
HollowEchoes presents: 1st Virtual Secret Santa Event 2012!
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☃ Four Days Left
✿ ≫ whooo getting more apps in!! jolly person right now. bwhahaha. so yah, four more days left! just to let you all know, i'm on the side of the North America hemisphere. so my date is my date, while some of you may be on the other side and are a day ahead, so you're lucky as it's like an extra day you get. whahaha. anyways~ come on participants join and for those that have subscribe but have not send in your app, please do so! =]

hurryand getyour appsin

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12.12.30~ HollowEchoes' Secret Santa COMPLETE!


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OohShinyDistracted #1
Chapter 28: Thanks for organizing this! Happy new year!
Chapter 26: Yaaay, thank you so much :D
Chapter 28: I just help out. Why must u give me present? Wae?????
Chapter 20: I can't believe I'm so late in saying this, but thank you so much! c:
Chapter 25: Thank you so much!!! I love my presents omg *O* waaa <3
Chapter 18: Thank you so much, Sammie <3
Wish same things may come to you <3
So sorry for my Engrish /bricked/
Chapter 15: Thank you Fishie~!! ^^
OohShinyDistracted #8
Chapter 16: Thanks! And thanks to Manda too! I love them!
Chapter 15: Hey how did you get the picture link??
I tried to do that o.O