name was D.O? – answered tersely, his eyes narrowed as he watched Sehun’s face.

“Shot?” I repeated incredulously. “Why the heck was he shot at?” I exhaled sharply. “You know what? I don’t want to know.”

I peeled the bandage away from his wound and bit my lip. It wasn’t a through and through, so I think the bullet might still be in there…

I sighed and leaned back. “The bullet is still in his leg, so I need to get it out.”

Suho’s forehead crinkled. “How are you going to do that?”

“With tweezers and a lot of pain.” I looked at the pale boy, acknowledging him for the first time. “Do you think you can handle it?”

“I… I don’t know,” he answered shakily. I noticed he was trembling slightly. His eyes were slightly unfocused as he looked at me. “Am I going to die?”

“No,” I said firmly. “But I have to get that bullet out of your leg and it’s going to hurt a lot. Can you handle it?”

He hesitated before nodding. I bit my lip before turning to Suho and saying, “You need to hold him down. He says he can handle it, but needing to get a bullet out in these conditions isn’t a good idea.” I peeled the bandage away and quickly cut a new piece. The blood wouldn’t stop flowing and my hands were already covered in his blood. “You know, it’d be a lot better if we could take him to the hospital – “

“No hospital,” Kai interrupted. “No police, no hospital, no outside people.”

I glared at him. “One, I wasn’t talking to you. Two, what is your problem with ‘outside people’? Who are you guys running away from?”

His eyes darkened, although it didn’t make much of a difference with his sunny disposition. “You don’t want to know.”

Well, I’m glad that all my answers are being properly answered. I rolled my eyes slightly before ignoring him. Okay, I need to focus right now.

I rummaged for the tweezers in the kit with my left hand as my right hand kept applying pressure on the wound. My fingers grasped the tweezers and I pulled it out. I tore the packaging open with my teeth and fished it out.

I looked up. “You guys might want to hold him down now.”

They moved quickly, with Chanyeol and Baekhyun holding down his arms and Kai and D.O firmly holding onto his legs. Suho stood by Sehun’s head, holding it firmly while he said something in a low tone.

“Sehun, I need you to close your eyes,” I commanded softly, keeping my voice calm despite the blood flowing over my fingers. I swallowed thickly and moved the blood soaked bandage away, grimacing slightly as the wound was exposed. Blood poured out sluggishly and I touched the tip of the tweezers to the wound. I swallowed thickly. Ugh, I hate blood.

Sehun immediately flinched, but his friends held him down firmly. With a deep breath and a quick prayer, I sunk it into the wound. A groan immediately emitted from Sehun’s mouth as sweat beaded on his forehead. I gritted my teeth and quickly searched for the bullet, sighing softly when I felt the hard metal of the bullet. It hadn’t gotten in as deep as I had feared and it hadn’t nicked any important arteries.

With a quick tug, I yanked it out, cringing as Sehun let out a short yell. Hurriedly, I pressed a fresh bandage over the wound and sighed.

“Are you done?” Kai asked from beside me as he glared at me. I gave him another glare. Why did he have to stand beside me?

“I still have to clean the wound and bandage it, but other than that, I’m done,” I answered.

“We can do that,” Suho offered, slowly Sehun’s damp hair.

“But you’ll need warm water and – “

“Hyung said go, now go,” Kai commanded harshly.

I really want to slap him right now. “Tell me what to do in my house one more time and I will dropkick you.”

“I’d like to see – “

I’m not really sure what he’d like to see (although I can hazard a guess) because at that moment, the doorbell rang. Immediately, everyone stiffened.

“Expecting visitors?” Baekhyun asked, his voice taut with suspicion.

“I wasn’t expecting anyone,” I replied slowly. “It’s three in the morning. Who would visit this late?”

“Hyung,” D.O said urgently. “If it’s them – “

“We have to stay calm,” Suho commanded softly. “We don’t know for sure who’s out there.”

I moved over to the sink and washed my hands free of the blood, wiping it on my sweats. “I’ll go see who’s at the door while you guys clean his wound. I’m sure I can get whoever it is out there to go away.”

“No doubt with your sparkling personality,” I heard Kai mutter as I walked past him. Real pleasant, that one.

I walked out of the kitchen and took a deep breath before ruffling up my hair a little and letting my eyes droop, making it look like I just woke up.

I opened the door and squinted at the person standing on the other side.

“Good evening, officer,” I yawned, leaning against the doorway and crossing my arms to ward off the cold and make it look like I just woke up. “What brings you here at this time of night?”

“Good evening,” he greeted back. “I’m sorry to disturb your sleep, but a call came in about a disturbance?”

“I didn’t call the police,” I replied, my eyebrows furrowing. “I think you’ve got the wrong house.”

“Well then, maybe it was your neighbors,” he replied pleasantly, the corners of his lips turning up. It didn’t feel like a smile though. It was too cold and threatening to be called a smile. It was more of a maniacal grin.

“Well, I can assure you everything here is fine.”

“Who’s at the door, noona?” Jae asked as he popped his head out of the doorway, looking at the door.

“It’s just a police officer who got the wrong house,” I replied, never taking my eyes off the man. I’m not so sure he was an officer… nobody could have called the police. Even with all the yelling going on, we lived pretty isolated from everyone else and both of our closest neighbors were away on vacation. “Jae, I think you should go in the kitchen and make sure I turned the stove off.”

He shot me a confused look. “The stove? I thought you were – “

“Check the stove, Jae Sun,” I said firmly, hoping the urgency I felt didn’t leak out in my voice. Jae must have sensed it either way because he nodded and hurriedly made his way into the kitchen. I hope he’d be safe there, with other people. I have a bad feeling about all of this…

The man’s eyes turned cold, but his smile remained in place. It was starting to creep me out though and I tried not to look panicked. There is absolutely no way this guy is a policeman. Maybe the strange guys in my kitchen were running from him. If they were, I don’t blame them. I feel like running away from him.

“Is everything alright, miss?” he asked, his voice remaining pleasant. It still sent a chill down my spine though. Okay, I have to get rid of him. How do I get rid of him?

“Everything’s fine, officer,” I replied, forcing a smile onto my face. “There’s nothing to worry about here, so you can just make your way back to the station.” I tried to shut the door, but his hand stopped it.

His pleasant persona was gone as he ripped the door away from me and pulled it open. A scowl was on his face and his glare made me want to crawl under a rock and hide. I’ve seen a lot of glares, but none had ever made me feel this way. The door hit the wall with a loud bang, causing me to jump and back away as he stalked into the house.

“Where are they?” he growled.

“Who?” I asked. I have no idea who he might be looking for although I’m pretty sure I could guess. I think it’s better if I play dumb right now.

“You know who I’m talking about. I can feel their presence. I know they’re here!”

Feel their presence? What is he, a dog? I narrowed my eyes slightly and tried to stand my ground, despite the terror telling me to run far, far away from this weirdo.

“Listen,” I said firmly, “I don’t know who you’re looking for, but you don’t have any right to come barging into my house – “

His hand shot towards me so fast that I didn’t see it coming. It grabbed my neck and the next thing I knew, my feet weren’t touching the ground and I was slammed against the wall.

“Don’t play games with me, girl,” he snarled, his face coming in close to mine. My nose wrinkled at his bad breath as my legs kicked at his, trying in vain to get him to let me go. “Where are they?

“I don’t know who you’re talking about!” I wheezed out, clawing at his wrist.

“Let her go!” a commanding voice boomed from the hallway and we turned our heads. Suho came in sight. “Your fight is with us.”

A sickening smile came on his face as he let me go, causing me to crumble to the ground and try to catch my breath. “Well, well, well, the little kid has finally come out to play.”

Suho’s eyes narrowed as the other guys except Sehun came out behind him. It was kind of ridiculous to see all these people crammed into the small hallway, but it wasn’t very funny at the moment. It looked like they were going to start a fight, although I have no idea how a bunch of teenagers are going to fight against a crazed psycho. Admittedly we have numbers on our side, but numbers aren’t everything.

Suddenly, a jet of water shot towards the man, causing him to jet back out of the door. I stared wide-eyed at where the man was standing.

That did not just happen! I-I must have hit my head too hard or something because I did not just see a jet of water come out of thin air!

Chanyeol came towards me and I shook my head vigorously, snapping myself out of my daze.

“Are you okay?” he asked, kneeling in front of me.

“I – Did that – what the,” I sputtered out, looking out the door. “What the heck was that?”

“Get her out of here,” Suho ordered as he and the other four guys ran out of the house to go after the psycho. “Keep Sehun and those two safe, got it?”

“Yes, hyung,” he answered immediately, helping me up and tugging me towards the kitchen.

“Wait! You can’t seriously be going after the psycho!” I yelled at his retreating back, but he didn’t even acknowledge me as he slammed the door shut behind him. I tried to run, but Chanyeol was a lot stronger than I was and I was dragged into the kitchen. I turned to him in disbelief, hitting him on the shoulder as we reached the doorway of the kitchen. “What is wrong with you? You can’t seriously think they can take him!”

He rubbed the shoulder I just punched, grimacing slightly. “They can take care of themselves,” he tried to reassure me. “You know, you hit hard for a girl.”

“You’re insane,” I surmised, staring at him. “You’re all insane.”

The front door suddenly slammed open and Jae shot out of his seat next to a passed out Sehun. “What was that?” he asked as his eyes widened.

“Maybe they’re back?” I suggested, although the look on Chanyeol’s face told me otherwise.

“It’s not them,” he replied. “Get back and don’t – “

Before he could finish his sentence, two masked guys barged into the kitchen. There was a moment of stillness where everyone took the time to take in what was going on before one of them yelled, “Get him!”

He pushed his hands in front of him and vines came shooting out of his hands, threatening to wrap around Chanyeol. However, before it could reach him, fire engulfed his hands and a fire ball shot towards the vines, incinerating them. I didn’t get a chance to react as a large force pushed me backwards, sending me and Jae propelling out of the back door.

Jae flew into me as we both landed on the grass. I kept my arms around him as they fought their way out of the house.

“That’s-that’s not possible,” I stuttered out, not believing the sight before me. No, I can’t believe the sight in front of me.

Chanyeol had fire flickering along his arms, but he didn’t look hurt. In fact, I think he was manipulating it! And-and is that guy controlling plants? Okay, admittedly that isn’t as cool but – wait, stay on topic Cho Hee!

“Whoa, are they superheroes?” Jae asked, his voice b with awe.

“They’re definitely not normal,” I answered, getting up and pulling him up with me. One of them noticed our movement and started making his way towards us. Oh, shoot!

“Run,” I ordered, tugging him along as I started running towards the woods at the back of my house. Before I could take more than a few steps, I felt a force pull me back, causing me to go crashing to the ground right at his feet.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” he asked, circling me. I coughed, trying to get air into my lungs.

“Noona!” I heard my little brother yell. I looked at him, shaking my head and motioning towards the woods.

“Go!” He couldn’t stay here. He’d get hurt! “Don’t worry about me! Just GO!”

Unfortunately, being the rebellious twelve-year-old he is, he took a branch and ran at us, only to go flying to the ground towards us. I have no idea what we’re up against right now.

“This is going to be fun,” the man said, and I had a feeling he was grinning behind that metal mask of his. Before he could take another step, a fireball hit him in the face, causing him to go flying back. I whipped my head around, seeing Chanyeol with his hand outstretched, flames at his fingertips.

“Get up and run,” he barked, turning around and burning the vines that threatened to suffocate him.

I didn’t exactly want to leave him alone fighting two whackos, but I don’t think I‘ll be anything more than a hindrance.

Still… I can’t in good conscience leave him to fight against two bad guys alone without any back up. That, and Jae would never let me live it down.

 “Jae, I want you to run,” I told my brother, pulling him up with me and pushing him lightly towards the woods.

“But, noona – “

“No buts. Go now.”

He finally listened to me and ran, but not before whispering a quick, “Be careful, noona.”

Ugh, what am I doing? I’m going to get myself killed… or at least seriously injured. I shook my head, grabbing the branch that Jae dropped. No time for negative thoughts. I have to help now. Maybe if I help, I’ll finally get the answers I want. You know, maybe.

I crept up behind the Vine Guy, trying to make as little noise as possible. I don’t really want to know how those vines feel around my body. Out of the two of them, I think he’s giving Chanyeol the most trouble. It wasn’t obvious, but I could tell from the way Chanyeol was gritting his teeth that the vine guy wasn’t making it easy for him.

“I always knew you couldn’t match up against me,” Vine Guy taunted, wrapping some vines around Chanyeol's ankles and bringing him to the ground. Not good!

“You two are despicable,” Chanyeol spat, struggling against the vines that were wrapping around his body. “Two against one? Not very fair, is it?”

“We don’t play fair,” Vine Guy chuckled. “Now, where is it?”

Now or never, Cho Hee! Without waiting another moment, I took the branch and hit him over the head, hard. He crumpled to the ground with a thump.

“I guess it’s a good thing I don’t play fair either,” I said, throwing the broken branch onto his limp body.

“You – how did you – you just,” Chanyeol spluttered, staring at me. I kneeled down next to him, trying to break the vines that still held him in place. It was easier than I expected. I think knocking out the vine guy might have something to do with it. “Where did you come from?” he asked.

“Somewhere,” I answered, snapping off the rest of the vines. “Dude, you’re supposed to be protecting me. Shouldn’t you know where I am at all times?” I looked around, narrowing my eyes suspiciously. “Where’s the other guy?”

His eyes immediately darted around as he shot up. “Crap, Xavier.”

Just as he said his name (at least I think it’s his name), the other guy appeared out of thin air, grabbing me in a chokehold. The only difference was that he wasn’t even touching me. Heck, he wasn’t even in touching distance of me!

“You,” he snarled, walking closer towards me. “You’re a little troublemaker.”

I looked toward Chanyeol, expecting him to move, throw a fireball, and do something, but he just stood there. Except… he wasn’t just standing there. He looked like he was struggling against something, like he was trapped.

“I think I’ll enjoy this,” Xavier said, taking his time to walk towards us. Well, someone’s being dramatic. Unfortunately, it’s working.

We’re both trapped and a crazed psycho with powers is going to kill us. What are we going to do?

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ninyhime #1
Why did I not find this story earlier? TAT
... Is there still any chance of getting an update? Please?
Chapter 3: Update pleasee (╥_╥)
junnosuke1 #3
....please update!!!!
AiikoxRunaway #4
Chapter 3: Please update ! This story is soo AMAZING .
AiikoxRunaway #5
Chapter 1: Dang... Im really looking forward to the next chapter! I love the story (: keep writing !! Hwaiting >:D
AiikoxRunaway #6
Can't wait for the first chapter (: