Ha, ha.. CHOKE!!

Ha, ha.. CHOKE!!

  Dongwoo is contemplating whether or not to sit down for the special dinner Woohyun has made. Woohyun made his favourite, and he knows he won't be able to resist the temptation for much longer. Dongwoo hasn't ate since beginning their dance practice since a day and a half ago. All he can do is sneak a few pieces of certain someone's food stash hidden somewhere in the wee hours of the morning.. Which is next to nothing. When you are a dinosaur, you must eat like a dinosaur; which is a lot of food. Like, a lot! 


  Dongwoo smacks his lips and watches as the other men start to praise Woohyun's magic. Woohyun gives a bow and smiles like a father who has hear his son's first words. He looks up to where Dongwoo is sitting, and Dongwoo starts shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Woohyun gives him one of his greasy, yet adorable, smiles of his and calls Dongwoo over, specially. Dongwoo smacks his lips for the th time and slowly starts to get up without noticing. 


   Dongwoo puts his right hand over his heart and its beating like it wants to jump out. He wants to eat the food, really, he does. No one can turn down Woo's cooking. No one. Especially this dinosaur. He doesn't remember where he left his phone but he almost doens't care. Almost. He only wants to eat. He feels like he has not been fed for the past two weeks. This cruel, cruel joke. Why someone is picking on him, Dongwoo does not understand. And the others... They just think its funny. They wont help him.


   Dongwoo looks down at his food and starts wondering if he should start praying to God. If he makes a prayer, even the smallest one, maybe God will allow him one more peaceful meal. Maybe. But he isn't so sure. Tears almost start coming out from his eyes as he only hears the men's chatter while he's putting his food in his mouth.

  Dongwoo starts to chew slowly. He is proud of himself. He isn't spitting his food back out. He has a smile on his face as he is gulping down Woohyun's delicious cooking. While the food isn't even halfway down his throat it happens. 


    Dongwoo starts to choke and spit out his food as his phone starts to yell "CHOKE ON YOUR FOOD!!! HAHAHA!! CHEW, CHEW, CHOKE!! HA, HA!! CHOKE ON YOUR FOOD!!" at him

   Dongwoo leaves the table as tears start runningdown Dongwoo's cheeks. It seems that he will have to stick to the secret midnight snacks. 


   The men don't seem to notice though as they are howling with laughter, tears also  coming out their eyes. Only one man seems to be sad about this. Woohyun doesn't know when he will get another compliment for his dishes from his favourite dinosaur. Woohyun wonders if he should convince the others of stopping this game earlier. 


   Woohyun quickly changes his mind as he joins in on the laughter. All the while Dongwoo is staring at the dinner table with eyes that do not know how to stop spilling out salty waters

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Namyxtar #1
Chapter 1: Aigomonina~ poor dinowoo x(
samara12 #2
Chapter 1: poor thing awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
akared #3
Chapter 1: poor of him...
nice story!
pikamin98 #4
Chapter 1: Awwww .. Pooor Dongwoo .. :((